Artic Dragon

Continuation of Charles' POV:

After saying goodbye to my parents, we made our way to Henry's Dragon Shop. The place had a huge sign out front saying Henry's pet shop. He must have replaced dragon with pet because of the population of humans in the town his shop was located. I cut the engine as I parked as close as I could to the front exit. I gave Pierre a loving kiss on the lips before ditching him in the car. I went into the shop before he could and glanced around, finding the store clerk stocking mice in a cage. The front of the shop had normal pets. If I didn't know any better, I would have walked straight out for thinking this wasn't a dragon shop. But the real action is in the back. Everybody in the supernatural society knows that. "Hey," I said to the clerk. "Henry sent me here to check out the Artic eggs in the back," I told him. "Dragon eggs." I could hear Pierre coming in from behind me as the little bell on the door jingled.

"Yeah, he said a guy would be coming by!" The clerk stood up after getting the mice in and shut the cage. He looked towards me. "My name is Yuri, I'll be helping you this evening. Right this way." He motioned for me to follow him but stopped as he noticed Pierre.

"Oh, he's with me. Don't worry," I told the clerk quickly. "My name is Charles Arroyo and this is-"

"You're Charles!? You're Charles that ran that camp back- about- four years ago! You getting back into business?"

"Actually no, I just want to buy a dragon for myself and my partner." I laughed softly as his smile grew.

"Wow, you should have said something to Henry on the phone! I'm going to give you a discount just for you- Charles. We'll give you one for about six hundred. Twenty five grand is too much for someone of your talent." He walked up and shook my hand. "It's an honor. Do you need a list of information for the Artic dragons? We'll throw in a booklet."

"Actually, I do." I shook his hand. He nodded as he lead us into the back. As soon as we stepped through the door, we was in a whole new store. There was stacks of crates everywhere. "Do you have a permeant for all of this?" I asked.

"Actually we do. We got one from- What's that kings name? I think it's Kingsley. He came in a few days ago and handed us one. He said he was impressed by how we ran the place." I nodded quickly. As long as they're only selling dragons and not humans then they're legal- with that permeant. He stopped us at a crate before he opened it, a warm and cozy breeze hit us from where they were keeping the eggs warm inside. The eggs were pure white with small specs of glitter that were the color of a peach. The egg size was twelve inches in length. Smaller than most dragon eggs. "Artic dragons are small. Adults are about the size of a fox." I suddenly heart small chirping sounds coming from the eggs. "They make that sound when they're close to hatching," he told us. "Artic dragons are very rare because of their small bodies. In the dragon realm it helps them hide but it also helps other dragons eat them as a snack. Their hoard of treasure is smaller too since they're small." He looked them over. "Oh yeah, you guys should be aware that Artic dragons are easier to get cold to the touch. So when they're young you should keep them wrapped up in a warm blanket. These little guys are very sweet dragons. They're not possessive like most dragons- except with their gold. Actually! Artic dragons are usually stolen from their nests at a young age by other types of dragons and are forced to be little nest dragons in bigger dragon's nests. They're usually slaves to bigger dragons in the dragon realm and guard the gold while the bigger dragon is out searching for a mate or more gold. Big dragons like to slave little dragons, it makes them look richer. A rich dragon is a happy dragon. Especially when they have small- rare- dragons guarding their gold while they're away from it. So if you want one of these little guys you better keep a good eye. Dragons might come by and snatch him- or her- from you."

"What do they look like?" I asked curiously.

"Well besides the size- I've told you about- they're really known for their pointed horned head along with the pointed ears they have. The points on them are droopy and sometimes- if you're lucky- you'll get one that has it's ears scraping the floor, the ears are real feathered like at the point. They're known to play with their ears. They also don't have wings. They're white usually with decorative black spots. Their scales are known to shine off the northern lights and the scales are also silky smooth. Usually their eyes are orange. Like the peach color on their egg."

"So they're two weeks away from hatching and they're making the chirping sound?" I asked, worried about how long I will have to be guarding my little baby from big dragons. I might have to get Toma and Ross to pitch in. They'll protect my little baby if I tell them it's an Artic Dragon. I never knew there was dragons out there like this- I thought they all were big and hoarded gold.... I never knew this much about dragons! Even when I was hustling them.

"Two weeks? Who told you two weeks? No! They're hatching tomorrow. Henry must be off his rocker if he told you two weeks. I just told him a day ago they were hatching in two days. Jeeze. He needs to lay off of the alcohol." I could hear them chirping to the sound of our voices. Pierre looked toward the eggs and laughed softly.

"I can extend the tickets," he whispered to me. "We'll stay at the castle to make sure it hatches safely," he promised me and grabbed my hand as he looked towards the eggs excitedly. "We'll be lucky though if Toma doesn't steal our kid and stick the kid in his nest if he comes home...."

"I'd be more worried about Ross stealing our baby," I whispered back to him.

"That too... but I doubt Ross is going to show up at the castle," Pierre told me softly. "I think the only way they'd meet is if we took our kid over to Kingsley's...."

"We'll have to see Kingsley eventually so we better go ahead and tell them we're getting a dragon," I mumbled.

"Hmm... yeah, I guess we will," Pierre hummed out. He purred and then looked towards Yuri. "Can I touch them?" He asked excitedly.

"Of course! That's the only way you'll figure out which one you want~" Yuri stepped aside for us and sat the lid down. "Don't take too long. They'll get cold." Pierre nodded and then reached into the crate. He looked the eggs over before he started to run his hand over the eggs a little, testing them out as he let his hand rest on them for a few seconds. I heard the chirping get louder by his touch and a few of them started to move in the crate, hitting against another egg. Pierre laughed softly and then picked up one of the ones that had been moving and purred at it. I watched him and smiled. I could hear another crate near us start chirping.

"You guys are waking up the other dragons," Yuri teased the eggs. Pierre laughed and then handed me the egg, watching it to see if it liked me too. I looked the egg over before listening to the little chirps coming from inside. The temperature of the egg was cooling down quick, sending a chill up my body.

"It's cold," I gasped out.

"I told you.... They get cold fast." Yuri stepped off to the side and brought over a blanket. "You'll have to wrap it up with this." Pierre looked the egg over in my hands before he looked back towards the crate and went back to touching a few of them with interest. I sat the egg back down into the crate so it could stay warm as I slipped my fingers over the eggs.

"We need to find one that likes both of us," Pierre mumbled to me, looking the eggs over carefully as he touched them. "I don't want the kid to hate one of us... or ignore us."

"I know. How do we know though?" I asked curiously.

"You'll just know," Yuri told us before he opened a crate next to us. "Here's another crate full of Artic dragon eggs." Pierre looked towards them then at the eggs he was touching before he pulled away and moved on to the other crate.

"Do you only have two crates? Or are there more?" Pierre asked him curiously.

"I have three crates," Yuri told him as he picked up the one I was looking at and sat it down to open up the one under it to reveal more. "Just three. They're rare after all."

"Okay... let's hope we find one in these then," Pierre whispered and laughed a little, looking worried as he glanced at me. "If we can't find one that likes us both... do you want to settle for one that likes you?"

"What? Of course not. I want one that will love us both." I started to eye the crates over before listening in to their little chirps. "They sound so cute," I purred. He smiled happily.

"They really do~ It must be hard selling them if you stay near the crates all the time, hearing their cute chirps," he told me and then looked back at the eggs, hovering his hand on a few.

"Well, they are fun to play with once they hatch. You should see them when they're nesting with others." Yuri purred in delight. "Dragons are so cute." I heard a small chirp coming from the third crate that lured me to it, making me sit down by the crate and look the eggs over. Pierre glanced over towards me and smiled as he saw me looking at the eggs and then walked over, kneeling down beside me.

"What? Did you find one?" He asked me. I gave him a huge smile as I listened closely at the chirps and finally picked the one up I was overhearing. I rubbed my thumb across the egg as the little body inside chirped again, moving around. The little baby was fully awake inside. Pierre laughed a little and watched me messing with the egg then reached for it. I handed it off to him, hearing the chirps quicken. Pierre looked towards it then with amazement before he cuddled it to his chest and purred at it. "Hey there sweetie~"

"Probably got cold," Yuri laughed out softly as he watched. I watched Pierre as the chirps slowed down next to his chest. He sat down then all the way and brought his knees close to him to cradle it against him more.

"Awww, I'm sorry cutie," he whispered to the egg. "Were you cold?" He ran his thumb against it lightly, smiling happily.

"I think you two found your egg," Yuri sung. He started to close up the crates then as he handed Pierre the blanket. Pierre took it and quickly wrapped the egg up in it, making it snug and warm.

"Thank you Yuri~" He said sweetly and then got to his feet, holding it close to him as he kissed the egg. "Wanna come home with me~ I'll let you nest in my warm bed until you're older~"

"You're welcome," Yuri purred. He got the crates closed and turned to us. "You two can pay for it out front and I'll get you that booklet." He lead us back out into the pet shop area. He pulled out a booklet from behind the register and sat it down on the counter and gave us a smile. Pierre purred happily and then gave me his card as he held onto the egg.

"Lil cutie," he said sweetly towards the egg and gave it another kiss before he looked towards the booklet and picked it up, holding onto it and the egg as he looked at the cover curiously.

"Make sure to keep the egg warm," Yuri told me as he took the card from me and scanned it into the cashier. He gave me the card back and printed a receipt for me. Pierre looked towards the receipt and purred.

"I'll be out in the car," he told me quickly and ditched me, going outside with the egg and to the car.

"Thanks Yuri," I purred as I followed Pierre out to the car. I got into the driver seat and made sure to put the heat on for the egg. Pierre adjusted the heaters in the car to focus more on the egg and purred to it as he stroked the egg shell with his thumb, keeping the blanket close to it.

"I'm going to have so much fun raising you," he told the egg softly, giving it a loving look. "Charles is going to get jealous when I spend so much time with you~" I could hear the chirps quieting as the little baby inside grew tired. I purred as I drove us back to the castle. I pulled out my phone and decided to let Lyle and Kingsley know. I put them in the same text group as I typed up a message to send to them.

Me: Hey... so I may have- bought a dragon and I might be bringing it home to the Rosario castle. It's going to hatch tomorrow night. :)

Lyle: Oh- gawd. Does your maker know? You do realize this is Toma's treasure hoard and he won't be happy when he finds out there is another dragon in his hoard of treasure that isn't Ross.

Kingsley: OMG! I'M TELLING ROSS RIGHT NOW! We're so coming over to watch it hatch tomorrow!

Pierre glanced over as I drove us and then leaned over, giving me a kiss on my cheek and growled slightly. "We're letting it sleep in our bed till it's older, right?" He asked me sweetly.

"Of course~" I purred and sat my phone down. I wonder how Ross is taking the new? Will he tell Toma?

Ross's POV:

"ROSS!" I heard Kingsley yell for me. It sounded like he was in his study. I perked up and then transformed into my human form, pushing little Toma off my side from where he had been hiding in my wing then started for the door.

"Yes my jewel?!" I called out and purred. He wants to see me! I laughed a little and bounced out of the treasure room. I heard Toma let out a call for me as he whined.

"But Ross," he mumbled.

"BRING TOMA!" I heard Kingsley yell. "It involves him!" I stopped and looked towards Toma with a purr before I walked over to him and scooped him up into my arms.

"What?" I purred teasingly at him. "Are you upset because your nap is over?" I rubbed his head and then looked towards his chin before I went for it. He bit my finger though and started to nibble on it.

"Uh-huh! This is my nap time," he mumbled. I yelped and pulled my finger back from him then narrowed my eyes a little.

"That's my finger! I won't feed you fish the next time I go fishing," I growled at him then started to carry him to the door.

"I'm hungry though!" He whined. "Nap times over so that means it's time for supper." I purred softly and then nuzzled my cheek against his head.

"Okay~ I'll feed you after we find out what jewel wants," I told him and rubbed his head with my hand again, being cautious this time as I took him out of my treasure room. When we reached the study, Kingsley was clearing off his desk, a look of excitement on his face. He looked up at us and smiled.

"I just got a text from Charles- he got a baby dragon and it's hatching tomorrow so we're going to go see them." I widened my eyes. Baby dragon....

"But my jewel!" I whined. "I don't like leaving my treasure hoard. I have to protect it!"

"Well fine~ We'll invite them over." I hissed then.

"No! I don't want another dragon in my treasure hoard!" I put Toma on the desk and frowned at Kingsley. "We'll have to go there if you're making me meet this baby dragon."

"Wait a minute!" Toma yelled. "THERE'S ANOTHER DRAGON IN MY HOARD!?" He roared then in outrage. "I'll eat it!"

"Good, so we're agreed to go to meet them?" Kingsley asked. I frowned a little. It's in Toma's hoard?

"We'll go," I mumbled. "I guess I should pay my respects to the little dragon. It's not like it's going to go after my treasure...." I started to rub Toma's head then and purred. "Besides, Toma isn't so bad... and I do want my own baby dragons one day~" I laughed at the thought of little Ross's flying around.

"It's.... In.... MY HOARD!" Toma growled. I held back a laugh as I looked at Toma.

"Oh calm down. You're in my hoard. Now you know how I felt when you showed up here uninvited.... Of course I don't mind now though," I told him and scooped him back up, purring to him. "I can fly you over to your hoard if you want."

"We need to travel by car tonight if we want to be there tomorrow for the hatch- oh no.... What if it hatches during the day? Maybe we should go by dragon. We need to take Aurelio and Dmitri with us so they don't freak out if we ditch them in the middle of the night." I frowned slightly at my jewel. I didn't mean I was going to give him a ride on my back.... I meant Toma... but I guess it's alright.

"You need to get ready then," I told him and turned away from him. "I need to feed Toma~ Come on little dragon," I purred to him and then took him out of the room. "Let's get you some sushi~"

"Sushi?" Toma asked and broke out into a purr.

"Uh huh~ I'm going to feed you some nice sushi with the fish I caught this morning," I told him sweetly, taking him down to the kitchen. I sat him down on the counter and purred to him as I moved over to the sugar and got him a small bowl down, putting some sugar in it then some honey, mixing it together then slid it over to him to lick up while I fixed him some food. I went over to the refrigerator and got the ingredients and started on the process of perfection. He ate the little treat in the bowl, moaning at the taste. At least it will keep his mind off the new dragon. I purred softly to him as I watched him then went back to the sushi. When I had finished it, I set it down in front of him and started to trail my fingers against his spine, running them down his back. "There we go. Eat up cutie." He purred and started to eat the sushi, moaning with every bite. I watched him and then started to rub his head before I leaned down and kissed the top of his head. I sat on the counter then transformed into his size, flaring up my wings playfully and let out a small roar before I pounced at the plate and stole one. He looked at me before jumping at me with a full mouth. I heard him growl as he swallowed his mouth full. I growled back at him and gave him a playful look before I pounced at him and knocked us into the floor. I roared at him and then started to nuzzle my head against him, working my way under his chin. He purred and laid limp under me. His tail thumped near us. I purred back at him then started to rub my horns against his chin and reached for one of his wings with my claws, grabbing onto it then held onto him as I rubbed my head against him. I could hear Kingsley coming in then with a purr.

"Okay, I'm ready. I told the other two. So I found out they got an Artic dragon." I perked up and looked towards him quickly as I held down Toma.

"An Artic dragon? Those are so small! They're like little pets for dragons~!" I told him and purred in delight.

"They're small dragons?" Kingsley asked.

"Uh huh, they're really rare too. They get collected by large dragons and put in hoards to guard it while the big dragon finds mates and collects more treasure. It's a huge sign of power in the dragon realm," I informed him and purred. "What luck Toma~ It's not a threat," I told him and licked his cheek happily. "You've got a dragon that will only get as big as a fox and will guard your treasure for you while you're away~" Toma took a minute before he purred.

"Oh okay~ I guess I don't mind keeping a guard dog around." Toma licked my face then. I purred to him and started to lick his body clean.

"So young and already a powerful dragon... having an Artic dragon in your hoard already~" I purred against him and started to move onto his back to clean him up there. He purred and let me.

"Yeah~ They'll all fear me if I keep this up!" He purred in delight.

"I won't fear you," I teased him then licked behind his ear. I nipped at it and growled playfully at him.

"I would hope not," he told me.

"Are you ready?" Kingsley asked us. I looked towards him and purred before I got off Toma and shifted to a larger form, scooping Toma into my jaws then headed for the door. Kingsley followed after me and I could hear Aurelio coming from down the stairs. "I asked Lyle to let us borrow some clothes while we stay a few days so you won't have to carry luggage, just us three and Toma," Toma purred as he went to crawl into my mouth. I yelped a bit as he tried to get into my mouth, not expecting it and stopped walking. He laid down on my tongue and purred.

"Don't eat me," he warned. I felt my heart speed up a bit at him being in my mouth, but I didn't want to spit him out and hurt him, so I closed my jaws lightly to enclose him. I've never had someone try crawling into my mouth before.... I walked out of the castle and laid down outside, purring softly as I looked towards Kingsley and did my best not to hurt Toma, humoring him. He purred from inside my mouth. Kingsley walked out with Aurelio, Dmitri following.

"Your little boy is in his mouth," Kingsley purred to Dmitri. Dmitri's eyes widened and he looked towards me.

"WHAT THE HELL IS TOMA DOING INSIDE YOUR MOUTH?! SPIT HIM OUT!" He said, rushing up worriedly. I looked towards him and went to open my mouth, not wanting him to get pissed. 

"But," Toma whined. "What if he drops me while we're on our way to the castle?"

"I don't want you in his mouth! What if he eats you?! What if he thinks perverted thoughts?! You're still my baby!" He told Toma and went to reach for him. Think perverted thoughts? What kind of dragon does he take me for? I growled at him, feeling insulted and raised my head up out of his reach. Toma purred with amusement.

"You worry too much, Treasure." Toma rubbed his head against my tongue and then onto the roof of my mouth. I purred and melted at the sensation, relaxing immediately then closed my mouth gently to conceal him again. Dmitri frowned at me.

"You better not swallow him," he hissed, looking extremely worried as he walked over to my back and got on me. Kingsley and Aurelio got on as well.

"Wow, Toma really trusts you." Kingsley rubbed my neck as he told me. I purred to him and looked towards him before I nuzzled my face against him before I flew up to the sky.

When I reached the Rosario castle, I landed at the entrance and lowered myself down for them, letting the vampires and wizard off me carefully. Dmitri got off first and then looked towards the castle in excitement before he ditched us and ran in. "OH CHARLES~! I heard you got a cute little egg!" I heard him calling out. I purred in amusement then looked towards my jewel and his wizard. Toma nuzzled his way out of my mouth and shook some saliva off before heading after Dmitri with a small call for attention. I looked towards him and shifted smaller quickly, going after Toma closely to protect him as I ran after him. Dmitri paused and glanced back at us as we got inside then purred. "Aww, come here sweetie," he said and picked Toma up. I latched onto his leg quickly and growled, not wanting to be abandoned then crawled up to his pants pocket and shifted small enough and got in it, poking my head out to look at where we were going. So this is his hoard.... Toma purred in Dmitri's arms.

"In here!" I heard Charles yell for us. He seemed to be calling for us in the night room. I could hear Lyle and Milo talking with Pierre, Laurence, and Toru. Dmitri walked towards the night room and took us into it.

"Hey Charles," Dmitri purred, walking over to Charles. I looked at him from my pocket then leapt out and growled dominantly, landing in his lap. Charles looked down at me and rubbed my head.

'Hi Ross, you want to see the baby dragon?" He asked and pointed to a towel in Pierre's lap, right by us. Toma leapt down into the floor and crawled up into Pierre's lap, eyeing the towel down before he nuzzled his head into it, sniffing. Kingsley and Aurelio walked in. Toma nuzzled the towel off to where there was a small Artic dragon egg visible. I looked towards it in interest and crawled over, letting out a small purr. It's so small and adorable.... Lucky Toma! He gets to have one in his hoard! I whined and looked towards Kingsley before I curled up to the egg and started to heat it up with my warmth as I let my fire run through my chest but didn't spit it out. Toma looked the egg over and sat down next to us.

"You're lucky I've decided not to eat it. Instead, he'll be useful since I'll be away for long periods while visiting Ross." Toma licked my cheek. I purred at him then licked his head.

"You might need to stay here though... since how it's going to hatch soon," I told him and nuzzled my head against the egg softly. "It might get snatched by a different dragon... and it needs to know that this is your hoard, not it's."

"Okay," Toma purred. "You're invited to stay in my hoard." He licked me again. The egg started to chirp to us and I could feel the dragon move inside. I gasped slightly and looked towards the egg.

"It chirped!" I laughed and then licked the egg. "Chirp, chirp, chirpy," I chirped back at it, trying to mimic it's call. It sung back to me. I could feel the egg's weight move to be up against my warmth.

"I bet you're enjoying this," Kingsley purred to me. "You've wanted to be a dad for a long time." I whined then, remembering that this egg wasn't going back with me.

"No fair! I want an egg for myself," I told them and looked at the egg before I chirped at it again. Pierre laughed softly and rubbed my head.

"You might have your own kids one day," he told me. "This one is my kid though, so you can't have it."

"But you're more than welcome to play with it once it hatches." Charles rubbed my head. The chirps fell into a softer melody. "It's supposed to hatch tomorrow. So do you two want daytime shift?"

"YES!" I told him then looked towards the egg. I started to nuzzle against it before I laid on top of it and purred at it. I want my own kids one day! I'd be a great dad... right?

"Okay, you two can stay with us while we sleep. If it hatches, let us know before you kidnap it to feed it." Charles poked my nose. I growled slightly at him poking my nose and picked my head up a little more before I puffed smoke at his hand. He frowned. "That's not nice. I just let you have day duties." I heard the chirps cut off as the dragon fell back to sleep. I purred then.

"I'll wake you up," I promised him then curled up on top of the egg and looked towards Toma. "Mine," I teased him then nuzzled my head against the egg. "I'll take little dragon here back and put it in my hoard. Charles, you'll have to move in."

"What?" Charles asked. "No way. We're staying here as a family. I've lived here for four years already. Besides. We're going to France as a little road trip and then we'll see what's next."

"Uh huh?" Lyle asked and crossed his arms. "Am I just supposed to let you run off? I better tell your maker." Pierre frowned then.

"He's nearly old enough anyways. I just want to show him France. We'll be back soon," he promised Lyle. "You don't have to tell his maker~" I purred in amusement and then tensed up as I felt fingers trace my back. I looked towards Pierre, seeing he was petting me as he watched Lyle. I purred and relaxed then moaned as he hit a good spot.

"I suppose it will be okay. You are his mate.... so I expect you to take good care of him." Lyle smiled sweetly at us.

"It's been a long night," Laurence yawned out. "We should all get to bed before the sun catches us on fire." Pierre nodded and then scooped me and the egg up.

"Yeah, let's get the egg to our room Charles. Toma, are you sleeping with us as well or are you going to sleep with Dmitri?" He asked Toma as he started to stand up.

"Well..." Toma trailed off. "I guess I'll sleep with you.... I need to make sure that it knows who's hoard this is." He scrambled into Charles' lap. He picked him up before starting for the door.

"Dmitri~ You can sleep with us too!" Charles gave a teasing purr at him. "We have the room." Dmitri raised an eyebrow.

"Like on the couch or something?" He asked, following after us as Pierre lead the way out of the room and up a flight of stairs.

"Yeah, we have a couch you can sleep on." Charles gave a small chuckle as he handed Toma to Dmitri. He started to purr immediately as he held Toma close and rubbed under his chin, kissing the top of his head. I looked towards them and laughed a little before I looked over Pierre's shoulder towards Kingsley.

"Good morning my sweet jewel!" I called out to him and purred. "Don't get hurt while I'm gone!"

"Oh I won't!" Kingsley purred out. "Don't worry about me. I'll be in a guest bedroom with Aurelio." He waved as he watched me going. I purred in amusement then. With Aurelio? Looks like Sera's plan will be going well~ I looked at Aurelio and laughed a little before I curled up to Pierre, letting him carry me. He took us up to a bedroom and opened it, going over to the bed then put the egg down in the middle at the top. He sat me down beside it then crawled into the bed, getting comfortable.

"Charles~ Come join me~" He called out towards his mate. Charles purred as he walked over and got into the bed, coving up. He looked over at Pierre with a loving look before looking at Dmitri.

"There are some blankets in the coffee table's drawer. You can use one- and-" He took one of the pillows and tossed it at him. "Use that. We have plenty up here." Dmitri nodded and started to get himself situated, getting the blankets and then laid down on the couch, curling up. He smiled softly as he got comfortable and closed his eyes, tugging the blanket close to his chest. I laughed a little then looked for Toma as I curled up against the egg, wondering if he would sleep up here or over there with Dmitri. He laid down on Dmitri's chest and let out a yawn. He's sleeping with him. I frowned a bit and curled up closer to the egg. Ditched. Well, that is his treasure.... He might end up staying here anyways.... I sighed softly and started to purr to the egg as I lent it my warmth as everyone started to fall asleep around me. I listened to them before I closed my eyes and then laid my head against the top of the egg so I'd wake up when it starts to move....


I felt a jolt as my head fell down sharply from nodding so long. I heard small chirps then as the egg moved against my body. I blinked slowly then looked towards the egg before I tensed up quickly. It's hatching! Wait... is it? I looked towards it curiously then chirped back at it. I caught a small claw stuck in the shell. It's hatching! The baby chirped back sweetly to me. I widened my eyes then looked towards Charles. "Charles! Charles!" I called out to him then roared at him to get him to wake. His eyes jolted awake and he sat up, glancing over before reaching over and pushed Pierre out of the bed to wake him up. I heard Toma let out a whine as he woke up and started for us. I purred at them and then looked back at the egg, chirping to it encouragingly as Pierre quickly got back in the bed with wide eyes. Toma jumped up and laid down at the foot, watching us. Charles looked closely at the egg, inspecting it. I heard the dragon let out a growl as the talon went back into the egg. I felt the weight lean against me before suddenly the Artic dragon's head crashed against the shell, breaking it with its horned head. The dragon's head rose up as she let out a purr and bit away at the rest of the egg, moving out of it as soon as the hole was wide enough. She was just the size of a weasel. I purred at her and moved to let her out all the way then started to lick her head, making sure not to get cut on her horns. She sneezed quickly, an ice sickle coming out and forming down her nose. She leaned in quickly to steal my heat as her body was ice cold. I laughed and shifted a bit larger so I could cover her up and laid on her.

"She's so cute~" I heard Pierre whispering to Charles. I heard her start up purring towards me.

"Yeah~" Charles whispered. "Very cute. He wasn't kidding when he said they got cold easy."

"We'll have to get an electric blanket for the bed and her nest," he told Charles. "Some heating pads too... maybe a heating lamp and rock...."

"You think so?" Charles asked. "I was just thinking about putting her nest by a warm fire every time she wants to sleep."

"That too... but we should get her some things for her to enjoy when she's not sleeping," he pointed out then laughed. "I think Ross likes her though...."

"Yeah, we should." Charles nodded. I could hear her stomach growl then and she started to cry. I perked up then and looked towards her.

"I'll get you some fish!" I said sweetly then shifted a bit larger and scooped her up in my jaws, letting my hot breath hit her to keep her warm as I flew towards the door then landed in front of it. I nudged it open and started to take off down the hall with her. I heard Toma following from behind.

"I want some too," he told me. I heard her purr in my jaws. I purred back at her and went to the kitchen, smelling it out then sat her down on the floor before I transformed and scooped her up. I opened the refrigerator and pulled out some fish then laid it out on a pan and drenched it in honey before I stuck it in the oven to cook for her. I got out some milk, heated it up, and put it in a bowl and mixed some sugar and honey in it before I searched around and put DT in it and sat her down beside it, rubbing her head. She looked towards the milk before sticking her whole head in it before climbing into the bowl and purred at the warmth. Toma hopped up onto the counter and tilted his head as he watched her. I busted out laughing at her climbing into the milk.

"Silly," I purred at her then leaned down and licked at the milk to show her what I meant for her. She watched me before she licked at it but kept her body inside. She let out a purr as she started to lick her body clean. I laughed and looked towards Toma before I fixed him a bowl of the same thing but without DT. He started to drink his, moaning at the taste. She glanced over at him before running up to his bowl and started to copy him. I laughed and shook my head, sliding her bowl back to her and then went over to the oven, checking on the fish then took it out and cut hers up for her. I put them on plates for them and sat Toma's down near him and put her cut up one next to her. She looked towards the plate I put next to her and sniffed the fish before starting to eat it. Toma finished his milk before starting on his fish. I smiled at them then got mine, eating it quickly then cleaned up the bowls and the pan, putting them up. I walked back over to them and started to rub Toma's head as he ate. He purred to me and leaned into my hand as he finished off his fish. I heard her hacking up her bites of fish before she went over to her bowl of milk and crawled into it. I laughed and looked towards her then cut on the kitchen sink, turning it onto warm then plugged it up. I walked over to her and picked her up, sitting her in the sink as it began to fill then cut the water off when it was halfway full and steaming. She purred and sunk into the warm water. She looked up at me as her ears floated by her in the water. She looked towards one and started after it. I laughed and watched her before I playfully splashed her then grabbed Toma and put him in there with her. He froze up as he was forced in with her and looked up at me.

"Hey," he growled. "I want my own water." She started to chirp towards him before nuzzling her head against him. I laughed.

"Awww, share with her. She's cute," I told him. "She likes you too, and she's your Artic dragon in your hoard. You're going to have to spend time with her." He whined and looked down at her before he nudged her off. She chirped before she went towards me and jumped up onto the edge of the sink, going to jump at me. I laughed and held out my arms for her. "Come on cutie," I encouraged then chirped at her. "Let's ditch the little bummer," I suggested to her. She jumped onto my shirt and climbed up to my shoulder. She started to suck on my ear and let out a purr.

"I'm not a bummer," Toma mumbled. I moaned slightly and looked towards her before I kissed the top of her head then grabbed Toma out of the sink and cuddled him to my chest.

"No... you're just stingy with water," I teased lightly. He purred to me.

"Well~ I wasn't planning on getting wet." He looked towards her then. "You need to give her more milk. She didn't get enough." I looked at him then nodded before I walked them over to the counter and sat them down. I got her out some more milk and put it in a baby bottle this time after heating it up, wanting her to drink it instead of bathe in it. I picked her up and put the bottle to her lips, gently working it into her mouth. She started to suck on it, closing her eyes tightly. A purr erupted through her as she started to devour it. I smiled softly and gently rubbed her side with my thumb. When she finished it off, I took the bottle out of her mouth and kissed her head.

"Are you still hungry?" I asked her curiously, watching to see her reaction at losing the bottle. She licked her lips before getting on my shoulder and curled up into the crook of my neck. I smiled and sat the bottle down in the sink then looked at Toma. "Come here sweetie," I purred to him, reaching out for him. He got into my arms and transformed into his human form before rubbing his head against my chest. I quickly cradled him and kissed the top of his head. "Did you get enough to eat?" I asked him softly, holding him close.

"Yeah~" He told me and purred. "Want to see my gold?" He asked curiously.

"Well well... Three dragons," I heard Sylar purr as he walked in. I tensed and looked towards Sylar, holding Toma close as I eyed him down, a low growl erupting through me as my protective instincts kicked in.

"Is that the new baby dragon the maids are gossiping about? The one Charles and Pierre are raising?" Sylar asked as he walked up to the fridge and got a bottle of blood. "It's kinda cute." I relaxed a little.

"Yeah," I told him softly, watching him. "So Toma, where is your treasure room?" I asked him, taking him up on his offer.

"Downstairs. Follow me!" Toma got out of my arms and grabbed my hand before dragging me out of the kitchen. He lead me down a few halls before taking me through a door and down some steps. We came across his hoard easily but I could smell he didn't spend any time in it. I tilted my head as we entered it then looked towards him.

"Toma, did you ever sleep in here?" I asked him curiously then took the little baby off my shoulder and placed her down in the gold. She chirped and started to play in the gold, running off in it and slipped inside a mountain.

"No.... I slept with Dmitri," he told me softly. I nodded and then gave him a playful purr before I transformed into about the size of a cat and roared at him then took off deeper into his treasure room. He transformed into his dragon form and chased after me with a small roar. I dove into a treasure mound and curled up in it, peeking out a bit to watch him. He started to make a little nest in a pile of gold. I crawled out and purred towards him before I went over to him and licked his cheek. He curled up when he made one big enough for us. I purred at him and then laid down beside him, licking under his chin then shifted a bit larger so he could fit up under my wing if he wanted it. He went under it quickly and rested against my side, purring. I purred to him and laid my wing down against his body then chirped, looking for the little baby. She popped her head up from inside a mountain of gold and chirped back at me. I smirked a little and chirped at her a few times, calling out for her. She bounced out of the mountain and straight for me, leaping at me when she reached us. I laughed and then lifted up my wing a bit so she could join Toma where it was warm, nuzzling her up under it. I'd really be a great dad.... I heard Toma yelp as she squeezed in between us. Her cold body sent chills down us both. I shivered and tried not to whine, using my fire inside my body to try to heat us up quickly to combat her cold body. I felt Toma heating up as well.

"Why're you so cold," he hissed at her.

"Because she's an Artic dragon. We'll have to be more careful to keep her warm so we aren't uncomfortable when she comes back to us," I told him and laid my head down on the gold with a sigh.

"Oh," Toma mumbled. "I'm glad she's not our daughter. We don't have to be careful. They do." I laughed a little.

"Our daughter?" I asked in amusement.

"No, she's not." He purred. "We don't have a daughter that needs to be warmed all the time."

"Of course she's not our daughter, but she is your Artic dragon for your treasure hoard," I purred to him. "You'll have to take care of her from time to time. I get to stay in my nice gold and gems back home," I teased.

"Why should I take care of her? I have vampires that will do that for me."

"True..." I whispered. "What about when you're older though?" I adjusted my wings a little, having them close more on them to trap the heat in.

"What do you mean?" He asked and purred.

"Well... when you're older and you're here more often instead of in my treasure hoard- not that you won't be welcome... but you'll probably grow an interest in your own treasure hoard when you get older," I whispered to him.

"I shouldn't have to take care of my slaves~ They can take care of each other."

"Are the vampires your slaves?" I asked him in amusement. He must think he rules the world....

"They're in my hoard, aren't they?" He asked.

"Are all things in your hoard your slaves?" I teased him.

"Of course~" He purred. "Except you... You're a guest." I laughed then.

"Good, I wouldn't have been pleased if you thought of me as your slave," I told him and closed my eyes. He purred loudly in amusement. I opened my eyes then. "Don't get ideas," I teased him lightly and laughed. "If you call me slave, I'll leave you here with the chilly dragon."

"No! Please don't leave me." He whined. "I don't want to be stuck with pop sickle here." I purred at him.

"Don't worry. I won't leave you. If I go to leave this place, I'll take you with me if you want to go," I promised him.

"Is she down here?" I heard Pierre at the door worriedly as he walked in quickly. "Oh, there they are~! Ross, do you have my baby?" I looked towards him.

"Yes," I purred. He smiled and walked over.

"Can I have her back?" I nodded and lifted my wing, watching as he gently scooped her up and wrapped her up in a warm blanket he had brought with him. I closed my wing down quickly on Toma's body before he could complain to me. She purred to her father and chirped at him. He laughed and tried to chirp back at her, managing something close to it.

"Hey sweetie," he whispered to her, rubbing her head as he held her close. She let out a rumble of a purr. He smiled and kissed her head. "Come on. I want to take you to Charles before he misses you~" He started to carry her away, leaving us. I purred softly and relaxed, closing my eyes.

"Looks like she loves them enough," I whispered to Toma.

"Maybe.... she's still young," he purred in amusement. "So am I." I laughed and lifted up my wing to look at him.

"Yes, you are young," I purred at him then licked the top of his head. "You're still very much a baby... just more advanced and a little older than she is," I teased him then licked under his chin.

"That's just because I'm a night dragon," he purred to me. I laughed and then nipped at his nose before I rubbed my head against his. He rubbed his against mine before pulling away.

"Now that I think about it...." He trailed. "I don't like it down here."

"Why not?" I asked him curiously. What kind of dragon doesn't like his hoard? He's fine with mine. What's wrong with his?

"Because.... its not your hoard," he purred sweetly. I widened my eyes a little before I looked him in the eyes.

"You like my hoard that much?" I asked him softly.

"Yeah," he whispered. "It's almost home to me." I felt my heart speed up a bit and I purred in happiness.

"I'm glad you think of it that way," I whispered to him. "There'd be something wrong if you didn't like being in my hoard." I purred and nuzzled my head against him before I pulled back. "We can go back if you'd like.... They can find their own way home."

"No, we can't leave them here." He licked my head then. "That would be rude."

"True..." I purred to him and then turned onto my back, making him lay on my belly then started to pull him up to my chest more with my claws. He puffed some smoke at me.

"Can we go watch cartoons then?" He asked curiously. I looked at him then nodded, turning back onto my stomach then scooped him up into my jaws with a playful growl, starting to take him to the night room upstairs. When I got there, I sat him down on the couch and turned the TV on with my awesome skills then laid on the couch, curling up as cartoons came on for him. He purred in amusement as one of his favorites came on.

Charles' POV:

I gave a huge smile as Pierre brought in our little girl. "Aw, there she is! I'm glad to know Ross and Toma didn't steal her away from us for good. While you were away, I think I came up with the perfect name for her~ Lixue (Lee-shweh-ee). It means pretty snow in Chinese. I think it is apropriate since she looked more like a chinese dragon so we should put some Chinese culture into her name. Although it's more of a boy name. I found it when I was looking through boy names... but that doesn't matter. If Dylan can be unisex then so can Lixue." Pierre laughed a little and then walked up.

"I like it... Lixue~ It's really fun to pronounce," he told me and laughed, sitting down on the edge of the bed with our baby, cradling her. He rubbed her side with his thumb, looking down at her with a purr. She chirped as she looked towards me.

"Lixue," she purred back. I could hear her own amusement in her purr. Pierre's eyes widened and he looked down at her in pure love and adoration.

"She said her first word!" He laughed and hugged her, kissing the top of her head. "Lixue~"

"Pretty snow," she purred. I smiled and reached out for her.

"Yes you are~" I told her. He handed her to me and smiled softly, crawling up to me and sat beside me to watch. I leaned in and smelled her, laughing a little. "You smell like sugar, milk, and honey." I tsked as I laid back with her. "Did you get into a bowl of milk?" I asked her.

"Well... Ross did run off to feed her. He probably let her climb into a bowl of it instead of stopping her," Pierre hummed out. "He was feeding both her and Toma after all."

"Probably," I sighed out. "Lixue, it's time to get some sleep." I grabbed her little blanket and wrapped it around her before placing her between Pierre and me. I pulled the covers over us then. She chirped in her cozy blanket before kneading it like a cat. Pierre gasped and laughed happily, pulling her closer to him and against his chest.

"You're so cute~" He purred to her, holding her and her blanket close. She chirped to him before closing her eyes. I smiled softly as I watched them then shut my eyes to try to get some shut eye in for the day.

I felt Pierre stirring beside us as he woke up first, sitting up a bit before the bed rustled and he started to get up slowly. I smirked as I heard her chirp at him. Her body moved away from where she had been and she was quick to tackle him. I opened my eyes, watching them. Pierre yelped and looked startled as he looked down at her and blushed. "Lixue~ You're supposed to stay asleep," he whispered at her and picked her up then tapped her nose lightly. "Are you hungry then? Is that why?"

"You probably woke her up like you woke me up," I teased him. He looked towards me and purred.

"Aww, you're up to? I'm not a ninja then, huh?" He joked and rubbed Lixue's head. "We should feed you anyways... but let's get you a warm bath," he told her and looked towards me. "Wanna come other daddy?"

"Of course," I purred and got out of the bed. "We should take her to see my parents."

"Oh~ We should~ We'll get you all cleaned up and put a pretty little silver bow on you and take you over to your grandparents~" He purred to her, taking her over to the bathroom. He cut on the water as I followed him in, turning it on warm then plugged it up. I purred as I heard her cute little chirps.

"A bow? That's going to make it seem like we're giving them our baby." I tsked at the thought but rubbed it off. "Okay, we'll put a pretty bow on her."