A Contract for Silas

Continuation of Silas' POV:

A few minutes passed, but it felt like hours to me as I struggled to even think before my eyes landed on Lyle's broken body. I widened my eyes then went over to him quickly, grabbing his shirt and tugged him to me as I held him close and looked him over. He's not... no... he's still alive. He's still in his form.... I hugged his body tightly and kissed his cheek. "Lyle," I whimpered to him then snapped his neck into place. "Lyle, please wake up," I begged, not wanting to be alone. I looked towards his mouth before I bit into my wrist and pressed it up against his lips. "Brother, please," I whispered to him and wiped at my tears with my other hand as I struggled to hold myself together. He moaned a little after a few seconds before I felt his tongue licking my wrist.

"Silas," he purred out at the taste of my blood. I squeezed him tighter then buried my face into his neck.

"Lyle," I whimpered and clenched my hand that he was feeding off, my fingernails digging into the palms of my hand and making them bleed. It didn't hurt near as much as my burning crystal.... "S-She... Esther's dead," I whispered, chocking on the words. He sat up quickly, shoving my wrist away and looked around.

"Esther!" He yelled. I cried a little and held him closer, shaking my head.

"Lyle, she killed her... right in front of me. I couldn't do anything. I couldn't stop her," I whispered. "I drained Lavender...." He tensed up and started to cry.

"Esther's dead?" He asked softly.

"Her crystal shards fell apart in my hands," I murmured to him as I felt a tear slip down my cheek. I rubbed his back soothingly, trying to stay calm myself.

"We let this happen to her," he mumbled.

"No we didn't," I told him quickly. "We didn't want this to happen. It was that damned vampire hunter. She killed our sister! She was the one who did it! She ripped her away from our lives!"

"We didn't stop her," he mumbled softly. "How could this not be our fault?" I tensed then pulled back, a small growl escaping me.

"We didn't try hard enough, that's the problem," I snarled at him in rage. "Trying hard enough would've been wiping all the hunters out- killing them all before they had a chance to hurt anyone else. Lyle, I want them dead. I want them all dead at my feet. I want to see them suffer for what they've done to everyone. They only bring misery and death, saying that they're the human saviors. They're not. The council takes care of that- but where have they been in the plight of our people?! They've been sitting on their thrones, getting weak! They haven't done anything to truly stop this! They're always concerned about humans, and they let us die daily at the hands of their supposed angels that we're supposed to protect! They don't need our protecting!" I hissed then stood up, disgusted. "The council is useless Lyle! USELESS! They could all die for not doing what they should've done centuries ago! They're as guilty as the hunters- killing our kind as well!"

"Silas," Lyle whispered softly. "Don't say that about the council. They've been trying. They do try. We can't disturb the peace of the humans though as we roam the town looking for hunters and the resistance.... That's not what we do. We've got to do it quietly. That's how we've always done it. We keep out of sight of the humans that don't know we exist."

"It's not working," I hissed at him then growled. "Every night somebody else's sister dies- every night, someone's Colsin dies! Every night, someone's parents are burned alive or shot to death! Lyle, can't you see that?!" I narrowed my eyes then walked over to Lavender's corpse, snatching it up then threw it at him, watching as it slid in front of him then stopped. "See that? That was a precious little human that the council doesn't want to disturb- she killed our sister!"

"She wasn't human- she was a hunter," Lyle said softly as he backed away from her corpse. "A hunter Silas."

"She was fundamentally a human," I told him and growled. "They all were before they started to kill our kind and cause misery."

"Yes... but to be fair, our kind isn't all that different from them. Look at the resistance...." He trailed off slowly. "We aren't like the resistance and a lot of humans aren't like the hunters." He stood up slowly, shaking a bit. "Silas.... we can't blame all humans for what hunters do.... We wouldn't be any better than the hunters who blame all vampires for what the resistance does."

"I want all the hunters dead," I hissed then pointed towards Esther. "This wouldn't have happened if they never existed- if they never wanted to hurt someone! She wanted to torture our sister! She wanted her to die painfully Lyle.... She ripped our sister's throat out then smashed her crystal! She could've just left it at a mate rejection!" I started to cry then and wiped at my tears in anger. "They always do this! Even the Nero family killed our parents- and they were family friends! I don't care about the rest of the humans! I just want the hunters dead! Every single one of them!"

"I know.... Every vampire wants that. We can't kill them until we know where they are," Lyle whispered. "That's why we wanted to put you in the resistance to find out what you can." He started for the door slowly. "Almost everyone is a victim from either the resistance or the hunters... Now we know that the hunters have crawled their way into our resistance.... Like a bug." He stepped out of the room quickly. I looked at him then looked towards Esther's remains.

"I can't just leave her here," I whispered. "I... I don't want her to be dead...."

"She is dead," Lyle hissed. "That's what hunters do. That's what the resistance does. I've been trying to tell you this all along. This is something I never wanted you to turn into. Humans have feelings and families too." I growled at him.

"You don't think I know that?! I don't give a shit if the humans go on with their happy lives! I just want the hunters to pay!"

"Come on Silas," Lyle yelled. "We've got to go get a clean up crew and get a nice bath before we do anything else." He gave a pissed look as he looked back into the room in disgust. I clenched my jaw then walked over to him.

"She's not something to clean up," I told him firmly. "I want her to be treated kindly like she treated everyone else- I don't care if she doesn't have a body to bury. I want what's left to be buried."

"You think I'm going to let them not give her a burial ground?" Lyle asked. "That's our sister. I don't care what they do with that vermin over there though." He started off down the hall. "I've got a damn council meeting to make." I watched him then looked back inside with a hiss before I eyed down the hunter's corpse. I frowned then walked back in, grabbing her fangs off the floor then walked out. I'll give these to Sylar.... He didn't get his revenge himself, but he can see that these either become pretty keepsakes or they get used for a trade with the witch for something- The witch. I froze then looked back inside at Esther's remains. She brought me back.... There has to be a way to bring Esther back too.... I clenched the fangs then went after Lyle quickly, grabbing his hand.

"Lyle, what if we can bring her back?" I asked quickly with hope. "I was brought back."

"Yeah but you had lingering crystal dust," Lyle mumbled before looking towards the cell. "I doubt she's wanting to linger around." I frowned then glanced back at the cell before I looked at Lyle.

"I'll find a way," I told him and then nodded. "I have to bring her back. She doesn't deserve this at all. I'm going to find a way Lyle- even if it takes me forever. I'm going to make the world safe for our family too, so none of us suffer again." I gripped his hand then pulled him to me into a hug, kissing his cheek. "I have to...." He hugged me then and kissed my shoulder.

"I know you will," he purred softly. "You're my brother. We'll ask Amelia, Aurelio, or even Calix for help in getting our sister back." He buried his face against me then. "I'm so glad you're not dead."

"I was scared you might've," I whispered to him then wiped at his face then brushed his hair back from his face. "You looked so limp... and after Esther... I couldn't think straight." He kissed my cheek and pulled slightly away from me.

"Silas... You lost some blood..." He looked me over. "You should go upstairs to the kitchen and drink a bottle." I nodded and looked at him.

"Y-yeah," I whispered then glanced towards the stairs. "Thank lord that Milo was watching Baby," I mumbled, remembering that my child could've been down here with us. I have to get Esther back somehow.... I heard footsteps rushing down the hall ahead of us before Laurence appeared in our sight. He came to a stop and looked us over.

"Oh..... shit...." He trailed off. I widened my eyes at the sight of him then walked up, grabbing him.

"Laurence," I mumbled and pulled him into a hug, holding him tightly to me. "My sweet fledgling...." I hid my face into his neck for comfort and squeezed him. He came to try to help us... just came a little too late.

"Shit, don't tell me I'm late," he said quickly. I nodded and gently kissed his cheek.

"You are," I told him then looked him in the eyes. I rubbed at his cheek then bit the inside of my lip. "She's dead," I whispered and held back a small shuddering breath that threatened to escape me. "I'm going to get her back though. I'm going to find a way. I'm not going to let anyone hurt my family ever again," I told him firmly then gave him another kiss on the cheek. "I'm going to make the hunters all pay." He pulled away from me and frowned before taking out his phone and calling someone.

"Calix, come to me," he said quickly.

"Why? I don't have a contract with you," I heard Calix say on the other end. "I'm about to give Emile his dinner he asked for."

"Because I need you," Laurence said innocently. "Please?" I heard a small groan before he hung up on Laurence. I frowned at him and looked Laurence over. Laurence looked around expectantly for him. He appeared right behind Laurence and smirked at him, his eyes glowing red faintly as he looked my fledgling over. Laurence turned around quickly and grabbed his shirt, bringing him closer. "Do my maker a favor for me," he begged. Calix frowned and looked at his shirt then at Laurence.

"A favor?" He asked and got a disgusted look on his face. "Why in Hell would I ever do that?"

"For me," he said sweetly. "I want you to do something for me and that's help my maker." Calix frowned and went to take Laurence's hands off him then paused, looking Laurence in the eyes before he purred.

"What ever does your maker want?" He asked, a little curious. Laurence pulled Calix into a hug then.

"He lost his sister.... He wants to get her back," Laurence whispered in Calix's ear. Calix frowned.

"The only way he'd be getting her back if she's dead is to go to Hell- Oh... I can't take him there! If the devil found out, he'd be snatching us both up quickly. I'd be in trouble," Calix said and hissed, trying to get back. "I'm not taking him there!" Laurence broke out into tears then.

"But... Calix.... My maker is in so much pain.... I want to help him," he begged as he clung to his body. "Please help him." Calix groaned and looked down at Laurence.

"You're only crying because I'm telling you no," he muttered then frowned.

"That's not true," Laurence whispered. "Please Calix? I'll do you a favor in return." He hesitated then looked Laurence over.

"Put in a good word for me with Emile?" He asked softly, his expression looking hopeful. "I really want things to go back to the way they used to be completely with Emile...."

"Okay," Laurence whispered. "I'll do that. Now please... Please get his sister back." Calix looked at me with a frown then looked at Laurence.

"I can't promise his safety. If the Devil finds us, I can't help Silas. There's a reason why the Devil is king of all demons," he told Laurence and ran his fingers through Laurence's hair. "He could be trapped there for eternity."

"Well.... Take him straight to the devil. Tell him Silas has a request for his sister for something in return. Anything." Laurence begged. "That way you won't get in trouble for sneaking him around. You make it straight." Calix frowned.

"You wouldn't be getting your maker back if Silas says he'd give anything in return," he muttered to Laurence then sighed. "I'll try to protect him, but don't be angry if I end up coming home without him." He looked towards me then and smirked. "Are you ready to risk your soul for your sister's?" He asked me then walked towards me, snatching my wrist. I looked at him hopefully then nodded.

"I can get my sister back?" I asked him quickly.

"Of course, if you make it out in time," he purred to me and winked. I hesitated then nodded. The Devil sounds like someone I don't want to run into.... We better be careful. I looked back towards Lyle then and gave him a worried smile.

"I'll be back," I told him softly. "With our sister." Lyle looked me over with worry before looking at Calix.

"If you don't come back with my brother then don't come back at all," he hissed. Calix frowned at him.

"I can't help it if my king sees Silas and takes him from me," he told him then paused, looking at me. "I could... make a contract with you- one that says I own your soul. The Devil might respect it and not take you from me if he catches us... and I'll tear it up as soon as we get back," he suggested.

"Wh- No!" Lyle yelled. "I can't trust you." Laurence shook his head quickly, wide eyed. "Don't do it Silas."

"Look, if the Devil catches us, he'll take your brother, and he'll order me either to leave or he'll punish me for bringing your brother to Hell where he has no business being. If I have a contract with Silas, he might respect it and let your brother return with me," Calix said calmly and shrugged. "Besides, if I kept it and took Silas's soul, I'd never hear the end of it from Emile and Laurence."

"You'd be my meal of the night," Lyle hissed. "I'd have you roasted over a fire."

"Exactly. I'll tear the contract up as soon as we return safely," Calix purred to Lyle and laughed. "I have no interest in Silas's soul either. It wouldn't taste as good as Laurence or someone like Laurence- Silas does have darkness in his soul, but it's not ready yet for a demon to be wholly tempted into tricking."

"F-fine...." Lyle muttered. "Only for this." I frowned and looked Calix over. Well... he did promise to rip it up... and if he doesn't, I'll have Toru and Emile get him....

"Alright, I'll form a contract just for this," I told him then pulled away. He purred in amusement and looked me over.

"Good, now what would you like from me? It has to be a real thing you'd want, so if the Devil looks into your soul, he might be tricked into thinking it's a legitimate contract," he told me, giving me a firm look. "So think hard and with your crystal Silas." I frowned and then rubbed my chest as I looked at him.

"Well... I guess... I could bargain my soul over for the death of all vampire hunters," I told him and bit my bottom lip. His smirk widened and he snapped his fingers, a scroll of paper appearing in his hand in a burst of flame. He pulled a blood red quill out of his leather jacket then started to write on the paper.

"One... Silas soul... for the death of all vampire hunters," he murmured under his breath then signed it, looking at me. "Sign." He passed it to me and watched as I read it over, not wanting to know what it says incase he tricks me. I sighed in relief when I read that he would obtain my soul upon my final, true deathbed. I signed it then gave it to him, watching as he looked my signature over then tossed it up, the contract disappearing in another burst of flames and the smell of ash hit me. I coughed and waved my hand in front of my face then looked him over.

"Don't trick me," I warned him then grabbed his hand.

"Don't worry so much," he told me and then smirked, yanking me to him.

"Please come back," Lyle begged me. I looked towards Lyle then reached for him, wanting a hug.

"Lyle," I said quickly, feeling a little worried. I really hope nothing happens... but I want my sister back. He rushed to me and crashed into my chest, giving me a tight hug.

"Come back," he begged again. "In whole." I purred then kissed his cheek.

"I'll try," I told him and gave him a small squeeze. "Tell Rei that I won't make it home tonight... and that I love him... and tell him to tell all my children I love them...."

"I will," Lyle whispered. "I'll tell them."

"And if I don't make it back... tell Baby stories about his mommy," I purred to him softly and kissed his forehead.

"Don't talk like that," Lyle whimpered out. I smiled then and felt my crystal pulse in warmth as I leaned my face into his neck.

"Don't worry. I'll be back," I promised then tensed as I felt Calix's hand on my shoulder.

"There is... just one slight problem.... Prolonged exposure to the depths of Hell- and oh are we going deep, might make you a little demonic. It'll wear off in time, but Hell does take it's toll on those visiting.... Laurence has been, but he didn't venture outside my place, so he was fine," he told me and laughed.

"Demonic?" Lyle asked and tensed up. "I've got to go get a lot of holy water then." I nodded quickly to him.

"Esther will also return demonic. There's no escaping that with Esther," he told us. "She might not be the worst one though. It'll get to Silas easier since he's walking around... and because he's got darkness lingering in his soul from what happened with the hunters."

"I'll have a bath ready.... a hose..." Lyle looked me over. I frowned.

"Am I really going to go-"

"Oh yes you are," Calix purred at me. "Your siblings will be lucky if you don't drag them with you." He laughed and then started to pull me away from Lyle's arms. Lyle tensed up but let me go.

"Bring her back," he whispered softly. I nodded then looked towards Calix, a little strike of fear running through me. He laughed and then looked me over.

"This is going to be fun," he purred to me and smirked.