Retrieving Milo

Lyle's POV:

I shut the car door and leaned up against the car, looking towards Inari's shrine. "He should be coming down here," Silas said calmly, walking around the car as he looked up the steps leading to Inari's shrine. He pulled out his phone and looked at it but paused when we heard a small giggle further up the stairs and I saw a small child dart across the stairs. A woman appeared at the top, laying her ears back.

"Come back up here into the garden where it's safer," the woman told the child quickly. The child stopped, laying it's ears back then whined, heading up the stairs towards her. Silas watched them and purred then.

"Where's Milo?" I asked softly in disappointment. She tensed and looked down at us.

"H-he's coming," she told us and looked us over. "Inari has advised him against it, but he's going to be down in a few minutes. He's finishing his bath." The child reached her then and climbed up into her arms, looking down at us.

"Are those demons?" He asked her softly.

"Yes, those are demons. Stay away from them," the woman told the kid quickly, starting to walk off.

"Well he's coming," Silas purred at me and smirked.

"Stop smirking. We're lucky he's coming down." I crossed my arms and watched the stairs.

"That's true," Silas whispered and bit his bottom lip, looking up the stairs. I started to hear footsteps approaching after a few minutes and Milo appeared at the top of the stairs, dressed in a pretty blue kimono. He hesitated, looking at Silas then at me before he started to walk down the stairs and stopped right inside the gate, looking at me longingly but stayed where he was.

"What is it?" He asked us, fidgeting a bit nervously.

"Come here," I purred sweetly. "What are you doing on that side? You're not hiding from me, are you? Your own mate?" He blushed at me then and shook his head before he stepped across.

"Lyle," he mumbled, looking at me with a deep red blush. "I'm not hiding... much," he whispered.

"Come here~" I purred and held out my hand. "I missed you." He looked towards my hand and hesitated before he rushed up to me and purred loudly, tackling me into a hug as he hid his face against my chest. Silas laughed a little, making Milo tense up and shiver. I leaned in and gave him a kiss before moving us to make him get in the car with me. He yelped and squirmed out of my arms then quickly, looking at me with wide eyes then a sad look. Silas frowned at him, looking him over.

"Milo, you need to come home with me." I told him sharply. "You're my boyfriend, remember? You're supposed to love me no matter what." He blushed then.

"I do love you," he told me and curled his hair around his fingers nervously. "I just... I'm afraid," he whispered. "What if you or one of your siblings tried to turn me into a demon? I don't want to be a demon. You've always told me horrible things about them... and I don't have a crystal to be cleansed. It'd have to be worked out of me... and I'm safe here...."

"That's why we won't turn you demon because you don't have a crystal. So calm down and come home. My bed is lonely without you." He blushed and looked me over before he looked up at the shrine then at me.

"It's lonely without you too," he whispered and bit his bottom lip, looking at me. Silas smirked and pushed Milo into the car and into my lap, shutting the door on him before he could get out again. Milo yelped and blushed a deep shade of red, hiding his face into my chest. Silas started to walk around the car then, getting in the driver's seat. I leaned in and gave Milo a small kiss on his lips.

"Don't worry my love.... You're safe with me," I promised. He blushed and looked up at me, searching my eyes before he slowly smiled at me and I heard a small purr rising in him.

"Lyle," he mumbled happily and then leaned in towards my lips, stealing a kiss with his eyes full of love. I purred and kissed him back before looking at Silas.

"Take us back," I purred to him. He nodded and started to drive us then, turning on the radio. Milo snuggled up in my arms and wrapped his around me with a sweet, loving purr. He smelled a little different this time... his scent like cherry blossoms. His hair looked healthier and shinned a little in the light of the moon, and the blue brought out his eyes and the beautiful paleness of his skin- the nonexistent tan proof of the product of not having been sun touched in years. The kimono was a beautiful soft silk, a silvery white bordering the ends of the sleeves, the front and the bottom of it and a matching ribbon tied in the back delicately. "You're so sweet," I purred to Milo and looked him over. It's so tempting to take him before we marry... but I'm not going to do that. I want us to wait to make our wedding special. He looked up at me and giggled before he kissed my cheek.

"I love you," he told me happily. "I missed you too...." He nuzzled his head against my chest then and purred. "It was so lonely without you.... I don't ever want to be apart from you again. You're my first vampire, and my first and final boyfriend~"

"I'm so glad you're coming home with me," I purred in his ear. He laughed happily and smiled at me.

"How could I tell you no in the end?" He told me and then curled his fingers in my hair. "It's too hard to stay away from you even if it might be bad for me." He gave me another small kiss and curled up in my arms.

"I don't know why you would avoid me anyways," I teased him. "You know you missed a lot."

"W-well... you've always said demons are bad... and I didn't want to be hunted either," he whispered to me. "Rei also wanted me to lay low for a bit while he tried to cleanse you all... but he never came back...."

"He didn't manage to cleanse us all before he was turned," Silas purred and smirked at us.

"Yeah," I sighed out. "My brother got us all before we could stop him."

"I don't see Esther and Everest complaining," he told us and laughed. Milo shrunk against me, looking at Silas in slight fear as he clung to the front of my shirt. I wrapped my arms around him to make him feel safe. He relaxed at my touch then purred, nuzzling his face back into my chest. Silas glanced at me then and winked. I looked him over before rubbing Milo's head. Milo purred softly and ran his fingers on my chest. "Are you going to propose tonight?" Silas mouthed at me silently while Milo was distracted and had his face against my chest turned away from him. I mouthed a no back to him and smirked. I'm not telling him when I will either. He frowned at me then and looked Milo over then looked back at the road.

"Lyle, when we get back, can I have a bottled blood?" Milo asked sweetly, looking up at me with a purr. He sat up a little in my lap and adjusted his kimono he was wearing.

"I don't mind," I purred to him. He laughed then gave me a small kiss.

"Thanks," he told me then wrapped his arms around my neck again. "I can't wait to be back in our bed in comfort.... I missed it."

"Yeah, we'll be back in it soon. We're going to Silas and Rei's castle first. His kid got shot while staying with Calix and his son." I shook my head.

"Shot?!" He asked in alarm then frowned. "When did Calix have a son?"

"Oh, it was a son he had that he never spent anytime with," Silas hummed out. "He had him with the vampire queen of England." Milo's eyes widened and then he looked at him then at me.

"I did miss a lot," he whispered.

"Yeah. Nico is going to marry Calix's son in a few years. His name is Malakai. He's a vampire/demon hybrid. Calix told me while we drove over here, but you can already guess from his parents." He nodded slowly to me and then kissed my cheek.

"Okay... I guess that is okay.... Calix will be an in-law huh?" He hummed out then giggled a bit. He looked me in the eyes then kissed my lips softly. I kissed him back then looked at Silas.

"You'll have to introduce us to Malakai."

"Oh, he's so adorable. He has cat ears and a tail~" He purred to us and laughed. Milo giggled then.

"That sounds cute," he whispered.

"He's a neko then~" I purred out in amusement. "I bet he is adorable. It's hard to believe he came from Calix then... and the queen of England."

"Well... he's rather adorable. Even Calix seems to be softening up to him. Imagine that.... Calix, the demon who was so intent on taking souls, is suddenly interested in being near his son and caring for him," Silas purred back to me. "I bet Laurence would be proud of him." Milo purred then.

"Yeah... but even then, he did care about others some, even if he didn't show it often," he mumbled.

"I think he does have feelings to be a demon..." I purred. "We have feelings. I just hope the kids are okay after their experience." Silas nodded.

"Yeah, I hope they are too.... Rei should've given them both ice cream to help calm their nerves," he whispered. Milo nodded then, watching Silas and relaxed some.

"At least they're both safe," he purred to us. He looked up at me and then hid his face in the crook of my neck in his usual spot, breathing in my scent.

"Yeah," I purred and looked down at Milo before I kissed the top of his head. He purred to me and then kissed me softly on the lips, his sweet scent washing over me. I purred and looked him over before exposing my fangs to play with him. He blushed at the sight of my fangs and looked at them then looked up at me. He glanced them over before he reached out and gently touched one of them innocently, looking at them with a purr. I smirked and looked away from him, staring out the window. He watched me before he leaned his head against me and started to nap on me, giving a small purr.

It didn't take long for us to get back to the castle, and Silas was quick to rush towards the door, wanting to get to his kid quickly. Milo stirred on me as he heard the car stop and opened his eyes slowly before he looked out at his surroundings. I smiled and opened the door, picking him up with me as I got out. I carried him in, following Silas's scent. Milo wrapped his arms around me and hid his face into my neck, curling up like he did when he was a fledgling and purred softly to me as I followed Silas's scent into the night room. Silas was holding Nico in his arms, looking his chest over worriedly and mother henning him. A Neko was sitting nearby them- Malakai obviously. Milo looked towards them curiously then looked Malakai over with wide eyes. Malakai caught us coming in quickly and laid his ears down quickly and grabbed one of the couch pillows, ducking down behind it a bit.

"Who are they?" He asked quickly.

"That is my older brother Lyle and his lover Milo," Silas purred towards Malakai sweetly. "It's safe. You can trust them." He looked us over before lowering the pillow a bit. I smiled and walked up to the couch, placing Milo down next to him.

"Milo is a writer," I purred out to Malakai. I sat down next to Milo and smiled. Milo blushed and nodded.

"Yeah, I write books and stuff like that," he purred to Malakai. "I was pretty famous while I was human. I really like your ears. They're cute."

"T-thanks," Malakai whispered and looked us over. "You're a fledgling?" He asked Milo. I purred in amusement as I watched the little neko. He's very adorable...

"Well... I am an ex-human," he purred to him. "I am though... but I'm over five so I'm a full grown vampire," he told Malakai then smiled. "Lyle turned me after I found him in an alleyway."

"Did you boys get ice cream?" I asked quickly.

"Yeah, my dad gave us a bowl," Malakai told me.

"That's good," Silas purred and kissed Nico's cheek as his son hugged him tightly. "I'm glad you two got something sweet. You boys feel okay, right?"

"My ankle felt funny getting shot and it hurt.... but it's okay now..." Malakai said sweetly. Silas nodded and then reached out and rubbed Malakai's cheek before he kissed Nico's cheek.

"I'm fine too mommy," Nico whispered. Silas looked relieved and pulled Malakai into his lap too, hugging the two of them.

"Thank goodness," he whispered happily. "It could've been so much worse...." Malakai purred a little at the attention and hugged Silas back.

"My dad was there though," Malakai purred. "He saved us... you should have seen him... I didn't because I was stuck in a bag... but... Nico saw him."

"Uh huh! He was amazing! He killed everyone and got Malakai back before they could get away with him," Nico said quickly and laughed. "If it wasn't for him, Malakai would be gone!"

"Yeah... I would have been. They were so unfair shooting us. We didn't have weapons on us." Malakai sniffled as he looked up at Silas.

"That's horrible...." Silas mumbled and gave Malakai a kiss on the cheek. "You don't have to worry though. You're safe here... and you've got your daddy to always rescue you... and Nico is going to learn fencing to protect the two of you as well." Nico's eyes widened.


"Oh yes, you're learning fencing. I'm going to teach you all to fence like Rosario's," he purred at his child. Milo frowned then.

"Fence?" He looked up at me then. "Silas knows how to fence?"

"I know too," I purred to him. "We all know thanks to our dad. He made sure we learned." I smirked as I looked down at Milo. "You didn't know?"

"N-no," he whispered and blushed. "I didn't.... I don't think you've told me before...." Silas laughed then.

"Does it make my brother seem sexier with that knowledge?" He teased Milo, watching as Milo's face went extremely red and his eyes widened.

"I know how to fence," Malakai purred out. "My mom is the queen of England."

"Then you can help me train your fiancé," Silas purred to Malakai. "It'll be perfect bonding for you two." Milo looked them over then leaned back against the couch, curling his hair around his fingers as he looked Malakai over curiously, his eyes lingering over his tail.

"Okay... but I'm not much of a teacher..." Malakai blushed and looked towards Nico. "Do you mind?" Nico shook his head no quickly and purred, pulling Malakai into his arms.

"No I don't mind you helping mom teach me to fence. I want to get stronger to protect you that way if something like that happens again, I can keep you safe," he said sweetly and kissed Malakai's cheek. "What kind of husband would I be if I couldn't keep you safe?" Milo made an aw noise at them softly, looking them over then smiled softly. Malakai rubbed his head against Nico's chest then.

"You'd be my husband either way," Malakai purred. I smiled as I watched them. Young love.

"Yeah, but I want to protect you," he whispered to him. "I don't ever want to see you get shoved into a duffle bag again! You're my fiancé and you'll be my husband, and no one will take you from me." Milo giggled then and purred, watching them with a sweet look.

"Hey.... I was only shoved because my ankle got shot and I can't walk on a hurting ankle. I would have been fine if they wasn't so unfair," Malakai mumbled. Nico purred then and started to rub Malakai's tail as he snuggled with him on the couch.

"Yeah, but I'm going to be strong for you, promise." Nico laughed happily and leaned in, stealing a quick kiss from Malakai. Malakai purred but touched his lips quickly.

"Nico, you promised," he whined and hid his face against Nico again. "You stole another kiss from me." Nico blushed then and hugged him.

"Sorry... I got carried away," Nico mumbled to Malakai. "No more lip kisses. I'll remember," he promised him. "I will this time."

"Uh-huh..." Malakai's ears fell down. "I doubt it. Kiss stealer." He rubbed his head against Nico and purred. "You're lucky we're engaged or I would have bit your bottom lip." Nico blushed a little more and started to rub Malakai's ear.

"I'll remember," he promised Malakai. "No more kisses till our wedding like you wanted."

"MALAKAI! MOMMY'S HERE!" I heard a girl yell from the front door. Malakai sat up quickly and moved away from Nico, getting to his feet. Nico whined then.

"Don't leave me," he begged, looking at Malakai.

"WE'RE IN HERE!" Silas called out and laughed. Malakai sat back down slowly. His mother- Sophie the queen of England stepped into the room then and glanced around before looking straight at Malakai.

"Hi darling~" She purred and started for us, sitting down in an arm chair. "Are you okay?" She asked as her eyes looked him over. He nodded and walked up to her, leaning in and giving her a hug.

"Yeah, I'm fine." He purred to her. Nico frowned and watched them, particularly Malakai. Calix walked into the room quickly, his eyes landing on Sophie before he purred.

"You got here quickly," he purred at her then shut the door behind him as Emile came in.

"Well... I wanted to see my son," Sophie hissed out towards Calix. "The boy you stole from me, remember?" Malakai pulled away from her and went back to Nico, sitting down by him and gave his cheek a kiss. Nico purred loudly and hugged him with a happy smile. Calix laughed then.

"I did not steal him. He's my son too," he purred. "If it wasn't for me, he wouldn't exist. I have my rights to him, and I've decided to show him the world. He's safe with me. He wasn't kidnapped or majorly harmed. Now... you and I are going to talk. I've been waiting."

"Yeah? Well he got hurt, Calix. He's special and now that you've seen other's want to steal him... you might reconsider just taking him around the world." She hissed at Calix. "My castle is heavily guarded daily because people want to take him from me." He nodded.

"Yes, I can see why you would do that. However, I'm a demon. It's a lot easier for me to protect him. I'm going to show him the world still. He deserves to see it, and it'd be easier with me watching him. I'll keep a closer eye on him, however, and if it pleases you, I'll give you a call after I put him to bed every morning to inform you on how he is and let you talk to him," he purred. "Malakai wishes for us to get along, and I'll make an effort, but I won't cave to you." She narrowed her eyes to him.

"Fine. But you're not keeping my son forever, you can have him only to show him the world... but he's going to return to my castle. He's not done with his lessons." Calix purred at her then.

"Fair enough. He loves you enough," he told her and smirked. "I get to visit though."

"Yeah, I'll let you visit... When he's not busy." She smirked at him. "So, are you gay now?" She eyed Emile over.

"I don't care to limit myself to a specific term," Calix purred at her then tugged Emile closer to him by his waist. "I have picked a lover though for eternity."

"You two look sweet together," she hummed out. "I like it. He suits you." She looked towards Malakai. "You can go with your father and let him show you the world... but you better not let another person shoot you.... I actually brought you a few things for your trip. I had Rei's servants put them in your room."

"Really!? Did you bring me a bunch of my clothes?" Malakai asked in hope.

"Of course," she purred. "I'm not going to leave you in rags." She smirked as she looked him over. "I brought you your favorite hoodies." Calix purred at them then sat down in an arm chair, pulling Emile into his lap and kissed him before he looked at Malakai.

"We'll leave the night after tomorrow night. It'll give you time with your mother and Nico time with his parents," he hummed out. Nico looked towards his mom in excitement and purred.

"Are you going to be here mom?" He asked quickly then stopped at the look on his mother's face.

"N-no, my darling... and neither is your father. We're supposed to go on a camping trip with my brother to patch things up with him... unless Lyle says it can be put on hold," he told Nico softly, looking regretful. "I'm sorry sweetie. I wish I could, but I promised." Nico frowned and looked towards me then with a pout.

"Don't look at me like that. It's his fault," I purred in amusement. "He could have chosen a day in a cell with our little brother... now he's got a camping trip to go on."

"But Uncle Lyle... I got shot!" He whined at me and sniffled. "You're taking both my parents from me...." I frowned.

"You're not his only child Nico. He's got to worry about several others as well. He's got Hesper to worry about whose trapped in the claws of a horny dragon, A'slin who will soon be married to a French princess, his two youngest kids who are twins and needy for his attention, two musicians needy for him, he still has a youtuber child to look after and make sure he gets married off, there is you... then all those girls he has and the younger boys he hardly sees. You should be grateful to see him now as much as you do. Plus he has Baby, his new son. Now let him have his camping trip to patch things over with his brother. He's stressed as it is with other things he needs to do... like take care of the hunters, which is what he promised he would do for me." Nico frowned and looked at me in disappointment then held onto Malakai.

"F-fine... but you owe me Uncle Lyle...." He whispered to me. Silas laughed then and ruffled Nico's hair.

"Lyle doesn't owe you a thing," he purred at him. "Tell you what though... when I get home and have time off again.... I'll take you shopping." Nico looked at his mom in excitement then nodded.

"Okay mom," he said happily.

"I'll also let you spend a week in England with Malakai and his mother too. You'll have to behave... and remember, they don't slurp in England like we do here, so don't do it if his mother treats you to tea," he warned his son. I heard Sophie laugh softly.

"You guys slurp here?" She asked.

"Would you like some tea?" Rei asked as he walked in with two butlers carrying trays of tea. Silas purred at the sight of Rei and nodded.

"Yes, we would all love some tea," he purred to Rei sweetly. Nico looked towards the tea in excitement and laughed. Rei walked over and sat down in Silas's lap as the butlers sat down the trays on the coffee table and left the room. Malakai got the first cup quickly and looked at the tea before sniffing it and looked towards Calix expectantly. Calix purred and snapped his fingers, making Malakai's tea color change in the cup.

"There you go sweetie. There's blood in there for you," he told him. Silas kissed Rei and smirked before he grabbed a teacup and put some sugar in it and stirred it. He brought it back to him and started to slurp it, watching Rei with a playful look. Nico was quick to grab one and laughed happily before he started to slurp his as well. Malakai watched them before he slurped his tea, giggling in the process. Rei smirked and took a cup, slurping his. Sophie raised an eyebrow before taking a cup and slurped it, making Malakai laugh into his tea and form bubbles. I laughed and grabbed a cup, giving it to Milo before taking one for myself. Milo looked at the tea and laughed before he tried it himself. Silas smirked and finished off his tea before he leaned in and licked Rei's neck teasingly. Nico looked towards Malakai and purred sweetly to him as he drank his tea happily.

"Alright, since we're all having tea... I want a good cup of tea.... what're you boys doing all demonic like?" Sophie asked as she looked me over then Silas. "It's not like you two.... especially you Lyle." I smiled as I sipped my tea.

"Silas is a handful for a mate," Rei told her.

"Oh yes, I am a handful," Silas purred and smirked devilishly. "Let's just say I had to take a trip to Hell, and I came back and decided I would use this to my advantage and wipe all the hunters off the face of the earth to protect my family."

"Mhmmm?" Sophie asked. "Well... I won't say anything to the council about this.... but it's going to be funny seeing their faces when they find out naturally."

"Kingsley knows," he hummed out. "Besides, I don't give a damn what the council has to say about this. I'm going to finish what I want to do," he told Sophie. "It's going to make the world better... and no one will have to worry about being killed by hunters... or for hunters to shoot their loved ones. I promised one of my brothers I would wipe them out, and I will for him and for the rest of my family. I'm using the resistance to obtain my goals as well...."

"Mhmm? Well... I wasn't judging you Silas... and I hardly think you'll be punished as much as you're doing for them- for us." She smiled. Silas purred then.

"Good," he told her then looked at Rei, stealing his tea cup momentarily to plant a kiss on Rei's lips then returned it to him. "None of my children have been converted, however, but all my siblings have been." He looked towards me then and smirked. "Poor Lyle just recently got his lover back who ran away from him."

"Hey...." I whined. "Don't go telling the whole world about my love difficulties." Milo blushed then.

"Love difficulties?" He asked softly, looking up into my eyes before he crawled into my lap. "I don't think we have difficulties...."

"You ran off silly," I purred to him and leaned in for a kiss. "That's difficult enough... our bed was cold without you in it." He met me in the kiss quickly then wrapped his arms around my neck, a small purr escaping him as he adjusted himself in my lap. I smiled and pulled back from the kiss.

"So you're having problems with your brother?" Sophie asked Silas.

"Yes, he's angry with me for some reason," Silas told her. "So we're going on a camping trip to patch it up some. That's all." He held Rei a little closer to him then and kissed Rei's cheek.

"Well... if it doesn't work out then you can send him my way," she purred. "Which one is it? Sylar?"

"Yes, it's Sylar, but I won't be sending him anywhere," Silas purred to her and gave her a small smile. "He's a witch's familiar right now, and he has a human mate to take care of."

"Well.... darn. He's got a handful, doesn't he?" She asked and sighed. "That's too bad." Her index finger rubbed her cup of tea then. Silas smirked at her then.

"If you're wanting to hang out with one of my siblings, Esther wouldn't mind having a BFF," he purred at her.

"Then you can send her my way," Sophie purred and smiled. "I love having new friends. We can trade secrets."

"Alright, she could use it," Silas told her. "Her mate rejected and killed her after all.... She needs a break, even if her grief is put on hold because she's a demon."

"Really? Can I have her phone number?" Sophie smiled wide then. Silas laughed then and purred a little.

"Yeah, I'll have you meet her actually.... You're not just asking for her phone number because you're looking for another kid, are you?" He asked cautiously, looking like he wanted to make sure. "I don't know if you are bi or what not... and I would prefer if my sister had more of a friend instead of a one time lover right now."

"Silas," Sophie purred. "If I wanted another child, I would already have it." Silas looked at her then nodded.

"Fair enough," he purred. "You'll meet her then. She needs a friend other than her family." He dug his phone out of his pocket then before he pulled up Esther's number and tossed his phone to her. "That's her number." She pulled out her phone and started to get the number before tossing the phone back to Silas. He caught it then put it back in his pocket and purred. "She's not a teleporter, but Everest is. She should be near him.... She can paralyze people though," he warned her.

"Great~! I like a girl with spunk." She called the number then and smirked. I heard the phone pick up after a few rings.

"Hello? Who is this?" Esther purred on the other end. "I think you have the wrong number~"

"No, I have the perfect number. I'm sitting in front of your brothers, having tea. Why don't you join us? We're at Rei's."

"Who is this?" My sister asked, her interest piqued. "EVEREST! I NEED TO GET TO REI'S! I'VE BEEN INVITED TO TEA!"

"Sophie," she said sweetly. "You know... they do an odd thing while drinking tea... they slurp here."

"They do? Silas used to slurp his food and drinks when he was younger.... I guess he was meant to be with Rei more than he knew," she purred out. Our sister was suddenly standing in the room with a tired looking Everest who quickly disappeared, leaving Esther here. She hung up on her phone then slipped it into the pocket hidden on her floral dress, smoothing her dress out then brushed her hair back behind her ear.

"Hi Esther!" Sophie said sweetly. "We're going to be best friends." Esther looked towards her with interest then purred.

"We are, huh?" She asked then giggled, walking up to Sophie. "I'm surprised I haven't met you already. I normally know all the girls by acquaintance from all the parties we've held."

"Well I'm the queen of England. That's my son Malakai. He's going to many Nico." Sophie told her. Esther glanced over at Malakai then giggled.

"He's so cute! I love his ears! You know... Silas has a tail too," she purred out then sat down in the chair beside Sophie. Malakai shrunk a little as he watched Esther.

"I noticed.... you're all demonic," Sophie said softly.

"Malakai is Calix's son as well," I said quickly. Her eyes widened and she looked at Calix in shock.

"You... have a son?!" She asked and then quickly took out her phone. "Oh my demons, I have to tell Laurence. He's going to flip if he doesn't already know." Silas laughed as he watched her and purred lovingly.

"I bet Laurence will have a field-" I was cut off as Malakai looked over at us.

"Whose Laurence?" He asked then looked at Calix.

"Oh, Laurence is my fledgling," Silas told Malakai and purred.

"Laurence is also one of my old contracts that I tore up," Calix told him calmly. "He and Emile are the only two I've ever let out of a contract."

"So...." Malakai trailed off. "He's important?"

"Yes, in short, he's important," Calix told him. "You'll be meeting him as well. He'll enjoy it." Esther giggled as she hit send.

"There we go! I can't wait to see what he says. I hope it's not 'I know'." She purred then and paused. "I should probably message Travis too. I haven't talked to him in awhile." She started to text him then, making Silas frown.

"Esther," Sophia purred out. "You're having tea with us."

"Am I on time?" I heard Laurence ask as he walked into the room then pulled out his phone as it vibrated and he glanced at it. "Yep.... right on time. Calix, you have a son?" He asked and put his phone back in his pocket. "That's what I've been waiting to know?" Calix looked towards him and purred.

"Yes, I had a little kitten with the queen of England," he told him and smirked. "Damn I love your powers."

"I know right?" Laurence asked before he glanced around the room and he looked towards Malakai. "He's so cute!" He purred out before walking straight up to him and pulled him into a hug. "I'm going to steal you away~" Nico whined then, looking towards Malakai longingly.

"Wait... if that's your son... how come he's Nico's age? Did you cheat on Emile?" Esther asked and frowned at Calix. Calix shook his head.

"No, I didn't cheat on Emile. He's a very strange halfbreed so he ended up aging slower than others," he told her calmly. "The demon blood did it. He's Nico's age, but he just ages at a somewhat slower rate. He'll be old enough to marry soon though, so it's not like Nico will have to wait too long."

"That's why he's my favorite son~ It's like he was never going to grow up~" Sophie purred.

"M-mom.... D-dad..." Malakai whined out and blushed. "Don't tell them that stuff..." He tried to shrug his way out of Laurence's arms. Esther giggled then, watching him.

"He's adorable~" She purred and watched as Nico snatched him from Laurence's arms and cuddled with him. Malakai purred as he made it back to Nico. Laurence pouted but walked up to Calix and crossed his arms.

"You! Have been ignoring me." Calix looked at Laurence then frowned.

"I have not," he told Laurence then smirked at him as he watched him. "I've been busy taking my son places...." He reached for Laurence then, yanking him down into his lap with Emile. "You didn't bring the fox, did you?" He purred and chuckled.

"He's asleep," Laurence said calmly. "I told him this wouldn't be interesting for him."

"Is he here?" Rei asked.

"Alright," Calix purred and smirked, running his fingers through Laurence's hair. "So you want attention from me then before I drag my kid off on another adventure with Emile and Nico?" He teased him.

"I'm here, aren't I?" Laurence asked. "The fox is asleep upstairs... So we have a little time before he comes down here and tries to bite your hand."

"Good, I don't want to get bit by your little fox," he muttered. "I'm not in the mood to fight him right now." He moved one of his arms around Laurence then and put the other around Emile, pulling them close as he kept them both in his lap. Milo watched them with interest before he leaned his head up against my chest and glanced towards Esther who was talking with Sophie and giggling before he looked up at me and gave me a kiss before he started to get up.

"Where are you going?" I asked quickly and pulled him back to me. He blushed at me and looked up into my eyes then.

"W-well... I was thinking about stepping out into the garden," he whispered to me then leaned his head back up against my chest.

"No you're not... You just came back to my side... No way am I letting you leave it so easily." He blushed and looked up into my eyes.

"Yes Lyle," he whispered to me then gave me a sweet kiss, making it longer than he usually does then pulled back and hid his face into my neck, smelling it. I caught a whiff of his sweet scent of cherry blossoms again, teasing me. I purred and rubbed his cheek.

"You're not that possessive, are you?" Malakai asked Nico.

"Possessive like Uncle Lyle?" He asked innocently. "Well... if you ran away, I might not like it if you left my sight," he said sweetly. "I wouldn't force you to continue to sit in my lap though."

"You will one day," I told him and smirked. "When you love him enough." Milo blushed and I felt his fangs scrape up against my neck then. "Milo, don't drink my blood..." I warned him. He purred softly to me then.

"May I mark you if I don't swallow any?" He asked me innocently.

"No.... I don't want to take the chance," I told him and rubbed his back. He nodded obediently and kissed my neck instead, purring sweetly to me.

"Okay my love," he whispered then pulled back from my neck then kissed my lips again. I purred and kissed him back passionately. I'll have to propose to him soon. He gasped a little as I kissed him back then giggled against my lips, curling my hair around his fingers. I smirked and raised up with him in my arms.

"Okay, Milo... we'll go out into the garden for a few minutes..." I purred and started for Rei's garden. "Behave without me," I warned them. Silas laughed.

"This is mine and Rei's house," he purred at me and gave me a questioning look as he watched me leaving the room. Milo purred sweetly to me and hid his face back into the crook of my neck and giggled.

"Thanks Lyle," he purred happily to me.

"Alright, the buzz kill is leaving~ Let's all drink blood~" Laurence giggled out playfully.

"I heard that!" I called over my shoulder.

"You don't live here, so you don't make the rules!" Silas purred out to me and laughed. I suddenly smelled Rei's blood then as Silas moaned. I smirked and carried Milo out of the room.

"Are you hungry?" I asked him curiously. He looked up at me and blushed.

"W-well... it was kind of hard to get blood at Inari's shrine," he mumbled to me and then purred. "I'm not starving though. He managed to keep me fed."

"Okay," I hummed out and sat him down so he could walk. He walked beside me then and reached my hand, holding onto it as he purred and looked excitedly towards the doors we were approaching.

"I wonder if he has Koi back here," he mumbled and purred. I smirked and gave his hand a squeeze. Knowing Rei.... and Silas.... they probably do.

"Probably," I purred out. He giggled and then pulled me outside as quick as he could and looked around the garden in awe as his eyes landed on it. He gave my hand a small squeeze and purred to me sweetly as he let my hand go and started to walk a little ways over to the side to look at the flowers growing. It looked like they had recently planted some of the flowers... Rei sure does like gardens. I spotted a koi pond not too far away. "There's one." He looked towards it curiously, following my train of sight then laughed, running over to it quickly and looked down at it in awe, sitting on the edge as he started to watch the fish swimming in it. I watched him curiously before following after him.

"You like the fish?" I asked and smirked. He purred and nodded, not taking his eyes off them.

"Yes, they're very breathtaking," he mumbled to me and then trailed his fingers along the surface of the water. He laughed softly as one of them brushed up against his hand in a friendly manner.

"I like them too.... When I was younger... Silas took me to my first koi pond," I whispered sweetly. He looked up at me and purred then.

"That was sweet of him," he whispered to me then reached up for my hand, grabbing it gently then pulled me down to sit beside him and looked at the pretty fish swimming in the pond. "They're very beautiful." I nodded and reached down into the water, brushing one of the fish. He watched me with a loving look before he returned his attention to the fish and giggled, looking fascinated by them swimming around. I pulled my hand out and flicked the water at him, smirking. He gasped as the water hit him then looked towards me. "Lyle~!" He laughed then flicked some of the water back at me with a purr. "Silly," he teased me. I purred and leaned in for a kiss from him. He giggled and kissed me, resting his hand on the side of my face and pulled me closer. I pulled back from the kiss and pushed him into the water playfully. He yelped as he fell in then gasped, sitting up quickly. He looked towards me then exposed his fangs at me, soaking wet. "I'm going to get you!" He purred at me and laughed, coming for me. I laughed and took off running from him.

"If you can catch me!" I yelled. I heard him giggle before he got out of the water and started running after me, catching up quickly then tackled me to the ground, making us roll as the momentum took over. He landed on top as we came to a stop and looked down at me with a loving look in his eyes before he kissed me sweetly and giggled.

"If my kimono is ruined... I'll be sad. I really liked this one," he told me and brushed my hair back from my face then kissed me again. I purred and kissed him back.

"Well... my mate is starting to get faster than me.... what should I do?" I asked him and rolled us over quickly. I looked him over before leaning in to a kiss. We'll have to go back to my castle soon. I don't want to get stuck in Japan for too long and something happen back home- Like Sylar running off. I'll catch Milo up on the latest -what's been happening- on our way home.