Another Mate for Alfarus

Dragon King's POV:

I looked down into the night dragon's eyes. He's a healthy dragon, very strong looking.... He'd be able to protect my hoard... and I can smell his riches on him. He'd add lots into my hoard~ I don't want to be betrayed by accepting another dragon into my nest. My dragon mates went through a lot to get where they are, and Lilith is my most trusted mate. He won't even be able to bare me children unless I get a wizard into my hoard. "How long have you waited outside my hoard?" I asked him. It's just starting mating season. He's looking for the most powerful mate he can get, and if it means he can have the most powerful mate even if he's going to be under that mate for the rest of his life and have to be obedient, I know that I'd be at the top of his list. I'm at the top of the list for many single dragons. That doesn't mean I let them in my nests though. They have to intrigue me.... He's a night dragon though, and those are kind of rare to find, and they're very powerful....

"Just today, after I found it. I caught your scent near it... Probably from taking that new one into your hoard," he purred to me. "Am I correct? He's new isn't he? He won't be able to please you like I will though. Not until a decade from now." He's right.... Hesper is too young to mate with me.

"He is new," I told him and looked him over. I gave my scent off huh? I guess dragons will be finding my hoard a little easier this mating season.... He seems to be serious about this. If worse comes to worse, I can kill him. I purred and licked his neck, wanting to see his reaction. Does he not want to find a female mate for his hoard? Would he really want to become one of my mates and lose his own private hoard?

"How precious.... You must be raising him up to be comfortable with you," he purred in my ear. "You naughty king," he teased. "You went to the human world just to get him."

"Did not," I growled. I went looking for a wizard and spotted that beautiful vampire with gold all over him laying out for the taking. I didn't get that wizard I wanted though.... I'll have to go back when mating season is over to avoid unwanted dragons showing up on my doorstep.

"You didn't?" He asked and frowned in confusion. "Were you looking for me then?"

"No, I was looking for a wizard to expand the power of my hoard," I told him then purred. "I'll take you into my hoard, but don't disappoint me or anger me. I won't tolerate it. All my mates have earned my trust, including the new one. If you're not completely open to me..." I trailed off, letting him imagine what I would do to him. He's a lot older than Hesper, and he's a dragon. I wouldn't tolerate anything from him.

"Of course.... you won't regret me," he promised. "I'll have my treasure brought over immediately and then we'll start our little mating season." I looked him over before I leaned in and bit down into him, letting my mark on him this time. I pulled back and then crawled off him before I looked towards Hesper.

"Little mate, we're going inside. I don't want someone else to show up," I purred to him, wanting to protect my younger, more vulnerable mate. I went over to him and scooped him up in my jaws then looked at the newer addition to see how he was taking the marking. I swear... I'm going to have tons of mates before I die.... He's the last one I take for the next couple of mating seasons. He was purring and rubbing his head against the ground.

"But I didn't get to play," Hesper whined. I sat him on my back.

"Don't worry~ I'll let you outside again tomorrow. I don't think it's safe right now though for you. If they're smelling me and coming to my hoard, it won't be safe," I purred to him. "I'll let you play near a lake tomorrow."

"A lake?" He asked in excitement. "Is there a waterfall?" He let out a small purr.

"Yeah, there's a waterfall on the other side of the mountain," I told him sweetly then looked towards newbie. "You better keep up." I gave him a dominate growl to mess with him before I flew up towards my hoard and landed in it. I took Hesper to his nest and sat him down in it with his human. Hesper looked around with a small disappointment on his face. I heard the night dragon fly in and let out a purr. I licked Hesper's face to cheer him up. "You can lay down with Lilith and let her tell you about eggs," I purred to him. "You can ask her anything you want~"

"But she'll put oils on me!" He whined. "The girl dragons are scary."

"They won't put oils on you," I told him then looked towards my girls. "Girls, don't put oils on Hesper until he's of age," I purred at them.

"Awwww~ I thought it would please you," Lakota, the green dragon, purred to me. I purred back.

"Yes, it did, but it makes him uncomfortable. He can be introduced to oils when he's ready to mate." I looked towards the new dragon then. "Choose a place for your nest and make it. I trust you can make one yourself," I told him then looked down at my little mate. "You're safe to go lay with them. They won't do anything," I told him then licked his head before I headed towards my nest. I heard my new mate starting to make a nest, purring softly as he played in the coins.

"Can't I come with you?" Hesper asked. I paused then looked over towards him.

"You can come join me unless he comes back there," I told him and purred, glancing towards the new dragon. I'll need to mate with him before he gets upset. Besides, my mates don't go long without me mating with them when they first enter my nest.

"I'll be okay. I'm going to bring my riches over here. Hesper can spend a little time with you," my new mate told me. Hesper ran up to me then and grabbed one of my wings. I purred at him and lifted my wing to mess with him.

"Alright, don't get stolen away," I told the dragon then carried Hesper back to my nest. I sat him down in the middle before I looked at him and curled up. "Do you prefer me in your form?" I asked him, wanting to make him more comfortable with me. He moved under my wing and I could feel him resting against my warm side.

"I love dragons," he purred out to me sweetly. "Dragons are cool." I heard him playing with his bracelets. So I'll use a combination of both with him.... I purred to him softly, letting my body rumble as I laid my head back to let him rest.

"Dragons are cool," I murmured to him. I felt him running his fingers across my side before going up to touch my attached wing. I purred loudly, liking the feel of it and then lifted my wing, licking his cheek. He grabbed my face then before pushing it back as he giggled. I purred at him and then nuzzled my head against him anyways. He laughed and fell over. I heard him purring to me. I watched him in amusement before I licked him again and gently pulled him to my chest. I started to heat up the fire in my chest for him, wanting to keep him warm. He curled up against my chest and ran his fingers against my scales.

I purred to him softly and laid my head down by him, watching him out of the corner of my eyes. If his family shows up looking for him... I'll have to chase them off.... I'm not letting them take him back. I caught him fair and square, and he obviously wants to stay here with me. He's safe here anyways.... His jewelry clattered on his body as he began to play with it. I flickered my eyes to it before I leaned in and purred, nuzzling my head against his body, rubbing my scales against his chest. He'll grow up to be a great mate for my hoard. I heard Lilith call to me from the entrance, purring slightly. I picked my head up from him and called back to her immediately, watching over my shoulder as she entered then shifted into a human form, her golden curls bouncing as she ran up to us and gave me a sweet, loving smile.

"I'm ready to measure him now," she told me happily and looked towards him. She walked up after I laid my head down and gently took him from me, standing him up as she began to measure him, committing it to memory. He blushed as he watched her taking measurements.

"Can I lay down now?" He asked her every five seconds. She laughed in amusement as she finished up then pulled away.

"You may lay down now," she told him and smiled. "We'll have your kimono ready for you tomorrow." He laid back down from where he was snatched away from me. She giggled and looked towards me.

"He's going to make an excellent mate, my love," she told me then kissed my head gently. I looked at her and purred, licking her stomach. She giggled and hugged my head. "They're going to hatch this week," she whispered to me and rubbed my head. "Our babies will be running around the hoard~" That'll be nice... having my baby hatchlings playing in the gold their father collected and hoarded. She'll be giving me more eggs soon too. Hesper's jewelry clattered together as he moved around against my chest. I pulled my head back from her then to look at him.

"Hesper," I purred, rolling his name off my tongue. He'll love it when he's older. "You'll play with the hatchlings, won't you?" Lilith looked towards my younger mate curiously, watching him.

"Uh....Ummm.... As long as they don't eat me," he said sweetly.

"They won't eat you," I promised him. Lilith giggled and got up, racing out of the nest to go back to hers where her eggs were. I glanced over my shoulder to where she disappeared then looked back at Hesper and leaned in, licking his stomach and nuzzled him onto his back. He let out a huff as he landed on it before he rubbed under my chin. I purred at him, pleased at the affection he was showing then rubbed my head up against his stomach slowly, getting my scent on him as my scales lightly scratched his skin. I licked up from his stomach then, going up to his chin then looked down into his eyes before I rubbed my head and neck against his cheek to smother him with my scent. His hand fell down beside him, his golden charms clattered at his movement.

I purred then pulled back, putting my arm over him and laid my head down, closing my eyes to get in a small period of rest. I felt him crawling off and moving away, going towards the edge of the nest. I heard him start to play in the gold. I opened my eyes a crack to watch him curiously, watching him explore my nest back here. I might be spoiling him too much... letting him sleep back here with me. I won't ever have the nest to myself at this rate. He giggled as he went towards a huge treasure chest and opened it up, digging out the treasure inside. I glanced him over before I looked towards the entrance, wondering if that dragon was back yet. I slowly got up and left him, going out to the main part of my hoard and glanced around for the night dragon. He was still gone though but some treasure had been already brought in. I looked towards Lakota and went up to her.

"When he gets back, take Kisha and go with him to help him move his hoard into mine," I instructed. She purred and nodded, rolling over in her nest and rubbed her head up against the gold sheets.

"Of course my king~" She told me happily. I purred and licked her as a reward for her obedience then went over to the night dragon's nest and smelled it curiously. I could smell he was a dragon that lived alone for a long time. He probably was preparing for a season like this. I looked his nest over and nuzzled my head against one of the pillows before I pulled back. He must be really dedicated to finding the most powerful mate he can to give up finding a female mate to put in his hoard. He's pretty much given himself to me like a female... giving me his entire hoard just to mate with me for all his life. I walked over to the entrance and looked out, making sure that there wasn't any other dragons below at the bottom of the hill, waiting to pounce on any of us for mating season.

I didn't want any surprises like him again. I could smell a sundragon nearby, lingering around his scent. There was a few calls coming from the forest already. The mating season was definitely kicking in. I hissed lightly. I shouldn't take Hesper to the lake tomorrow. I don't want another mate in my hoard right now, not with two new ones getting used to it. I should chase them off.... I looked the field over before I glided down to it and landed in it, letting out a sharp growl to threaten nearby dragons. They shouldn't be so close to my hoard....

I heard it grow dead silent from my growl. I glanced around and turned my head slightly to check the surroundings. I relaxed after it stayed silent for a bit then stretched my wings, enjoying the dying light of the sun before I flew back to my hoard in satisfaction. I went over to the night dragon's nest again and purred, deciding to mess with him as I laid down in his nest and began to rub my scent all over it with an amused purr. I heard the girls laughing a little as they watched me. I heard Hesper coming out of my nest, crawling his way out almost. I sat up in the night dragon's nest and looked towards him.

"What are you doing?" I asked him, growling a bit. I thought he wanted to be in my nest. He looked towards me.

"Finding you," he said innocently. I lifted my head up a bit and watched him.

"Finding me?" I kept back a purr of approval and started to move towards him, giving him a playful growl. He sure is going to be a handful when he's older. Good. Taking him was worth it. He widened his eyes before running back to my nest. I went after him and quickly pinned him down under my claws when I caught him in my nest. I growled sweetly at him and then nipped at his hair lightly. He giggled as he pushed my face away from him.

"No fair!" He whined.

"No fair?" I purred and then shifted into a human. "Is it fairer now little mate?" I asked him and smirked. He looked me over before nodding slightly.

"More fair," he told me. I smirked and then pulled him to me, running my fingers through his hair. I rubbed his cheek with my thumb then gently touched his lips.

"There we go," I murmured to him, looking him in the eyes before I leaned in to his neck and gave it a small kiss. He'll be used to me by the time he comes of age to mate with me. I won't have to work him into crawling into my nest and mating with me. He'll be used to being near me and getting attention. I felt his heart racing a little as I gave him a kiss. He rested a hand by my jaw then, his jewelry clattering after him. I listened to his heart racing and smiled happily before I started to give him another love bite on his neck to reward him for not running away. He let out a small moan and grabbed at my chest, pushing up on it. I moved back from his neck then to look at him. "What is it?" I purred to him, rubbing his cheek.

"You're going to give me bruises," he whispered.

"That's the point," I told him and laughed. "These aren't bad bruises though. They're just love bites." I ran my thumb against his bottom lip then, watching him. He licked his lips as my thumb crossed his lip.

"I thought bruises were bad," he whispered.

"Oh, bruises are bad- the kind that you got from being hurt and attacked," I told him and gave him a small smile. "These aren't though. They're different because they're there because someone was showing you affection. They're supposed to be for pleasure."

"Pleasure?" He asked before tilting his head, exposing his neck. I purred and nodded.

"Yeah, they're supposed to make you feel good. I'll give you more when you're of age and I'll introduce them to you in new places," I told him, giving a wink. I looked towards his neck then and leaned in. "I'll show you what I mean~" I kissed his neck softly before I started to suck on his skin. Of course I won't actually do anything. He's too young, but I can certainly show him this at least in moderation. He giggled a little as he began to squirm a bit. I laughed and pulled back from his neck then kissed his cheek. "There~" He nodded in understanding before wrapping his arms around my neck and leaned up against me. I smiled and then laid back, pulling him down with me and let him lay on my chest as I started to rub his back. "I hate to tell you this little mate, but we can't go to the lake tomorrow. Dragons are outside, and they'll only keep piling up out there. It'll become dangerous for you to set foot out there, and they might take you from me if you do. Mating season is kicking in."

"I can't go outside?" He asked and whimpered. "But I like the sun. It's an advantage I have over most vampires... My dad said I should use it to my advantage."

"And you will," I promised him. "I can create a safe area for you on the mountain for you to play in," I purred. "Would you like that? Your own little place where the dragons can't get you?"

"That would be nice," he told me. "Would you please do that?"

"Alright, I'll start to work on it tomorrow," I promised and kissed the top of his head. "I'll make a little entrance to it from the main nesting room so you can go out there easily." I could pile up some rocks on the side to keep him from falling and to keep his scent trapped from the other dragons. They won't be able to see him either if I pile it high enough... and then the sun can shine in from the open top. It'll naturally grow a pretty area for him... and I can get some flowering plants put in for him. I think I know just the spot for it too....

"Thank you," he purred and kissed my cheek, rubbing his head against mine afterwards. I let out a soft moan at it and tilted my head, leading him towards where my jawline met my neck. I gave a soft call to him, feeling it escape my lips. My other mates quickly called back at me from in the other room, hearing me. Hesper let out his best interpretation of the call I just made, purring deeply to me. I moaned slightly and quickly kissed his cheek. How long is a decade again? He's so sweet and loving. Hesper let out a small moan and kissed my neck before scrapping his fangs against my skin. I gasped and tilted my head back, exposing my neck to him. "What am I supposed to call you?" He asked innocently. I looked towards him and purred. How cute. He wants my name.

"You can call me your king, your love, or you may call me by my name Alfarus." I brushed his hair back and smirked.

"Alfarus?" He asked. "What kind of name is that?"

"It's a great name," I told him and frowned. "It's my name. I don't let many use it."

"It sounds like a dragon name," he giggled out. "You're too much of a dragon."

"I'm the dragon king," I told him and laughed. "I was born to be the dragon king. My father was the dragon king and his father before that. I am very much a dragon."

"I'm a vampire prince from two different kingdoms," he told me to impress me. I purred in amusement then kissed the top of his head.

"You'll be a great mate for me," I told him to make him happy. It was true though. He was the first male I've picked, and he already was fine with crawling into my nest and laying with me. I rubbed his head then and glanced towards the entrance to my nest, listening to see if that dragon had come back yet. He better not have run off with my mark on him. I heard him talking about the eggs in the nest, discussing their hatch date. I sat up a bit. Oh... he's back? I frowned and then picked up Hesper, carrying him out to the main nesting area to look for the dragon. He was laying in his nest, a huge mountain of gold was piled up from being brought from his hoard. Hesper whined, displeased by leaving my nest. I gave him a soft purr and kissed the top of his head before I walked across the gold towards the dragon's nest and looked at him. "Have you finished?" I asked him, standing in front of him.

"Oh yes~ Are you ready to put the child down and have a real man in your arms?" He asked with an amused purr. "Put the child to sleep." I looked him over then, thinking about it. I could mate with him. It'd make him calmer perhaps instead of wanting to jump me. I looked towards Hesper and kissed his cheek.

"Want to talk to Lilith about her eggs?" I asked him sweetly, taking him over to Lilith's nest and placed him down in it by her eggs. Lilith looked towards him and purred slightly, moving her tail around him and her eggs to keep him there. He whined as he looked towards me before looking down at the tail keeping him with her. He tried to go around it for me, being quick about it. She moved her tail and then tightened it around him and pushed him up against her eggs before she leaned over and started to lick him to try to make him sleepy. He leaned away from the licks, pushing away her tongue as he squirmed to get to me. She laughed slightly and then lifted up her wing and picked him up, placing him under it then closed it on him. I purred. "Take care of him until I'm ready for him to come back to the nest," I told her firmly then looked back at the night dragon. "Alright big boy, you want to see my nest?" I teased him lightly. I'll have to ask his name or give him a new one.... I shifted back into my dragon form and gave a small growl towards him. He growled back playfully.

"You're ready for me?" He asked before coming straight up to me.

"Alfarus!" I heard Hesper whine. I glanced back at Lilith and looked towards her wing before I gave Hesper a purr.

"Don't worry little mate. I'll bring you back to my nest soon~ You'll be the one that sleeps in there tonight, not him," I promised him. I looked towards the night dragon then started to walk towards my nesting room, expecting him to follow me without me having to coax him for his first time in my nest room. He seemed like he wanted it badly. He followed after me with a purr that erupted into a growl. I glanced back at him before I swung my tail playfully in his face and went into my nest. I looked towards him as he followed me in and purred at him. "What's your name?" I asked him, making room for him in my large nest. I looked him over, taking in every inch of him.

"Night," he told me as he looked over my nest and went straight for me. "Is this going to be your first time with a man?" He asked me as he rubbed his head against me. "I could be the pitcher and you can be the catcher." I growled lightly at him then.

"It may be my first time with a male, but I'm not letting you have that position," I told him firmly. "I'm the king, and you offered yourself to me, not the other way around."

"Well you never know... you might like playing catcher," he teased me. I gave him a dominate growl and then licked his head before I rubbed my face against his neck then. I nipped at him before I started to rub my head against his side, pushing him down and put my weight against him to make him lay down in my nest. I purred in his ears and rubbed my side up against his, teasing him. He let out a mating call to me as I teased him. I licked his side then before I called back to him. I started to crawl on top of him then calling out right next to his ear to mess with him as I purred in amusement. He purred back to me and bucked me off before going to get on me. "Catcher~" He teased me. I widened my eyes slightly and started to get up before he could get on me. I didn't say he could do that! I gave a small growl towards him. He growled back playfully as he mounted me. "I've got you now," he teased in my ear.

I felt my heart speed up a little and I growled at him, trying to get him off before I got a clever idea and rolled over onto my back, crushing him under my weight to try to get him to let go. He let go and groaned out in pain. "You're a fat catcher," he told me. I purred in amusement and crawled off him.

"I'm not fat. I'm just muscular," I told him and laughed at him. "Now, who said I was catcher? I didn't say you could get on me."

"Well I thought you'd like the new experience," he purred as he got up and pounced after me. He's definitely determined to be on me. I went to dodge him, moving to the side quickly as I watched him closely. He laughed as he pounced after me, giving me a call. I moved again and then looked at him, laughing slightly before I purred and nuzzled my head against him.

"Behave~" I purred to him. He purred back to me and rubbed his head against mine.

"Alright, you're pitcher," he purred. "Only because we don't want to make you look weak."

"I'm not weak at all," I told him and gave a small dominate growl. I licked his chin then and looked him in the eyes. "There is a reason why I'm still king."

"Oh I know. I'm attracted to your power." He licked my face then. I purred and then rubbed my head against his neck before I bit it dominantly and started to get on top of him again, rubbing my scales up against his teasingly. He melted under me, being obedient and let out a small call to me. I purred in his ears and bit down a little harder on his neck, piercing his flesh lightly as I let my purrs rumble through my chest. I moved my claws up to his wings and gripped them before I used my back claws to hold onto his back flanks.

He let out a low growl as he moved under me, unsettled by the bite. I licked his neck then and pulled my teeth away from his flesh to make him more comfortable, nuzzling my head up against the back of his neck and called out to him lightly. He called back to me and relaxed. I purred in approval then leaned in towards his ears.

"Are you ready to learn what it means to be mated to the dragon king, Night?" I asked him, giving a low dominate growl in his ears.

"I'm so ready," he purred with delight. I nipped at his ears then before I purred to him, moving down his back a bit and held onto him tightly as I pressed my weight against him and then started to give him one hell of a ride, showing him exactly what he was going to get for the rest of his life as I pleasured my new mate amongst my golden piles of treasure....