Club Death

Sylar's POV:

I watched the clock tick by, the hour hand finally landed on six, telling me the sun was coming down. It's safe. I nudged my sleeping mate with my foot. "Colsin," I purred. "Let's go, come on. I don't want to hang around here all night." He stirred and then curled up to me.

"Mhmmm... I want bacon," he mumbled sleepily. "But mommy... my prey got away from me.... The piggy ran off," he whined. I raised an eyebrow at him before forming another me.

"Pick him up," I grumbled as I crawled out of bed. He leaned over and picked him up as ordered and started to carry him after me. I grabbed the keys off my dresser and started to lead us out of Kingsley's castle. We've all been hanging out here, waiting for Lyle to get crowned king. Even I was here thanks to Everest dragging me here and Lyle's persuasion. "We'll take him out for another steak dinner," I mumbled thoughtfully.

"What a great idea~" My other self purred back. "Do I get a steak dinner too?" I felt Colsin's lips brushing against my other self's neck and heard a small growl come from him.

"Sylar~" He sounded happy to be held, waking up more as he kissed my clone's neck.

"Good evening," I heard my clone purring. "We're taking you out for a steak dinner. I hope you're hungry."

"Uh huh, I'm hungry," he said sweetly. "I'm getting steak?" He laughed happily and wrapped his arms around my clone before he gave him a kiss on the lips.

"You'll be getting more if you keep that up," I teased him.

"What was that?" He asked me, turning to look at me with a sweet smile. He gave me a playful growl then kissed my clone again to tease me. My clone purred and kissed him back before bringing him closer.

"He said.... you're going to be getting more than a steak dinner if you keep that up. You're heavy too." He dropped him then since he was wide awake. He yelped and managed to land on his feet, stumbling a little then frowned.

"You could've warned me," he mumbled and sighed. He reached out and took my clone's hand, holding it as he started to walk on his own.

"But that wouldn't be any fun," my clone mused out. "So steak dinner? Anything else you want tonight?"

"If we're going out, can I have a milkshake? A chocolate one sounds nice," he hummed and gave my clone's hand a squeeze and a loving look. "We could also have a romantic night... or we can do whatever you two want."

"We'll grab a milkshake at steak n' shake if you really want one," I told him. "After that we'll need to find something else to do. I don't want to hang around here all night."

"Okay~ Well, I think I heard about this really cool supernatural hide out. You want to go there? My alpha was talking about it." He looked towards me and smiled before he kissed my clone's cheek.

"A hide out?" I asked curiously. "That sounds interesting. Did he tell you more about it?"

"Well, supposedly supernaturals go there to party and socialize. It's like a club for them... and they have a human opening up front so it's a better kept secret. They let vampires drink in special rooms though from human volunteers that are cleared by the owner. The music is good there too," he told me and grinned. "They've also got a gambling room, and there is a werewolf area where packs can party without territorial rights. It's really nice."

"That sounds nice," I whispered. "We need to go check it out. I bet we'll find-" I stopped talking as I was tackled by a white blur and fell backwards into the floor. I heard a little chirp as something licked my cheek- Lixue! I laughed as she chirped more on me.

"Oh look, Lixue found Sylar and Colsin." I could hear Charles laughing from a few feet away.

"Awww, she's such a sweetheart," Pierre purred in amusement and walked up. "Lixue, sweetie~ Make sure to get him good," he teased and looked towards Colsin. "Hey Colsin, are you two going out somewhere tonight?"

"Yeah, he wants to get me steak and then go to this club my alpha was telling me about~ We're going to have lots of fun, right?" He asked my clone, looking up at him lovingly. "Are you going to disappear or are you staying out with us too?" He asked curiously.

"Ask the original," my clone whispered. I scooped up Lixue, managing to get her off my face then stood up with her in my hands. She looked me in the eyes with amusement.

"Hello Sylar~" She purred.

"You're stronger than you look," I grumbled.

"She's a little dragon, of course she's strong," Colsin growled playfully at me. "She could eat you up~ Come on sweetie, let's go get the car while the original plays around," he said sweetly, laughing as he started to pull my clone off with him. I watched them before giving Lixue a stern look.

"I have to go, you make sure to protect your parents while I'm away~" I placed her on the ground and started after my mate and clone. "Don't leave me behind, I own you two."

"BYE BYE SYLAR!" Lixue roared.

"Own me?" Colsin growled at me then looked at my clone. "I think the original hit his head when he fell~"

"You are our mate though," my clone purred. "So you are owned." He leaned in and kissed my mate's mark on his neck. Colsin blushed and moaned slightly.

"Uh huh," he whispered softly. "O-okay, you own me...."

"What we thought," I purred. "Hold up, I'm going to go get a bottle of blood. Meet you in the garage," I told them and left them alone to go to the kitchen. I went inside and grabbed a bottle from in the fridge and started to down it. Killian looked over from the counter where he was getting a fork and a knife out and gave me a smile.

"Hey Sylar, did you sleep well?" He asked me.

"No, not really." I stopped drinking the blood to look at him. "I didn't get much sleep."

"That sucks," he whispered then picked up his bowl with meat in it. He ate a bite and watched me. "So what do you plan on doing tonight without much sleep? Are you going to watch Twilight in the night room?"

"I'm heading out with Colsin to get steaks, milkshakes, and go out to a supernatural club." I took a sip of my blood then. "What will you be doing?"

"Not much of anything. I don't have something planned. I might go talk to A'slin though. He's pretty cool," he hummed out and ate another bite.

"Who's A'slin?" I asked.

"Oh, he's the firstborn child of Rei and your brother," he told me, giving me a sweet smile. "Your nephew." I wrinkled up my nose, getting a bad taste in my mouth and went over to the sink, pouring the rest of the blood out. I just lost my appetite. Maybe I'll get to feed off of a human tonight. "What's the matter?" He asked me curiously.

"Hey Killian~ Want to go to a park with me?" I heard a guy ask as he walked into the kitchen. "We could go to that park we went to last time." Killian's eyes lit up in excitement and he sat the bowl down before he walked up to the male.

"Sure," he said excitedly. "I'd love to go again A'slin," he purred.

"G-great, can we leave the kitchen?" I heard A'slin asking as he yanked Killian out of the room.

"U-uhmm, I guess? What's wrong?" I heard Killian asking as he was pulled out of the room.

"My uncle Sylar gives me the chills," I heard A'slin whispering. I squeezed the bottle and dropped it in the sink. Little spawn of the devil.

"Why?" I heard Killian ask innocently then moaned. "You smell good...."

"Because he just does-" I suddenly smelled A'slin's blood then and heard a thud.

"KILLIAN! You said you would tell me when you were craving me!" I heard my first born nephew shriek.

"KILLIAN!" I heard Rei yell. "A'SLIN! YOU TWO BETTER NOT BE FEEDING FROM EACH OTHER!" I heard Killian yelp and scrambled feet.

"S-sorry," he told A'slin. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you too bad? I couldn't help it. You just smelled so good, and I was so close already," he told him worriedly. I felt my stomach hurt and suddenly puke came rushing up my throat at the smell of the blood. I leaned into the sink as quick as I could and turned on the water. I groaned softly as I puked up the blood I just drunk.

"Yeah, but you- YOU little ghoul! I told you to tell me before you go to bite me. You owe me now!" A'slin growled out. "That's right. Go work your butt into the kitchen and get me a bottle of blood so I can heal faster."

"I did warn you though. I said you smelled good," Killian whined then walked back into the kitchen. He licked his lips and moaned in delight at the taste still on them as he went over to the refrigerator. I turned the water off and rubbed my lips clean before glancing over at him.

"What happened to your bowl of human?" I asked.

"Uhhmmmm... It's over there?" He looked over to the counter where he had abandoned it. He looked at it hungrily then. "A'slin! Come in here and drink your blood! I'm going to eat that bowl of meat I have so I don't eat you~" A'slin stumbled into the room then, holding a bloody shoulder as he snatched the blood from Killian and started to down it. I groaned at the smell of his blood and leaned back into the sink, puking up more blood. I turned the water back on and shivered. I formed another clone then. He started to rub my back for me to give me comfort. "I'm sorry I bit you," Killian mumbled sadly to him. "Can I at least lick it though while it heals? Or... never mind. I shouldn't ask. I'd end up biting you again," he told A'slin and laughed nervously, starting to walk off from him quickly. A'slin finished off his bottle of blood and threw it away before glancing over at me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"I SMELLED YOUR BLOOD! Are you okay?! Did he bite you?!" Silas ran into the room quickly and went over to A'slin before she growled. "KILLIAN! YOU LITTLE-! THAT'S MY SON! YOU CAN'T BITE MY SON!" She snarled at Killian and started for him. "You can't keep biting him! I won't let you hang out near my children if you keep trying to eat them!" I caught another wave of A'slin's scent mixed with Silas and leaned back into the sink, puking.

"Mom! It's totally cool! I let him bite me." A'slin slipped out the lie. "Yeah~ I let him bite me because he was hungry and I can easily heal." Silas paused then looked towards A'slin in confusion.

"A'slin, baby, why would you let him bite you? You could get seriously hurt," she told him and walked back over to him, tugging on his shirt to look at the bite wound and tsked. Killian shrunk back into the counter with his bowl and quickly ate another bite as he eyed the wound down hungrily. I felt my clone rub my back some more and grabbed my hair for me, holding it out of my face.

"What? Are you seriously going to give me this talk? I know what I'm doing. It's not like Killian can overpower me," A'slin scoffed. Silas took in a deep breath then nodded.

"Please be a little more careful though. You're my first child, and I love you so very much," she purred to him then kissed his cheek. "I'll let it go though since how you said you let Killian."

"Great~ We're just going to stick around the castle tonight and watch Twilight. You want to join?"

"I've got to go talk to Dmitri actually- about that outpost he got," Silas told her son and smiled then glanced my way. "Sylar~ You okay? You've been puking so much." She started for me then to check on me. I turned the water off quickly and turned around to face her before crawling up onto the counter.

"What? I'm fine!" I told her.

"EVERY SYLAR FOR HIMSELF!" My clone yelled and took off running. Silas frowned and watched my clone take off running.

"Yeaaaahh... you're fine. I don't believe that. Are your fangs intact? Did someone take them? Is that why you're puking?" She asked worriedly and reached up, touching my lip to move it up to see my fangs. I felt something snap in me then at her touch and a few clones appeared around her before grabbing her and holding her back from me. I smacked her hand hard, giving her a snarl.

"Don't touch me," I hissed. "I don't want girl germs." She widened her eyes and pulled her hand back quickly.

"Sylar...." She gave me a hurt look then. I could tell she knew exactly what was wrong with me then. "I'm sorry I touched you," she whispered and looked down at her feet, not fighting my clones that were holding her as a small tear slipped down her cheek. "I didn't mean to make you upset." I glared her down before slipping down the counter and jumped off. I walked off toward the door and had my clones disappear.

"Yeah, you should be..." I mumbled and went out into the hall.

"What was that about?" I heard Killian ask softly, sounding worried.

"Don't worry about it Killian," I heard Silas telling him. "Alright boys, don't eat each other. Have fun tonight while you watch Twilight~ I'm going to go see Dmitri. Love you A'slin," I heard her purr to her child, covering it up. I rubbed my throat as I walked out to the nearby garage. How disgusting. I try avoiding one person and end up running into them while trying to escape the very place we're staying at together. I groaned at the taste in my mouth before slipping into the back seat of the car and curled up.

"There he is," my clone purred to Colsin.

"Hey sweetie, you alright?" I heard him ask me lovingly. "Do you want me to come back there? You look like you were sick... and I smell puke on you."

"Sorry," I mumbled. "I got a stomach ache while drinking some blood.... I think it was spoiled. Can I have some of yours?" I asked and looked at him. He gave me a kind smile and nodded.

"Yeah, of course." He unbuckled from his seat and crawled into the back with me before he started to pull me into his lap. I gave him a loving purr as I leaned up into his neck and bit down, starting to drink his sweet blood. He moaned at my bite and tilted his head for me, rubbing my back comfortingly. "There you go," he said sweetly and kissed my cheek. "I love you Sylar~"

"I love you too," my clone mused out up front. I started to feast on his blood that reminded me of when we first met.... How he scooped me up and took me to town- hiding me in the safety of an abandoned building. He rubbed my back and kissed my cheek again before he gave me a sweet growl and rubbed my thigh a little. I pulled back as my stomach evened out and my throat wasn't as sore. I looked him in the eyes.

"I ran into one of my nephews today," I mumbled. "The one called A'slin... and Silas." He frowned then and gave an upset growl.

"Did Silas say something to you?" He asked me and held me close. "I know he upsets you." He gave me a concerned look and rubbed my cheek.

"No... She was just in there," I grumbled. "Why is Silas still a female? They're not having Children anymore." The very thought just upsets me. Rei having children with Silas. Did that rat even ask what Silas wanted? "I hate him," I grumbled.

"Silas or his mate?" He asked me softly and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Both of them," I mumbled. He nodded to me and gave me a kiss.

"Well you have me," he told me softly. "We can go get lost together and ditch them if you want.... We can run away back to the Rosario castle tomorrow night... or we could go on a trip around the world- just us."

"Let's go on a trip," I said and got excited. "You'd do it for me right? Forget about your pack and run away with me for a trip around the world?" I gave him a loving look as I thought about all the places we could see. He gave me a sweet smile.

"Yeah~ I would~ If the alpha kicks me out for it, I'll just make you my alpha," he told me and gave me a passionate kiss. "I want to make you happy. Let's see the world~!"

"Yes! We could go to Russia first! Then work our way down the planet."

"I'd love that~" He told me and kissed me again. "I want to see England too as well as Russia~ I bet the snow in Russia is fun to play in~" He laughed and gave me the most loving, adoring look I had ever seen him give me. His eyes were lit up in excitement at going somewhere with me, and it seemed like the rest of our surroundings were falling away for him as he looked at me and only me, looking deep into my eyes. He gave me a sweet growl as his eyes twinkled a little in playfulness and he leaned in, kissing me deeply.

"Steak house~ Here we are," I heard my clone say as the car suddenly stopped. "So I get a plate too right?" I pulled away from kissing Colsin.

"No, because you are me." I tsked at him. Colsin looked towards me and smiled.

"Are you going to make him disappear while we eat?" He asked me softly then looked towards my clone. He held me close and kissed my cheek. I nodded and had him disappear as I climbed out of the back seat, holding the door open for Colsin. He got out and grabbed my hand, shutting the door for us and stole another kiss before he laughed in excitement and started to pull me towards the door to the steak house. "Let's get some food~"


Colsin pulled me through a crowd of humans to a bouncer at the back near a door and smiled. "Hey, we want in," he told him as the humans raved behind us with glow sticks and paint being splashed everywhere. The bouncer eyed him down.

"Only special people can get back here boys," he told him and smirked. Colsin tsked and then flashed his eyes to his wolfish form. The bouncer laughed and nodded. "Another pup, alright, come on in. Make sure to behave. No fighting with other packs, got it," he warned Colsin who nodded eagerly and rushed past him as the bouncer opened the door. We were greeted by flashing colored lights and supernaturals dancing and mingling with each other. They were showing off their supernatural side too, not having anything to hide back here. Vampires walked around with exposed fangs and a few were hunting down some prey, moving up behind them and moving their hair out of the way. Some werewolves were turned into their wolf forms and were laying on couches in the corner of the room. A few sirens were walking around with trays of food and drinks, offering them to the supernaturals. It was heaven for those who didn't like hiding. I widened my eyes in surprise before taking a drink off of a tray and gave the siren a wink.

"Thank you," I purred to her. She smirked at me and gave me a luring look before she offered one to Colsin who took it and smiled. She raised an eyebrow and walked away, going to a few more people. He took a sip of it and moaned.

"This is absolutely divine," he purred happily. He looked towards me then and gave me a playful growl. "Dance with me~" He grabbed my hand and took me to the edge of the dance floor, taking another sip of his drink before he started to sway his hips to the beat of the loud music. He kissed my neck and  moved a little closer to me as he ran his free hand down to my waist. I purred in amusement as I exposed my fangs and leaned down into his neck, licking it. He moaned a little and tilted his head as he moved up against me and grinded against me a little with the movement of his body as he danced in front of me. I gasped at the touch of his body before giving his neck a small kiss. My little mate... He's not so little anymore. He moved to kiss my lips then before he pulled his face back from mine and took another sip of his drink. He gave me a playful look then leaned in and kissed my neck. "I love you," he whispered in my ear.

"You're lucky I'm dancing with you," I told him as I took a sip of mine.

"Do you not like dancing with me?" He asked me. I could hear the frown he was giving me as he practically almost stopped moving in front of me.

"Of course I do," I purred. "I just don't like dancing." I finished off the drink and gave his lips a kiss. He smiled then and kissed me back.

"We could go find a back room instead of dancing if you want~" He teased me. "They have those vampire feeding rooms~ Or we could socialize with others if you want," he told me and finished his drink.

"Let's socialize, we don't get to do this often." I looked around for someone friendly to talk to. He nodded and looked around curiously before his eyes landed on a vampire drinking off to the side with a small wolf laying its head in his lap. Aw! I grabbed his hand and tugged Colsin over to the guy. I sat down next to him and placed the empty glass on the coffee table in front of us. The werewolf picked up his head and looked towards Colsin, wagging it's tail. Colsin smiled hugely at the wolf then transformed into his wolf, giving a small bark as he wagged his tail and walked up, laying his head on the couch next to the wolf as he began to smell it. The vampire laughed a little and rubbed the small wolf on his head.

"Looks like you're attracting attention," he purred at the wolf then leaned down and kissed it's head. The small wolf looked up at him and gave a small growl, perking his ears up then yawned. The vampire looked towards me then and smirked. "So, are you mated to the wolf that is smelling my young mate?" He asked me and raised an eyebrow. "Or do you just like taking wolves around?"

"Mated. So this is your mate?" I asked and got excited. Another person like me... mated to a wolf. "My older brother is mated to a werewolf as well." He laughed and nodded.

"It's nice when you have friends who are mated to wolves. It makes it easier," he told me and purred in delight. "She recently found me when she turned, having interrupted one of my feeding sessions nearby." The wolf gave another playful growl and nipped at his hands. He purred at her and scooped her up, giving her a loving look. "This is Cassie and I'm Percival," he told me, looking back to me. Colsin jumped up on the couch and sat beside me, looking at Cassie in interest. I looked down at Cassie, feeling curious.

"Wow... It's great to meet you both. Colsin and I practically lived in the same castle for years before we realized we were mates. My name is Sylar." He nodded and then rubbed behind his mate's ears.

"It's nice to meet you Sylar," he told me and then watched as Cassie jumped out of his arms and went over me, growling playfully at Colsin then tackled him, gnawing on his ear as she yanked him down into a laying position. Colsin yelped and laid his ears back, trying to get away from her jaws. "Cassie, don't gnaw on him."

"He can take it," I purred and watched them. "He's a great werewolf. He hunts deer while I sleep."

"Deer are fun," Colsin told me and looked up at me, wagging his tail but was then knocked off the couch as the younger wolf barked at him then tackled him again, starting to play with him.

"Cassie has only managed bunnies," Percival told me and laughed. "She's a young teenager though. She'll catch a deer one day."

"One day," I agreed. I looked the vampire over in interest. "So do you live around here?"

"Yeah, I live a few blocks away actually, in an apartment," he told me and watched as the two wolves ran off, playing with each other. I saw a few wolves jumping down off of the couches and going after them, playing chase. I purred as I watched Colsin.

"I live in the Rosario castle... I'm visiting Kingsley." I looked at the vampire then. He whistled then in amazement.

"Kingsley huh? I've heard he's pretty cool." He laughed and then yelped when Cassie jumped up into his lap and let out a howl. Colsin quickly howled back at her and ran up, jumping into the vampire's lap and barreled his weight into the poor guy as he went after the vampire's mate. I laughed as I watched them.

"Yeah.... Kingsley is almost like family to me now..." I trailed off as I pulled Colsin into my lap to give the poor guy a chance. Colsin let out a whine and looked up at me then licked my cheek. Cassie gave him a playful look and growled at him.

"I'm not licked!" Colsin said quickly, laying his ears back.

"Cassie, that wasn't nice," the vampire scolded the little wolf, hearing her but not Colsin as I heard Colsin but not Cassie. I smirked.

"You two better behave," I warned. The little wolf looked up at Percival and whined then looked at Colsin who got a smug look on his face.

"Hah! You're in trouble," Colsin teased her. The little wolf growled and laid her ears back then tackled him out of my lap. I watched them and bit my bottom lip.

"He asked for it," I mumbled. Colsin yelped and squirmed, but she quickly got ahold of his throat, making him go limp. Percival frowned and scooped her up.

"Don't do that," he told her and tapped her on the nose.

"Colsin," I whispered and gave him a smile. "Don't get us kicked out."

"I didn't do anything though!" He whined at me and laid his ears back. He sulked and crawled into my lap, nuzzling my hand onto his head with his nose as he got up under it.

"Don't look so down. You just made a friend," I whispered. He looked up towards me and perked his ears up before he licked my hand and nuzzled his head against my stomach.

"They're very loving," I heard Percival mumble as he rubbed Cassie's head and watched us with a small smile. "Werewolf mates are special...."

"Because they respect mates more than our kind do," I whispered. "They wait their whole life sometimes for a mate... while we are more careless."

"Yeah, you're very lucky to have gotten a werewolf mate," he told me and smiled. "I haven't been more happy since I met Cassie~"

"That's lovely to hear... You're lucky to have found her." I gave a small purr to him. He nodded then looked at me.

"So what brought you here?" He asked me curiously. "All the way from Kingsley's?"

"Actually we heard about this place so we decided to come take a look," I explained. "It was dull at Kingsley's castle..."

"Makes sense~ It's a castle after all," he told me and laughed, rubbing behind her ears. She melted against him and laid down in his lap, closing her eyes in content. Colsin laughed a little as he watched her and wagged his tail. I nodded and looked towards a siren walking by.

"Excuse me miss," I called out for her. I managed to grab her attention. "Could you get me a margarita?" She nodded my way and walked off to get it done. Colsin watched her go before he sat up in my lap and licked my face. He jumped off my lap and started to go towards the werewolves laying down, talking to them as he wagged his tail. He seemed to be enjoying himself, and Cassie got up, abandoning her mate to go with Colsin. A human girl with a few scars on her neck walked up towards us and smiled.

"Hello, the bartender sent me over to make sure that you two didn't want any blood. I'm currently free if you do," she told us and smiled sweetly.

"I wouldn't mind," I purred. "I do need some blood actually." An offering! She nodded and then reached for my hand.

"Do you need privacy?" She asked me softly. "There are rooms if you do."

"No. I'm comfortable with biting you here," I told her and exposed my fangs. She nodded and sat down beside me, exposing her neck as she moved her hair away from it then tilted her head.

"Then go ahead~ Don't take too much though. It's against the rules to kill," she warned me.

"I know it is," I purred and leaned down into her neck before sinking my fangs in. I adjusted my body to make myself more comfortable. She kept a moan in and leaned her head back against the couch, relaxing as her delicious blood flowed easily, her heart staying steady.

"I think it's nice that they do that for free," Percival whispered. "Not many places have it set up that way... where you can drink from a human for free." I moaned at the taste of her blood, wondering what it would be like if every human was this cooperative. Another girl walked up then and offered herself to Percival who accepted and started to drink from her wrist instead of her neck. Cassie came back and jumped into his lap as he fed, watching them closely. I pulled back from the girl I was drinking from and looked her over.

"Thank you," I whispered to her. She nodded and gave me a kind smile.

"You're welcome. Tell the bartender if you need anything okay?" She asked me then got to her feet, pulling a scarf around her neck to hide my bite. Colsin came back and sat in the floor in front of me, watching me with a curious look. I watched her and nodded.

"Yes, of course. I did ask for a margarita," I told her. "From a siren." I motioned for Colsin to get into my lap. He looked at me, pleased about it, and jumped into my lap quickly. The girl nodded.

"I'll go check on it for you," she promised me and walked off in the direction of the bar. Percival pulled back from his human and smiled.

"Thank you. You're so very appreciated," he purred to her and rubbed Cassie's head. "It's really nice that you do this for vampires. I hope you have a good night." She giggled and got to her feet.

"Thanks~ I will try! Hey Sammy! Wait up!" She ran after the human I had fed off of and giggled. I started to rub Colsin behind his ear.

"Did you have a nice talk?" I asked, referring to the wolves he went to talk to.

"Uh huh! That's a pack that's traveling to Canada," he told me and wagged his tail. "Their alpha wanted to travel and dragged them with him. They're from Georgia," he told me and nuzzled his head against me. "They were a little weirded out though by us being mated though. They haven't run into many wolves mated to vampires. Their pack doesn't have any werewolves mated outside of species yet."

"Well maybe it'll happen in Canada," I whispered. It could happen. They must be doing something for a pack treaty.

"Possibly," he told me and wagged his tail. "They're excited though to go see Canada."

"I bet," I purred. "We'll go to Canada on our travels." He nodded then licked my cheek. He growled playfully at me then and nipped at my nose. Cassie yawned in Percival's lap and looked up at him, barking towards him. He nodded then.

"Yeah, let's get you home," he told her and got to his feet. "We don't want your parents biting my head off for keeping you out at a club so late," he purred to her then looked at me. "I've got to go take her home. It was nice meeting you- Oh, here. You can have my number if you'd like." He handed me a card with his number on it and grinned. "It's not everyday you find someone who has a werewolf mate too." He laughed and held her close as he started to walk towards the doors.

"I'll call you!" I told him and placed the card in my pocket. I smiled as a siren brought me the margarita and I took a swallow from it, watching her walk away. Colsin looked towards my drink then snuck his head up my shirt and licked my stomach as he wagged his tail. I heard him sneeze before he licked me again. I laughed and squirmed from his touch, spilling some of the alcohol onto me. "Colsin! Your tongue!" He gave me a playful growl and licked me again before he sniffed me and pulled his head out of my shirt and put his paws up on my chest, laying his ears back as he looked at me then licked my chin. I tsked at him before taking a sip of my drink.

He watched me before he got a playful look in his eyes and snuck his head back up my shirt, licking near the top of my pants. I frowned and grabbed his head, pulling it out. "Behave," I warned. He looked at me and licked my hand, calming down as he laid down in my lap. He stretched out and twitched his ears as he closed his eyes, looking happy. I finished off my drink and put the glass by his snout to mess with him. He growled and then licked the inside of the glass before he pulled away from it and looked at me as he sat up in my lap.

He transformed back into his human form and wrapped his arms around me, laughing a little. I blushed a bright red as I looked him over. Man, I forgot about his clothes. "Bae," I whispered. "Your clothes." He blushed then and quickly was a wolf again. I heard a few wolves howling at him to mess with him and he laid his ears back, shrinking down against me. I laughed and kissed the top of his head. "Round up your clothes and go to the restroom with them, silly." He nodded and got out of my lap, going towards his clothes on the floor and began to pick them up in his jaws. I saw a few of the wolves eyeing him down as he did, watching him as he went to the bathroom and disappeared into it.

I watched the wolves before getting up and going to the bar. I sat down next to a girl and sat the glass down. "Margarita," I told the bartender. The bartender smiled and made me another glass of it. Colsin sat down beside me, dressed again as the glass was put in front of me again.

"There you go," he purred at me and winked before he moved on to his next customer. I looked at Colsin and smiled.

"You want to do anything while we're out in town?" I asked as I took a sip of my drink.

"Can we go get this new game I want? I've been looking at it for awhile now. It'd be fun to play it while you're asleep and I'm not hunting," he told me excitedly.

"Sure. We'll go to Walmart and get the game for you," I suggested and finished off my drink. I sat it down before getting to my feet. He nodded and got to his feet, grabbing my hand with a sweet look.

"Thank you~" He told me and kissed my cheek. "Tonight has been so wonderful so far! I can't wait to travel with you too!" He laughed happily and started to pull me towards the doors. I laughed and followed him, bringing his hand up to my mouth and gave it a kiss.

"You're welcome." He looked at me and blushed.

"I love you so much," he whispered to me and then wrapped an arm around my waist, pulling me close. He smiled and kissed my neck before he started to take me outside the place. He glanced around and looked towards the moon with a small smile and started to take me towards the car. "The moon is really pretty.... It's going to be full soon," he mumbled under his breath and then looked towards me. "Would you like to come with me when I hunt on the full moon? You can ride on my back and I'll be careful with you-"

"There we are! I told you we'd find one soon," I heard a girl purr from behind us. Colsin widened his eyes and looked over his shoulder towards two girls- twins who were standing on the side walk. One of them smirked and pulled out a gun- the one who had talked. "We've got a vampire and a werewolf~" She aimed the gun down at me and quickly pulled the trigger, aiming for my heart. Colsin was suddenly in front of me and grunted as her gun smoked a little. He crumbled to the ground, holding his chest as he let out a small cry of pain and fell over into the ground face first. The girl tsked. "Shit, I didn't think he'd get in the way." I felt my heart skip a beat as I widened my eyes and looked towards Colsin.

"COLSIN!" I yelled and got to my knees and tried to cover up his bullet wound. "No," I begged. I looked up at the twins. "Are you fucking stupid?" I asked them. I multiplied myself then and watched as my clones went after them quickly to kill them.

"What... the-" I heard the second twin say as she pulled out a gun. "There's more of him!"

"Fuck! Lavender, let's get out of here," the one who shot my mate said quickly. She yanked her sister away and made a break for it, shooting at my clones to keep them back. Colsin groaned in my arms and put his hand over his chest, squeezing his eyes shut in pain. He coughed then, spitting up blood as it trickled down his chin. I looked him over and rubbed his cheek.

"Colsin?" I asked and smacked it. "Stay with me." He opened his eyes and looked up at me and whimpered.

"S-Sylar," he whispered then held my hand tightly. He looked to be struggling, and I could see the light in his eyes starting to dim. He coughed again and wheezed as he found it hard to breath, his hand shaking slightly as he held onto my hand tightly. I could smell his fear rolling off him. He was scared of dying.... I widened my eyes and started to dig out the bullet.

"I'll save you," I promised him. He shrieked and arched his back, tearing at my hands.

"S-stop! STOP!" He begged me, starting to cry as tears fell down his face. I stopped then and started to cry. I looked him over before biting down into my wrist to make him drink my blood at least. He whimpered as I pressed my wrist up to his lips and started to cough up his blood again, puking some of it up. He panted and held his chest tightly before he looked up at me weakly. "S-Sylar, I... I love you," he told me, getting pale. "I-I'm glad you're safe," he whispered and then reached up, touching my cheek with his bloody hand.

"Colsin?" I asked in confusion and rubbed his cheek. "Please drink my blood." He looked towards it then obediently licked it. He whimpered as he tasted it, wrinkling his nose up but started to drink from my wrist. I could see his blood staining his shirt, blossoming out on it and getting his chest drenched. He wasn't doing well at all. It looked so close to his heart. He coughed again, spitting up my blood and then his breath hitched and he struggled to breath. It must've pierced his lung.... "I have to take the bullet out," I whispered to him and tore open his shirt. He looked towards my hands in a panic and gripped my shirt, burying his face into it as his pulse quickened.

I could see his chest shaking as it struggled to breath and live.... I reached into the wound, trying to get the bullet for him. He shrieked and tensed up, crying out in pain. He screamed and I could feel his heart giving out, his blood rushing up against my hand. He stopped breathing, his grip loosening on my shirt. I widened my eyes and took my hand out, shaking his body. "Colsin!" I yelled. His eyes looked up at me dimly, and he started to close his eyes, unable to keep them open as he suffocated in his lungs. I could hear his heart suddenly cut off, his body going limp in my hands as his head fell back. I widened my eyes and started for the bullet anyways, yanking it out. I forced my blood down his throat as I shook his body. "Colsin," I whined. His body started to go cold, his face peaceful looking like he was asleep, but he was dead... gone....

The door opened to the club and a few werewolves stumbled out, laughing but stopped as they saw us. "Oh shit," one of the boys said.

"It's that little black wolf," another said, eyes wide.

"What happened?" A taller male asked and growled, looking outraged at the sight of my dead mate. I looked up at them, feeling my body go a little numb. I shook my head and picked Colsin up, standing slowly with him.

"Hunters," I whispered. "That's what happened." The taller one snarled then.

"Get my beta," he told one of the boys. The boy quickly went back into the club. "Sniff out the hunters. They need to be brought to justice- killing an innocent wolf." The werewolves nodded and transformed, letting out howls and started to run off after the scents. He looked towards me and then at Colsin, shaking his head slightly. "I'm sorry about your mate vampire. He seemed like a decent wolf.... We have a legend though... that werewolves can sometimes be reincarnated if the moon goddess deems it so. She might bring him back to you in another form," he whispered to me. "It's never been proven, and the moon goddess hasn't told me about it, but at least there's that slight chance."

"Yeah," I whispered. "But he's dead in this form..." I trailed off as I looked him over. "I forgot to tell him I loved him." He tensed and then looked towards Colsin's dead body. He took a shaky breath then.

"I could... talk to the moon goddess if you'd like... ask her to send you him in your dreams tomorrow morning so that you can speak with him again."

"That would be sweet of you," I whispered. "I'm going to take him home to his pack..." I frowned as I started for my car.

"Please give his alpha my condolences," he told me and looked at Colsin sadly, shaking his head. "It's such a shame. He was so sweet for a wolf outside my pack...." Some more wolves came out of the club then and he turned to them. "We're going to hunt down some hunters. I'll explain later," he growled and they took off, running after the rest of his pack. I watched them before looked down at Colsin and kissed his cheek before placing him in my car. I got into the front seat and started the trip back home that would take me a while to accomplish. At least I will be able to grieve alone.