Fate's Cruel Match

Lyle's POV:

I stood up as the movie came to the credits. The lights came on as they rolled. I caught Lavender standing down by the exit with a broom. Her eyes looking over the watch around her wrist. I leaned in towards Milo's ear. "We're taking her with us," I whispered. He looked towards her then at me and frowned.

"Why?" He asked and gripped my hand.

"She's a leader of the resistance," I explained. "Silas told me." He widened his eyes slightly then looked towards her then at me.

"She's human though...." My phone buzzed in my pocket then just as I was about to pull Milo to his feet.

"Exactly. She's weak and the easiest one to take, I figure. Imagine all the information we can bleed out of her." I looked towards my pocket before yanking out my phone.

Silas: Don't leave the theatre. We're capturing Lavender. Dmitri and Travis are waiting in the lobby for you, and I'm on my way back to you guys. She's a hunter, and I'm going to expose her to the resistance.

I frowned and showed Milo the text I received. There went my plans... Here I thought I was going to get to torture her without him. Milo's eyes widened and he looked down at her in fear. "She's a... hunter?" He whispered then shivered. "Like the kind that killed Colsin?"

"Yeah..." I muttered. "Come on, let's go to the lobby. We'll want their help if what he says is true. I don't want you to accidentally get hurt from us trying something with her." He nodded and held onto my hand, following after me. He tensed as he passed Lavender by the exit and escaped out of the room with me quickly. Dmitri smirked, standing right outside the theatre room across the hall. He was leaned up against the wall, tossing a small ball between his hands as he eyed us down.

"Hey princesses," he teased us. I frowned towards him and stopped right in front of him. Travis walked up to us, opening a M&M box. He looked us over and smiled before looking straight at Dmitri.

"You know what I like?" He asked and grabbed the ball from Dmitri. "Your scent," he teased and leaned in towards his neck. Dmitri gasped then looked at Travis with a smirk, putting his finger over Travis's lips.

"I'm a mated man," he told Travis and chuckled.

"That's too bad," Travis sighed out. "I thought we could shag later," he chuckled out in amusement.

"Nuh-uh, you're not my type either," he purred to him and pulled away, snatching the ball back. "I have my shape shifter at home that misses me." Travis sighed and yanked back.

"That's too bad," he muttered again. "I can't compete with that." Dmitri smirked at him and laughed.

"No, you can't." He looked towards me then. "Silas is almost here. He had to go somewhere."

"I had a hatchling to feed," I heard Silas purr as he walked up with Sylar beside him. Silas was wearing a black hoodie with Sebastian's contract sign smack dab on the front of it with his hood up, a small creature snuggled up to his neck and napping. That must be his baby dragon...

"Where is she?" Sylar asked. I smirked.

"Cleaning my theatre room," I told him. "She had a broom when we left it." Silas glanced towards the door behind me then snapped his fingers.

"Get her boys," he ordered, his eyes narrowing. "I want her at Sylar's feet."

"Got it boss," Dmitri purred, a small smirk forming on his face as he stalked towards the door and tossed the ball into the trash nearby.

"I guess," Travis sighed out lazily and went after Dmitri. "Don't forget about me."

"Then hurry up," Dmitri told him and laughed, going in with him. Silas put his hands on his hips then looked towards his dragon with a purr, gently kissing it's head. I felt Milo rush from my side, going up to Silas with a small giggle.

"It's so cute~" He purred out, looking at the dragon in interest.

"What will you name him?" I asked curiously. Sylar started after Dmitri and Travis with a determined look but I stopped him quickly. Silas glanced towards Sylar and softened his gaze at him.

"Sylar, they'll bring her to you, and I will let you kill her when the time comes," he told Sylar softly. He rubbed the dragon's head softly then looked towards me then smiled. "I'm thinking... Baby.... It fits~ and he's my baby." Sylar leaned against me as he looked towards the door in desperation. I rubbed his back and laughed.

"It's okay," I whispered in his ear. Silas watched us then looked at Milo before he gently placed the dragon in his hands.

"You can hold him for a little while if you want," Silas purred to him softly. Milo's eyes widened in delight and he giggled, sinking to the floor with him then started to pet Baby. I heard a sudden thud against a wall past the door as if someone was kicked into it.

"Travis! What the hell?! I thought you were stronger than that!" Dmitri hissed inside. "SHIT! SHE'S COMING FOR MEEEEE!!" Silas frowned as he looked towards the door then groaned.

"Amateurs," he muttered then stalked for the door. "If they can't get her, I'll get her."

"What do you expect? They're not trained up like we were," I said calmly.

"I expected more out of Dmitri," Silas growled lightly and went in, slamming the door behind him.

"Silas~ You're here~!" I heard Dmitri call out in relief from inside.

"Yeah, now get back," he snarled at him.

"We had everything under control," I heard Travis say quickly.

"Like hell," Lavender giggled out. "You're with them Silas? Should've suspected."

"You fucking vampire hunter," he hissed at her. "I could rip you to shreds for what you've done!" I walked up to the doors and nudged them open to have a look in, wanting to see what happens.

"You don't know what I've done though," Lavender laughed out. Silas was glaring her down, his fingers twitching.

"Oh? I know you killed a werewolf that belonged to a brother of mine.... I know you shot up a ball with your twin.... I know that you've taken over the resistance for some nefarious plans of yours. You're disgusting," he hissed at her then stalked up to her, snatching her by her throat and shoved her up against a wall. "You're not even worth a bite! I'm going to tell the whole resistance about you, and I'll kill your twin too when I find her." Lavender widened her eyes as she looked Silas over.

"Oh-" She let out a small laugh. "Yeah I can see why you say I'm disgusting. I hurt that little dog while trying to get your brother." She let out another laugh and looked Silas over. "That was a little mean, huh? I guess I can't save everyone though while ridding the world of your kind." She dug her nails deep into Silas's hand before taking his wrist and snapped it quickly. Silas grunted and looked pained but didn't flinch. He smacked her hard across the face with his other hand and watched as she fell to the floor then kicked her swiftly in the stomach. He hissed and exposed his fangs before he knelt down, putting his knee into her stomach then bit into her neck harshly. She let out a pained scream. I caught Travis take a seat in one of the theatre chairs, watching the scene. Sylar stuck his head in past me then to get a glimpse. "You're pretty angry," I heard Lavender muttering. "I can't say I blame you. I hurt your wrist, you poor devil." She snatched his throat and dug her nails into it, yanking out a chunk and got his blood pouring out over her face. She started to lick some of it up, her wounds seeming to heal. He snarled at her then yanked back before he snatched her by her jaws and grabbed her tongue, pulling on it so it was out of her mouth.

"Taste my blood one more time, and I'll kill you," he hissed her then dug his nails into her tongue. "You bastard... If you think this hurts me, have seventeen children!" She groaned out in pain and grabbed at his hand again, snapping it like the last one. She quickly kicked one of his ankles, making a crack break the air. She yanked her tongue back and let out a cry of pain before getting to her feet in a small stumble.

"Fuck," she hissed out. "What the hell is wrong with you?" She laughed out, finding the question amusing. He groaned on the floor then reached down and snapped his foot back into place and let out a cry of pain then started to sit up. I saw his eyes darken as they slowly travelled to her and then saw something devilish in them as a small smirk formed on his face.

"What the hell is wrong with me, indeed," he purred out then started to get up, ignoring his pain as he stalked towards her slowly, a small limp in his step. Her eyes widened slightly before she took off towards the exit to the outside.

"Look, she's getting away." Travis pointed towards her with his M&M box. Silas hissed in anger and ran after her.

"GET YOUR ASS BACK HERE!" He snarled at her then tackled her to the floor, snapping her arm as he grabbed it and twisted it. He raked his nails down her back then, tearing into her uniform and skin and leaving a trail of blood. "You're going to pay... for everything you've done," he hissed at her then stood up and stomped down on her leg, making it give a spine shivering crack. She let out a small scream of pain before looking up at him.

"You son of a bitch," she hissed out. "That fucking hurts you cunt."

"Yeah but you deserve it," Sylar hissed out next to me. "You killed Colsin." Silas growled at her and snatched her up by her hair and yanked her to her knees.

"Hell will feel worse," he snarled in her ears then began to drag her to us. He threw her down in front of Sylar and looked at him. "She's yours."

"Thanks," Sylar mumbled as he looked her over.

"I don't want her dead so quickly," I told him. "After all we can get some useful information out of her."

"What? I wanted to snap her neck and feed her to a werewolf," Sylar grumbled. Silas purred.

"Oh... that's the perfect way to dispose of her body," he said and laughed darkly. "But Lyle is right. I want information from her as well- like the next leadership meeting in the resistance. I'm going to crash it and take my place back on my old throne of the resistance."

"Ha, as if I'd give you information like that," Lavender snorted out. "You're gonna have to try harder than breaking my leg."

"She might be a hunter but she's still human," Lyle grumbled. "Try not to be so fucking rough. She's easy to kill."

"Am not," Lavender hissed out. Silas grinned then and looked at her.

"Oh... I can make you talk," he hissed then exposed his fangs. "How would you like to become a vampire? I hear that it's a painful transformation... and we can starve you... and I can order you to tell me anything I want," he growled then reached down and yanked her to her feet, sinking his fangs into her neck quickly and began to drain her.

"Silas! I was planning on making her a werewolf's snack. Now she'll just have to die by their bite," Sylar grumbled out.

"Get your filthy fangs out of my neck," Lavender hissed out and brought her good knee up between his legs. Silas groaned a bit but gripped her knee tightly, smashing it in his grip.

"I think the romance movies are ba- Ly-Sy-Silas?!" I heard Everest call out in a panic. "What's going on?!"

"Why do I smell blood?" Esther mumbled. "It's so... sweet smelling...."

"Esther, don't look," Everest said quickly and I heard Esther yelp. I turned to look back at them.

"What are you two doing here? Wow wow.... family reunion. We really shouldn't all be in the same building at once that's not our castle. What if this place bombs up?" I asked and laughed. "Romance?"

"FUCK!" Lavender screamed out. "That fucking hurts Silas, you dick. I didn't smash your knee in."

"W-well... we thought we would catch a movie since how one of my favorite actors was in it," Everest told me and frowned then went to cover Esther's ears instead of her eyes. "I didn't realize that it was the same movie theatre you were taking Milo... or that Silas would be here." Esther's eyes widened as she caught a glimpse of the horror that Silas was showing then trembled before she looked Lavender over. Something in her eyes clicked and she let out a small cry, rushing forward and breaking from Everest's grip as she rushed towards Lavender. Sylar grabbed her quickly and held her to him.

"The hell are you doing sis?" He asked. "That's one of the twins that killed Colsin."

"Yeah, don't worry. We're not just harming a random human for no reason," Travis yelled. "Want to sit in my lap and enjoy the view?"

"Keep your filthy lap away from my sister!" Sylar growled out. Lavender leaned up against Silas for support as her body trembled.

"Who's the sissy?" Lavender asked as she looked straight at Esther and let out a small whistle. "If you weren't a vampire...." Esther gave a small cry.

"She's my mate! Silas, please!" She begged, a needy tone in her voice as she reached for Lavender, not taking her eyes off her.

"What?" I asked as I heard Sylar let out a gasp.

"No," Sylar hissed. "That's not your mate! Tell me you're lying!"

"Getting a little dizzy here," Lavender said as she clung onto Silas's clothes. "You're not going to get much from me in a second- Oh there it goes, birds." She fell quickly to the floor. Esther widened her eyes and managed to tear herself from Sylar, falling to the floor and crawled over to Lavender, quickly pulling her into her arms protectively. Silas frowned as he watched her then bit into his wrist.

"Esther, move," he growled at her. She hissed back at him and glared at him.

"You hurt my mate!"

"She's hurt plenty more!" He hissed back then knelt down and grabbed Lavender's chin. "Now be quiet and go back to Ever-"

"No," she said stubbornly and started to cry. "This is my mate! I won't let you hurt her-"

"Then you better be quiet or she will die," he hissed and shoved his wrist against Lavender's lips. "She's drained, and if you don't move it, she'll get you when she wakes up."

"Why are all the pretty girls gay?" I heard Travis asking. "This sucks.... I ran out of M&M's too." He threw the box and stood up. "Just great."

"Esther..." Sylar hissed. "The hell! Why'd fate plan this! I'm supposed to kill her and get my revenge. Poor Esther.... I'm going to have to kill my sister's mate." Esther hissed towards Sylar and gripped Lavender in her arms then looked at her before she brushed Lavender's hair away from her face.

"No you're not," she muttered. "All of you found love, and I haven't found anyone at all! Give me this... please," she begged and leaned her head down against Lavender. "I can't let you kill her...."

"She killed Colsin!" Sylar hissed out. "I'm not standing by and letting her live!" He walked down the hall then and punched it, muttering under his breath. I frowned. Maybe fate has a plan? I looked towards Milo then. He was holding the little dragon close, watching us with wide eyes as he hid the dragon from everything going on. Silas pulled his wrist back from Lavender's mouth and stood up, yanking Lavender from Esther's arms.

"Esther, we love you, but you can't have this one," he told her firmly. "She's a hunter and would kill you in seconds if she got the chance. She'll never love you, and she'll break your heart. You're better off finding love outside of what fate intended for you. Fate made a mistake here. You'll have your heart ripped to shreds and stomped on then discarded like yesterday's garbage with this hunter. Sylar is going to kill her, that's the end of the story." I frowned. That was a little harsh but he's right. She's a hunter and we can't trust her with our sister.

"He's right," I told her. "She's not right for you. You could wake up dead."

"Yeah~ Come be with me," Travis teased as he threw in some humor. "I'll take better care of you- I've got something she doesn't."

"Travis, shut it," Silas growled his way. "Not right now, and no, you'd leave my sister as soon as you obtained her heart. I know how play boys like you work. You flirt and take then leave." Travis gave a smile and shrugged.

"Let's get going," I said quickly. "I don't want her waking up on the car ride back." I looked towards the exit she had tried to use then started for it since it would be the best way to go unnoticed with her body. "Sylar, we're leaving." I heard his footsteps coming after me. Everest walked up to Esther and gently pulled her to her feet.

"It's going to be okay," she whispered to Esther soothingly as Silas walked after us with Lavender. "If it's meant to be, it'll be."

"She's my mate though," Esther whined. "I can't let them hurt her." I heard Everest's heels following after us slowly as she led Esther after us.

"I know little sis.... I know... but sometimes we have to make sacrifices... and I hate to tell you this, but this is one of those times Esther. You shouldn't be with her... or try to be.... I'll have to get you out of the castle for a bit until she's dead."

"Look, we're sorry but," Sylar shrugged. "I'm not letting her get away with killing my mate. You'll just have to deal with it sis. You can do so much better anyways."

"Like me," Travis purred.

"Travis, you're my favorite bartender and one of my favorite people, but I swear, you're going to keep your hands to yourself," Silas growled at him. "Now come along," he purred and gave Travis a smile. Travis purred back as he followed.

"Man.... you mean I can't heal her broken heart? That's when it's good to jump into a girl's life. When they're vulnerable."

"You sick little-" Sylar hissed.

"Stay away from my sister," I hissed with him.

"Fine. Fine. I'll have to settle with leftie tonight." Silas shook his head and groaned.

"It was a mistake letting you meet my sister," he muttered to Travis. "If you had more respect for her, I wouldn't have such a problem with her coming around the bar, but I'm going to have to tell her no from now on."

"No from now on? Come on.... I was just flirting. I'll show her a little more respect." Travis winked at Esther then. "You want my number?" She shivered and hid her face against Everest, wrapping her arms around her neck then jumped up, making Everest carry her.

"I think that's a no," Everest purred and smirked at Travis. Silas sighed.

"Alright, if she wants to come by, she can come by, but you're not going to take advantage of her Travis, okay? You can be friends, no more than that though," he told Travis then purred. "I trust you can do that."

"Man... We will be the best of friends," Travis purred. "I'll help pick out her lingerie if she lets me." I lead them outside to our waiting cars in the parking lot. I got my trunk quickly, figuring we'd put her in it. Silas was about to drop Lavender in, but Esther hissed and jumped out of Everest's arms before she could react then ran up and snatched Lavender away from Silas, glaring at him.

"What's the matter?" I asked. "She's better off in it."

"You're not putting my mate in a trunk!" She said then looked at Lavender with a worried look, then held her closer, gently kissing her cheek. Silas tensed and watched her then went to take Lavender away but Esther exposed her fangs at him. "Don't you dare!"

"You're gonna get close to her if you keep that up and may I remind you- WE'RE KILLING HER!" Sylar hissed. "Now put her in the trunk so we can go." She looked towards Sylar then hissed.

"You should be more sympathetic," she hissed then started to back away with Lavender.

"Esther," Everest said in a warning tone, looking towards her. Esther glanced at us before she shook her heads.

"You're all monsters," she whispered then took off running with Lavender.

"Esther!" Sylar yelled and took off after her.

"Oh hell no!" I yelled and went for her as well. "ESTHER GIVE HER BACK!"

"There she goes," Travis sighed out. Everest frowned and teleported after her, managing to get close but Esther knocked her down and took off towards her car and got in it, slamming the doors shut and locked them then started the car. Silas hissed as he chased after her with us.

"She has no clue what she's doing," he hissed under his breath.

"The hell is wrong with her?" I growled. "She's going to get herself hurt!" Everest teleported into the car and quickly dealt a blow to Esther's neck then relaxed as Esther slumped down in her seat. She shook her head and unlocked the doors, turning the car off and opened the door.

"It's a mate thing," Silas told me calmly. "The desire to protect your mate, no matter what. Esther's never had a mate before- or a committed lover- only flirts coming near her."

"We'll have to restrain Esther," I sighed out. "For her safety." I looked them over.

"Everest, drive this car back to the castle. I've got my car with Milo. Travis and Silas. Sylar and Dmitri. Let's get to the castle. Silas, take Lavender back to my trunk." Silas nodded to me and then walked up, slipping Lavender out of Esther's arms and sighed.

"This is a lot to ask from Esther," he muttered and shook his head as he walked past me with Lavender. Everest gave Esther a sad look and moved her to the back seat then got into the driver's seat, shutting the driver's door and started to drive away with her. Milo walked up beside me, cradling the dragon with a frown.

"Is she going to be okay?" He asked me softly.

"Yeah," I muttered. "Give Silas his Baby and get into the car." I started for mine, watching as the others got into their cars. He went up to Silas, watching as Lavender was placed in the trunk then handed Silas the baby dragon, giving a small laugh as he watched Silas's eyes light up quickly in happiness. He bounced up to the passenger side and got in, giving me a purr.

"I love you," he whispered to me then leaned over and gave my cheek a kiss. "I'm sure it'll be fine in the end... even if Esther isn't okay for a bit. I can keep her company with Everest for a little while...." He buckled up then gave a small sigh. "Besides the whole fight with Silas... and the fight with Lavender... and the blow up with Esther, tonight was amazing. I really liked the date." I laughed and got into the car in amusement. Well.... I didn't put that ring on his finger.... but tonight has been worth it. We got Lavender without pissing my brother off... but we made Esther upset. "I want to plan the next one though," Milo purred to me and giggled. "Trust me, you'll like it."

"No... I'm sorry but our next one will be planned by me again," I teased him. He frowned at me then gave me a funny look.

"Why not? You're so busy now... especially with this new weight of having a resistance leader in your custody. I should be planning the next date." He leaned over and gently entwined his fingers in my shirt and pulled me close, kissing my lips.

"Noooo... You can have the one after," I purred and kissed his cheek. "Trust me. I want the next because of how this one went." He looked me in the eyes with understanding then slowly nodded.

"Alright, you can plan the next one to make up for all the date crashers in this one," he told me and laughed. "I won't pressure you into one though for awhile until Lavender blows over."

"Don't worry..." I purred as I started to drive us back to the castle. "Our next date will be so far away from all of this." He nodded and smiled softly at me.

"Okay," he purred and relaxed in his seat. "Just promise me that you won't get too wrapped up in the issue with Lavender and leave me all alone for nights on end to where I don't see you at all."

"I promise I won't," I told him with a sight purr.

Silas's POV:

I sighed as I started up the car, slipping Baby into my hoodie pocket where he could nest safely while I drive and looked over at Travis as he got in the car. "Travis, thank you for Baby and for helping capture Lavender," I told him. Though he didn't do shit while capturing her. I did most of the work. I smirked at him. "So... I think I'll drop you off at the bar. That fine with you?"

"Sure. I don't want to get caught up in too much mess tonight. Plus Mia might want me to mix her a drink." He looked me over. "I knew you'd take her down quicker but you should have let me have my fun with Dmitri." I sighed and started to drive.

"Yeah, maybe I should've. I'm badly torn up and in need of a few glasses of blood if not another entire human," I muttered under my breath. Lavender's blood only did so much. I feel a lot better and can walk, but I still feel week.

"Sorry about our hunt tonight," Travis grumbled. "We'll have to do it some other time, huh?"

"Yeah, we will," I purred to him and smirked. "The next time we hunt though- you might be hunting with the king of the resistance."

"That's kind of sexy," Travis purred and looked me over. "Too bad you've got so many kids." I laughed and shook my head.

"Rei's going to have fun when I tell him the news," I told him and smirked. He'll be mated to a badass mother, a king of the resistance, and a sorta ex king for the Rosario throne.

"Yeah... You two are going to have fun in bed," he laughed out. I smirked at the idea and then sped up.

"Of course we are, but first, you're going to serve me a glass of blood and a drink," I told him and winked. I'll need to feed Baby one more time too. I don't want Baby to get too hungry while I'm driving to the castle... and he's so small that he'll be wanting more again soon. I'll have to take a few of the bottles I bought tonight with me.

"You've got time for that? Great! I'll fix it up real nice for you. Fresh glass of Mia."

"Perfect," I told him and then used my free hand to gently pet Baby in my pocket. "I'll have to feed Baby too while I'm there. He'll be hungry again before long."

"Good idea." He glanced over at us. I felt Baby curling up to my hand and purr. I laughed and nuzzled my fingers up against him, moving him onto his back in my pocket and rubbed his stomach.

"Cutie," I purred to him as I moved my finger up to his chin and started to rub it. I felt him bite my finger and start to suck on it, letting out a chirp. I laughed and went to take my finger back from him. "I think he's hungry already."

"Is he getting you?" Travis teased. I nodded and laughed.

"He's sucking on my fingers again," I told him then rubbed him through my pocket to keep my fingers away from his mouth. I felt him crawling towards the hole then to get out and go after my hand. I laughed and glanced down at him then playfully brought my hand up to my chest to tease him. He went after it as soon as he saw it, climbing my shirt. "Hey~" I held back a laugh then tapped his nose. "You're going to make me have to pull over and let Travis drive~!" He let out a chirp before getting up onto the crook of my neck and curled up. I purred to him softly and gently petted him before I returned my hand to the steering wheel then focused on driving to the bar. It didn't take me long to get there, and I got out, heading for the entrance as I slipped Baby off my shoulder and cradled him in my hands. He started to lick my fingers as I cradled him. Travis got out of the car and took the ropes in leading us inside. I followed after him and went to the back, getting behind the counter as I got down a clean bottle and started to fix him another batch of warm honey milk. When I finished, I held it up to Baby's lips and gently kissed his head. "There you go Baby," I told him softly. "I got you some more~" He looked the bottle over before leaning in towards it and started to suck, drinking the bottle bone dry this time. I laughed and took the bottle away once he had it all then kissed his head. "Do you want more, or are you full?" I purred, looking towards his plump tummy. He gave a small yawn and gave me a loving look.

"Want your blood now?" Travis asked. I looked towards him and nodded, getting out from behind the counter after cleaning the bottle up. I walked up to a stool and sat down in front of the bar then started to pet Baby, coaxing him to sleep.

"Get a nap in," I purred to him then sat him on my shoulder, continuing to pet him. He fell asleep quickly, curling up to me. Travis went behind the counter and fixed me a quick drink along with a glass of blood before sliding them to me. I picked up the blood first and downed it then grabbed the drink and finished it off before I purred at Travis. "Travis... one day, you're going to be snatched up," I teased him then got to my feet.

"I hope not," he told me. "I prefer to do the snatching and dropping." He gave me a smirk as he watched me.

"Mhmm," I hummed out. "One day you'll find someone that you can't drop," I told him and chuckled. "Whether it's five centuries later or a week from now." I smirked and looked him over. "You flirt."

"Don't go jinxing me," he warned.

"Uh huh, thanks for the dragon," I told him and purred before I kissed Baby's head as I walked towards the door. "I think I'll try to get home to Rei tonight...." I'd like him to meet our new child. I went out to my car before Travis could say anything and got in it, going home.