Hard to Get

Milo's POV:

I could hear Everest groaning right outside the pantry door, panting. He had locked me in the pantry and had thrown the key under the door right before Esther had gotten him... and the lock is only on the other side of the door. I whimpered and leaned up against the door with worry. "Everest," I whispered and tried to peak under the door but was met with hungry eyes as Everest's eyes shifted to look directly at me, sending a terror filled shiver down my spine. I jumped back from the door and shook my head. That's not Everest.... I quickly got my phone out of my pocket to text Lyle, worried that he had been gotten too, my heart beating fast.

Me: Lyle, Everest is hurt. Esther's awake.

I frowned as I waited for him to answer back then bit my bottom lip. This isn't good.... They got him. I whimpered in worry then dialed Rei's number, wanting to get someone outside the house that could help us. I lifted the phone up to my ear, listening to it ring. He picked up rather quickly.

"Milo~ You don't call very often," he purred.

"R-Rei..." I whimpered then looked towards the door quickly as I heard Everest growl towards me hungrily from the other side. I'm so glad he can't move. "Sorry for bothering you... but umm... I'm trapped...."

"Trapped?" Rei asked in confusion. Baby purred and rubbed his head against my neck before looking at the phone and chirped to him.

"Yeah, umm... you see... A lot of stuff happened... that Lyle didn't want to tell you, but it's really bad. Esther got killed by Lavender the night Silas came here to interrogate her, and he killed Lavender then... went to Hell with Calix to go get Esther's crystal back to bring her to life... and he's been gone in Hell since, but he came home tonight, and he came back demonic... and he's turned all his siblings like him, and I'm trapped in the pantry with a paralyzed Everest outside the door, and I can't get out," I told him quickly. "I'm scared." I shivered as I heard Everest give another growl towards me, making my hair stand up on the back of my neck.

"Stay in the pantry," Rei told me calmly. "Whatever you do... don't let them in and block the door with what you can."

"O-okay," I whispered then looked around, starting to grab boxes of food and started to pile them in front of the door. "I think they got Lyle. He hasn't texted me back, but I have Baby in here with me, so he's not out there," I told him quickly and glanced around for heavier foods I could put in front of the door.

"Keep quiet in there and try not to draw too much attention to yourself," Rei told me. I bit my bottom lip and looked towards the door.

"Yes sir," I whispered softly then moved a little quieter as I put things in front of the door. "What do I do about Everest though? He knows I'm in here."

"He's not too much of a problem. Just stay low and quiet." He hung up on me then. I felt a little rise of panic as I heard him hang up but did my best to relax as I moved far away from the door and sat down in the corner, hiding behind some boxes of food. This isn't good.... I hope Lyle is okay....

Mauri teleported into the pantry and placed a finger on her lips when she saw me. She walked quietly towards me before snatching me up and suddenly we were in a lit night room. Rei's night room. "You're okay," she purred to me. "Go hide somewhere and make sure to not let your scent follow you." She handed me a bottle of cologne. I looked at it then frowned.

"W-why?" I asked her quietly, looking at the cologne curiously. Is something going on?

"Lyle will come after you if he finds out you're missing... and Rei doesn't want you to end up on their side of the thought. You want them all to be cured yes?" She smiled sweetly towards me. "Go stay low." She looked towards Baby and took him from me. "I'm supposed to take him to Hesper and Alfarus for safe keep." I nodded and looked at Baby then at her.

"That's probably a good idea," I told her and then gave her a worried smile. "Thank you for rescuing me from the pantry. I'll use this," I mumbled and took the cologne. I hope Lyle will be alright.... They must've gotten him. He would've texted me by now if they hadn't gotten him. Silas was right on him when Everest made me run away with him.... I shook my head quickly then sprayed myself down and handed it to her. "I'm... going to go to the library," I told her softly, deciding I'd read a book while I wait this out. I can't go back there... and if they come here, I need to be somewhere out of sight.

"Make sure to stay out of sight. Ears open for anything. Demon vampires...." She shook her head. "I've never seen one before but Rei has." I nodded and then rubbed my neck.

"Everest was terrifying... and I doubt he was fully turned," I whispered then started for the door. "Thank you so much," I said again and quickly left her to go hide in the library. At least Rei knows what to do....

Lyle's POV:

Silas watched as my eyes fluttered open and purred. "Finally~ It's been an hour!" He chuckled darkly and gave me a smirk. "You passed out after it got to your crystal." I twitched a finger, discovering I could move it then started to stretch my toes, glad I could feel them. I lifted one of my arms and let out a sigh of relief. Great! I can move again. I sat up quickly and smelled the air, letting out a moan as I caught Silas's sweet aroma. He purred at me and helped me to my feet then kissed my cheek. "Are you hungry? I fed while you slept incase you wanted another taste of me~" He gave me a loving look, his red eyes looking at mine. I licked my lips. His blood would taste nice.... I can smell it on him. What does he mean though that he fed while I slept?

"You did what?" I asked softly.

"I fed," he purred calmly. "She's resting in the night room." He rubbed my cheek then smirked. "I'm so glad you're on my side now Lyle. This is perfect~ We can finally rid the world of everything that threatens our family together~"

"She?" I asked him and looked around. I was just in the night room. "Where?" I asked.

"One of our maids. I found her in the hall and drank from her then moved her to the night room for her to rest on the couch," he said and shrugged then grabbed my hand. "Let's go find Everest. I think Esther went to check on him." He grinned and started to lead me down the hall. I yanked my hand back from him quickly.

"I'm not interested," I told him. "Everest is a big boy. He can take care of himself." I caught a sweet smell then as I heard footsteps coming our way but they quickly changed directions and took off in a run. I looked down the hall as I eyed down the butler running from us. I felt my mouth go dry at the sight and a voice in the back of my head get him. I found myself running for him then, a chase breaking out between cat and mouse. Silas started to laugh as he watched me.

"Finally!" He said and started to walk off. "My brother finally understands!"

"Understands what?" I heard Esther purring. "Ooooh! He looks hungry," she said and giggled.

"I'm hungry," Everest whined. "No fair. I want some too!" I caught up to the butler quickly and shoved him up against a wall before leaning in towards his neck and bit down quickly, starting to feast on his blood to rid the burning sensation at the back of my throat. I moaned as it soothed my thirst. I heard Everest approaching quickly, grabbing the butler's wrist with a hungry growl. I growled towards Everest and moved the butler away from him, sliding him down the wall and took his hand from Everest. Everest whined then went for the butler again. "Lyle, I'm hungry." I growled possessively and glared her down. She narrowed her eyes at me then and snatched the wrist again and bit down. I pulled back from the butler and went for her then, tackling her to the ground. I heard the butler take off running quickly. She kicked me off her then hissed, glaring at me.

"Alright you two, that's enough," Silas hissed, walking up. "Behave. We'll get you both someone to drink from- separately." I narrowed my eyes towards Everest. I can't believe she thought it was okay to feed from my guy.

"Ev started it," I growled.

"And I'm ending it," Silas growled. Everest whined but got to her feet. "Come on, let's go find you two somebody. I think the maids might be in the kitchen making dinner for themselves. It's about that time." He started to walk off then, Esther bouncing after him with a happy hum. I watched Silas walking away before I looked in the direction the butler had ran off and started for it. I'll finish what I started. I stopped walking when I caught the faint scent of Sylar.

"Sylar!" I purred out. He's here somewhere. I bet he's down in the dungeon looking for us and Lavender. Silas paused further down the hall then looked my way before he smirked and walked back.

"Our little brother is here? We should go welcome him home then," Silas purred with an amused look. "We will make him stronger like us while he's here." Esther giggled then and purred.

"Of course we will~" Everest smirked then disappeared, reappearing quickly with Sylar wrapped up in her arms.

"Sylar," she purred then kissed his cheek. Silas watched them before he walked up and stole Sylar from her arms and kissed his head.

"You should've had the butlers tell us you were here," he whispered in Sylar's ear. "We would've welcomed you here sooner~" He kissed Sylar's neck and purred before he exposed his fangs and sunk them into Sylar before he could react. Sylar let out a yelp and panicked, looking straight at me and widened his eyes before looking at the rest of us.

"You-you've all changed!" Sylar yelled. I could hear his heart racing from here. We frightened him. "What happened to you?" He squirmed in Silas's arms then. "Get off me! You can't bite me! I still hate you!" He yelled and tripped the both of them over. As they fell, Sylar squirmed his way out of Silas' arms. A few more of him appeared around them before helping the fallen Sylar up.

"Ohmyfuck," one of them yelled and looked around at us. "I've never seen so many hungry faces before... and we knew Colsin and his pack." Sylar took off running as more of his images appeared around us to keep us from getting the original.

"He's gonna escape," I said quickly and looked at his little doubles preparing to hold us back from the original. Sylar might be our younger brother... but his power is pretty handy when he's in a situation he needs out of. Silas growled and started to get up as Esther looked at the doubles and frowned.

"Sylar, don't you love us?" She asked and then walked up, snatching one and ran her fingers along his spine, paralyzing him. The double let out a yelp before fading away. The others widened their eyes and took off in different directions. She giggled and took off after the original. "Sylar~ Come play with us! We missed you~!" Silas smirked and followed Esther calmly, putting his hands in his pockets. I waked after them and frowned. He's running away from us. Sylar didn't respond to her, playing smart not to give his location away. She sniffed the air then giggled, bouncing down the hall. "We'll catch you no matter what you do Sylar~ You can only make so many doubles for me to paralyze~" I smelled the air, catching Sylar's scent going in multiple directions. There's no telling which one is truly his scent. Silas watched her then looked at me before he purred and slowly smirked.

"We should ask Laurence to help us find Sylar to make this go faster," he suggested.

"Why don't you ask him then," I said calmly. "He's your fledgling." He nodded then pulled his phone out, calling Laurence as he watched Esther pull a Sylar out of a closet and paralyze him. He quickly vanished as soon as he was touched.

"I'm not helping you," Laurence said calmly as he picked up the phone. Silas frowned then and gave a slight growl.

"Why not?" He asked, looking down the hall.

"Because," Laurence chuckled. "It would be cheating. Go have fun chasing your brother down."

"This isn't a game though," Silas purred, looking amused at the thought.

"Of course it is~!" Esther cheered and giggled. "We're going to catch him and love him forever."

"He's probably in the garage," Laurence said calmly.

"I'm on it," Everest said and disappeared quickly.

"Do you want to help me make the world safe?" Silas asked Laurence and purred. "I could share this with you.... You are my oldest fledgling."

"No way.... I don't want to be like Calix. You keep your fangs and blood away from me, got it? The last thing I want is to walk around with some horns or wings or whatever else- a tail! Oh hell no. No."

"Your loss," Silas said and hung up. He purred as he looked his phone over then leaned up against the wall, dialing another number. I heard a phone going off then in the kitchen. Silas's eyes widened and he slowly lowered his phone. "Rei's here," he whispered then looked towards me. "Did you invite him here?"

"No," I mumbled and shrugged. "I don't know why he's here... but I did have the maids put spare jars of holy water in there," I told him. I heard Sylar let out a shriek which sounded like it came from the garage. Silas frowned and then hung up quickly, putting his phone in his pocket.

"We'll have to take care of that later. I want every single jar dumped out," he hissed towards me then gave me a small smirk. "I think someone told Rei that I'm home. He wouldn't be here on his own." Everest appeared in front of us then with our brother and laughed.

"Got him!" He shoved him towards Silas who purred and caught Sylar then bit down into Sylar's neck again before he bit down into his own wrist and held it against Sylar's neck to infect him easily. Sylar let out a hiss and had a double of him appear behind Silas. The double grabbed his neck quickly and squeezed it, meanwhile the original squirmed to get free. Silas hissed then let the original go before he grabbed the double and flipped him over his shoulder, throwing him into the floor then looked at Sylar.

"Sylar, behave," he hissed in a warning, his eyes flashing red. "Can't you see I'm trying to make you stronger?"

"ARE YOU NUTS!?" Sylar screamed. "What did you do Silas!? What did you do?" He glanced the rest of us over. "You're all in so much trouble and you don't even know it!" His double got to his feet then and stood over Sylar.

"Silas!" I heard Rei yell from further down the hall. Silas quickly purred and looked in the direction of Rei then looked at Sylar before he pulled two pearly white fangs out from his pocket and put them in Sylar's hands.

"There, I saved those for you. Lavender's dead," he told him then kissed Sylar's cheek. "I have to do this though... for you and for everyone else. This is the only way to keep everyone safe.... I'm going to rid the world of hunters."

"You're crazy!" Sylar spat out at him. "Demon! You're all demons! You're all mad!"

"Silas." I heard Rei calling. "Get over here, I have something for you." Silas's expression fell as he heard Rei then looked towards him.

"No," he hissed. "I know what you have." He looked Sylar over then. "Esther," he said calmly. Esther nodded and ran up to the real Sylar quickly, yanking his shirt up and paralyzed him. The double quickly vanished.

"Esther," Sylar mumbled and broke out into tears.

"No you don't. I have a glass of blood over here for each of you," Rei said calmly. Esther held Sylar in her arms then purred.

"It's okay Sylar," she whispered to him. Silas looked towards Rei then purred, looking him over with an amused look.

"How about you come here, my love?" He asked.

"I asked you to come here," Rei said firmly. "All of you, right now." Silas frowned a little and turned to look at him, glancing Rei's hands over suspiciously. He had rolled a cart out with him, four glasses of blood on it. He relaxed a bit before he looked at Esther.

"Get Sylar to his room where he can rest," he told Esther. "Come back down when you are finished." She smiled brightly and nodded before she looked at Sylar with a purr.

"Come on little brother," she told him and began to carry him off. "Let's get you in your bed."

"Esther," Sylar mumbled. "How could you let this happen? You're supposed to be our sister and make sure Silas doesn't go off sucking down a whole town..."

"A mate killing you does a lot of things to you," he told Sylar and growled slightly. "Quit being dramatic."

"I hate you," Sylar hissed out towards Silas. "You should have stayed dead." Silas tensed then let out a loud snarl, exposing his fangs.

"You take that back," he hissed. Esther tsked a little and looked at Sylar.

"Sylar, that was mean," she told him then exposed her fangs at him.

"No it wasn't! He's converted all of you!" Sylar yelled.

"If it wasn't for him, I'd still be dead," Esther hissed at him. Silas purred a little as he looked at Esther.

"That doesn't change my hatred for him," Sylar growled.

"That's your problem," she told him then shook her head. "You need to get over it. It's getting old." She took him around the corner then, disappearing from our sight. Silas watched the corner for a few minutes before he turned to Everest and me then purred before he walked up and grabbed my hand, kissing my wrist. I looked him over before snatching my hand back and leaned in towards his neck, biting down into him. He's not getting my blood first. He gasped then purred to me, wrapping his arms around me. Everest whined then grabbed Silas's wrist with a hungry looked and bit down into it.

"Boys," Rei called. "You forgot my glasses of blood." Silas chuckled then before he pulled his wrist back from Everest.

"Go to Rei," he told Everest then pushed me back. "You too." I growled and looked him over.

"What? I want your blood," I hissed. He smirked at me then kissed my cheek.

"Later," he promised me then looked towards Rei and walked towards him with a purr. "Rei~ I missed you while I was gone." Everest followed after Silas quickly, looking at the blood eagerly. I frowned as I watched them. I bet Rei done something to the blood. No way am I drinking out of a glass I don't know where the blood came from or what's in it.

"I miss you too," Rei purred. Silas paused a little at that and looked him over then snatched Everest's arm as he tried to walk past Silas for the blood. Silas's eyes darkened then.

"Don't touch the blood," he told Everest quickly.

"Why? You think I put something in it?" Rei asked. "Silas.... I'm not that stupid to try on the first go."

"No, but I don't want my brother drinking the blood either- even if you didn't do something to it. Bottled blood makes you weak," he said and then let Everest's arm go. Everest growled and looked at the blood then at Silas before he teleported and picked one up anyways. Silas's eyes widened and he looked at Everest. "Put that down!"

"Bottled blood doesn't make you weak," Rei purred and laughed.

"Yes it does," Silas said and gave a disgusted look. "It's healthier to drink straight from the humans." Everest looked the glass over and smelled it, ignoring Silas.

"Blood is blood," Rei said calmly. He watched Everest and gave a smile. Everest purred then took a small sip, trying it out. Silas snarled at him but didn't move to go any closer. "See? It tastes good doesn't it? It's blood." Rei patted Everest on the head then. "Drink up." Everest gulped it down greedily, looking starved then sat the glass down, eying the others over. Silas narrowed his eyes then watched Everest closely. "Have another. Silas seems he doesn't want one and Lyle doesn't," Rei said calmly. Everest looked delighted and started to drink them all. Silas frowned and then approached cautiously, looking at Rei suspiciously.

"What's the matter love?" Rei asked. Silas relaxed and purred, walking up to Rei quickly then hugged him and gave him a kiss.

"Nothing~ I just wanted to make sure that you weren't here to try something funny," he purred to Rei then looked him in the eyes. He leaned in and bit into Rei, marking him instantly. Rei let out a purr and laughed softly. I suddenly heard a sizzling sound as Silas sucked Rei's blood. Silas screamed and yanked back quickly in shock then groaned in pain and gripped his chest. "Damn it," he hissed then glared at Rei before he went to make himself throw up forcefully.

"It's already spreading in you," Rei purred. "Don't even try." Silas groaned and doubled over before puking up Rei's blood. Everest looked at Silas with concern before he bit into his wrist quickly and ran to his side.

"Silas, quick," he said and pushed his wrist up against Silas's lips.

"That's not going to help him," Rei chuckled. Everest growled at Rei then before he grabbed Silas and looked towards Silas's chest as Silas groaned. He swatted Silas's hands away from his chest then went, going to steal his crystal before Silas could be cleansed.

"Aw, whatcha doing Everest? You need to leave it be." Everest snatched it out of Silas then ran towards me quickly with our brother's crystal. I saw it pulsing as the darkness in it was struggling, but it quickly began to consume his crystal again, his crystal turning as black as night. I frowned as I looked it over... He's nothing but a crystal.... What a great opportunity.... I shook my head as I stepped back from Everest. Everest frowned then stopped in front of me before he growled and his eyes flashed red.

"Are you trying to be a traitor?" He hissed at me, narrowing his eyes. I widened mine.

"N-no," I told him. Somewhere deep in me wants to though. He looked me over before he sat the crystal on the ground and bit down into his wrist, purring as he dripped his blood over the crystal.

"Good," he told me and laughed. "If you were... I'd have to tell Silas when he wakes up." I gave a small smile.

"Don't you dare," Rei hissed. "You all need to be cleansed boys. Playtime is over." Everest snarled towards Rei then.

"You're not cleansing us," he said defiantly. "Silas is going to make you see things our way."

"Your way?" Rei asked and laughed before pulling a katana from his kimono. "I'll just have to cut you down to my size." Everest widened his eyes as he looked towards the katana then snarled, exposing his fangs before he appeared behind Rei and grabbed him by his hair, yanking his head back and then smashed it into the wall. Rei let out a groan before slinging the blade and sliced Everest's arm open before going to stab her. Everest let out a small shriek and let go of Rei quickly, teleporting further down the hall in panic and held her arm, looking towards it. I watched as I heard a sizzle coming from him. Rei put holy water on his katana. Everest screamed and fell to the floor, starting to cry in pain. Silas finished forming on the ground and groaned, opening his eyes slowly then widened them as he heard Everest screaming. His eyes started to glow red in anger and he sat up quickly, looking towards Everest then at Rei, eying down the bloody katana then snarled.

"Come here," Rei purred to Silas. "Come get your medicine."

"You hurt my brother," he hissed then got to his feet with an angry look. "How could you?! You're my mate!"

"He'll heal up as soon as I'm finished with all four- now five of you. You're all getting cleansed tonight." Rei pulled out a wet cloth and cleaned his blade off quickly. Silas glared at him then walked towards Everest behind Rei.

"You've got it backwards, my love," Silas hissed. Rei frowned as he stepped to keep Silas in front of him. Silas growled then walked straight up to Rei before he grabbed Rei's wrist and looked towards the katana then at Rei. He moved quickly, making Rei drop it then leaned in and kissed him before he picked up the katana, kicking it up to his hand and pointed it at Rei's chest. "Move."

"Silas," Rei purred and started to move closer to him. "Don't you want me?" He asked. Silas purred then and gave Rei another kiss, moving the sword out of the way then smirked.

"Of course I do, but I'll have you later~" He told him then tapped Rei's chest. "My sweet, loving mate~" He slipped past Rei then and ran for Everest.

"Silas!" Rei hissed and chased him down. "Don't touch Everest! He's being cleansed!" Silas hissed and grabbed Everest, pulling her up into his arms then kissed Everest's cheek.

"Everest," he purred then dropped the sword, ripping our brother's crystal out and kissed it before he pocketed it. He glared towards Rei then and started for him before he dodged him and ran for me. "Lyle, we've got to get Esther out of here," he told me firmly as he got close. "She's in danger with him here, and so are you."

"Danger?" I asked. "He's not trying to kill us Silas. He's just wanting to cleanse us," I mumbled.

"And I can't let him do that, not until I finish killing every single hunter out there," he hissed at me. "Don't you understand that? If we let them live, someone we love might die again. I'm not going to let that happen. You're either with me, or against me." I gave him a confused look then.

"I'm not against you Silas," I whispered. He purred then and took my hand before he kissed my cheek.

"Let's go get our sister and brother. I don't want them to get hurt," he told me and then looked at Rei and smirked, giving him a wink. "I'll see you later, lover boy."

"Silas," Rei growled. "I need you cleansed. You're not stronger, you're just starving." Silas purred at him then exposed his fangs at Rei.

"If you're so upset, why don't you come over here?" He teased and then gave Rei a playful look. "I got some blood with your name on it."

"I got some blood for you too," Rei hissed and started for us. I stepped back from Silas quickly. He's on his own. Silas purred and watched Rei coming before he tossed me Everest's stone.

"Go take him to Esther," he told me and smirked.

Silas's POV:

I looked at Rei as he stalked up to me and purred. Look at him.... He thinks he's all big and bad.... It's so sexy~ Too bad I'm going to have to pin him down to force feed him my blood. "Sexy," I murmured and chuckled, watching in amusement. I heard Lyle walking off calmly, a grumble under his breath that sounded like: I'm my own boss, I don't need someone ordering me around. Rei stopped in front of me with a pissed look.

"Silas. I don't like this new look of yours. You don't look good." Rei told me. "I want you cleansed." I frowned and then reached out, touching his cheek.

"You don't need me cleansed," I told him then ran my hand down to his kimono with a purr. "Trust me...." I smirked then pulled him into a passionate kiss. I'll seduce him onto my side. He'll bite me before he knows it. He let out a purr and pulled me closer, leaning into the kiss.

"Silas.... Be a good boy," Rei purred and wrapped me up in his arms. "Let me cleanse you." I purred to him then kissed his neck.

"You can cleanse me when I finish my work," I purred to him then smirked. If he stays pure that long....

"I need to now. You can finish your work when you have a healthy mind. A mind that's pure and not demonic," he whispered.

"Everything is so clear like this," I told him and chuckled. "You should try it~" I dug my thumbnail into my finger, making it bleed then pulled away from his neck, looking at him. I slipped my finger into his mouth and smirked. "Join me Rei~ You'll love it. You feel everything so much more like this~" He yanked his head back and glared at me.

"Silas," he whispered and gave me a hurt look. "I'm not joining you. You're on your own if you stay demonic. I'll leave and take the kids with me and you won't see us for a very long time." I widened my eyes then and looked at him. Take the kids?

"Rei," I mumbled and felt my crystal pulse in anger and heartbreak. He wouldn't... would he? I looked him in the eyes and felt something trying to rise up inside me, begging to surrender to him. I felt a tear slip down my cheek and I widened my eyes, running my hand up to my face and touched the tear, looking towards it on my fingers. I cried?

"Don't test me," Rei warned. "You went to hell and came back as a demon, didn't you?" Rei hissed. "Your head is clouded and you don't know now but being demonic won't sit well with the council. You'll grow hungry and feast on the town. You'll ruin our race if we keep you like this. Now, we're cleansing you. Then you'll help me get your other brothers and sister." I looked at him and gripped the front of his kimono. I have to do what I need to in order to keep my siblings safe... safe from harm and pain.... I searched his eyes then buried my face into him. But I don't want to lose my mate... and my children. I love them too much. They're everything to me- just like my brothers and sister.

"Don't leave me," I whispered, my crystal pulsing again quickly. He purred and rubbed my head, comforting me.

"It's okay, I love you.." He purred.

"I love you too," I told him then held onto him tightly, clinging to him. Why won't he submit to me though? Why do I have to surrender to him? "I had to do it though.... My sister was killed.... I couldn't leave her for dead."

"Shhh... it's okay...." He rubbed my head before kissing my cheek. "Everything will be okay. I promise. We won't fight." He pulled out the wet cloth and went for my crystal then. I yelped and looked towards the wet cloth in fear, realizing it was wet with holy water. Not that... It'll hurt. I went to back away as my entire being screamed to me to get away from it. "Silas!" He yelled and gave me an angry look. "Get back here," he warned. "I'm not going to let you go ruin towns! What do you think happened during the plagues?" I widened my eyes. That's what happened?! It was a vampire? I frowned then looked towards the wet rag before I looked at him. I shivered a little then grabbed his wrist with the hand that was holding the rag.

"I... don't want to be taken like that... if I'm going to be cleansed," I whispered to him then looked him in the eyes before I looked towards his neck. "Can I do it that way?"

"Hmmm..." He looked to be considering it before nodding. "You better not try something funny though." I looked him in the eyes and relaxed a little before I purred and leaned in, kissing him passionately on the lips. Rei~ He smells so nice... even if I know his blood is poisoned with holy water.... He wrapped his arms around me then and purred. "I love you," he whispered in my ear. "Don't worry. You don't have to be like this to be strong," He told me. "You can be so much more." I purred to him and then leaned in, kissing his neck softly.

"Okay," I whispered and then wrapped my arms around his neck as I bit down. I held back a groan as his blood stung my mouth and forced myself to drink it, not wanting Rei to take my crystal with the rag. I'd much rather do it this way.... I swallowed his blood and whimpered before I pulled back from his neck quickly in pain. He dropped the rag and gave me a look of concern.

"Go lay down sweetie," he whispered to me. I shook my head and clung to him.

"No, not without you," I told him quickly, not wanting him to leave my sight. If I was doing this for him... he's going nowhere. He purred and rubbed my cheek.

"Silas, sweetie.... Go lay down and be a good boy. You'll be seeing things my way soon," he teased. "Purely. I hope you didn't hurt any of the servants while under this blood lust either." I frowned and looked up at him.

"Rei," I mumbled then gave him another kiss before I groaned, feeling my crystal start to scald me as the holy water started to get near it.

"Sorry," he whispered and stepped back from me. "You're impure." I frowned at him.

"Rei, that's not funny. Come lay down with me, please," I begged him. "I don't want you to be away from me."

"I need to go deal with your siblings.... Especially Esther and Everest before they find out I've converted you back and come after me." I frowned at him then grabbed his hand quickly.

"Don't hurt them," I pleaded. "Please don't hurt them."

"I might have to but they'll be okay," he promised. "Go lay down Silas." I looked him over then nodded weakly.

"Okay," I whispered and then took my hand back, giving him a longing look then started down the hall, stumbling a bit as I took my first step. I heard him walking away then, leaving me alone. I glanced over my shoulder then looked ahead of me, rubbing my chest as I headed up to my room to rest and wait for him. He'd come for me....