
Hesper's POV:

"Uno," I mumbled as I counted with Dora the Explorer.

"See, it's educational," Ross purred as he rolled over onto his back on the couch then looked towards his plate of sushi. He sat up quickly and leapt onto the coffee table with a purr, eating another one. I watched him before frowning.

"I want something to eat... could you go fix me some- um- some pizza rolls?" I asked sweetly.

"Some pizza rolls? Will that even help you? You're a vampire," Ross said, looking towards me before he looked at his plate and licked another roll up then swallowed it with a moan.

"Daddy gives me them with blood for sauce and some ranch on the side. He says its good for me to learn to eat human food with blood.... So if I had to eat human food one day...." I trailed off. "Something like.... it would be good for me." He looked at me consideringly before he purred and nodded.

"Okay~ I'll fix you some pizza rolls," he told me happily and then jumped off the coffee table, transforming into his human form. He looked over his shoulder at me and smiled. "Stay here, okay sweetie?"

"Yeah," I told him as I switched the channel back to H2O, Just add water. "Don't get splashed with water," I warned.

"I'm not a mermaid," he told me and smirked. "I don't transform when water touches me." He gave me a playful look before he left, going to the kitchen to make me food. I watched him leave before getting up and running towards the window. I opened it up and looked outside at the full moon. I saw something black streak across the moon then before I heard a small thud out in the woods, but it was quiet to where no one else in the house would hear it unless a window was open. I giggled before running back to the remote and turned the TV up more. I ran out of the room and straight out the front door, going for the woods. I saw something small and green streak towards me just as I neared the woods and a small Lakota tackled my feet with a roar.

"Lakota!" I giggled out and picked her up. "Take me home," I begged. She looked up into my eyes then purred.

"Why?" She teased. I started to whimper then.

"I miss Alfarus!" I told her. "I can't stand it any longer." I felt my heart ache. She purred and then looked me over.

"Well then, I guess you better be leaping for joy because our king sent me to come find you~ The others were hoping he wouldn't go looking for you till the end of mating season because we all want his attention... but he's angry that you're not in his nest."

"So I'm going home right?" I asked her. "I don't think I can get back to the nest easily...." I shook my head. I barely remember how to get back to him.

"How much do you need him?" She asked me and purred, nuzzling her head against my neck.

"I want him!" I told her. I don't need.... I want. "There isn't a need in me for him... I desire him." She purred in amusement.

"One day you'll need him and desire him all at the same time. He'll become your everything when you're older," she told me then licked my cheek.

"Ross is going to find us if we don't go now," I warned her. "He's making pizza rolls." She looked disgusted then.

"Eww... what is that? Some sort of human trash?" She asked me then looked back at the castle. "I could just leave you here... and tell the king I didn't see you... and then that stupid dragon would stay here and not steal our eggs." I whimpered.

"Please don't go without me." She looked back at me then purred.

"Alright." She leapt down from my arms before she shifted into a full sized dragon and picked me up in her jaws. I heard Toma letting out a call then like he just woke up.

"Toma is awake... Maybe he'll keep Ross busy," I suggested softly. I suddenly heard Ross call back to him before the castle erupted in dragon calls and it sounded like Ross had returned to the treasure room as they got fainter and harder to hear. Lakota cackled a bit before she put me on her back and leapt up into the air, stirring her wings as she began to fly.

"They won't be looking for you for weeks!" She said, sounding pleased. I watched the castle getting smaller. She took us back to that cave place and into the dragon realm, flying as fast as she could till she reached Alfarus's hoard, landing inside. I could see his other two female mates in their nests, but Night wasn't in the front of the hoard, and neither was Alfarus.

"ALFARUS!" I called out and slipped off Lakota's back. Lilith curled her eggs closer to her, and I saw a small red hatchling poke his head up out of the nest, letting out a small call at the sight of me. It made a small roar noise, but it didn't sound as scary as older dragons. Lakota laughed and went back to her nest where her eggs were waiting, laying down with them. I widened my eyes as I saw the little dragon. Oh no.... it's a baby dragon. They're so evil! He cackled at me and then started to crawl out of the nest, coming straight for me as it stalked it's way over the gold. Lilith let out a small warning call, stirring in her nest as she looked at her hatchling uneasily then at me. I yelped and ran for my nest quickly, diving into it. He was in my nest in seconds, tackling me as he let out another roar. I yelped and covered my head, shrinking into the shirt Sera gave me. The baby dragon started to move up my body towards my shoulder before it looked down at me, giving a small playful growl as it fluttered it's wings a little and swung his tail. He reared his head up proudly and looked triumphant but was soon snatched up by his mother's jaws and carried back to the nest. I heard Night scoffing as he came out of Alfarus' nest.

"Well he's back for more," Night purred.

"Oh hush," Alfarus purred in amusement as he nudged Night's back, making him almost fall forward out of his nesting area. "I'll be taking you back in my nest before long~ You're the only one I will mate with for the rest of the season. I'm not giving them any more eggs."

"Alfarus!" I yelled as I scurried out of my nest to go for him. "I'm home!"

"I heard," Night said as he let out an amused grumble and went for his nest. "I hope those aren't your favorite clothes."

"Night~ Go take a bath in those oils for me, will you~ I want your scales to be soft next time I mate with you," Alfarus told him then looked down at me before he eyed my clothes down and growled slightly. I rushed up for him anyways and tackled his head.

"I missed you!" I told him.

"I would but I'm not sure when I'll get to mate with you... next year or in the hour," Night teased.

"Oh, I will when the moon is at it's peak," he teased Night, looking towards him. "Oils." He looked back at me then pulled his head back. "Hesper~"

"Roses," Night purred back. "I'll scent myself in rose oils."

"ALFARUS!" I called for him and made a dragon call the best I could. He looked towards me in interest as he heard it then gave a soft call to me, nuzzling his head against my chest. He let out a low rumbling purr then scooped me up into his jaws and turned around, taking me back to his nest quickly. I giggled and rubbed under his chin. He sat me in the nest before he rubbed his head against my chest, knocking me onto my back. I let out a purr and exposed my fangs. "Did you miss me?" I asked.

"Of course I did, little mate~ I was angry when they took you," he purred to me and looked down into my eyes then licked my cheek slightly. "Don't. Ever. Leave. My. Hoard. Again."

"I didn't mean to.... they stole me," I whined. "One minute I was struggling to get back to you and the next I was waking up by Sera in her bed."

"You're back now though~" He told me and then looked me over before he growled at my clothes and started to nudge them off. I jingled my bracelets then in front of his eyes.

"I still have the ones you gave me." He was pleased at the sight.

"Good mate," he purred happily then crawled out of the nest before he came back with a gold kimono from the other side of the room. He dropped it beside me and purred. "I'll reward you then~" I giggled and wrapped myself in the kimono, keeping the clothes he forgot on me. He noticed quickly what I had done and was in his human form in seconds, going for my clothes with a growl. I giggled and ran from him then.

"Nope!" I told him. "You can't catch me and I already put it on."

"Hesper!" He hissed and got up, glaring at me in anger. I giggled and looked towards him.

"Alfarus." He narrowed his eyes then at me.

"You're in trouble," he hissed then stalked towards the door. "I'll let Night back in my nest since how you're being disobedient." I whined.

"It was just a game," I mumbled before taking off the kimono to take off the clothes he disapproved of. He glanced back at me and stopped before his face softened and he walked up to me, leaning in and kissing my cheek as he stopped my hands. I leaned up against his body, pulling him into a hug. I purred and pushed him onto the ground. He laughed slightly and rubbed my cheek with his hand then looked towards my shirt, reaching to take it off. I giggled before rolling away from him and snatching my kimono, taking it with me. He purred in amusement as he watched me then transformed into a cat sized dragon and chased after me with a slight growl. I giggled before getting to my feet and took off for the other side of the nest. I used my kimono as a cape for a bull. He chased me down and managed to tackle my feet then began crawling up my pants leg as he dug his claws into the fabric and purred. I giggled and fell into the middle of his nest. He slipped up under my shirt and I felt him lick my chest before he laid down and started to rub his head against my skin. I gasped and reached up my shirt, pulling him out before rubbing under his chin. He purred and melted at my touch, exposing his neck more as a small moan escaped him. I rubbed at his neck then, scratching at his scales.

"Whose my good little dragon?" I asked. He tensed a bit then looked towards me with a slight growl.

"You're my mate," he told me and looked me over before he purred again and then moved up to my neck, rubbing his face against it.

"You're my good little dragon," I told him and rubbed his back.

"I'm not good... nor little," he told me and growled against my ear.

"You're my powerful tiny dragon, yes you are!" I purred to him and rubbed one of his wings.

"I'm not a dog," he told me and pulled back from my neck, looking down at me with a frown.

"You're cat sized," I told him and poked his nose. He growled at me.

"Only because you're small," he told me. "I thought you'd like to have me rubbing my head against you instead of being a big dragon and almost crushing your chest with my big head."

"What big head?" I asked and rubbed under his chin. He narrowed his eyes and then started to crawl off me. I pulled him back to my chest and kissed his head. "Don't leave me so soon... I just got back." He purred, delighted at the kiss then looked up towards me before he licked my cheek. I sat him next to me before pulling the kimono back on. He growled at me and puffed smoke in my direction.

"You can't wear it if you're wearing clothes! Take them off! I don't like clothes," he hissed.

"I like them," I purred before giggling. "That's all that matters." He snarled at me then before he tackled me and bit down into my shoulder hard. I whimpered and tensed up. "Alfarus?" I asked and sniffled. I suddenly felt the bond between us strengthening and I felt like he was marking me once again. He pulled back from the bite then licked it before he looked at my clothes under the kimono and started to tear at my shirt with a growl. I watched him with my heart racing before I pulled the kimono back off to pull the torn shirt off. He relaxed as he watched me and looked up at me from my lap then purred towards me before he nipped at the top of my pants. I widened my eyes.

"WHOA! WATCH IT!" I snatched him up to get his claws away from my boyhood.

"Then take them off~ You can keep your underpants," he purred in my hands.

"Okay," I told him sweetly before sitting him down. I rubbed at my shoulder before getting up to take off my pants. He watched with a small purr then got my shirt from where I had sat it down and carried it out of the nest, setting it right outside then quickly returned to me. I kicked off my pants along with my shoes and socks. I reached down and pulled the kimono over my body, tying it together. He purred in approval then got rid of my pants, shoes, and socks before he came back and turned into his human form for me. He picked me up into his arms and kissed my cheek.

"Doesn't that feel better?" He asked me sweetly. I nodded and leaned my head onto his shoulder.

"It's a little colder," I admitted. He took my warm articles of clothing from me.

"I can fix that," he purred to me and I felt his body heating up. I purred and wrapped my arms around him, moving closer to steal his warmth. He sat down in his nest, putting me in his lap before he started to run his fingers through my hair and kissed the top of my head. "I missed you Hesper~"

"I missed you too," I purred into his ear before touching where he had pierced me. Sera took out the piercing. "Umm.... Sera said it made me look gay and that it was inappropriate for my age."

"Would you like another?" He asked me sweetly. "I can find you another earring for it."

"No!" I told him. "You're not doing it again. I remember how much pain it was and Sera said that if I do it again.... it'll hurt worse."

"I could do the other ear for you~"

"No," I told him and shook my head. "Stay away from my ears." He smirked at me before he leaned in towards my ear that he had pierced earlier and licked it slightly. I could feel his hot breath hitting it before he moved closer to it and started to suck on my earlobe. I melted against him and let out a soft moan. "Alfarus," I mumbled. He ran his fingers through my hair then rubbed my back gently. He moved back from my ear then went to my neck, giving it a soft kiss. I widened my eyes and moved back. "No biting me," I told him. "I'm not letting you piece my skin... You might get my clothes but not my skin."

"Now why would I tear up your pretty skin? I wouldn't do that unless I was marking you sweetie," he told me and purred, leaning back into my neck and started to suck on it. I yelped as I remembered he was going to give me a bruise like last time. He pulled back when he heard me yelp and frowned. "What is it? Did I hurt you?" He asked worriedly, looking me over. I blushed a bright red.

"No..... It's just I knew you was going to give me another bruise." He looked me in the eyes then chuckled a little.

"They're good bruises though," he told me and ran his fingers through my hair. "They're signs of love and passion~"

"That's what you told me," I whispered and exposed my neck for him.

"You want them?" He asked me sweetly, trailing his fingers lightly across my neck. I nodded.

"Alfarus..." I whispered. "I have to tell you something," I blushed as I looked into his eyes. He looked intrigued then and gave a slight purr.

"What is it, little mate?" He asked me and then gently rubbed my bottom lip with his thumb as he placed his hand against my cheek.

"I just want to tell you that.... That I...." I looked towards his thumb then back into his eyes. "I love you." His eyes widened slightly in surprise before a loud purr erupted from him and he leaned in, kissing my cheek.

"I love you too little mate~ my little Hesper~" I felt my cheeks heating up as my crystal pulsed throughout my body.

"You do?" I asked.

"Of course I do~ You belong here, in my hoard with me," he told me happily. "I wouldn't have sent for you if I didn't want you here. I love you~" He pulled his thumb back from my lips then leaned in, pressing his up against mine quickly. I felt my heart race and closed my eyes. Alfarus loves me! He told me he loves me and wants me here. I felt him pull back from my lips slightly, but he was still close enough that his sweet breath was hitting my face slightly. "How could I not love you? You're so sweet and playful... and you look pretty in gold. I'm happy I picked you up off of that castle you were stuck in~" I looked into his eyes curiously.

"I wasn't stuck there," I told him. "That's where my parents were wanting us to live at. It's not Hawaii and there is definitely more family there.... but it was my home.... even though I only spent a night there before you scooped me up. It's where my parents and my family live." He purred to me and gently rubbed my lips again with his thumb.

"You still couldn't leave if you had wanted to," he told me and purred. "But I guess you weren't stuck if you wanted to be there. I wouldn't call you stuck here. You love being here in my nest~"

"Ross wasn't going to let me come visit you," I told him softly. "He said he'd let me write you letters...." I shook my head. "I don't think he was serious though."

"No, he wouldn't have brought your letters to me because he knew I would bite his head off for stealing you," he told me and gave a small growl. "He's not going to dare come here for awhile though," he told me then kissed my forehead. "You're mine~"

"Can't you be mine?" I asked. He looked me in the eyes then.

"Why?" He asked curiously.

"You have plenty of mines.... I want a mine." He looked thoughtful then.

"I'm the king though," he told me and purred. "I'm not owned by anyone." I tsked before leaning into his neck and bit him hard, feeling my venom course through him. Now he's mine. He let out a sharp moan and fell back quickly with me on top of him. I could feel his heart racing in his chest as another moan came from him and his breathing sped up.

"Gotcha," I purred as I yanked my fangs out. "Mine." He looked up towards me in a daze before he leaned up quickly and his lips crashed against mine eagerly. I gasped in surprise. I didn't expect him to react this way... Maybe I'll bite him more often. He let out a loud purr as he kissed me again and made it longer, his lips pressing up against mine as he tilted his head. I pulled back slightly to let him catch his breath. "Alfarus?" I asked. He blinked a few times as he looked up at me and then I saw his eyes returning to normal a little.

"Y-yes?" He asked me shakily.

"Fear my bite," I growled out and showed him my teeth. "I'm the king now."

"Nuh-uh!" He told me and let out a growl.

"You done got bit!" I giggled out. "In your weaker form." He purred then and rubbed his neck.

"You know... I heard once that young vampire's marks are more stronger- like a baby rattlesnake's bite," he told me and smirked.

"Do you want me to bite you again?" His eyes widened and then he blushed a little. "LILITH! I MADE ALFARUS BLUSH!" I called out. He quickly put a hand over my mouth then.

"Hesper, I don't let them mark me," he told me quickly, looking back towards the other part of his hoard then at me. I licked his fingers before giggling. I'm more special. They're gonna be jealous. He purred and then pulled his hand back from my mouth. "They'd all bite me if I let them mark me. I don't want them biting me all the time. You might've started something bad Hesper," he warned me.

"I know," I purred. "You'll tell them that you're mine and mine only because I don't share.... you might share but I don't share."

"I don't share. They share," he told me and smirked. "You'll share too because they have my kids."

"Well... they'll have a no touch policy because no one is marking what's mine." He laughed a little.

"Hesper, you'll understand one day that mates have to touch to have kids," he told me and then ran his fingers through my hair. "But... I think I will let your mark stay... because you're a vampire and because you can't give me eggs unless I get a wizard to put a spell on you.... You can give me kids though if I change your gender- just not eggs."

"I told you I don't want cooties," I hissed. "You're not making me a girl."

"Would you like to have my hatchlings when you're older?" He asked me with a curious look, trailing his fingers down my back.

"I want a eggie. We'll call it Joe and when it hatches we'll eat it." He laughed slightly.

"We're not eating it," he told me and then smirked. "I can give you eggs though if you want. We'll have to get a wizard in my hoard though."

"I want one egg. Just one. So that it'll be the only egg I will ever have and you'll cherish it when it hatches." His eyes widened slightly and then he purred, leaning in and pressing his lips against mine before he looked up into my eyes.

"Of course I'll cherish our hatchling when I give you an egg," he told me. "You'll have to mate with me for it though. You know that, right?"

"Ummm...." I trailed off. "No I won't." He purred at me then.

"Yes you will," he told me. "You'll mate with me anyways though, just like the others do."

"Only if you marry me," I giggled out. "And then we'll need the storks' numbers." He purred.

"That's not how that happens," he told me in amusement. "I could tell you the truth but you'd be grossed out."

"You said we'd have to put manparts together to mate, but Sera says that only females give babies."

"That's why I'll get us a wizard. The wizard can make it to where you can give me a magical egg that way you won't have to be female," he told me then tapped me on the nose.

"Can't we just steal an egg from Lilith? She's got plenty."

"No," he told me and smirked. "She'll notice and be angry that you took her egg. If you want an egg, you'll have to pick either becoming a female or dealing with a wizard.... We don't have to have eggs if you don't want to."

"We're having one egg and that's final. Quit saying eggs."

"You'll want another in a few centuries when that one leaves the nest and goes to have it's own eggs," he told me and purred in amusement.

"What? Who said it's leaving the nest?" I tsked. "You'll love it too much to let it go."

"It'll leave while we're not looking," he told me and laughed. "Trust me. All dragons leave their parents," he told me and then rubbed my lips gently.

"Can we visit my parents when we have an egg?" He frowned and was about to tell me no then stopped, watching me.

"One time," he told me firmly then tapped my nose. "Only one time."

"One time a week?" I asked.

"One time per egg."

"One time per egg a week?" I asked.

"No, you're staying here in my hoard where it's safe!"

"When I'm not one timing per egg a week?" I asked. He growled and then started to nudge me off him. I yelped as I fell off. "Can I have a pet goldfish?" I asked.

"No," he told me and then frowned. "I swear... they must've did something to you while you were there. You didn't care about seeing them again before they took you."

"They're my parents," I told him before getting quiet. Dragons don't understand.... they can't understand because they're too busy leaving the nest while vampires usually never leave their parents. He watched me as he frowned, studying me. He sighed.

"Fine, you may visit them when you have an egg once a week until that hatchling is old enough to fly," he told me. "If they try to take you from me again, I won't allow you back into the human realm at all."

"What if...." I trailed off. "What if I sneak away and come back before you notice?"

"I'll notice," he growled, looking upset then sat up.

"I'll give you sleeping berries," I giggled out. He narrowed his eyes at me before he shifted into large dragon then curled up on the other side of the nest away from me, not happy. "Fine," I mumbled and got to my feet. I walked up to him and got under his warm wing. I heard him purr slightly before he picked his wing up and looked at me.

"Do they really mean that much to you?" He asked me curiously.

"You should try visiting your parents," I dared.

"One is dead, and the other would eat me if I came near her," he told me and then licked my cheek.

"My mommy and daddy love me very much. I'm a middle child but I've always been loved and I love them and I love you so you'll have to compromise."

"Fine," he purred. "I'll allow you to visit them if you ask and I approve," he told me. "I'll do my best not to tell you no."

"I'll do my best to not let you tell me no," I giggled out. He purred then nuzzled his face against me.

"You're strange sometimes," he purred to me. "At least you're out of those clothes though and in the ones I had made for you."

"Could you make me silk gold pajamas?" I asked innocently. He hesitated then nodded.

"Yeah, that way we can wash that for you... but remember, I don't want you wearing clothes when you're older," he told me firmly. I nodded in amusement. I'll change that soon enough. He looked pleased and then shifted back into his human form, pulling me on top of him and stroked my hair as he gave the top of my head a kiss. "You'll get used to it," he promised me sweetly. "Besides, you only have about... seven years if I wait till you're eighteen to mate with you.... I could mate with you maybe one or two years earlier than that if you want."

"Do you think... I'll act like Night?" I asked softly.

"No," he told me quickly. "Night is the way he is because he's a male dragon in the middle of mating season," he purred. "No, you'll want to mate with me, but you won't be pouncing on me every time I walk by."

"Are you sure?" I asked softly. "Does mating season affect me?"

"No, just me and the other dragons," he told me and rubbed my back. "It doesn't affect you... but you will end up experiencing more... sexual desires when you're about sixteen to eighteenish," he told me. "You'll want to mate with me then, and you'll be curious about mating."

"Will you... Kick out all the dragons?" I asked innocently.

"No, not unless they do something really bad... or they try to mate with my other mates," he told me firmly. "I'm not going to kick them out for no reason."

"But I'm the reason," I told him. He laughed then.

"No, I'm not going to kick them out... but I will tell you this.... I will mate with you more than I do the girls because when I mate with them, they get an egg every time. I stop when they start getting a lot in their nest. I can mate with you and Night and not have to worry about how many eggs are going to be in your nests...."

"What if you really love me?" I asked innocently. He purred sweetly to me.

"No, this is their home just like it's your home. I love each of you, and I trust each of you. Besides, they help protect my hoard and stay by my side in exchange for the honor of my mark." He rubbed my cheek and then looked me in the eyes. "I wouldn't kick any of you out unless you did something awful. You do have a special place here though Hesper. You're one of my favorite mates~ I don't let the others sleep in my nest like I do you. They never got to mark me either." His eyes lingered on my lips then with a purr as he rubbed where I had bitten him. "I love you very much Hesper." He looked back into my eyes and smiled. "Even if I am king and you're trying to be a small boss."

"I love you too!" I told him as I looked down at his naked chest and ran my fingers down it before back up. I slowly laid down on him and fixed the tangled kimono around me so I'd be more comfortable. "I guess I can settle for being a favorite mate," I mumbled. Although mommy and daddy don't have anyone but each other and a ton of kids. Why doesn't Alfarus settle to one mate? Maybe I can change his mind. I'll just show him that I'm better than the others. I laid my hand down by his neck to let my gold bracelets brush up against his jawline. He purred loudly to me and then gave the top of my head a kiss.

"Take a nap sweetie," he mumbled.

"King~" I heard Lakota call out as she entered our nest room. She purred as she came over in her dragon form and began to nudge me off him. I whined and clung to Alfarus. Why is she so mean? She looked towards me in jealousy then used her entire head to knock me off him.

"Lakota..." Alfarus mumbled, looking towards her. "Not now." Ha... she's jealous of me. I purred as I crawled back on top of Alfarus. She gave a small growl and tried to nudge me off again, but Alfarus wrapped his arms around me tightly, hissing slightly at her.

"Not now," I repeated Alfarus. "We're busy."

"You're not busy. The king doesn't mate with you," she growled at me then went to wrap her claws around me but Alfarus bit down into her paw. She yelped then let out a small moan as his bite marked her again. I whined as I watched them. I don't want to leave Alfarus. He pulled back then looked at me with a purr. "Don't cry," he told me then leaned in, giving me a kiss as he got her blood on my lips. I licked my lips clean before exposing my fangs out of instincts. Yummy. I glanced towards Lakota in hunger. She widened her eyes and quickly backed up from us. He purred in amusement and exposed his neck to me. "You can feed from me~" I leaned into his neck and bit down. I let out a moan as my mate's blood rushed into my mouth. He gasped slightly at the feeling then kissed my head as Lakota ran out. "I love your fangs," he whispered to me. I blushed, not expecting that at all. He does? He purred in my ear then ran his fingers along my sides before he held my hips, giving my cheek a kiss. I pulled away from his neck as my hunger subsided then curled up tightly with him. I moved my kimono to let it fall around us both.

"There you go," he whispered to me softly. He got quiet for a few seconds then ran his fingers through my hair. "Hesper, I heard your mother is losing her throne soon and that your uncle is taking it.... Do you want to be there for your mother? I know you are attached to your parents still.... I can take you personally this one time if you want to go... that way you can quickly return to my hoard and I can protect you. They won't be able to take you from me if I am with you.... I can make Night watch the hoard that night." He gently placed a kiss on the top of my head and brushed my hair back from my face.

"You'll let me see my mommy and daddy?" I asked in excitement. This isn't like him at all!

"Just this time because of the circumstance," he purred to me and rubbed my back then. "Your mother is losing her throne, and as long as you behave and listen to me, I will take you and protect you." He smirked at me then touched my lip. "This doesn't mean I will let you leave my hoard often, little mate." I nodded in understanding, giving a huge smile. He looked pleased and removed his finger from my lips. "Good little mate," he told me then looked towards the entrance. "Night!"

"Mate!" I heard Night yell back.

"Come here~ Your king wants to see you," Alfarus purred out, his voice tumbling through his chest in a way that made me want to hold onto him tighter and snuggle with him. I giggled at the feeling. I could hear Night coming in through the entrance.

"Yes?" Night purred as he laid down by the entrance. Alfarus looked his way then smirked.

"Are you trying to play hard to get?" He asked, giving a playful growl. "Did you rub yourself in those oils like I ordered?"

"You said you wanted to see me but not touch." He purred in amusement. "I did put oils on me but I licked them off." Alfarus narrowed his eyes slightly then ran his fingers through my hair.

"Night.... Fine, have it your way. I need you to watch the hoard soon when I leave in a few days. I was going to reward you for watching the hoard, but I've changed my mind, so you will do it or you will be in trouble," he told him, keeping his voice even as he looked at my hair and played with it.

"You sound unhappy with me," Night grumbled. "I'm not meaning to upset you." Alfarus purred then and looked towards Night.

"Well if you didn't mean to anger me, then I will reward you. When I come home and find the hoard perfect, you can mate with me for a week whenever you want and however you want, but not a single gold coin can be missing, and I better not smell any other dragons around the hoard." He gave Night a playful look and smirked. "Do you like the reward?"

"You win, I win.... seems like a great reward. I'll look after the hoard for while you're gone." Alfarus purred happily towards Night then called towards him.

"I can't wait to see how you will use your week," he teased him.

"It'll just be us in the nest," Night purred sweetly. What? Does that mean I won't see Alfarus for a week?

"You will have to let me out of the nest at least a little bit everyday so I can check on the other mates and their hatchings," he told Night happily.

"One hour a day," Night purred out.

"Are you going to be snuggling up to me that much?" Alfarus asked teasingly then smirked. "Are you going to give me a really long lick like you wanted to out in the field? You will have the chance to play pitcher to the dragon king." He chuckled a bit as he watched him with a sort of look in his eyes that made me jealous. I whined as I was getting no attention now. Why does Night have to be so much older? This is so unfair. Night gave an amused look.

"I get to play pitcher?" What's that supposed to mean? "You're only getting five minutes a day now." Alfarus laughed then.

"You said I would get an hour Night. Anyways, I said you could mate with me however you wanted for an entire week. That includes me letting you on top if you want it, but you can't tell anyone else," he teased him lightly then rubbed his head against the sheets, giving a small moan. "I hope it is worth it~ I would hate to be disappointed for an entire week of mating season."

"I will be anything but disappointing." Night looked me over. "Awe... is the child upset?" I blushed and avoided looking at them. Alfarus ran his fingers through my hair then.

"Its okay," he whispered in my ear. "I'm going to be with you all the way up until we leave then come back. I will even be in your pocket during the coronation," he promised me sweetly. "After his week, you can have your own week with me all to yourself."

"Really?" I asked sweetly and smiled.

"Yeah! You can have me for a while week. We can build you that little area you wanted, get some quality time snuggling in the nest, maybe go swimming in that lake nearby...." He trailed off as he looked thoughtful about it.

"Swimming? I used to go to the beach with my daddy... he'd take me swimming. I love fish like I love you."

"That's so sweet," Night purred in amusement. Alfarus frowned at me then.

"You love me like you love fish?" He asked me then sighed, running his fingers through his hair as he leaned his head back. "That's... great."

"You don't like my love for fishies?" I frowned and went to move away from him.

"Well, it's good you love fish, but I should mean more to you than a fish would. I made you one of my mates." He watched me closely, not moving to stop me. I whined. He's right. I started to sniffle.

"I'm so sorry!" I rubbed at my eyes as they teared up. "You mean more. I promise." His gaze softened at me immediately and he reached up, wiping at my eyes gently.

"Its okay. You're still very young. You'll understand the difference between love for fish and love for me later. I didn't mean to upset you. I love you Hesper," he whispered sweetly to me.

"You're so observational," Night laughed out. I sniffled and swatted Alfarus's hand away. He frowned at me then shook his head.

"Hesper, it's alright. Calm down for me," he told me softly. "I hate seeing you cry like this. If it's Night, he's just jealous that you are on me." He looked deep into my eyes, searching them as his beautiful ones stared mine down. I frowned and moved off of him, grabbing a fluffy pillow instead. Night grumbled before leaving us to go back to his nest. Alfarus looked towards me then reached out for me. "Hesper... what's the matter?" He asked worriedly then frowned when I shrunk away. "Hesper, sweetie, what did I do? Was it what I said? You can love me like a fish if you want. Just don't move away from me...." He looked a little hurt but was trying to cover it up in his eyes. I frowned as I saw I was upsetting him.

"I'm sorry," I mumbled. "You.... just... upset me." I crawled back for him then. He frowned then sat up before I could get too close.

"How did I upset you?" He looked me over before he sighed and turned into his dragon form, moving a little ways from me to give me room in the nest before he laid down and curled up, watching me before he looked away. I've upset him again. I stood up slowly and rubbed my arm.

"Do you want me to go?" I asked sofly. He looked back towards me then let out a soft sigh.

"I would prefer you don't... but if you want to be in your own nest, you may leave," he told me then leaned his head over to me, nudging my chest slightly before he gave a small purr. "I just don't like seeing you upset... or trying to stay away from me. You're one of my mates." He licked my chest then rubbed his head against it.

"You're upset though because of me," I whispered. I rubbed under his chin to give him some attention. He purred a little louder.

"You're so sweet Hesper, but I'm not mad at you... not much. It was irritating that you pulled away from me though," he told me then nudged me onto my back with a rumbling purr. He rubbed his head up against me and chuckled. "You don't need to be upset that you said like a fish... or that Night teased you...." He licked from my chest up, ending at my cheek.

"But it upset you and I'm really sorry I said it," I told him. I blushed as I wrapped the kimono tighter around me. He purred to me happily.

"I'm not upset. You're learning, and I know you love being with me. You missed me, and you were so excited to see me when Lakota brought you home to me. I bet you never got that excited over a fish.... You know, it wouldn't be a bad idea to put a small pond in that sun area I'm building for you. We could put some koi in it." He looked at me thoughtfully. "Would you like to pick out some koi to keep as pets?"

"Can we get a giant pepper fish? Daddy calls them Ōsanshōuo." In other words they're Japanese giant salamanders. "Daddy told me they're rare and expensive but also used as food. I want one for my koi pond." He looked thoughtful then nodded.

"We can get one," he told me sweetly then nuzzled his head against my chest as his scales rubbed against my kimono and were almost moving it out from between us.

"Thank you," I purred to him and rubbed his head. He leaned his head into my hand before he shifted to the size of a medium dog and climbed on top of me, puffing smoke into my face with an amused look then gently nibbled on my hand with a sweet purr. I giggled and pushed his head away from me. He gave a playful growl and showed me his teeth before he darted for my hand. I yelped and yanked my hand away. He purred and tackled my shoulder then, nudging the kimono aside before he scrapped his sharp teeth against my skin. I gasped and froze up like prey. "Alfarus," I whispered. He licked my neck then and nipped at my ear before he started to suck on my earlobe. I pulled him back quickly. "What are you doing?" He looked at me innocently before he licked my hand and looked me in the eyes. He leaned in towards my face and licked my bottom lip with a loud purr. I sat him down slowly and gave him a firm look.

"What?" He tucked his tail by his side and tilted his head. "Do you not like it?"

"You remind me of a dog," I told him and rubbed his head. "You're not one though." He gave a slight growl then.

"I'm not a dog. I just like having my chin rubbed. Most dragons do," he told me then lowered his head, laying it on my chest. "I'm a king- not any king, but the dragon king. I'm no where close to being a dog. A dog wouldn't get you an expensive fish... or hoard you away. Dogs mate and run off," he growled and puffed out some smoke. I nodded before rubbing his chin to calm him down. He relaxed quickly and purred happily, leaning his head back against my chest to expose his neck and chin to me. He moaned and I saw his back foot twitch as he ended up on his side on top of me.

"So can I have more rights to see my family?" I asked as I kept up rubbing him. I bet he'll give in to my every desire.

"N..." He gave another slight moan and leaned his head into my hand with a small whine, rubbing his head up against it. I could smell his scent getting all over my hand as he went for more attention. I scratched at his sweet spot and giggled.

"Can I wear clothes whenever I want?"

"Only... the kimono~" He purred out and closed his eyes in pleasure. He ended up rolling onto his back, stretching his neck out and moved to guide me up a little more then let out a sweet sounding call of pure joy.

"You said I was allowed silk pajamas too," I reminded him.

"Uh huh~ but only that and the kimono~" He said sweetly then purred loudly on me as he moved his wings under him into a more comfy position. He leaned his head back, ending up putting it in the crook of my neck so he could show off his chin to me more. I tsked and kissed his chin.

"Fine... Only them." I'm not getting my way even if I rub his sweet spot. Maybe when I'm more older... I might be tempting enough for him to obey.