Sera’s Date

Sera's POV:

"Miss? Godric is here," I heard one of my maids telling me as she walked into my tea room. "He says he would like to see you." She gave a smile then and giggled. "He's rather cute. I'm happy for you."

"Oh~ Send Godric in," Alfred suggested to her as he sat across from me. He got up calmly. "As I was saying, I think you need to go get William back from Sylar. I can't train him if he's being held captive." I nodded as I took what he was telling me into consideration. I really need to give Sylar a call. William is my butler in training. The maid ran off quickly then, and after a few minutes, Godric walked in, dressed in a nice dress shirt and a pair of black jeans. He gave me a smile as he saw me and bowed slightly.

"Milady," he purred to me. "I hope this isn't a bad time. I thought I would come over and see you on my night off."

"No this isn't a bad time," I told him and gave a huge smile. "I want to get married," I told him calmly. He blushed slightly at that.

"Of course," he whispered to me. "We'll get married in time," he told me then walked over and sat down in the extra seat beside me. "I moved closer to you so I could court you and eventually propose."

"Well I want children, Godric. I want them running around already." I grabbed his hand and pouted. He looked towards my hand then gave a small smile before he looked up at me then brought it to his lips, giving it a small kiss.

"You do, huh?" He mumbled then looked at me with a small purr. "Well... I did get you a little something, but I wasn't going to give it to you for another few months." He gave me a huge smile then before he got out of the chair, keeping my hand in his before he got down on his knees beside me and blushed. "Miss Sera, I know it hasn't been too long since we met, but every date we've had has been amazing," he told me sweetly and started to reach into his pocket. "If you really want children with me sooner, then I hope my offer is to your liking. Sera, will you do me the honor of marrying me?" He asked and pulled out a small black velvet ring box then slipped it into my hand, opening it. It was a gorgeous silver engagement ring with a blue gem in the center, little diamonds surrounding it in a swirl. I looked the ring over and smiled before looking up at him.

"Yes, of course I will. I want children with you!" I bit my bottom lip. Awwwwwww, he got me a ring. He gave me a sweet smile before he got to his feet then took the ring out before he slipped it onto my ring finger and leaned in, giving me a small kiss on the lips.

"You can pick the wedding date," he purred to me and then sat down in his seat, holding onto my hand with a loving look. "You'll have to tell me when so I can take off from work that day and then file for vacation time."

"Well.... How about tonight?" I asked and giggled. He blushed then.

"T-tonight? You don't want to wait a few days?" He asked me curiously. "Who'd marry us?"

"Well...." I trailed off in thought. "We can wait a few nights I suppose.... It'll give me time to plan... I can't plan within a night anyways." I leaned in and gave his cheek a kiss then giggled. I'm going to be pregnant soon! I'm going to have kids! I should tell everyone. He nodded and gave me a smile before he squeezed my hand gently.

"I'll tell my work that I'm taking vacation time soon then, and I'll get a tux made. It's earlier than what I thought it would be, but I'm glad you want to get married to me."

"Of course I do. You're my soul mate and did I mention I want children," I purred out. I leaned in and kissed his cheek, purring. "You're going to give me kids." He laughed then.

"How many?" He asked curiously, rubbing my hand with his thumb.

"I don't know yet," I purred as I laughed. "I know I want them, so let's just go with it." I leaned in and gave his lips a kiss. "I want one for now." He kissed me back then and pulled away, looking towards Alfred.

"Can I have some tea?" He asked him softly.

"Of course." Alfred pulled out his phone and sent out a text. "I have a cup coming for you." He gave a sweet look. "I want to get you a tux made for your wedding day. So we'll get your measurements tomorrow night, if you plan on staying.... otherwise I need them tonight." Godric frowned but nodded, consenting.

"Okay, I guess you can have someone take my measurements after tea," he told him then looked towards me. "Where do you want to honeymoon?" He asked me sweetly. "We could go to Italy."

"Why not England? I'd love to visit it. We can ask a friend of mine for close details of England. She can give me the best locations to visit and a place for us to honeymoon at." He nodded then.

"Okay, we'll go to England then. I don't mind," he whispered to me then leaned in, kissing my cheek. "England is beautiful out in the country... and we can also visit Ireland too while we're over there. We'll come home and set up a nursery and see about having a child."

"Can we try early?" I asked softly. Alfred laughed as he overheard. He blushed then and looked at me.

"When?" He asked quietly, trying to ignore Alfred. I sent a slight glare towards Alfred before looking back at Godric.

"Tonight?" I asked in hope.

"Tonight?" He asked me and bit his bottom lip before he thought about it. "Are you sure? Wouldn't you prefer to get married first?" He rubbed my hand absentmindedly then, looking me in the eyes.

"Well we will get married later this week. I don't think it will be a big deal," I whispered. I really want a baby. It's right there in my hand. I looked at his hand. He's so close! He's filled with potential sperm that'll give me a child! He thought it over before he blushed then gave a small nod.

"Okay, we can try tonight," he whispered. "I'll stay over for you, and we can start trying from now on till you're pregnant." He leaned over and kissed my lips gently. "When do you want to tonight?"

"When you're ready," I said softly and looked him over. He nodded.

"After they take my measurements then," he promised me. "After that, we can have the rest of the night together to try to create a baby." He gave me a small smile then looked towards a maid as she brought in a small cup of tea for him and sat it down in front of him. He nodded to her before he picked it up and took a sip. "Thank you," he purred to her, watching as she giggled and walked out of the room with the tray she had carried it in on. I watched her, noticing how good he was with women. I looked back towards him and smirked.

"Well I hope you're not like that with all the women in the hospital." He looked at me then and smiled.

"Polite? Of course I am," he told me and laughed. "I do my best to be polite to each patient I get and to make their visit the best they've ever had to a hospital." I smiled and took a sip of my tea. I can't wait to have a kid with him. I hope it's a son. Everyone should hope they have a son first. He watched me then took a sip of his tea happily before he looked towards Alfred when he finished. "Would you like to take my measurements now-" Ross busted into the room with a huge smile and ran up to me.

"Sera! Sera! My egg is hatching! Come quick!" He told me and grabbed my hand away from Godric, yanking me after him with an excited laugh.

"What? But it hasn't been that long since Aurelio gave you it," I told him and purred. His eggs grow that fast? "Honey, are you sure?" I asked. "They're not supposed to hatch such close in time from when they were made. I had to wait awhile just for you with Tomas." I looked towards Godric and waved for him to follow. He got up and started to follow me. Ross gave a small whine and looked at me.

"But it's moving around in it's shell, and it's chirping!" I laughed and shook my head.

"All hatchlings do that when they're awake in their shells. You done it." I rubbed his hand. He whined again then.

"Well... could you come and check then? What if it is hatching?" He gave me a sad look then. "I want it to hatch. I'm tired of waiting, and Toma keeps saying he's going to eat it."

"Ok. I'll check just to ease your mind." I told him and purred. Plus I love his little egg. He smiled hugely then and started to pull me down to the basement and went in quickly, shifting into a dog sized dragon and ran over to his nest where I could hear chirping noises. Godric looked in curiously and then at me before he started to lead me in towards the nest. I walked up towards the nest curious myself. Ross looked at his egg before he nudged it slightly with his head and got a bunch of loud chirps as the egg shifted it's weight. He looked at it in delight then looked towards Toma hopefully. Tomas was watching the egg and licked his lips. I walked up to the egg and picked it up before I started to rock it gently. It chirped at me and I felt it's weight shift to be up against me and then felt a scratch from the inside of the egg on the shell.

"It might be long," I caved out. I placed the egg back down. "Keep it warm." Ross almost tackled his egg then, wrapping his body around it and purred, watching it then looked disappointed as the egg started to get quiet. He lowered his head onto the gold and watched the egg with a small whine. Godric smiled softly then.

"He's going to make a great parent," he whispered to me.

"Yeah~ Ross wants children just like I do." I turned and wrapped my arms around Godric. He purred to me then leaned down and kissed my lips.

"You know... if I'm going to be here tomorrow, he can take my measurements then," he whispered to me and pulled me a little closer. "We could sneak upstairs...." I purred and nodded before backing him up and out of the treasure room to take us to my room. He laughed and then gently grabbed my hand, letting me pull him up to my room. When we got up to it, he looked at me then kissed my lips before he got the door for me, letting me in then shut the door and locked it behind us with a purr. He looked towards me then and walked up, running his hands down to my hips before his lips brushed up against mine again. I purred and leaned in towards his lips, kissing him passionately. I pulled him with me towards the bed and fell back against it. I pushed off the extra pillows and pulled his shirt off eagerly. He blushed slightly as I got his shirt off, revealing his slim, slightly muscled body. He looked down at me before he kissed me deeply, leaning into the kiss and ran his fingers to my back for the zipper on my dress. I leaned down to his neck and kissed it gently.

I ran my fingers down to his belt and pulled it off, pushing his pants down towards his ankles. He moaned softly as I kissed his neck then pushed my dress down my body before he moved it off the bed and leaned in, kissing between my collarbones. I gasped and leaned in towards his lips and gave them a gentle kiss. He deepened it quickly and I felt his fingers trailing along my side before he slipped his tongue into my mouth. I purred against his lips and started to suck on his tongue. He moaned against me and I felt him purring before he rubbed my hips then gripped them before he grinded up against me slowly. I gasped and reached down to his boxers then, grabbing them. I slowly yanked them down. His manhood was hardened slightly already and I felt his lips leave mine before they kissed the side of my neck and he pushed his hips up against mine as he grinded a little harder. I gasped and tilted my head to the side, pressing my head back against the bed as I arched my back. He purred to me and I felt his tongue run against my skin before he started to suck on my neck lightly, his weight pushing down into me to make me lay back on the bed.

I giggled and wrapped my arms around his body. I let out a small moan and held him close to me. I felt his fingers trailing to my back before they undid my bra, pulling it off me as he moved his lips down slightly on my neck. I blushed and leaned in towards his neck, kissing it. He purred and I felt his fangs brushing against my neck before he bit down deeply, marking me as he gripped my hips firmly. I gasped and melted under him, laying against the bed. He pulled his fangs out then licked my neck before his hands trailed down to my thighs and gripped them, moving them up a bit as he got between my legs, his manhood pressing up against me. I blushed a little as I looked up at him and leaned in for a kiss. He kissed me deeply and moaned against my lips before he pulled back to look me in the eyes.

"Are you sure you want this?" He asked me, grinding his manhood against my panties. I nodded.

"Of course I do," I purred. I'm getting a kid out of this. He nodded then kissed my lips again before he sucked lightly on my bottom lip and I felt his fingers brushing up against my stomach as he reached for my panties slowly. I reached down for them to help him. He blushed and pulled back from my lips and looked down, watching as I pulled my panties down for him. I got them off and threw them before moving us further up the bed so I could place my head on a pillow. He crawled over me as I laid down and then purred, kissing my lips before he moved my legs around his hips.

"You'll have to tell me as soon as you know," he purred to me, looking down into my eyes. "When you go to take a test, I want to be there with you."

"Okay," I purred. "You'll be there with me." I gave him a loving look. He nodded then kissed my lips again before he kissed my neck.

"Maybe I should move in tomorrow night to be here with you so we can keep trying... and we are getting married in a few days after all," he whispered against my neck. "I want to be here for you."

"I'll make room for your things then," I suggested thoughtfully. He'll have his own closet anyways, I'll move my things into my closet to give him the second one I have. I'll move my things for the bathroom sinks too. He can have his own. He nodded then before he gave my neck another kiss and pressed up against me.

"I love you," he whispered to me sweetly, pulling back from my neck to look me in the eyes with a smile. I gave him a loving look quickly.

"I love you too," I purred out sweetly. He leaned in and kissed my lips before he made my night more pleasurable than I've felt in a long time.

He moved off me slowly, pulling me into his arms as he laid beside me and kissed my cheek softly, worn out. "You okay?" He asked me, pulling my body up against his as he stole a kiss from my lips and moved the blankets over us. I nodded and nuzzled my head against his neck.

"Yeah," I told him and purred. I'm so happy. He laughed and then kissed the top of my head with a purr.

"I hope it's a boy," he whispered to me and gave a small smile. "I've always wanted a boy...."

"I want a boy too," I purred. But..... It would be nice if I had a girl. I could have a great bond with a daughter. "I don't mind if it's a girl," I whispered sweetly.

"Well of course. If it's a little girl, we'll spoil her," he purred happily. "No matter the gender, our child will be beautiful~" He kissed me then. "Beautiful like you~ We could set up the nursery right next door. No one uses that room."

"That's true... but we really should have him or her sleep in our room for the first few years... I don't want someone to take her from us." He nodded.

"Yeah... I forgot about that," he whispered. "We should. I don't want to lose the baby," he mumbled then kissed my shoulder before he laughed then looked down at my stomach and kissed it. "I wish it didn't take so long to know if you're pregnant~"

"I think I'll read some pregnancy books," I said thoughtfully. "I'll ask Silas too about his pregnancy." He nodded and looked up at me sweetly.

"I can schedule you appointments at the hospital where I work if you'd like. There's another vampire working in the midwifery. She's a gynecologist~" He gave my tummy another kiss then and smiled.

"I don't know, I'll think about it. I want to talk with Silas first... maybe some others I know." I rubbed my stomach. I hope I am pregnant. He nodded then watched me before he gave me another kiss on the lips.

"Okay," he whispered to me and gave me a loving look. "If you want, we can do it again tomorrow night to make sure...." I looked towards him and nodded. I slipped out of the bed slowly and started for my bathroom to take a bathbomb bath.

"Want a bath? There is room for two. I have jets too," I called over my shoulder. He followed after me and nodded.

"That would be lovely," he purred to me as he followed me with a happy look. I giggled as I got inside and lit my candles near the tub. I turned the water on hot and waited for it to get to the ideal temperature before plugging up the tub. I walked over to the sink and pulled out a box of bath bombs and looked through them before opening up a blue one and handed it to Godric. "Would you like anything to drink? I could go get my phone and text Alfred to bring us up something. He could leave it in the bedroom and you could get it for us or something." He nodded then.

"Yeah, some warm blood would be great," he purred sweetly to me then looked towards the tub as it filled then dropped it in, watching as it began to fizz. He purred then turned to me, leaning in for a kiss before he stopped when I heard banging on my door then.

"SERA!" Ross called out again, sounding excited.

"I'M BUSY SWEETY! CAN YOU ASK ALFRED TO BRING US SOME BLOOD? WE'RE TAKING A BATH." I stepped into the tub and sat down, motioning for Godric to come with me. He purred and got in with me, sitting down.

"BUT IT'S HATCHING!" He called out quickly, whining.

"Ross, it's not hatching. You need to be quiet and let it sleep." I purred and looked towards Godric happily.


"Okay Ross," I purred and crawled into Godric's lap and laid my head down against his shoulder. He laughed and rubbed my back then, kissing my head.

"BUT SERA!" He whined and banged on the door again.

"I'm with Godric, please Ross!" I begged. "I'll be down later." I heard him whine, but he retreated from my door, leaving me to be with my sweet mate.

Ross's POV:

I raced back down to the treasure room and went back in, hearing my hatchling chirping as it cracked another claw through. I turned into my dragon form and ran back into the nest quickly, purring in excitement as I looked the egg over and then at Toma before I licked his head then looked back at the egg. He watched the egg and growled slightly.

"I hope it grows up quick. I don't want to be stuck raising it for too long. It's already taken up so much of our time." He watched me then. I purred to him then tackled him, licking his head again as I laid on his back.

"We're going to have so much fun~! We'll have a cute little hatchling to take care of!" I laughed then looked back towards the egg as it head butted it and sneezed as it's head popped out. It squirmed then growled at the egg before it sneezed again and went to bite the egg shell but rolled over, caught in the cracks of the shell it had made.

"Why'd it come so fast?" He asked and grumbled. "Normal eggs take wayyyyy over three months."

"Maybe it's a runt," I told him softly, watching as the hatchling struggled. "Or maybe it had something to do with Aurelio made it...." I tilted my head then slowly climbed off his back, going over to the egg then sniffed it. The hatchling sneezed and retreated into the shell quickly, growling as the egg shook from him shifting. Toma turned over and faced away from it.

"It's not a runt, it's just early." I looked towards him then pouted before I nudged Toma and crawled back on top of him.

"You're not happy," I mumbled, looking down at him. "You don't like our baby?" I heard the egg crack again and the hatchling managed to climb out this time, hissing at the egg before it scurried over to us and jumped up onto Toma's back with us, snarling at the egg. I laughed and licked it's head then watched as it sneezed.

"I'll eat it," Toma warned. I frowned and then looked towards Toma then whined, licking his head. The little dark blue hatchling looked towards Toma before it slipped down off his back and nuzzled up against his chest with a contented purr, licking Toma's chest before it licked it's claws and growled playfully. "Why don't you go feed him." I frowned then.

"Are you mad?" I asked him before I bent down and scooped our hatchling into my jaws. It squealed and started to squirm in my jaws, crying out towards Toma.

"No, it's just a hatchling. Go feed him." He rubbed his head against the coins. I purred then jumped off his back before I started for the door and carried it upstairs and to the kitchen. I transformed into my human form then sat our little baby down on the counter. It sneezed and looked up at me before it looked around then jumped into the sink with a playful growl. I widened my eyes slightly and scooped it up before I frowned. I should check it's gender so I can tell Toma and we can come up with a name together.... I turned it over in my hands and looked towards it's tail then purred.

"Hey sweetie," I purred then kissed her head. "Looks like I have a little girl on my hands~ Lixue will love playing with you. Toma might be happier when he finds out that you're not going to be an aggressive little boy trying to take coins from him." I watched as she squirmed in my hands then jumped up onto my shoulder before she purred and looked around curiously. I laughed and then got out some milk, heating it up and put some honey in it before I put it into a baby bottle and smiled hugely. I should go show Alfred! He'll be so happy! I laughed and ran off with her and the bottle before I started to smell Alfred out and fed her the bottle, watching as she sucked down it's contents eagerly. I found him instructing a few butlers in Kingsley's bird room while they were changing the feed out in the feeders and cleaning. Alfred looked towards me and smiled big.

"Hi Ross, whose your friend?" He asked me. I ran up to him then and laughed.

"It's my hatchling!" I told him then gave him a huge grin as she bit into the nipple of the bottle and ripped it open as she finished it off. She growled slightly then looked towards me before she purred and crawled back up onto my shoulder and sneezed. Alfred looked her over before reaching out and rubbed her head.

"Oh yeah? This early? Have you showed Sera?" He asked me. I frowned at him then.

"She said she was busy with Godric," I told him and pouted. "She didn't come see her hatch...." My little girl purred at the attention then jumped onto Alfred's shoulder, looking up at him in delight. He froze up as he watched her.

"Oh man, I hope she's not choosing me as her being," he mumbled and picked her up quickly. "Go choose one of those butlers over there," he told her and held her out towards one of them. She cackled then puffed smoke towards them before she squirmed out of his grip and ran back up his arms, nestling on his shoulder. I laughed a little as I watched. He rubbed her head before looking towards me.

"Ross can you do me a favor. William needs to come back home. Go persuade Sylar to bring him back. Will you? You've got powerful wings that can take you to them." I looked him over then nodded.

"Could you watch her then? Don't take her back down to Toma till I get home. He mentioned something about eating her.... If you have to, I'd leave her in Sera's care," I told him then looked at her before I leaned in and kissed her head. "Stay with Alfie~" I purred. She purred then stayed on his shoulder, nuzzling her head against him. I pulled away then went for the doors to the room and left, going to the front doors of the castle then transformed and took off into the air for the Rosario castle.

I landed and shifted before I went inside, smelling out William then purred as I walked up towards some stairs and went up them to a bedroom door then knocked on it. "Sylar, someone is at the door," I heard William mumble from inside, sounding sleepy. Oh good, he is in here~!

"I don't care, it might be Everest trying to take me back downstairs to that dungeon. I'm not answering it and you're not either." I frowned then and opened the door, walking inside.

"Alright boys, I've been sent to retrieve William," I told them as I walked through the door and smirked. William looked towards me then widened his eyes as he saw me.

"M-master Ross," he whispered and sat up on the bed quickly, blushing. "I'm so sorry. I've been meaning to call-"

"It's fine," I purred to him. "Alfred says it's time to come home so you can complete your training for Sera's butler."

"William is my mate though. I don't want him to be a butler," Sylar whined out. "Tell that to them." I shook my head then.

"You're going to have to talk to Sera," I purred and walked over. "I'm supposed to return with him, but you can come back with us. We'll get you a room, and if Alfred is okay with it, William can sleep in there with you."

"Grrr.... fine," Sylar grumbled. "At least I'm getting out of here for awhile. My brothers are driving me crazy." I laughed then and reached for William, snatching him out of the bed. He yelped as he stumbled to his feet then widened his mismatched eyes.

"Alright you two, let's get going before I miss precious time with my daughter," I told them and smirked. William blushed as I started to pull him away from Sylar, separating them. Sylar got up quickly and frowned, grabbing William's hand. William looked back at Sylar and squeezed his hand tightly before he looked towards me as I pulled them out of the room and down the stairs back outside before I transformed and looked at them expectantly for them to get on my back. William bit his bottom lip before he nervously got on me and looked a bit weirded out.

"Sorry Master Ross," he whispered to me. I laughed then.

"You're fine," I told him then looked towards Sylar. Sylar got on me and wrapped his arms around William growling into his ear playfully. William blushed a bright red as he heard him then looked back at Sylar before he gave him a small kiss. I laughed at them before I took off into the air, taking them back to Sera's castle then landed, letting them off and transformed, dragging them inside. "ALFRED! WILLIAM'S BACK!"

"That's good! Bring him into the night room!" I heard Alfred yell from that direction. I purred then started to pull them into the night room as William was quickly smoothing the wrinkles out of his clothes and running his hand through his hair to try to look more professional and presentable. When we reached the night room, I found Sera, Godric, Rei, and Silas in the room. Alfred was with them as well as my baby girl.

"Hi!" Sera called out as she looked towards us. "Come join us- except you William. Alfred wants to drag you by the ear out of the room for a talking." William's eyes widened and he quickly looked down at his feet in shame.

"Y-yes ma'am," he said and I saw the tips of his ears turn pink. I looked towards Sylar then grabbed him, pulling him away from William.

"Sera~ Sylar says William is his mate, and he wants William to stay with him," I purred to her, walking over.

"Alfred chose him as his successor," Sera told Sylar.

"So?" Sylar asked. "He's my mate."

"So you're going to have to deal with him being my butler for at least fifty years, then you can have him all to yourself." Sera smirked as she watched Sylar.

"What?" Sylar asked and his eyebrow twitched. I looked towards Sylar then purred.

"You better turn him then," I told him and laughed. "His kind gets old fast." I looked back towards Sera then. "I think William should be let off the hook this one time. He was kidnapped after all or else we would've noticed him leaving, and he seemed sorry when I found him that he had been gone."

"Alfred is just scolding him for being away so long," Sera purred out. The two had disappeared from the room. "Come sit down. I was going to tell Silas something." Sylar sent a glare towards Silas before sitting down.

"Why're you always where I'm at?" He asked.

"I'm here because Sera asked me to be here. I won't be here for long," he promised his brother and purred. I looked the two of them over before I looked at Sera then.

"Did Alfred show you my baby?" I asked her quickly in excitement, interrupting them.

"Yeah~ What will you name her?" Sera asked curiously.

"I'm not sure yet. I thought I'd ask Toma because he keeps saying he's going to eat our baby. He might be less inclined to do it if I let him name her," I told her then purred before I shifted into a small cat sized dragon and jumped up into her lap, curling up.

Sera's POV:

Ross snuggled up in my lap happily and purred softly as he looked towards the door, waiting for Alfred to come back with his baby. "So... what did you call me here for?" Silas asked me and smiled, twitching his tail. Godric had been looking at the tail curiously, but he yanked his eyes from it and held me close.

"Oh right! I wanted to ask you about pregnancies, parenting, and well.... help. I'm trying to get pregnant." I glanced towards Godric, I had already introduced them- introducing Godric as my fiancé. Silas broke out into a huge smile then.

"I can totally help you!" He said sweetly and looked at Rei in excitement before he looked back at me. "Have you two already had sex?" He asked curiously. "Or are you waiting till marriage?"

"We just had sex," I said and giggled. "Thanks Silas."

"Of course I would help," he told me and smiled. "Do you want me to stay with you during your pregnancy or do you want me to just give you advice every now and then? He is healthy right?" He asked curiously, looking towards Godric who nodded quickly.

"Oh, you don't have to stay here... Just make sure to fill me up with all the advice I need for this." He nodded then and purred.

"Okay, well, you're going to want to eat healthy blood- try to get it fresh if you can and not bottled. Fresh human blood is perfect for a growing baby vampire. I'd read pregnancy books and maybe one or two mother books. Oh! You should also take some vitamins for the two of you. You'll want to be careful with stairs and take it easy, and since how it is your first time, I'd get lots of pregnancy tests and use about three when you go to test it to rule out faulty ones. You don't want one to tell you that you're not pregnant and end up believing it and trying again with a little baby growing in your stomach."

"Okay," I purred in excitement. "Have any good doctors?" I asked curiously. He nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, there's this Japanese doctor in Japan who is really great with pureblood pregnancies. She worked wonders with me~! I'll hook you up with her and send her your way. She'll be delighted to help you," he told me and smiled. "Remember her? She was so nice every time she came over. We should have another baby too~ I want to be pregnant again," Silas purred to Rei and wrapped his arms around Rei's neck.

"No way. We have.... Hold on..... sixteen.... seventeen kids together already. No," Rei told him quickly. I giggled and watched them before looking at Godric.

"Please?" Silas begged and nuzzled his head into Rei's neck. "I want a baby too~"

"Noooo. We can't handle the ones we have right now. We have twins remember? Please let's raise them up first." Silas whined then and bit down into Rei, moving into his lap as he started to drink his blood. Godric laughed softly as he watched the two of them then kissed my check. Silas flicked his tail before he pulled back from the bite and looked at Rei with a small pout as Rei's blood dripped down his chin.

"Please?" He begged again.

"No," Rei said sternly. "You just got Baby... Did I count baby? We have too many kids! You better raise them first." Silas blushed then before he leaned in and kissed Rei on the lips.

"Fine, after all our kids are grown, I want three more to raise," he told Rei firmly. "I don't want to be childless!"

"We'll talk about it after grandchildren." Rei leaned in and gave Silas a kiss. Silas purred and relaxed slowly before he laughed then kissed Rei again before he pulled back.

"Okay, I'll settle for that," he whispered then gave Rei a loving look as his tail twitched. "We'll talk about it then...." Godric laughed softly and then shook his head before he looked at me and stole another kiss from me before he rubbed my tummy, looking at it in excitement.

"I can't wait to feel it kick," he told me and laughed again before he kissed my neck. "I'm going to spoil our little baby~"

"Me too!" I giggled. "I'm going to have such a great time spoiling him or her." I rubbed my stomach and purred.

"Hey, you didn't tell me we were having guests," I heard Kingsley say as he walked in with Aurelio. "What's going on?" Ross picked his head up and purred.

"Sera's having a baby," he told them. "She's trying to get pregnant!"

"Really!?" Kingsley asked me and gasped. He looked towards her hand quickly and smirked. "You're engaged too?" He looked towards Godric. "We need to celebrate. Alfred!" He looked over his shoulder. "Get us a bottle of wine and glasses. Skip Sera. She can't be drinking."

"Ok!" Alfred yelled back. Ross purred and sat up in my lap before he leapt onto Kingsley's shoulder and nipped at his ear.

"I had my hatchling tonight! You should meet her! She's so cute," he told Kingsley and laughed happily. Godric held me closer and purred lovingly into my ear.

"We're going to be such great parents," he told me sweetly and laughed. Ross jumped up onto Kingsley's head then looked towards Aurelio before he jumped up onto Aurelio's shoulder and purred.

"You did? Where is your baby dragon?" Kingsley asked curiously. Alfred walked in with a bottle of wine and a few butlers- plus William coming in with him who had wine glasses for us. Ross jumped down off Aurelio's shoulder before he shifted into his human form and ran up to Alfred, taking a dark blue baby dragon off his shoulder then walked up to Kingsley as his little girl purred loudly in Ross's hands. She looked towards Kingsley and Aurelio before she huffed and squirmed out of Ross's hands, leaping onto Kingsley's shoulder and started to purr, nuzzling her head into the crook of Kingsley's neck.

"She's cute and she looks like you," Kingsley purred out as he watched her curiously. She looked up at him sweetly then licked his cheek.

"Treasure," she purred out to him then snuggled up to him. Ross's eyes widened and he melted quickly.

"SHE SAID HER FIRST WORD!" He started to laugh then and awed at his baby.

"Me?" Kingsley asked and blushed. "I don't think so..... I'm suppose to be Ross's." She purred and licked Kingsley's cheek again before she moved on top of his head and nested in his hair. Ross purred in delight then transformed into a cat sized dragon and jumped up onto Kingsley's shoulder and hunkered down, watching his baby on top of Kingsley's head.

"Wine?" Alfred asked and started to have the servants pass out the glasses as he poured the wine. One servant handed me a glass of fresh blood.

"There you go miss Sera," he purred. "It's my personal blood. Alfred asked the servants if someone would be your blood donor and I'm one of them. I'd be honored to. If you ever need blood, I'm here for you." I teared up and gave him a thankful look.

"Aw, thank you." I grabbed his hand and gave it a squeeze. He blushed.

"It was really no trouble." William walked over to Sylar and gave him a glass of wine before he blushed at him then walked over to Silas to give him the other glass. Sylar yanked William back and took the glass then handed it to Silas himself with a glare. William yelped and blushed before he looked at Sylar then leaned in and gave him a kiss. Sylar pulled him into his lap and leaned in towards his neck and kissed it.

"Is this your blood?" I heard Sylar ask softly.

"N-no, it's wine," he told Sylar then blushed before he exposed his neck. "You may have my blood if that's what you want, Mister Rosario," he offered sweetly.

"Nah...." Sylar pulled back and took a sip of his wine.

"So, let's all drink to Sera's wellbeing in her pregnancy, wedding, honeymoon, and marriage. Also to her fiancé." Kingsley purred out to us. Godric gave a small smile and took a sip of his wine along with Silas. William got up off Sylar's lap then went over to Alfred quickly with a huge smile and stood with him, talking to him quietly. Ross's little baby stirred before she jumped down onto Kingsley's other shoulder then licked his cheek before she looked towards Aurelio then jumped onto his shoulder and purred sweetly, checking him out. Aurelio watched her and smirked.

"Hi there," he purred out.

"We should think of names," I whispered to Godric. He nodded quickly.

"We do need to think of names~" He purred to me. The little hatchling purred and smelled him curiously before she made a delighted squeal then nuzzled her head against him.

"Gem!" She purred out quickly.

"No. I'm Aurelio," Aurelio said quickly. "Aurelio."

"Boy and girl names," I whispered to Godric. He nodded to me.

"I'll start writing up a list when I find ones I like," he told me and smiled.

"Gem," she insisted, licking Aurelio's cheek. Aurelio glared her down before handing her back to Kingsley.

"No. I'm Aurelio," he grumbled out.

"Oh, Silas!" I looked towards him. "You should bring your little ones over for a visit soon. I miss them." He nodded before he gave me a sweet smile.

"Aurelio!" She whined quickly as she got ditched by him then went to jump onto his shoulder. Ross watched with interest and gave a loving purr. Aurelio ditched her jump quickly, sidestepping it. Kingsley was quick to catch her. She yelped and trembled as she looked at the ground in fear and quickly clung to Kingsley's hand before she hid her face into his hand and started to cry in fear. Ross sat up quickly and went for her, scooping her up into his jaws then sat her down on Kingsley's shoulder he started to lick her head to calm her down. I watched and smiled. Awe.... I want a baby~! I rubbed my stomach then.

"How long will this take?" I asked softly.

"For our baby to be born? About nine months," Godric purred in my ear kissed my cheek. His baby started to calm down then and purred, nuzzling her head against her dad and snuggled up to him. He watched her with wide eyes then purred happily as they both settled down on Kingsley's shoulder. "It might be a little less or a little more depending on how the pregnancy goes and how the baby grows," he told me then rubbed my stomach gently in a soothing circular motion. "I can't wait~" He leaned down and kissed my stomach then. "I hope you're pregnant already so it'll be quicker~ It's almost unbearable. I've never done this before~!" He laughed and purred to me. I purred and leaned in for a kiss from him. He kissed me quickly then and purred against my lips, his tongue licking my bottom one slightly. I pulled back happily.

"I hope it comes quicker," I whispered. He nodded and then looked down at my stomach in excitement.

"I hope you're a boy," he purred to my stomach then leaned his head down against it, smiling happily.

"Awww, Rei, remember our first time we thought I was pregnant?" Silas purred to his mate.

"Yeah~ I remember A'slin's little kicks that's for sure. He wanted o.u.t." Rei laughed. I rubbed Godric's head and took a sip of my glass of blood. He closed his eyes in happiness and purred softly to my stomach, rubbing it gently with his hand as he kept his head against it.

"Oh yeah, that was for sure," Silas purred and laughed. "He was an early baby...." I watched Godric on my stomach and blushed.

"I don't know.... a girl might be nice," I whispered to him. There's so many males... I'd love to have a girl around. He looked up at me and purred before he kissed my stomach again.

"I don't mind one way or another, but I'd prefer a boy," he told me sweetly. "You're going to be a spoiled baby," he purred to my stomach again. Silas gave a small whine then.

"Awww, I want another," he mumbled again, looking jealous.

"You have plenty. Go home and love on them," Rei suggested.

"I want Echo and Phoenix then!" Silas told Rei and looked towards him. "And Baby! They're my three youngest." He crawled into Rei's lap then with a purr. "Then I want you alone at dawn," he mumbled into Rei's ear. Godric looked towards them curiously before he gave my stomach another kiss and sat up, downing his wine.

"Alone?" Rei asked and laughed. "Okay," he purred. I rubbed Godric's cheek as I watched him. He purred and leaned into my hand before he gave it a loving kiss then looked towards the engagement ring with a happy look before he looked into my eyes. He leaned in and gave me another kiss before he leaned in towards my neck and bit down, marking me again. I gasped and let out a small purr. I took a sip of the blood quickly. He pulled back then kissed my lips before he looked at my stomach and rubbed it again.

"What about the name Eric if it's a boy?" He asked me quickly. "I've always liked that name."

"Maybe, we'll keep the name in mind." I gave him a quick loving look. He nodded then kissed my cheek before he looked at my stomach. I felt Ross jump up into my lap then before he sat his little girl down with him and looked up at me with a proud purr. I looked down at them both and smiled, rubbing his head. He leaned his head into my head then started to crawl up my shirt to my shoulder where he nestled down. His little girl started to play in my lap, falling over as she opened her wings and tried to flap them but lost her balance. I put her on my shoulder with Ross and rubbed her cute little head. She purred and then looked towards my fingers before she started to suck on one and closed her gold eyes.

"I think she's hungry," I whispered to Ross. Ross looked her over before he licked her head and then jumped down into my lap.

"Stay with her. I'll get her a bottle," he purred to me then jumped into the floor, taking off. She sucked on my fingers gently then gave a small whine as her little claws wrapped around my fingers. She opened her eyes and gave me a hungry look before she nipped at my fingers like Ross used to do when he was little. I giggled.

"He's coming back with milk," I promised her. She whined again and looked at my fingers then let them go before she looked at my earlobe and went for it, sucking on it as she curled her tail up close to her tiny body. I giggled and rubbed her head. I moved to get up then to take her to the kitchen.

"I'll be back," I promised. Godric nodded and settled down on the couch, watching me get up.

"Alright, I'll be waiting," he promised me and then watched as I started to leave. She let go of my earlobe then and clung to my shoulder as I walked, holding onto me tightly as she peered down at the ground with wide eyes. I walked with her to the kitchen, taking it slow for her. Ross just finished pouring milk into a baby bottle and turned to us as he heard us walk in. He laughed as he saw us and walked up before he looked at his baby and handed me the bottle.

"Want to feed her?" He asked me softly.

"It's your baby," I purred sweetly. "You really need to name her." He nodded and looked at her before he took her from me and took the bottle back, holding it up to her lips. She latched onto it quickly and started to suck down it's contents hungrily before she started to relax, her belly plumping up with each swallow of the milk.

"Mira," he mumbled softly. "Maybe that.... I'll ask Toma to see if he likes it."

"Okay," I purred out in amusement and started back for the nightroom. He followed after me then before he paused and started for the treasure room downstairs to go find Toma. Godric looked up at me as I came back into the room then gave me a loving smile.

"Sera," he purred out.

"Hey," I purred and giggled. I could get used to that look. I walked up and sat down next to him, giving a cute smile. He smiled then pulled me to him before he kissed my cheek softly.

"Hey," he mumbled back to me then rubbed my shoulder. "I see that Ross took his baby back from you."

"Well he's taking her to Toma to discuss names." I gave him a sweet look. He nodded then before he gave me a small kiss.

"Okay," he purred then started to massage my shoulders. "It won't be before too long that we're discussing baby names," he whispered in my ear then looked towards Kingsley with a small smile. "So... we're living together soon," he told him and laughed.

"I know~ This will be fun. We can do guy things together." Godric smiled and nodded.

"Yeah, I guess so," he purred to him then smirked slightly. "We will have lots of fun." He looked Kingsley over then. "So... I guess this means we're going to be family soon," he told Kingsley then gave him a happy look. Silas laughed then before he gave Rei a kiss and curled up in his arms, watching us.

"Yeah~ Family. Welcome to the family, huh?" Kingsley asked and laughed happily. Godric smiled hugely then before he kissed my cheek then held me close before he purred at Kingsley.

"You're a good guy," he told him and laughed. "Maybe not quite as intimidating as I originally thought."

"I just wanted to make sure you were a good guy for my aunt," he said innocently. Godric nodded and then watched him.

"Of course. That's completely understandable," he told him then gave me a small smile. "I would hate for you to get hurt...." I gave him a sweet smile before rubbing my stomach. Oh my gosh, I'm going to have a great husband... He smiled and looked back towards my stomach before he leaned down and gave it a small kiss before he laughed. "We should read to our child when you get pregnant," he mumbled thoughtfully. "It'll be nice, and maybe he or she will love it."

"Yeah~ I'm going to read, talk, and listen to music while pregnant." He nodded and then purred before he kissed my cheek then pulled me into his lap, wrapping me up in his arms.

"I'll get a crib set up in our room soon," he purred in my ear then kissed my cheek again. "I'll do it on my night off soon."

"I wanted to do that," I giggled out. "I'm going to pick the colors. You just worry about finding a place for all your things in my room." He laughed then.

"Alright, I'll worry about that first, but I want to set the crib up once you pick it out," he told me sweetly, giving me an excited look. "Please?"

"Okay," I purred. Only because I don't want to do the hard work~ I'll make him do it. He kissed me then before he rubbed my back.

"Okay, we'll get the crib soon then, and I'll get it set up," he promised me then smiled softly. "We should get purple crib sheets for our baby. Purple is pretty."

"We don't even know our kid's gender," I giggled out. "We need to pick it according to it's gender."

"Do we have to?" He asked and smirked a little. "Purple is a combination of both colors, and it used to be worn by royals," he told me and pulled me closer to him. I purred at the thought.

"Fine," I mumbled and giggled. Our baby is going to end up hating purple. He smiled then rubbed my cheek before he reached down and grabbed my hand, giving it a small kiss.

"Milady," he mumbled to me happily.

"We need to plan our wedding together tomorrow," I told him softly. He nodded and then rubbed my hand gently with his thumb.

"Alright, we will.... I'll call work before we go to sleep and tell them I won't be coming in at all tomorrow and request my vacation hours," he whispered then smiled softly. "They won't mind- especially when I tell them why. They'll be happy for me." He laughed then and shook his head. "It's funny that we met at a ball that had gone wrong though. Most couples dream of something more romantic than tripping over your mate and falling onto them."

"Hey~ It'll be a fun story to tell our child," I purred out and giggled. He laughed again and nodded.

"That's for sure. It'll be more interesting to our child than we met dancing the night away," he told me then purred. "Though... I wouldn't mind a dance soon. I think I'll have to give you a proper dance at our wedding. It's only fair that I give you one since how I messed up what should have been our first dance."

"We can dance the night away if you'd like," I told him sweetly. He nodded then and purred.

"I would actually. I want to show you off to the others," he told me and smirked slightly before he leaned in and gave me a gentle kiss on the lips. "You're beautiful~" I blushed and looked him over. He just called me beautiful! He's such a great mate! "The girls will be jealous of you," he mumbled and then rubbed my cheek gently before he ran his fingers through my hair, brushing it over my ear. "I want you to enjoy yourself too like you should."

"How'd I get such a great mate?" I asked him curiously.

"I'm not that great," he told me and laughed. "I'm just telling you the truth. I love you," he whispered then gave me a small kiss.

"I love you too," I purred out and kissed him again. He pulled back then before he started to run his fingers through my hair slowly and curled it around his fingers before he looked towards Kingsley then.

"You should marry us," he told him and gave a small smile. "If Miss Sera is alright with that."

"What? I thought we would get a priest," I purred out and smirked. "He should be your best man anyways." He laughed then and nodded.

"Okay, I'll make him my best man then if he can't marry us. We'll get a priest," he whispered then looked at Kingsley. "So you'll have to stand behind me at the alter," he told him and laughed. "I hope you don't mind."

"Ross can be our ring barer," I suggested. He'd love that. He thought about it for a minute then nodded.

"Okay, I think he's a lot happier with me now than he used to be," he mumbled then looked at me. "I don't mind if he bears our rings to us. He's a sweet dragon." He gave me a huge smile then. "I bet he was a cute hatchling."

"He was," I giggled out. "Tomas loved him so much too~ I never saw him love anyone so much before besides me. He admired Kingsley too~ Kingsley has always been our favorite nephew." I purred as I thought about Tomas again. He was such a great man- a great king. I never heard the council complain when he had a decision. I wonder what he'd do now about the resistance's problems they've caused. He nodded and looked me in the eyes before he rubbed my cheek then pulled his hand away.

"I bet he was a great man," he whispered to me. "It must've been hard...." He hugged me before he leaned his head into the crook of my neck and rested his head there. I heard the door open before a blue flash landed on my other shoulder and Ross purred in my ear, nuzzling against my cheek as his little purrs rumbled through his body.

"He was a great king," I mumbled and rubbed Ross' head. "Kingsley is one too." I looked towards Godric. "I can't wait to have children with you though.- I paused and looked at Ross. "Did he approve of the name?" I asked curiously.

"Oh, maybe you'll get lucky Sera. Some pregnancies come earlier- a lot earlier that usual. Vampire children sometimes are known to mature quicker than others. None of our kids have- besides Hesper but that was by magic- but it's known for a few children to age quicker in the womb, develop wise and make the pregnancy quicker- a lot quicker. So nine months might shrink to like three. Our twins was born a month earlier than expected." Rei told me and smiled. "My son from the old Chinese King was like that. I only had him within a four month period. It was hell for me, especially with it being my first born. His younger brother was about six months. They were quick developers. I think they were just excited to be born." I nodded and gave a soft purr. That's right, Rei use to have something going on with Kai.