A Plan from the Council

Silas's POV:

I sat down in the library and crossed my legs with a sigh as Dmitri sat down beside me, watching Lyle curiously. "Lyle, what's this about?" I asked and frowned. I have sixteen kids to watch! I can't be away for too long.... "I should've known you would've had something for me to do as soon as I returned to the mainland from Hawaii. Being gone that long should've been a clue that you were going to have something for me to do.... It better not be anything too big because I have sixteen children," I muttered.

"Well that's why you've got a helper sitting right beside you. I've put this meeting off long enough to let you have your life with your children. Now you need to come back to the council. As you know, we still have issues with the resistance. So I want you two to go undercover. The council wants this as well. Go undercover and report back to us with what you find out." I widened my eyes then.

"Go undercover?" WHAT ABOUT MY KIDS?! Rei isn't going to be happy about this. I frowned and sunk down into the couch. "You want me to become their leader again? I could do my best to get it back...." Dmitri frowned.

"I have Toma to watch over.... Me going back into the resistance might not be a good thing for him," he told Lyle then.

"Well you two have been in the resistance before and I'm sure Kingsley can point you two in the right direction. Go undercover and rat them out." Dmitri sighed and then rubbed his head.

"Fine... I can go undercover," he mumbled. "Toma has his mate to worry about right now anyways. This shouldn't bother him too much." I frowned a bit and then studied Lyle. He... wants me... to go back into the resistance... after it got me killed. I WENT THROUGH A LOT OF SHIT TO COME BACK FROM THAT. I created that! Wait... shouldn't I take it down if I created it? I mean... I was planning on cleaning up my mess, but... this is a bit more than I thought about doing to take it down. I stared at Lyle then, debating as I thought about how much I needed to be here for my kids and for my mate right now.

"Silas," Lyle said softly. "Do it for them if anything. For your children." I sighed and then ran my fingers through my long hair.

"But who is going to put them to bed at night?" I mumbled. "And I shouldn't go back as a male.... They'd be wondering why I'm a female and I'm coming back to them as soon as I came from Hawaii. They might respect me a bit more as a male too... and I'm more recognizable as a male too. They know me that way... but my kids don't."

"Your kids will eventually all have to know you as a male," Lyle reminded me. I frowned a bit. My twins still need me though....

"If it starts to interfere with my family's life...." I trailed off and stared at him. "I can't do it if my kids are going to be harmed or they're going to be neglected. I can't leave Rei alone for too long either," I warned him.

"Silas, this is something the council asks of you," Lyle said. "Now please, do this for them. You've got sixteen kids. You've raised most of them already." I frowned and watched him before I slowly nodded.

"F-fine... but only till it starts to hurt my family," I mumbled. "I can't constantly be away. You can make Dmitri do that part. Toma can at least visit him easily. He'll be easier to slip into the resistance like that anyways. He won't bring publicity. When I go, they'll all be wary of me at first and I'm going to have to do some things to get their trust...."

"Well that's why I selected two baskets for my eggs," he told me. I nodded then.

"Alright," I whispered. "I'll have to tell Rei tonight.... He'll need to know as soon as possible what is going on. I can't keep it from him. Dmitri, you better tell Toma. You should go as early as you can. I'll need to become male again before I go. I'll ask Charles to turn me back into a male tomorrow night," I mumbled and then looked Lyle over. "Was that all?"

"Yeah. I've already talked to Kingsley about this. He's going to be a third basket since he's been my informant before." Lyle gave me a pleased look. "Thank you both." I got up then and walked over, giving him a hug.

"Uh huh," I hummed out as I pulled away then looked him in the eyes. "You do know that you and the council are going to have to be hushed up about this, right? I'm also going to need a lot of move around room in my actions too with the council. I'm going to have to start acting like my old self a bit more... not hateful but at least in the resistance's presence, I'm going to have to do things I normally would've for them. They can't be busted right away either otherwise it'll be suspicious. Dmitri, when I get my position back, I'll make you a leader of an outpost again," I told him and looked over my shoulder. He nodded and smirked.

"I'm going to have my own outpost again," he purred, looking excited.

"Yeah, they know you'll have to go to an extent to be believable to the resistance. So we thought up of a good reason for you to be pissed. You're no longer a king anymore. I've taken your spot on the council."

"WHAT?!" I growled then, getting pissed. "WHAT THE FUCK?!"

"See? You're already mad at our plan," he laughed softly.

"I had just gotten used to being king!" I hissed at him and narrowed my eyes. "I better get it back! My eldest is going to be pissed too!" I glared at him then.

"Silas, it's so that your story is more believable. I'm not actually stealing it from you. Since I've been sitting in for you for such a long time at meetings this will make since that they decided to bump you off." Lyle gave me a sweet smile. "So get as pissed as you can because the throne is mine now. My crowning is going to be in a week." I frowned then and sighed.

"F-fine.... I'll have to explain to Rei so he doesn't think I'm betraying him by going to the resistance," I muttered. "He'd get pissed if he thought I was going back for real... and he wouldn't tell anyone about the plan, and he's on the council anyways. Dmitri, you're going to have to keep quiet about it," I warned him. He nodded quickly.

"I won't tell anyone," he swore to me. I nodded and then looked at Lyle.

"I'll have to publically get pissed at you and start going back to their favorite clubs to get back in. Mind if I bite you? It'd make it seem more real if it got out that I got angry and bit you," I told him and sat down in his lap. "The old me would have no problems trying to bite you."

"Silas," Lyle whispered and ran his hand against my cheek. "I'll know that when you scream you fucking hate me it'll really mean you're dying to kill them all so you can scream you fucking love me at the top of your lungs by the end of the night."

"Okay, I'll go all out so you know how much I love you," I purred. "I hope your neck won't be too sore."

"You'll have to count the kisses you'll have to give for the boo boos you give me," he whispered sweetly.

"Uh huh, I will. You'll need to have someone pull me off you because I wouldn't voluntarily pull back," I hummed out. "Probably Milo. He would."

"Milo was there at the council meeting. He knows that whatever you throw at me he won't actively try to kill you but he'll put on a good show like I will and you will."

"Okay... so I'm getting into a fight with both of you," I hummed out and nodded. "Have a medic nearby. He's getting thrown through a wall," I told him.

"Aurelio is going to be by most of the time and he's great with healing. Laurence will most likely know when you'll attack and inform Aurelio. You know how he gets." I nodded then.

"That's good. I don't want to hurt you both too badly," I hummed out. "I'll make sure that I don't make it too bad so you don't have to publically kick me out. I don't want that... so I think I'll hold back a bit so it doesn't look like I need a lot of punishment when the fight ends. The resistance will be suspicious if I do something outrageous and don't get punished, so I'll keep it light and you can 'punish' me lightly too. Oh... I'll have to come up with a reason for Rei to not immediately have relationship problems with me. I don't want my relationship to be ruined... even if it's fake. I think I should keep it really light so that he doesn't have to be appalled by it and he can say that it was because I got emotional and I just had kids and whatnot and I'm coming back to learn that I no longer have my throne," I hummed out. "I don't want him to have to pretend to be mad at me."

"Well Rei would stand by your side anyways because you're mates." Lyle told me. "Anyways, I trust you Silas with this mission so do what you have to do to earn their trust and become a fly on the wall for us." I nodded and then kissed his cheek.

"Okay," I purred softly then got to my feet. "Let me go warn Rei," I hummed out and left the room quickly, ditching the two of them as I went to go find Rei, using his scent. I found him downstairs in the ballroom and purred at the sight of my lover. I walked over to his side quickly and kissed him passionately, wrapping my arms around his neck. "Rei~" I said sweetly and kissed his neck. "I have something to tell you... something important. You'll need to know...."

"Now?" Rei asked sweetly to me and wrapped his arms around my curvy body.

"Yeah~" I said to him and smelled the crook of his neck, loving the feel of being in his arms. "I should tell you now before I get distracted and I don't tell you till much later.... I'm losing my throne," I mumbled for his ears only. He frowned.

"Losing it?" He asked me softly. "What for? They know we were taking time off for our children!" I looked up at him and kissed him again before I started to lead him out of the room so no one would listen in. I took him to a nearby room and kissed him again, looking up into his eyes as I shut the door.

"They want me to go back to the resistance. I'm going to spy on them and rat them out for the council," I told him, biting my bottom lip. "They're putting Lyle on the throne again for while this is going on to give me a reason to be pissed and go to the resistance. I was their leader once, and the council knows it, so they're sending me back to get information for the council, but they had to give me a reason to be angry enough to go back, and the throne had been a source of unhappiness for me for a long time when I was younger. They think the resistance will believe it all and allow me back... so Lyle is going to have a coronation soon, and I'm going to have to attack him and Milo at it."

"Are you okay with doing this now?" He asked me. "You'll need to be back in your male form for this...." He trailed off.

"I don't like how close it is to me getting back," I mumbled to him. "They want me to do this for them though... and their fake reason for bumping me off the throne is because I had children and Lyle was on it for so long that they want to give him the crown. It wouldn't make sense to wait longer and then have Lyle take the throne. It will have to be really soon.... I wanted to wait longer because of our little ones. They still need me around a lot... but I think I can take care of them and do this... hopefully. I mean... you're still going to have to be by my side. It'd be believable for you to stand by my side for this. After all, you're my mate, and I'm sure that if this was for real, you'd be upset that I'm losing my throne because I gave you children," I told him, looking up into his eyes. "It'd be believable if I stay at home a lot with you to love you and our children while also being the leader of the resistance. I can do both."

"If this helps get rid of the resistance," Rei sighed out. "I don't mind doing it now of all time." I smiled at him and leaned in, kissing him passionately and wrapped my arms around his neck again, purring to him.

"I'll have to get punished after I attack Lyle and Milo," I mumbled to him softly, leaning in and kissing his neck. "I'm going to bite Lyle at his coronation~" I purred to him and nibbled at his ear, smelling him happily. "I'll back out if our family starts to get hurt," I promised and then looked up into his eyes then at his lips. I leaned in and kissed him again, twirling his hair around my fingers and purred against his lips happily. I moaned softly, melting against him. He wrapped me up in his arms and kissed me back with a small purr.

"Well I know, you'll have to make it look real." I nodded.

"I will," I mumbled and then looked up into his eyes lovingly. "You're going to see a side of me you've never seen before," I mumbled and then smirked a bit, leaning against him a bit more. "If you want~ we could play around in the bedroom afterwards too if you like what you see when I fight them," I purred, giving him a wink. "After all, I'll have to be punished which means I'll be gone for awhile from the crowd~ We could do whatever we want because you know you'd follow me if they were going to punish me~" I laughed and leaned in, giving him a love bite on his neck.

"You know~" He moaned from the bite. "I'm going to make sure you get punished." I purred to him and then leaned down into the crook of his neck, tugging his shirt aside a bit as I kissed the skin that had been covered up.

"Oh yeah?" I teased him and then started to give him another one, moaning softly at his scent. He grabbed my chin and dragged it up to give me a sweet smile.

"My love~ I think we should go back to the ball room." I purred as I looked up into his eyes and leaned in, stealing a small kiss.

"Probably or else we won't end up at the ball room," I teased him, pulling him close. "You'll have to give me lots of dances to keep me from pulling you out of there early~ This tux looks too good on you," I told him and tugged on it slightly. "It's going to look better on our bedroom floor in the end~"

"I'm ready to get back into a kimono and sip on some hot tea," he purred. "I don't know about you but these pants are tight." I purred then.

"Tight?" I asked him. "How tight?" I teased as my mind quickly got distracted. I kissed him sweetly and then kissed his neck. "You know this dress I'm wearing is very freeing~" I teased him, gently tugging on his hair and rubbed my thigh against his leg slightly to mess with him. He laughed softly in my ear before grabbing me by my waist.

"Come on, we're forgetting Toma." He told me and started to lead me to the door. I frowned then and looked up at him.

"Toma won't notice. They're sixteen kids to keep him from noticing," I purred to him. "We can fool around for a little bit before we go in there~"

"No we can fool around afterwards," he told me and chuckled. I frowned a bit and then looked at him.

"You really don't want to fool around a little?" I asked him and then pouted. "It doesn't have to be full out," I mumbled to him. "You could let me mess around and then we could be in the party within thirty minutes," I told him, looking up into his eyes. "Then you could have me anyway you want afterwards," I purred, rubbing his hand as I held it. "After all, those pants are tight... but if you want to wear tight pants and have me really close to you in the ballroom all night long and make it hard for you to not want me, then that's fine with me," I teased him. "I mean... I'll probably be so tired afterwards from all the dancing and moving around I'm going to do with you, and these heels will probably kill me~" I smirked a little. "I might just pass out and you won't get to enjoy taking this dress off me at all in our bedroom~" He smirked towards me then.

"I'll just get you tomorrow night. After all this should be about Toma. Now come on," he grabbed my hand and tugged me out of the room quickly. "I don't want to miss anything." I smiled and then purred to him, rubbing my thumb against his hand sweetly.

"Okay," I said sweetly, knocking it off for now. I leaned my head against his shoulder as I walked with him back towards the ballroom. "I love you Rei," I told him softly, gently kissing his shoulder. "You know I will forever, right?"

"Of course I know," he purred sweetly to me. "We're mates. I don't question your love for me." I smiled and looked up at him, giving his hand a squeeze.

"Good... I don't want you to question it ever," I told him and leaned in, giving him a kiss as I lead him into the ballroom. "I'm going to miss you during those times I'm with the resistance," I mumbled and then looked towards everyone, seeing they had already started to dance while I was gone. I could spot the birthday boy being led around the room by Ross, Ross's eyes staring intently towards Toma as he gave him a loving look. I giggled at the sight. "Looks like Toma has been snatched up by the older dragon for good. Ross must've chosen him as his mate today."

"Yeah," Rei whispered as his eyes went straight towards me. "Our kids are a handful. I had to take away Giovanni and Amadeus's rights to their instruments, A'slin and Nico are at it again about running off, Hesper almost was stolen from a dragon again, and dear lord-" He looked straight at Echo's hair that was a darker purple from when I last saw her. "She's gotten it all in her hair again!" Echo looked over, hearing it and giggled innocently, running up.

"Daddy! Daddy!" She tackled his legs and hugged them, purring sweetly. "My hair feels sticky~"

"Well stop getting kool-aid in it!" Rei told her. "You're ruining your pretty hair! We're going to have to start giving you sippy cups again." I laughed a little and scooped her up, kissing her cheek.

"At least it's not all over her dress," I pointed out to Rei then frowned when I realized her dress was purple anyways... and my hand that was holding her was getting wet from the fabric. Oh... She did get it on her dress. Maybe he won't notice.

"You better go get her hair dry and put her in a new dress," he said softly. "I don't want her running around like that all night. Once she's decent we'll get her a cup with a lid on it." I looked towards him and nodded.

"Okay, I'll get her cleaned up," I promised him and then kissed his lips as I held our baby girl tightly in my arms. She giggled and hugged Rei as I kissed him, purring to her dad as she held onto the front of his suit. He kissed the top of her head before making her let go of him and took a step back.

"Now be good," he told her. She looked at him sweetly.

"Okay daddy," she told him then snuggled up to me. I laughed and looked at her lovingly as she closed her eyes, purring softly to me.

"Come on cutie," I mumbled, starting to take her towards the doors. "Let's go get you cleaned up."