Toma Transformed

Toma's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open as my stomach growled with hunger, I seemed to have fallen asleep again... I looked around and slipped out of Ross's wings and started for the edge of the bed in hunger and slipped out of it, changing into my human form. I ran up to the door and pulled it open. I heard Ross call for me then, finding me gone quickly. I heard him climb out of the bed and felt his arms around me as he changed into his human form and scooped me into his arms. I looked up into his eyes and giggled. "I'm hungry," I told him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He purred and nodded to me.

"I'll make you some sushi," he told me and then started to carry me out of the room, glancing around before he took me down to the kitchen and placed me on my feet. He went through the refrigerator and got the milk out for me then heated it up how I liked it and mixed the honey into it. He gave it to me and then got out some fish and cleaned it then started to cut it up and prepared us some sushi and got out some sauce for it. He sat it down on the counter and took a bite of it, purring as he watched me. I finished off the glass of milk before going up to the sushi and grabbed a bite, eating it. I moaned softly at the taste of fish and went for another one. He passed me the whole plate then and gave me a sweet look before he stretched and rubbed his arm. "I want to fly," he mumbled. "It feels like I haven't done it in awhile...." He looked at me and then smiled, rubbing my head and ruffling my hair before he pulled away. "You're feeling okay, right?" He asked me softly and knelt down to be on my level. "I bit you, didn't I?" I shrugged and took a bite.

"I feel fine," I told him in admiration. He nodded and then smiled.

"That's good," he purred softly. "It smells like I marked you." He smelled the crook of my neck then looked me in the eyes. I blushed and rubbed my neck.

"You marked me?" I asked him and panicked slightly. He pulled back then and rubbed the back of his neck.

"It smells that way," he told me softly. "I'm sorry...." He stood up then and walked over to the refrigerator, going through it. "I'll search for a mate soon and it'll leave you when I mark another." I frowned as I watched him. Why's he sorry about it? That's just mean. I finished off the sushi while he was by the fridge.

"Okay," I told him. He looked towards me and smiled, scooping me up when I finished and kissed my cheek.

"I could let it stay," he teased me lightly and then started to carry me out, taking me outside. "Would you like that?"

"I don't know," I said innocently. "I'm just four." I wrapped my arms around his neck and looked around for Dmitri. He nodded and then rubbed my cheek as he sat me down on a bench outside.

"Yeah, you are just four," he told me and gave me a kind smile. "Would you like to go flying? I'll hold you again." I nodded quickly.

"Yeah! I want to go flying!! You promise not to drop me right?" I asked him and transformed into my dragon form. He purred.

"Yeah, I promise you won't fall," he told me and then shifted, scooping me up into his talons again before he started to fly us into the sky again where the birds flew. He started to glide, looking pleased that he was up high again and looked overjoyed that I was with him, glancing at me every few seconds. I looked down at the ground before up into the clouds, worried that another dragon might attack us. This place seems more dangerous than my home. He didn't seem too worried, looking happy as he started to fly us towards the sea again. He carried me over and lowered himself down to the water when we were far enough out for eyes to see and then let out a roar. I moved out of his grasp and jumped into the water to swim in it and let out a gasp as the water rushed around me. He stopped and flew back to me, hovering over the water as he watched me with worry. I kicked the water around me, staying near the surface as I played in it, letting out a small roar. He relaxed as he watched me then let himself fall into the water with me, purring towards me in amusement. I went under to try to dive like he did, holding my breath. He followed after me and I saw his scales glowing a bit in the water, lighting up our surroundings. His eyes lit up as he saw a fish and he swam after it quickly, catching it then ate it before he caught another and brought it to me as it squirmed and wiggled in his mouth. He bit into it and killed it before he slipped it into my mouth carefully and purred, his voice echoing in the water around us. I started to eat the fish, purring as my stomach was pleased. I went back to the surface to catch my breath. He followed after me and licked the top of my head lovingly, seeming pleased I was in the water with him. "Toma~" He purred happily and then nipped my ear. I looked at him and crawled onto his head, my scales starting to dry up from the salty water. He purred towards me and then got us out of the water, being careful not to let me fall as he flew up a few inches above the water. He kept low to the water, flying a bit slower as he started to take us back to land carefully, letting me hang out on top of him. I shook the drops of water off me, craving my oils now. He took me back to the castle and then landed outside, shifting into his human and held me close, carrying me inside. He kissed the top of my head lovingly and purred to me as he took me down to his treasure room and over to his oils, picking up another rose one. He sat me down and uncapped it, starting to rub it into my body as he sat close to me, grooming me as he rubbed the sweet smelling oil on my scales. I relaxed to his touch, letting him oil my dry scales. I felt pleased as the smell was alluring. He seemed to like it and got it all over my body then went to my head and carefully rubbed it in before he went for my chin. I rubbed my chin into his hand as he went to touch it and melted against his hand. He purred in delight and pulled me closer as he focused on it then sat the oils aside when he finished and petted me there. "There we go," he purred to me. "You're so cute Toma," he whispered. I looked up at him lovingly and outstretched my wings. He looked towards them and then gently touched them before he shifted into a small version of himself and crawled up under my wings, getting under one of them. I grabbed him by my jaws quickly and dragged him out from under my wing. He let out a whine and looked at me. "Why not?"

"No way tucker," I told him and savored his taste in my mouth before spitting him out. He growled at me and then reared up onto his hind legs.

"Why not?!" He whined and then tackled me. "I let you under my wings!"

"Uh-huh! I'm younger though!" I whined. He growled at me and then fell on top of me, nuzzling his face into my neck. I blushed and backed away, going for the coffin quickly. He let me and watched me go, growling a bit but then walked over to the nest, crawling into it by himself and curled up to himself for warmth. I slipped into the coffin and curled up in it, watching him. He seemed to be trying to get comfortable but he got up after thirty minutes and started to walk towards the door, slipping out of the room. I called for him then and started after him. Where's he going? To find Sera? He stopped and then looked towards me and purred, shifting larger then scooped me up in his jaws and carried me over to the coffin, putting me in it then sat down by it. I watched him and purred, climbing out and licked the top of his head. He purred back to me and then brought my close, licking my body before he scooped me up in his jaws and sat me down in the nest, crawling in with me.

"You're so sweet," he purred to me and then opened up one of his wings for me to go under. I crawled under it and curled up to his body. He purred to me and brought the wing down on me, hiding me under it. I could feel his body relaxing with me under his wing and felt him starting to fall asleep under me. I listened to him and waited for him to fall asleep before crawling out from under him and went towards the doors to the treasure room to go find Dmitri. I've been away from him too long. I want my treasure to know I love him still and appreciate him. I found him hanging out in the night room, reading a book in his lap as he crossed his legs and leaned his head against his hand. He glanced up at me as I snuck in and smiled.

"Hey Toma," he purred to me and closed the book. I ran up to him and jumped up into his lap, laying down quickly.

"Treasure~" I purred happily to him. He laughed and started to rub my head.

"Awww, did you miss me?" He asked sweetly, looking happy to see me. He smiled and brought me close to him.

"Yeah!" I told him and slipped into his shirt and started to lick his face before resting my head on his chest. He purred and hugged me tightly, kissing the top of my head.

"Want to sleep with me tonight, my sweet baby dragon?" He asked me and started to get up, carrying me to the door.

"Uh-huh, if it pleases you." I purred towards him and licked his chest. He laughed a little and nodded.

"You lick a lot more now," he commented, looking at me and then purred. "Ross has been teaching you dragon things, hasn't he?" He carried me up the stairs towards his bedroom rather quickly and then laid us down in the bed.

"He's teaching me to fly," I told him. I crawled out of his shirt and laid down by him, curling up. "Ross taught me that realm dragons lick each other..."

"Do you like that?" He asked curiously, rubbing my head.

"Like what?" I asked in confusion.

"The licking thing and that he's teaching you new stuff?" He smiled a bit and laughed. "I think that's cool... that he's teaching you new things I can't really do for you. You're definitely seeming like you're opening up to your kind more... and you're more friendly to others."

"He had a run in with another dragon and took him on," I told Dmitri. "Ross is a really strong dragon." He nodded.

"Good, he won't let anything happen to you then," he said in approval. "If I'm going to let Ross take you places without me, that's good to know that he can defend you two." He pulled me close and got us under the covers. "After all, you're still my baby dragon." I purred to him and curled up in the comfort of the covers. They're not the covers I wish for... but they'll do. I miss my bed with the gold laced pillows and blankets and sheets... I huffed and looked at him. This bed isn't for dragons.

"You should have our sheets, blankets, and pillows brought here for this bed." I told him.

"Would you sleep with me more?" He asked me curiously.

"You'd never find me in another bed," I told him sweetly. He nodded.

"Then I'll have them brought over," he promised me and rubbed my head with a soft smile. "As long as you'll use them, then it's worth it."

"I'll use them every time I want to sleep!" I told him and pounced on him. He laughed happily and curled me up on top of him, purring to me.

"They'll be here tomorrow," he promised and kissed the top of my head. "The sun is going to come up soon. You should get some sleep with me." He smiled softly and rubbed under my chin. I nodded and melted against him, closing my eyes in obedience.

I felt him stir under me as the sun went down, and I could hear Ross roaring in the distance like he was outside, flying by himself tonight. He sounded like he was going to the sea.... Dmitri sat up a bit and cradled me to him, rubbing my head a little as he put me on his shoulder and yawned, crawling out of the bed and started shuffling for the kitchen tiredly to fix me something. I licked his cheek and started to suck on his ear as hunger erupted through me. He blushed and looked at me. "Toma~" He laughed and rubbed my back comfortingly. He took me down into the kitchen and started to fix my milk and sat it down in a bowl for me on the counter and then started to fix me some honey basted lamb.

"Treasure, I don't want lamb." I said calmly to him, watching Dmitri. I started to drink the milk though, sucking it down quickly. "I want.... Something different. Anything but lamb and fish." I've had it so much lately.... I'm started to be sick of it. He looked towards me in surprise but nodded.

"Okay, I didn't think you would ask for something new," he told me and laughed, putting the lamb up for later and then started to go through the refrigerator. "What if I fried you up some chicken strips?" He asked curiously. "Do you want to try that? Maybe some bacon and pancakes?" I looked him over before going for the fridge and looked at it.

"I want to try chicken," I told him and shifted to my human form, pulling the fridge open and looked inside for the foods. Dimitri laughed and then got it out for me and started to fix the chicken, putting it in a pan after breading them in a flour mixture and then started to fry it.

"So how is Ross?" He asked me curiously as he poked at the chicken with a fork to help it.

"Happy I suppose. He went towards the sea," I mumbled and went to the counter, climbing up onto it. He nodded and then smiled at me sweetly then leaned over and kissed my cheek.

"I was thinking... would you like me to go get some of your things out of your treasure hoard at the castle? I could place some of your treasures in my bedroom so you can visit part of your hoard instead of constantly hanging out in Ross's treasure," he suggested and gave me a happy look. "I want you to be happy, and I'd gladly go get it for you... along with the bedsheets and pillows you wanted." I frowned as I remembered the stone Ross gave me. It's still in my pocket downstairs.... I should probably go get it soon before I forget about it.

"No, Ross gave me something and it's all I need." I told Dmitri. "Just get the golden bedsheets and some of your finest clothes so you don't go walking around here poorly. Oh and I want my oils brought over!" I told him and giggled. I can't forget my oils. He nodded and smiled.

"Alright, I'll do that then for you," he told me then looked at the chicken before he turned the stove off and placed the chicken on a plate for me and slid it over. "There we go! Try that and tell me if you like it. I'll add it to the list of things I can make for you if you do," he purred and then ruffled my hair before he went over to the refrigerator and got himself a bottle of blood. He started to sip on it and wandered around the kitchen, waiting. I looked the chicken over he had cooked for me before leaning in and sniffing it with precaution. I bit into it, tearing past the fried batter and straight for the real meat. I chewed it for a few seconds, savoring it before spitting it back out in utter disgust.

"I don't like it," I told him and turned away from it. "I think I want sushi instead." He frowned and walked over.

"You don't like it?" He asked me softly then sighed. "I think I better start forcing you to eat different things. You really do only eat fish and lamb...."

"I drink milk too," I told him and smiled big and innocent. He tsked and watched me before he slid the plate closer to me.

"Finish the chicken," he told me then ruffled my hair.

"I told you I didn't like it," I told him. He frowned at me.

"You just told me before I made it that you were tired of lamb and fish. Sushi has fish in it! I want you to start eating new things. You pointed out to me that you're diet isn't very healthy the way it is because I spoil you... so I want you to at least eat this plate of chicken for me. I'll give you some sugar as a reward," he told me and crossed his arms. "What if we can't get lamb anymore? Or fish?"

"Then I'll have to eat milk," I told him. "You could make me caramel!" I said quickly and giggled. "I heard it's good on apples." He sighed.

"Eat the fish and I'll make you some caramel and some milk," he told me and then walked over to the refrigerator, starting to get things out. "ALL of the chicken better be gone or you're not getting the caramel."

"Can I have some honey then?" I asked sweetly.

"You may when you finish," he told me softly, getting things out then purred in delight, pulling out something called ice cream. He looked at it then at me before he opened the lid and got a spoon, walking over with the white creamy looking substance and held it up to my lips with a curious look. I turned into my dragon form quickly and slipped off the counter, going for the door. Nu-uh! I'm not eating something that looks like that! "Hey! Toma! Come back here! This is really good! It has a ton of sugar and milk in it!" He called after me. "Please? You'll probably like it. It's really sweet~" I heard him eat a bite and he quickly purred in delight. I ran off from him, ditching him as I went to look for Ross to get fish from him. I found him flying outside in the distance, looking like he had a successful fishing trip from the excitement in his movements. I could hear Dmitri rushing after me, trying to catch me. I looked behind me before flying up into the air to go after Ross, calling out for him. "TOMA!" Dmitri cried out on the steps of the castle, looking hurt that I was ditching him. I groaned and flew back to Dmitri, landing next to him and puffed a ball of smoke at him.

"Yeah?" I asked calmly. He frowned at me and then sighed.

"You really don't want to try it huh?" He asked me then rubbed my head. "Fine, go play with Ross," he told me and turned on his feet, walking back to the door. I looked him over before looking back up at the sky for Ross. He was a bit closer now to the castle, seeming like he had heard me call for him. He roared in my direction. I roared back for him, deciding to full on ditch Dmitri. He came back rather quickly and landed in front of the steps, shaking his head and flinging the little remains of water off his scales. He gave me a playful growl and kept his head high, looking at me challengingly. I roared at him to challenge him before full on taking him, pouncing on his head.

"Fix me something to eat Ross," I begged. He growled at me and then started to shake his head a bit, messing with me as he made me hang on.

"What do you want?" He teased me and then gave a playful purr before he lowered his head to the ground and pushed my back against it, rubbing his head against my stomach.

"Food!" I told him. "Fish! I want sushi!" I told him in determination. He purred and pulled his head back from my stomach then looked at me.

"Well aren't you a spoiled little dragon?" He teased me playfully before he shifted into his human form and scooped me up, carrying me inside. "Let's see.... I think I can make a really good sushi. I put more fish in the refrigerator." I rubbed my head against him in amusement. He's going to cook me fish. I got him under my finger~ Dmitri is going to be so jealous of him.

Laurence's POV:

I fluttered my eyes open, feeling something wrapped around me. It's too tight. I found myself looking up at a cushioned ceiling with a light blinking slowly. There was a slight smell of blood in the air. I managed to sit up, something prevented me from using my arms. I looked down at myself, seeing the straight jacket holding my arms around me. I groaned and rolled off the bed, landing into the padded floor and managed to get back to a sitting position, looking towards the door of the padded cell. It was wide open, showing a hall casting shadows. The lighters were blinking out there too. I felt something weighing on my chest then, my heart pounding quickly as I felt hunted. I got to my feet, running for it as I slipped in a pile of blood and landed on a corpse just outside my padded room. Fear coursed through me. "And Little Red Riding Hood replied to the grandmother, 'What big ears you have'. The grandmother grinned and gave her a cunning look. 'The better to hear you with, my dearie~' 'And what big eyes you have!' The grandmother grew closer and chuckled, 'The better to see you with, my dearie~' 'What a big nose you have!' 'The better to smell you with... my dear~' 'What big teeth you have, grandmamma!' 'The better... to eat you with my dear!' The grandmother leapt at the little girl and devoured her, shrieking and all, taking her very soul~ Oh Laurence~ There's a reason they tell fairy tales to children! I'm going to gobble you up Laurence! Till there's no more!" I heard Calix laughing evilly as he sung it out at me and the body's head slowly turned, it's blank eyes looking up at me with a look of horror on it's face. I screamed and tumbled away from the body, getting to my feet quickly and ran for it, yanking to get free of the straight jacket. I heard stilettos clicking against the hard tiled floor, coming after me slowly. "I've got a lovely bunch of silly souls. There they are standing in a row! Big ones, small ones, some as sinful as you~!" I looked over my shoulder in panic, catching the sight of the stilettos before my body slammed into something hard, a wall. I held back a yelp. I could feel my heart beating like a rabbit's foot. It was Thumper in Bambi. I heard Calix laugh and then felt tugging at my pants, dark looking humanoids clawing at my legs as their glowing red eyes looked up at me, their mouths gaping in pitiful screams as they cried out and started to pull me down with them into a puddle of blood that was pooling at my feet. They screamed and tried to get up on me, yanking me down with them in their sins. I suddenly saw Calix's form in a dark shadow and he leaned his face down to mine, purring in amusement as I caught a glimpse of him. He looked pleased as he watched them tearing at my pants and my flesh.

I found myself screaming, coming straight out of bed and knocked the nightstand over in my process as I ran for it, slamming my body firmly up against the bedroom door before I sunk against it, my heart giving out from it's race of horror. I felt the door fall off it's hinges and I fell with it into the hall. I could feel something off as patches of the sunlight started creeping around me. It's not shadows I should be afraid of or screaming souls. I shrunk back into the room, getting right up against the wall and watched the sunlight fall in through the doorway. I felt my heart stinging in my chest and my eyes trying to fall back into slumber. I rubbed at them, trying to keep myself awake. I heard Toru stirring in the bed, letting out a whine when he didn't find me in it.