Behind Parents Back

Alfarus's POV:

I purred and nipped at Hesper's ear as I snuggled up against his neck. Baby had finally passed out in my little mate's hands, snuggled up to his fingers. He's going to make a great parent for my hatchlings one day.... Hesper rubbed Baby's belly and purred a little before walking us towards the elevator, coming out of the nightroom. "I'm getting tired Alfarus," he told me. I purred and then rubbed my head against his neck.

"Are you?" I asked him playfully and gave a small growl before I licked his neck.

"Yeah.... but if you want to stay up longer... you're welcome to." He suggested as he stepped into the elevator. I growled at him then moved up onto his head, peering around to make sure none of his siblings were coming then hunkered down onto his head.

"I'll stay up a bit longer," I told him and purred. "I might go check on the others and come back."

"Okay. I'm just going to be in my room with Baby," he told me and grabbed me with his free hand, sitting me down on the ground. I growled then and narrowed my eyes, hissing. He put me down! I started for his pant legs then before I started to climb up then, growling at him in anger. I was happy where I was! He blushed and watched me as he pressed his floor's number. I lingered around the top of his pants before I crawled up his shirt and got to his chest, looking down at Baby before I went to scoop him up into my jaws. He gasped and held Baby away from my jaws.

"Alfarus, he's asleep. Don't wake him up. You rude jerk." He narrowed his eyes at me. I looked up at him then puffed smoke at him, growling.

"I'm not a rude jerk," I hissed at him then picked my head up. "You're my mate."

"Yeah and you don't even mate with me," he whined out.

"Your parents said not till you're older," I told him and then looked him over. "You also have a metal chastity belt protecting your manhood, so I can't mate with you."

"Well.... maybe we can find some way to take it off... You know..." He rubbed at his chest. "You could just take my crystal and bring me back with blood and I wouldn't have that thing on me." I purred then in amusement.

"I could easily snap it off, but if I did, your parents would find out," I told him and purred, nuzzling my head under his chin as I got up on his shoulder again. "I could also pick lock it though... then sneak it back on you before your parents find out, but if they found out, they wouldn't let us marry," I warned.

"We're mates.... and I hate this thing on me Alfarus.... Why does it matter what they think? I've already had you. They can't change that." I purred then.

"Well, they have a point. You're mentally too young," I told him and licked his cheek. "You are physically old enough though~ Do you like being in my nest and mating with me that much that you would disobey your parents' wishes?"

"Uh-huh," he whined and looked down at me. "I don't care about what they say... I want to be yours... I am yours... and no matter what, we are together." I purred and looked him in the eyes, thinking about it. I could sneak it off him then slip it back on him.... It would make him happier.

"Alright, as long as you're quiet... and you don't tell your parents... I'll take it off you to mate with you, but it goes back on before your parents find out," I told him then nuzzled my head against him. "You can't tell anyone... or else they'll try to take you from me."

"Okay," he whispered and kissed my head. "Thank you Alfarus." I purred at him.

"You'll need to put Baby somewhere where he can't run off but where he'll be comfortable," I told him and nuzzled my head against him. "Make him a nest in an enclosed area where he can't get out without you getting him."

"Like in my closet's dresser?" He asked me. I purred to him.

"Yes~ Like that. Once he's settled... I'll take it off you. We can't mate here though. If someone hears you, they'll be suspicious. I'll take you somewhere where we're alone... unless you want to return to my nest in the dragon realm to mate."

"Okay," he purred. The doors opened and he stepped out, walking towards his bedroom's door. He stepped in and shut the door behind him, locking it. He walked into his closet and went up to his dresser, placing Baby in his sock drawer. He left it open by a half inch and walked out, going to his window and opened it. I purred then jumped onto the window ledge and looked at him.

"Where do you want me to take you?" I asked him and looked him over.

"I don't mind where you want to take us," he said. "You're the dragon." I purred then before I leapt off the ledge and transformed into my larger dragon form and reached my head in, pulling him out of his bedroom then managed to pull the window down with my claw before I flew off quickly to avoid being seen. I think I'll take him to nest where it's safe.... I placed him on my back before I started to fly for the closest dragon realm entrance, honing in on it as I flew above Japan. It'd have to be a different entrance.... The one I like using is too far away to get to with the time we have.

I landed at the entrance to my hoard and slipped in, going past my mates as the girls picked up their heads and purred at me, looking at me curiously. I purred back at them then went to the back with him, going towards my nest. Hesper giggled and rubbed his head against my neck. "We're back," he purred out.

"Only for a little bit," I purred back to him then laid down in my nest, looking towards him then licked his cheek. I nuzzled him then, making him move down into the gold and onto his back before I smelled his stomach and then nuzzled near the top of his pants with a low, rumbling purr. He purred and pulled off his shirt for me, being quick about it then pushed his pants down. I purred and looked him over then licked from his chastity belt up his stomach. He really wants to mate, doesn't he?

"Alfarus, please take it off," he begged. I purred and then shifted smaller, about the size of a large dog and looked it over.

"Alright, hold on," I told him then moved over it, starting to move my claws over it. I could pick this with my claws. It doesn't look strong enough to break my claws.... I slipped one of my talons inside the lock and started to feel around slowly, listening to the lock as I focused on it.

"Alfarus," he whined. "Hurry up." I chuckled and then managed to get it to unlock, pulling my talon out then used my claws to pull it down his body. He grabbed it and slung it across my nest. He looked at me and smiled. "Thank you!" He purred and relaxed, laying his head back. I purred then, watching him before I nuzzled my head up against the inside of his thigh. He yelped and grabbed me, pulling me up to his chest. I stopped purring then and looked at him curiously.

"What?" I asked him and looked him in the eyes.

"That felt funny," he said innocently. I paused and looked him over.

"Good funny or bad funny?" I asked curiously, purring in amusement. "You do want to mate, right? Or are you just wanting that thing off?"

"Well...." He trailed a little. "I really wanted it off and mating with you is nice too~ But can you leave this form?" I looked him over then moved off, shifting into my human form to please him.

"Is this better?" I asked him and smirked, sitting beside him. He looked me over and nodded before sitting up. He pushed me onto my back and laid down on me. I laughed and ran my fingers through his hair with a purr. "You act like you missed me," I teased him and kissed the top of his head.

"I'm grateful," he purred out. He leaned in and kissed me passionately. I purred quickly and then kissed him deeply, leaning into the kiss and slipped my tongue into his mouth as I ran my hands down to his back. He purred and pulled back from the kiss, trailing down my body. I laughed and watched him, giving a playful growl to him and then curled some of his hair around my fingers. He stopped at my chest and looked up at me lovingly. I purred and leaned down to him, giving him another kiss.

"Little mate," I husked out in his ear. He smiled and leaned up to my neck, kissing me there before biting down into my neck. I groaned a little and then looked towards him then purred as I stayed still for him. He didn't like it too much when I moved while he was feeding last time.... I felt a sense of pleasure course through my veins as he marked me. I moaned sharply and tilted my head back, feeling my back arch at his venom. "Hesper~" I moaned out to him, a loud purr escaping me. He purred and pulled back from my neck. He leaned in towards my lips and kissed me. I kissed him quickly and leaned into it, licking his bottom lip as I started to push my weight up into him to flip us. He yelped as our weight shifted and I landed on top of him. I purred and looked him in the eyes before I leaned into his neck and started to give him a love bite, running my fingers across his bare skin. He wrapped his arms around my neck and kissed my cheek. I smirked a little then started to slowly edge my fingers down towards his manhood and moved my lips down against his neck, making another love bite on his neck. I'll have to find a way to cover these up later.... He moaned and exposed his neck for me as best he could. I purred and started to give him another one, laughing a little then brushed my hand up against his manhood. He gasped and gripped some of my hair quickly as he became aroused downstairs. I kept my face in the crook of his neck, giving him soft little kisses as I ran my fingers across his manhood then gave it a squeeze, purring in his ear sweetly. He moaned softly in my ear and brushed his hips against me. "Does it feel good?" I asked him and laughed as I gave him another squeeze. Being trapped in that chastity belt like that must've been hard for him. He nodded.

"Yeah," he purred. "Way better," he purred and leaned in to kiss me. I moved my face out of the crook of his neck for him and kissed him deeply, giving a dominate growl as I moved my body closer to his and reached down with my other hand, starting to move his legs. He kissed me back, stealing my tongue from my mouth and started to suck on it. I moaned quickly, my breath catching as I leaned in more and gripped him more firmly downstairs instinctively, my manhood starting to harden. He gasped and pulled my hair in return before continuing to suck on my tongue. I moaned again and felt my hips thrust up against him as I let his manhood go and reached down to his butt, grabbing it as I lifted him up and started to move him towards a nearby pile of pillows as I tilted my head in the kiss. He clung to me quickly as I moved us. He pulled back from the kiss and looked around. I quickly sat him down on top of the pillows and moved over him, getting between his legs and gave his butt a squeeze as I kissed his neck and started to trail my kisses downwards. He gasped and let my hair go, gripping one of the pillows instead. I purred and looked up towards him as I reached his stomach and then ran my hand to his thigh and watched him as I slowed down with my kisses, leading them down towards his happy trail. He blushed and looked down at me quickly.

"Alfarus?" He asked. I paused at his happy trail and looked up at him.

"Yes?" I asked him and smirked, moving to the inside of his thigh and kissed it.

"I love you," he purred out as he watched me. I purred at him then and gave him another kiss there.

"I love you too," I told him and then started to give him a harder love bite. He gasped and squirmed under me, throwing his head back against the pillows. I laughed and watched him before I inched up a little on his thigh and did it again. His breathing caught quickly and I could feel him tensing up. I purred and licked the love bite before sucking on it again and ran my fingers along his manhood, squeezing it. I felt his manhood twitching in my hand.

"Alfarus," he moaned out. I stopped then looked up towards him and purred.

"Do you want me now or do you want me to continue this?" I asked him sweetly, a small smirk forming on my face.

"Now," he begged and looked in my eyes. "Quit teasing me!" I laughed and then nodded, moving away from his thigh and let go of his manhood, crawling up between his legs and gave him a quick kiss.

"Alright," I purred to him sweetly, starting to move his leg up around my hips. "Ready?" I asked him and purred, leaning in towards his neck and gave him a loving kiss there as I grabbed his other leg, pulling it around my hips too. He nodded quickly, giving me a loving look.

"Of course I'm ready! Hurry up before I come first," he purred out. I purred and then nodded, leaning my weight against him as I began his second mating session with me, making it long and pleasurable for him....

I panted and got up off him then looked his hot and sweaty body over, finally finished. "Hesper," I whispered then purred at him. "We need to hurry you home before your father finds you missing."

"But.... I want to stay here longer and rest," he whispered. His eyes were falling heavy. That sounds so good.... I looked at him longingly then shook my head.

"No, you can rest on my back," I told him then looked around for the chastity belt, going after it. I brought it back and looked his body over before I slipped it on him then turned my fingernails back into it's sharper, stronger form then locked it on him. "We'll get you cleaned up back at your castle," I promised him then grabbed his pants and shirt, starting to dress him. He whined and rubbed at his eyes.

"Alfie.... I really want to rest..." he pushed away his shirt as I tried to slip it on him.

"Hesper, Baby is stuck in your sock drawer," I reminded him tiredly and managed to force his shirt on then picked him up. "We'll rest at the castle."

"F-fine," he grumbled and wrapped his arms around my neck. "But only because Baby is stuck in a sock drawer," he grumbled. I purred and then kissed him quickly.

"Good," I told him then transformed, putting him on my back and started to leave the hoard quickly, pausing by my mates and giving their heads each a lick then looked my sleeping hatchlings over before I flew out of the hoard and took us back to his realm then to his castle. I flew up to his window then managed to get it open, slipping him inside then transformed smaller and got in then shifted into my human form. I closed his window and locked it then scooped him up off the floor, taking him into the bathroom and cut the water on, stripping him. "Let's clean you up quickly then get you in bed," I told him sweetly. "I don't want anyone catching on if they come near you." He nodded and looked up at me.

"Can you take off the belt for my bath?" He asked sweetly. I nodded to him.

"Yeah, I will," I sat him down on the bathtub edge then started to strip him then looked the chastity belt over and unlocked it with my claws. "There," I purred and looked towards the tub that was filling up. I tested the water and purred when I felt it was warm enough then put him in it. He sunk in the tub quickly and closed his eyes, looking too tired to care about bathing. I watched him then started to clean him up myself, being careful with his body as I washed him. "You can sleep in tomorrow. I'll bring you breakfast," I told him sweetly. He nodded and looked up at me tiredly.

"Please don't put the belt back on me," he whispered. I tensed and looked at him then sighed.

"I will leave it off you for the day. We'll put it back on you tomorrow night," I whispered. "You can rest comfortably." He nodded and gave a soft smile.

"Thank you," he purred.

"Of course, my sweet mate," I purred then leaned in, kissing his temple gently. I finished washing him up then gently pulled him out of the water, wrapping him up in a towel and started to dry him off before I took him out to the bed and sat him down on it. "I'll get Baby and get you some pajamas," I told him and smiled at him, giving him a soft kiss on his lips. He laid down quickly, hiding his face against the pillow and pulled the covers over his body. He gave a soft moan and curled up. I laughed and watched my little mate before I walked into the closet and picked out one of his simpler kimonos and then went up to the sock drawer, pulling out Baby. I walked out to the bed and sat Baby down on a pillow then pulled Hesper back up, dressing him and tied his kimono shut then laid him back down, covering him up. Hesper gave a small smile as he curled up to one of my pillows. Baby looked up at me and hissed playfully. I hissed back at him and smirked before I transformed into a small dragon form and jumped up onto the bed, puffing smoke his way then purred, calling to Baby. He watched me before getting up and ran for me. Once he reached me he nuzzled his head against me. I purred and laid down, looking at him then lifted my wing up for him. "Want to sleep under my wing?" I asked him and chirped at him. He chirped back before crawled up under my wing and curled up beside me. I leaned in and licked his head with a small purr then closed my wing on him. I can't wait to have hatchlings with Hesper~ They'll be cute. I looked up at Hesper and leaned my head back against his stomach, closing my eyes tiredly. "Hesper," I purred out to him. "I want hatchlings when we marry," I mumbled sweetly.

"Are you going to be the girl?" He asked softly.

"No... I would need a wizard for that... and I'm the Dragon King... not Queen. I don't lay eggs...."

"Then that's my answer," he mumbled. "I'm a vampire prince.... I don't lay eggs."

"But your kind changes genders," I mumbled back.

"They do.... but I'm not going to be a girl... they're full of cooties."

"Yeah... but they aren't full of cooties," I told him and purred softly. "You would be male again once the hatchlings are old enough to not need a female mother."

"I don't want kids.... I have you," he said calmly. "You have lots of kids anyways."

"Yeah... but I want my heir to come from you," I told him then opened my eyes, nuzzling my head up against his stomach.

"But I'm a male, I can't have kids, silly." He laughed softly.

"I'll change you into a female for it," I purred and then looked up at him. "All I want is five hatchlings... and then you can be male for eternity with me."

"Five? You're nuts. You're not getting even one from me Mr. Eternity." He rubbed my head and let out a tired yawn. "We're not having kids." I leaned my head against his hand then and growled a little.

"I want hatchlings though.... Just five... and then no more," I told him and nipped lightly at his hand. "It doesn't have to be all at once."

"Not even one," he mumbled and stopped rubbing my head. I growled a little louder then, looking at him.

"We're having hatchlings," I hissed lightly. "I'll go to Aurelio for them if I have to."

"Nu-uh," he mumbled and stretched out. I growled and glared at him then.

"We'll discuss it when you're older and married to me," I told him firmly.

"My final answer is no," he yawned out. "Now get it out of your head." I narrowed my eyes at him then puffed smoke at him.

"Oh, we're having hatchlings," I muttered, glaring at him.

"No we're not," he grumbled. "Not unless you're female." I looked him over then, thinking about ways to get around it because no way in HELL am I becoming female.

"We'll do what Toma and Ross did. We'll both be male and have Aurelio create our eggs with magic," I told him firmly.

"No... I don't want egg children," he grumbled.

"Well, we're having hatchlings," I told him and purred. "Even if I did become a female, I would end up laying eggs. My body wouldn't hold it as a baby like yours would."

"Alfie, I want it to be just us.... no kids," he mumbled.

"Don't you like taking care of Baby? It's just like that," I told him and laid my head against his stomach. "Except it would be ours... and our hatchling would eventually move out into it's own hoard."

"Alfarus, I don't want to fight you over this..." he grumbled. "No kids."

"Why?" I growled slightly, watching him. "Don't you love me? Hatchlings are a sign of love."

"But..... I.... I want it to be us and only us.... They'll take up our time and energy and I want it to be us." I watched him then let out a soft purr.

"Your parents could watch them often too," I told him. "We would still have us time... and they grow up rather quickly."

"Nu-uh... You're asking for five so that's like... eighteen plus five more years.... That's a long time to take out of us time. No kids." I sighed.

"Fine... one hatchling," I told him and nuzzled my head against his stomach. "That's nineteen years."

"None," he told me. "That's all our years together. We can have a pet," he suggested. "A cat."

"I like hatchlings though," I mumbled and let out a soft whine. Does he really not want any with me? That's cruel.... "I'm giving all my mates up for you.... All I'm asking is one hatchling." He sighed.

"Fine, now go to bed... I'm tired." He patted my head. I purred in excitement then and licked his hand as he patted my head. FINALLY! I settled down and closed my eyes happily.

"I love you," I purred out to him.

"Uh-huh.... It's a no still," he whispered softly.

"But... you said fine," I told him and then growled a little.

"To make you get quiet," he purred out. "But I'll keep it in mind you want hatchlings... and I'll give you a cat to replace your feelings." I growled a little at him and looked him over. I'll get hatchlings from him... even if I have to go to Aurelio and do it while he's not paying attention. I heard him falling asleep next to me. "No.... kids," he mumbled softly. I watched him then purred softly. I'll change his mind when he's older....