Igloo Lovers

Continuation of Dmeter's POV:

I felt someone crawling into the bed with me, a loud purr sounding before I was pulled into strong arms and kissed in the crook of my neck as Aris's scent flooded the room. I gasped and hid my neck quickly, giving a small laugh. I opened my eyes and looked towards him. "You woke me up again," I mumbled and sighed. He purred and looked into my eyes, but something struck me as off- they were completely red. He ran his fingers through my hair and brushed my hair away from my face. I looked him over curiously before sitting up slowly. Why're they red? They were more brown last night. He watched me as a small smirk formed on his face and he moved his hand up, rubbing my cheek with a purr. He started to pull my face back down gently for a kiss.

"My sweet mate," he moaned out as he leaned in. I gasped and pulled back from the kiss.

"Could you get me a bottle of blood?" I asked softly. He tsked as he watched me pull back.

"You could drink from me," he told me and frowned. "My blood is better for you. Now come back here."

"I want bottled," I mumbled. He narrowed his eyes slightly before he exposed his neck to me.

"Just drink mine," he growled softly. I frowned before turning away from him and laid back down.

"Nevermind," I whispered. He growled at me then sat up, snatching the phone from the nightstand then dialed a number, getting off the bed.

"One bottled blood to the guest bedroom beside mine," he hissed lightly into the phone then hung up and started for the door.

"No, come back," I begged and watched him. I sat up quickly and went after him. He paused then looked back at me, his eyes lingering on me before he turned to face me then purred, pulling me into his arms and held me close against him. He curled a few strands of my hair around his fingers then gave me a loving look before he leaned in for a kiss again. I hugged him instead and buried my face into his shoulder. "Don't be mad at me." I felt a purr start to rumble in his chest then, pleased as he kissed the top of my head then picked me up by my waist and carried me over to the bed. I giggled and tried to get down. "Hey," I looked up at him. He purred then laid me down on the bed and crawled over me, kissing my neck softly as he laid on my chest. I looked up at him quickly and kissed his cheek. "Are you okay? Are you hungry? I don't remember you eating yesterday." I felt his fangs scrap against my neck then as his hands rubbed my sides softly. I tensed up and quickly hid my neck from him. He kissed my cheek then and started to trail kisses to my lips, each one sending a warm feeling through me. I gasped and felt a small shiver go through my spine. I gripped at his shirt. He's got to be hungry. He reached my lips then and stole a kiss, leaning into it as he purred. I felt a spark go through my lips then before he kissed me deeper and moaned softly. I gasped and looked away from him to catch my breath. "Aris?" I asked. I felt his lips against my neck again, giving me small kisses there.

"Yes?" He purred to me sweetly and gripped my sides.

"You didn't answer me. You must be hungry," I whispered and hid my neck again.

"A little~ but it's not bad," he purred and then pulled away from my neck, going for my lips again. I giggled and grabbed his chin. I gave his cheek a kiss quickly. He purred happily as he got a kiss from me and looked at me with a loving smile before he kissed my hand. I gave him a kind look before rubbing at his cheek.

"You woke me up," I told him and frowned.

"I wanted to hold you," he purred happily before he wrapped his arms around me and kissed my chest. I heard someone knock at the door then before his twin entered and purred.

"Brother~ I wanted to see if you would play a ga- Your eyes.... You didn't take your meds that father gave you last night, did you?" He asked with wide eyes then giggled. "Awww, you trust him that much?" Aris looked towards him and growled.

"You. Took. My. Meds. Last. Night," he hissed and then exposed his fangs. His twin gave a small purr and stayed calm.

"Yeah, but you had more meds later. Why didn't you take them?" I widened my eyes.

"YOU didn't take your meds!?" I asked and gripped my hair. That's why his eyes are red and he's acting the way he is.

"Yeah, you can tell by his eyes. The blue moon exposes him like that if he doesn't take his meds," his twin explained and giggled. "By the looks of it, we got a sweeter Aris this time. He's not as angry as usual. It must be because you're here."

"Well... he got a little angry at me," I admitted. "He's also hungry," I mumbled and looked towards Aris' mouth.

"You should feed him. James has been trained to deal with him on blue moons incase he hasn't taken his meds," his twin told me and walked over, looking his brother over before he purred and went to hug him. Aris growled and grabbed him, yanking him down then bit into his neck harshly. His twin growled then relaxed slowly before he started to purr and ran his fingers through his twin's hair. "Hey~ Calm down... I'm not going anywhere," he whispered sweetly. "I'm sorry I took your meds." Aris started to relax slowly before he loosened up on the bite and sat up on me, drinking from his twin as he closed his eyes.

"Aris," I mumbled and shook his shoulder. "That's your twin- not James." I looked at the two of them. Why're they doing this on top of me? I tried to crawl out from under him then. Aris kept me down then and pulled away from his twin, licking his lips before he looked down at me then leaned in and kissed my lips passionately.

"I think... I'll go tell dad that you're off your meds so he can warn the staff," Nikolas whispered then got up quickly, leaving us with a strange look on his face as Aris moaned. I widened my eyes. HE JUST DITCHED ME! WITH HIS HORMONAL TWIN! I pushed up gently on his chest.

"Let's go find James," I suggested. He purred to me and reached down to my hand, gently grabbing it then pinned it above my head.

"Who needs James? I'm happy right here with you." He smirked at me then and leaned down, kissing my chest. I blushed then.

"I'm happy with you too, but I know you're hungry. James has healthy human blood for you." I watched him curiously. He leaned in and kissed my lips again. I gasped against the kiss and melted against the bed. He moaned softly and then tightened his grip on my hand before I felt his fingers run across my spine, going down to the hem of my shirt. He licked my bottom lip as he tilted his head and purred. I gasped and yanked on my hand. "Aris," I whispered. He kissed me again quickly and slipped his hand under my shirt, trailing it across my spine gently as his touch sent warmth through me. I groaned and tilted my head to the side. "Aris," I mumbled. He paused then and looked down into my eyes.

"What is it?" He asked me softly, concerned. I kissed his cheek then.

"Don't you dare try taking my shirt off," I warned. He purred then and leaned in, kissing me deeply again. I kissed him back and moaned lightly. He licked my bottom lip before he went to slip it between my lips as he rubbed my back. I bit his bottom lip quickly and gave a playful growl. I tugged on my arms quickly. He moaned and let go of my hands to steady himself on the bed and closed his eyes. I grabbed his shoulders quickly before grabbing his phone out of his pocket and started to text James. He kissed my neck as I texted James and paid no attention to the fact I stole his phone before he started to suck on my neck. I gasped and tensed up.

Me: I vant to suck your blood.

James: Oh? Are we playing that game tonight? You didn't come to drink from me last night.

I felt Aris's tongue against my neck before he moved down slightly and started to suck on my skin again.

Me: Meet me in the room by mine.

I started to tickle Aris' side then to distract him. He started to laugh and pushed at my hands, squirming. "Dmeter~!" He purred out and then got ahold of one of my hands before he kissed the inside of my wrist and laughed. I laughed a little.

"James is on the way," I told him. "Try to hold off for that long." He looked down at me and purred before he leaned in and kissed my lips again. I kissed him back gently. Whoa he really wants kisses... I hope he doesn't remember this tomorrow night. He purred and licked my bottom lip again as a moan escaped him. I pulled back from the kiss and placed my fingers against his lips. "Aris," I warned. He looked towards my fingers then narrowed his eyes slightly before he sat up, yanking his face away from mine.

"What? You don't want my kisses?" He hissed then got up from me, hurt and angered. I looked him over before shaking my head.

"Aris, of course I do. You're my mate. Please don't be mad at me. We can kiss if that's what you truly want.... I don't want you upset at me." I gave him a loving smile. Maybe I need to just give him what he wants... I exposed my neck then. "Okay," I whispered. "You can drink some." He looked me over before he purred and climbed back into bed with me before he laid beside me and pulled me into his arms. He gave my cheek a small kiss before he purred and brought me close, cuddling with me instead of going for my neck and played with my hair. James walked in and hummed under his breath before he tensed, seeing the two of us.

"Oh, I guess that makes sense," he said then walked over, looking at Aris curiously before he tensed as he looked him in the eyes. "You didn't take your meds last night...." Aris purred at him then sat up, exposing his fangs hungrily and reached out for him. James smiled softly before he walked up. "Are you hungry?" He asked and rubbed Aris's cheek. "You normally are on blue moons without your meds." Aris nodded and gave a sweet smile as he watched James laugh. "Alright, here you go." He looked at us then gave me a small smile before he winked and then looked at Aris, crawling into his lap. "How has he been doing?" He asked me curiously as he tilted his head for Aris and watched as Aris quickly bit him and moaned at the taste. James looked over towards me and smiled. "He hasn't done anything bad, right? It looks like he's having a good night."

"He got a little angry at me... but that's just because he's hungry," I mumbled and watched Aris curiously. "He's also really lovey... He woke me up just because he wanted to hold me." I blushed and looked away. I'm glad he's not mad at me right now... It's never a good feeling to know my mate is mad at me. James smirked then.

"Is he being a handful?" He asked in amusement. "You're lucky he's this way tonight and not the other way-" Aris suddenly growled and dug his fangs in deeper, making James wince. "Watch the fangs," he whispered to Aris. Aris pulled back and glared at James as he licked his lips.

"I'll do what I want," he hissed then leaned in and bit down hard, making James yelp. He frowned at my mate before he sighed and ran his fingers through his hair, trying to sooth him. I reached out for Aris quickly.

"Aris, don't hurt James. He's being generous enough to give you blood," I told him. Aris glanced at me out of the corner of his eyes then watched me before he slowly took his fangs out of James and closed his eyes, drinking his blood as he sucked it down from the wound. James relaxed then ran his fingers through his hair then kissed Aris's cheek softly.

"There you go~ See, isn't that better? The blood flows nicer that way," he whispered to Aris and hummed softly in his ear. I watched them and felt a little jealous as I watched... Why's he touching my mate like that? Aris licked his neck before he pulled back slightly then licked his lips clean, looking at James before he frowned and pushed James off and into the floor. He crossed his legs then and purred, watching James in amusement as he sat in shock on the floor then frowned up at Aris. "What? Are you finished drinking my blood already?" He asked in disappointment. "I thought you were more hungry than that."

"I had some of my twin's blood too," he purred then smirked. "Go eat some oranges for me."

"You didn't have to shove him," I mumbled. He looked towards me then frowned before he got up and looked James over then pulled James up to his feet.

"Thank you," he whispered then let James go with a small purr. James smiled hugely then and patted his cheek.

"Of course~ I love being your donor. You're the best one in this castle to donate too. Are you sure you're finished though?" He asked him and smirked. "You could have a little more~ I don't mind." Aris paused and eyed James's neck thoughtfully and leaned in slightly, smelling him. I watched the two of them.

"Look, if you're going to do this- do it out of my room. I want a shower," I told them and started for my bathroom. I can't believe he's thinking about drinking more blood. He's going to end up like my parents. I heard him make a small noise before he yanked away from James and started for me.

"Dmeter," he called out quickly, a loving tone in his voice as he reached out for me. I looked towards him and blushed.

"Yeah?" I asked and kept walking for the bathroom.

"I'll wait for you out here," he purred to me then stopped walking, his red eyes watching me. "I love you." James's eyes widened slightly as he watched us then he coughed.

"I think my business is done here," he said quickly and walked out of the room to avoid watching us. I felt my heart speed up as I watched Aris. I froze up and felt my face heat up. He just.... said.... he.... loves me! I looked away from him and pushed my hair away from my face. Wow, this is serious.... He might even think he's gay completely now- I mean he said he'd be gay for me last night- then he's clingy tonight and wanting to be closer to me.

"O-okay," I whispered and hurried into my closet- looking around for something to grab and take with me into the bathroom. Mates are weird- I'm weird. I got jealous over James. I heard him purring softly as the bed rustled, and he laid down in it to wait on me, not seeming concerned as I left him. I picked out something comfortable since we wouldn't be going someplace else together. I grabbed a pair of sweat pants, a tank top, and one of my aeropostal hoodies. I made sure to grab some boxers and socks before heading into the bathroom. I took a long shower in the Olay White strawberry body wash, and the Aussie shampoo and conditioner I liked using. Once I finished my shower, I dried off and whipped the mirror down to look at my reflection. I grabbed a pair of scissors and decided for a new look- cutting my surfers hair cut and made it extremely short as I worked it into a more cleaner cut that would fit my appearance and made me adorable- my following wanted me to do this a long time ago- they also wanted me to dye my hair but no way in hell am I doing that. I ran my fingers through my hair as I worked out stray hairs then got the rest with the towel. I cleaned up and gave myself a small blow kiss before getting dressed. I brushed my hair and teeth before sighing in relief. My neck feels so amazing without hair on it. I walked out to Aris and got a running start- jumping onto the bed to be with him. He opened his eyes wide as he felt the bed shake then looked towards me with a loud purr, reaching out for me.

"Hey, feeling better?" He asked me, his red eyes lingering on my hair. I nodded and grabbed a pillow, curling up to it as I got my phone off the night stand. I started to go through it.

"Yeah~ I feel amazing." I took a picture of my new hair cut and tweeted it- my phone started to vibrate as my followers responded to it. He chuckled then pulled me into his arms before he wrapped me up in the blanket and kissed my cheek then looked towards my phone before he stole it and smirked, taking a selfie of the two of us. I looked towards him and tsked. "Who said you could take my phone?" I asked. He looked at me then raised an eyebrow.

"You wanted pictures yesterday," he hummed out then he kissed my neck, placing my phone back in my hands as he playfully licked my neck. I gasped and hit him with the pillow as I went under the covers to get away from his mouth. I placed my phone on the other side of the bed and curled up. I heard him laugh a little before he crawled off the bed. "I'm going to go see about getting us a snack."

"Can you check on my bottled blood?" I asked him and sat up, pulling the covers off to look at him. He glanced at me then nodded.

"Yeah, I can check on that for you," he purred to me and gave a small smirk as he looked me directly in the eyes. "Don't move until I get back."

"I'll think about it," I told him and smirked. "You don't tell me what to do anyways." He raised an eyebrow then started walking back to me before he crawled over me on the bed and kissed my cheek.

"Oh? Are you telling me no?" He purred then started to give me small kisses as he trailed them to my lips slowly, pinning his weight on me.

"I'm telling you that I'm my own boss," I said calmly and looked away from his kisses. He growled softly then went to my neck, giving me a love bite. I gasped and squirmed under him as it tickled.

"Aris," I mumbled. "Our snacks," I whined. He purred then started to tug the blanket down my chest as he moved down to the crook of my neck and gave me another one. I blushed and hid my neck quickly, moving to crawl away from him. He grabbed me and held me down before he sat on top of me and looked down into my eyes, exposing his fangs. I exposed mine quickly and looked him over. "I might not move from here," I told him. "It's a fifty fifty." He purred and watched me before he leaned down and stole a kiss.

"Don't move~ I want to come back and find you right where I left you," he whispered against my lips.

"I don't know, you might not," I mumbled.

"But if I'm getting you snacks, the least you can do... is not move," he purred and then kissed me again. I looked away from the kiss and sighed.

"Okay," I mumbled. I'm so moving. He sat up and frowned at me before he slowly got up and growled as he started for the door, looking irritated as he left me. I giggled and watched him leave. He's so angry! I better not move... He'll probably hunt me down and who knows what- not hunt me down? He's one of those boys that doesn't know what a good chase or game of tag is. I heard his footsteps retreating before he returned after a few minutes with a tray containing a bottle of blood, a bowl of peeled orange slices, and a bowl of green grapes. He closed the door with his foot then looked at me before he walked over and sat the tray down on the bed and opened the bottle for me, slipping a straw into the drink and then handed it to me before he ate a grape. He gave me a soft smile and leaned back on the bed, purring as he looked up at the ceiling then closed his eyes as he grabbed a piece of orange and started to eat it quietly.

I looked the bottle over before I started to drink it, purring from the taste. He glanced my way and watched me, his red eyes lingering on mine before he looked me over and grabbed another grape to eat and gave a soft, teasing moan. "Will you remember tonight tomorrow?" I asked him curiously. He looked towards me then as he finished eating the grape then purred.

"Of course I will," he told me then rolled over onto his stomach and smirked at me playfully. "I always remember what I've done." I saw a hint of darkness in his eyes then before he laughed then looked back at the grapes. "I won't regret tonight though like I did the other nights~"

"You sure? Cause you keep kissing me," I looked away and licked my lips. "You also keep going towards my neck.... I'm worried... and your eyes are doing this weird thing that's sending me warning signs like you're not you..." He ate another grape then.

"No, what I am... is simply him but uncontrolled- his deep subconscious thoughts~ I'm his rage, his anger, his joy, his love all bundled into one huge night. He may express all of his emotions on the other nights, but he's more controlled than what he is. I'm him with essentially no filter," he purred and smirked. "Well, I do have a filter, but it's not much of one. Some nights, I'm more likely to be angry, and other nights, I'm like this, clingy as you put it," he told me then sat up, looking at me. "It's nothing to be afraid of. Trust me, we're the same person. I just have more mood swings," he told me then crawled up to me and laid down beside me. "You aren't afraid, are you? I don't have any anger for you- not enough to do anything with it," he purred softly in my ear. "I'm happy you're here... with me." I looked him over and felt my heartbeat quicken. He's talking in third person.... I gave him a nervous smile and scooted away from him. He's being creepy... Creepy. I got out of bed quickly.

"Aris," I mumbled and sighed. I need to settle down and keep calm or he's going to get mad. "You should take me outside so we can play in the snow." He frowned at me then sat up.

"You're scared," he mumbled and looked me over. "I can tell...." He looked me in the eyes then and studied them. "Dmeter, this is nothing to be afraid of. I won't regret a thing I did tonight. It's like being extremely drunk, but I'm not drunk. I'm thinking clearly as I do these things. The only difference between tonight and yesterday night is that I don't hesitate- I express my emotions more, and I don't have that filter where I have to think things through twenty times before I decide to do something. You shouldn't be afraid."

"I'm not afraid," I grumbled. "I just... You're going to wake up tomorrow and you're going to be different than tonight." I looked away from him. He relaxed and then gave a soft purr.

"Do you like this better?" He asked me and tilted his head, giving me a cute smile. I looked towards him and blushed.

"What? No-" I shook my head and looked away. "You're harder to stop," I whispered.

"Well, you sounded disappointed," he purred and laughed. "Tell you what, I'll remember to be more sweet to you tomorrow night when you wake up. Would you like that?" He gave me an amused look and ate another grape, crossing his legs.

"You're just going to wake me up again," I grumbled. I thought I told him not to wake me up.

"I'll bring you breakfast in bed~" He suggested then looked in my direction. "Which is it? Do you want me sweeter or do you want me the way I have been for the past two days? Either way, I'll remember whatever I tell you now," he hummed out.

"We're supposed to be getting to know each other- not kissing and making out and biting each other," I told him.

"You can be sweet and getting to know each other at the same time," he told me then ate another grape. "If you don't like the kisses, just say so, and I won't kiss you." He looked me dead in the eyes then as he swallowed the grape.

"But I do like them," I whined. I can't help I like them- he's my mate. But I just met him.

"Then what's the problem with a few kisses while we're getting to know each other?" He raised an eyebrow at me then. "If you like them, then you should be okay with it."

"I'm confused because we just met," I whispered. "Shouldn't we not be kissing just yet?" I asked. He got up then and walked up to me to where there wasn't an inch of space between us before he purred and kissed the top of my head.

"We define our own pace," he whispered to me. "If you like them, then it's alright. We have eternity to learn every little bit about each other, and just because we kiss now doesn't mean that I won't want to get to know you. There's nothing wrong with kissing each other if we want to be together," he purred and tilted my face up to make me look up at him. "I already know that it's not just because we're mates that I like you," he purred and gave me a loving look. "I do like you, Dmeter. If you want to kiss, I'm fine with that. We can do whatever you want, whether we kiss now while we're getting to know each other, or if you force me to wait to kiss you later- I can't promise I won't kiss you because you're so irresistible, but you can certainly try to keep me from kissing you."

"You'll growl at me," I mumbled. I don't want to upset him.

"Yeah, I might growl, but that's only because I'm frustrated," he whispered then kissed my cheek softly. "So... do you want me to stop till the day we're married?"

"What? No. That's not right. We might not marry for another three years," I grumbled. I'm not waiting three whole years with my boyfriend/mate/fiancé for kisses. He laughed then.

"Well what do you want then?" He asked me, rubbing my chin a little in his hand. "Do you want kisses now or later down the road when you tell me?"

"Later. I don't want us moving too fast, Aris." I gave him a stern look.

"If you're worried about mating, I won't mate with you until you tell me to and it's been awhile since we've officially started dating," he purred to me and smiled.

"I'm not worried about mating," I blushed a bright red. Where did he get that from?

"Then why are you concerned about kisses?" He asked me softly and looked down into my eyes. "I don't think it's moving too fast to give you a few kisses. I think it's moving too fast to mate with you right now."

"Are you serious?" I asked and blushed. "We just met... Kisses should be restricted too. I might like you.... but we're in a serious time period of needing to get to know each other. We've got a week to decide if we're going to be engaged or not."

"And if you don't like my kisses, then you need to know that," he purred to me and smirked. "Besides, when would you finally decide you wanted kisses from me?" He looked me over then let go of my chin, taking his hand back from me.

"Not within a week of knowing you," I teased and gave him a small smile. He frowned a little and watched me.

"When?" He asked me and put his hands into his pockets.

"Maybe next time," I whispered and looked him over. "What if you decide you don't like my family?" I asked. He hasn't even met them.

"I'm bound to like someone in your family," he told me and looked me in the eyes before he sighed and took a step back. "Fine, no more kisses," he whispered and looked towards the bowl of grapes before he walked over to it and took another one.

"No biting me either," I purred. I've one upped him in that. I licked my lips as I watched him. He ate the grape then.

"Fine," he mumbled. I nodded and reached out for him.

"I do want to go play in the snow." He glanced back at me then before he ate another grape before he walked up and took my hand, not meeting my eyes. He started to pull me towards the door then.

"We'll get you some gloves from my room. I don't use them," he muttered to me. I watched him than sighed.

"We already kissed... More won't hurt," I told him. "It's too late to tell you not to kiss me. You stole like the first five hundred from me already." He looked back at me then gave me a soft smile before he shook his head and squeezed my hand lightly.

"No, it's fine," he purred to me then looked me in the eyes as he led me into his room and let go, starting for his closet to get me gloves. I waited for him and pushed my hands into my hoodie's pockets. He stole my first kisses.... He might as well take the rest of them. He came out to me with a pair of black gloves and purred, holding them out to me as he looked me in the eyes. "Besides, I don't need kisses to romance you," he told me and gave me a confident smirk.

"Oh yeah? If that was true, you would have let me keep my kisses until I wanted to give them to you," I told him and pulled the gloves on.

"I gave you my kisses in return," he purred and then watched me. "Besides, I still don't think it's wrong to kiss you if I plan on dating you~ I'll just hold off till you finally kiss me yourself. Let's go make a snowman," he told me and reached out for my hand. I looked him over and gave a small smile.

"Are you really going to be gay just for me?" I asked. He grabbed my hand then pulled me close with a small purr.

"Yes, I want to be for you," he told me sweetly and ran his fingers through my hair. "I want to be gay for only you. I can't see myself with another man if I was to be gay." I looked him over before nodding and gave him a small kiss on his lips. He blushed slightly as I kissed him then purred to me as he wrapped his arms around me. "If the rest of the week goes well, will you marry me?" He asked me softly, looking down into my eyes. "I'll get a ring to propose to you formally." I nodded a little.

"Yeah, I'll consider marrying you." He smiled hugely then and laughed happily.

"I'll get a ring then to ask you sometime soon... maybe I'll wait a little bit after the week so that way you can think about what your answer is and I can plan a perfect night to ask you," he told me then leaned his forehead against mine with a sweet look in his eyes.

"It was a consideration," I teased. "I might say no."

"I'll still ask you," he purred and looked me in the eyes. "You deserve more than your father telling you that you're engaged to me without asking your opinion. I want your honest answer when I ask you, and not something that your parents told you to say. I want this to be what you truly want."

"What? My parents can't tell me what to do even if I am just fifteen and they have rights to take away all my pretty electronics if I disobey them." He laughed then and pulled his face back a bit.

"I'm just saying, I want it to be your choice without our parents' influence. I want to ask you on my own, not because my father wants this. I hope you'll say yes. You could be ruling by my side here," he whispered to me, rubbing my cheek. "A youtuber and a king...."

"I know," I mumbled. I'll end up being a queen.... That's a lot of responsibility.... plus I have a youtube career. This also means I'll have to live here. I'm ruling here with him- not the other way around. That's a huge step... I'd have to leave the comfort of my large family. He gave me a soft smile and pulled his hand back.

"Come on, let's go play in the snow," he suggested and then took my hand in his, starting to lead me to the door. "Don't look so worried either. If you married me, I'd let you invite your family over whenever you wanted."

"It's not that- it's just that I'd leave them for you. I'm so use to hearing my brothers and sisters running around. I have two that like to play instruments all the time. So my home is full of music usually. Then my little sisters like to play tea parties and always try to ask me to join- then I have two favorite brothers who like me very much and I'm sure they'd be sad to see me go." Remus and Esteban would be so upset to see me go.... It might make Remus cry. He gave me a thoughtful look before he nodded.

"If it's alright with your parents, I don't mind if a few of your siblings come to live here with you. They could all get rooms here and visit frequently if not live here completely," he suggested and gave my hand a small squeeze.

"Yeah?" I asked and nodded. My parents might let them.

"I really don't mind," he purred and smiled. "A few could live here with you. It'd be like their second home. You don't have to be isolated from your family just because you marry me, and I want you to be as happy as you can be." I nodded and gave his hand a tight squeeze.

"Thank you," I whispered. He purred and pulled me close.

"We could even get your parents a permanent room here as well if you want. They wouldn't be able to stay here all the time, but they'd have someplace permanent here and feel more welcome," he whispered and gave my cheek a small, quick kiss.

"They'd like that," I whispered. "So..." I trailed a little. "Are you expected to be king soon or something?"

"I am actually.... I'm to be crowned in a couple of weeks," he told me and blushed. "Father has been preparing me to take over for a few years now. My twin got married off before me though because the Chinese king took a liking to him." I nodded and blushed.

"In a couple of weeks?" I asked softly. That means I'll be marrying a king.... He nodded.

"Yes, my father wants off the throne soon so he can relax with my mom," he told me and laughed. "I'll be king soon, and I'll hopefully have someone special to marry me when they're a little older," he teased me. I blushed and nodded towards him. He smiled and led me down the stairs, holding onto my hand gently. "You'd make an excellent ruler with me~ You'll be there when I have my coronation, right? Maybe we'll even be able to announce our engagement," he suggested.

"Ummm... I'll see about being there. My parents will probably bring me to it anyways." He nodded then and purred.

"I'll send you a special invitation," he promised me. "For you and your entire family."

"Really?" I asked and giggled. "I have a large family."

"How many?" He asked me sweetly as he took me to the front door of the castle. "I'll get invitations for each and every single one of them and have them sent out."

"Well.... I have fiftee- sixteen actually different brothers. One just got married. One will be married soon. My mom has like- four brothers I think and they're all mated- No wait- Esther is a girl and she's not mated- that I know of. Hesper has a dragon king for a mate so you will want to send him an invitation too- otherwise he'll crash the party. Let's see- I don't know about my dad's family.... it's mostly just my mom... and it's so large I don't really know." He nodded then.

"I will have my parents ask yours the details so I can have each invitation sent out. I will remember about that dragon king though and send him one. I don't want crashers," he told me then purred. "If I remember correctly... I think some guy named Kingsley is supposed to be doing the actual transferring of the crowns. My father isn't doing it himself," he told me then blushed. "He said something about wanting it to look really official."

"Kingsley? He's a family friend! I think he's actually related to my uncle Lyle," I whispered quietly to him. "You'll like him. My younger siblings love him- I mean adore him and his mate a bunch! His kid married A'slin- My older brother." He widened his eyes slightly then nodded.

"I think it is him. I'm not sure though," he told me then blushed. He opened the front doors for me then helped me out before he looked around at the snow covered grounds, big trees covered in it. I walked out to the snow and knelt down, scooping some up in my hands. He watched me and chuckled before he walked out across it barefoot then laid down in the snow, looking up at the sky with a purr then scooped some of it up in his hands and looked at it in delight. I walked up to him then and sat down on top of him, looking him over. He groaned a bit then looked up at me, his red eyes focusing on me before he gave a playful growl and reached up to poke at my sides as he exposed his fangs. "I'm going to get you~" He teased me. I giggled and dropped the snow on top of his face before I got up and took off running. He laughed and got to his feet quickly before he chased after me with another playful growl. I looked over my shoulder and laughed as I ran from him. I quickly scooped up some snow and threw it at him.

He looked at it as it hit him then smirked before he grabbed some and made a snowball, throwing it towards me and got me in the shoulder. I gasped and ran from him, going behind a tree. I scooped up some more snow and looked for him. He had ducked behind a bush and was peering out from behind it at me to make sure he wouldn't get hit. He locked eyes with me before he smirked and I suddenly felt myself lifted up off the ground as he gave me a playful look. I gasped and looked around to see what was happening. My feet were barely touching the ground, my toes scraping against it as I was pulled forward a bit from behind the tree and I felt it put me down gently before I was hit by another snowball and Aris laughed. I frowned in confusion and looked towards Aris. What just happened!? I sent him a glare then. He caught the look then quickly shrunk behind the bush from me to hide. I started for him quickly.

"Aris," I called. He yelped and got up, taking off running. I chased after him quickly, throwing the snow in my hand at him. He laughed as he got hit then yelped as he tripped over something hidden in the snow and fell on his face. I caught up to him and sat down on his chest. I looked him over before leaning in and gave his head a kiss. He looked up at me then blushed as a small trickle of blood ran down his forehead and hit the snow, dying it a pretty red.

"I think I hit my head on a rock," he whispered to me, his eyes matching the color of the dyed snow. I looked the two colors over before getting off of him. He watched me then purred softly before he wiped his head and licked his blood off his fingers. "Hey," he whispered as a small smirk formed on his face. He touched my ankle then and laughed. "Tag." He jumped up quickly and took off running again. I watched him and tsked.

"Keep running, you'll end up smacking into a tree," I warned.

"No I won't~" He laughed and then ran up to a tree and stopped by it, looking back at me with a purr. I watched him and purred. I'm not going to chase him. I watched him and smirked as I laid down in the snow. He watched me then slowly came back, giving me a cautious look before his red eyes looked me over and he sat down beside me, settling down before he leaned over and kissed my cheek. "What does the snow feel like?" He asked me curiously. "How cold is it? I've always wondered.... My brother would squeal in shock whenever he'd fall into a pile of it."

"Cold," I told him and giggled. I looked him over before looking up at the sky.

"What're you two doing out there?!" I heard my dad asking from a window. Aris tensed and looked towards the window before he frowned and studied my father.

"Aris! Are you out there?" I heard King Afon calling from inside near my father.

"Of course they are," I heard my father telling him. "Look at those two. My son might catch a cold. Vampires can catch colds, right? PUT MORE CLOTHES ON!" King Afon walked up to the window then frowned.

"Yeah, your boy should be wearing more clothes. Mine is fine," he said and crossed his arms. "Aris! Take him back inside to get some proper winter clothes on!" I blushed and watched our dads.

"DMETER! YOU BETTER NOT GET A COLD!" My dad yelled at me. I giggled and wrapped my arms around Aris, pulling him into a hug. Aris tensed before he let out a loud purr and wrapped his arms around me.

"Oh... my... look at that, would you?" Afon purred. "I think they're getting along just fine. Come, we should leave the two of them alone. Yours might shove mine away again."

"He's going to get sick though," my dad said but I could hear him closing the window.

"We'll send him some clothes out," Afon told him simply as the window shut. Aris looked towards the window and watched as his father watched him then slowly shut the curtains on us to give us privacy. He returned his attention to me then purred before he pulled me into his lap then held me close, his body providing some warmth for me.

"My sweet mate," he whispered to me then kissed my cheek softly. I leaned back into his warmth and purred. I looked the snow over before purring.

"Let's build an igloo!" I suggested and got up. I giggled at the thought. He watched me then laughed before he started to make bricks out of the snow around him.

"Alright, we'll make a little igloo to hang out in," he told me and smirked slightly. I started to help him build our igloo. After our igloo was finished, he disappeared inside it and poked his head out to look at me. "It's roomy enough for two~" He told me and smirked before he ducked back inside. I crawled in to check it out, looking around curiously. It was pretty spacious for an igloo, and he had cleared out the snow from the center, pressing it up against the sides so that way we wouldn't be sitting on snow. He smiled at me in the dark of it, only the moonlight shining in through the cracks of the igloo and barely providing any light. I glanced around before crawling over to him and laid down, putting my head against his chest.

"This is great!" He purred to me and ran his fingers through my hair.

"Good, I'm glad you like it," he told me and started to play with my hair as his heartbeats in his chest picked up a little. "We worked on it together, after all."

"Yeah~ It's really great..." I trailed off as I heard someone coming towards our igloo. Must be a servant bringing me thicker clothes. He got quiet as he listened to the person approaching and held onto me a little tighter before he kissed my cheek and pulled me onto his chest. I purred and went to go out to meet the servant. I felt him tug on my shirt slightly before he let me go outside to see the servant and poked his head out to watch. I walked up to the servant and grabbed the big jacket from her before going back to the igloo and placed it inside, curling up under it as I got back in. He said something in Russian to her before he came back in then and kissed my lips quickly before he pulled me into his arms again with a loud purr.

"I love you~" He told me again. I giggled and kissed him again before pulling him under the coat to get him warm. He laughed then gave me another kiss before he paused by my lips. "May I?" He asked me sweetly and rubbed my side slightly as he leaned over me a bit. I looked him over curiously.

"May you what?" I asked.

"Kiss you like before?" He purred as his lips brushed up against mine. I kissed him softly then. He smiled against my lips before he wrapped his arms around me and gave me another small kiss, his lips lingering against mine before he kissed the corner of my mouth then tilted his head and gave me another, making it slightly longer. I pulled back from the kiss and purred.

"That's all," I told him.

"All?" He asked, a disappointed tone in his voice as he pulled me close. I giggled and nodded.

"For a year," I purred.

"What?" He asked and growled a little then kissed my cheek. "That's messed up."

"I know, that's why I'm messing with you." He kissed my lips again quickly and smirked against them. I leaned a little into the kiss, moaning slightly. He seemed to like it and purred, tilting his head as he deepened the kiss and pressed his up against mine firmly, sending thousands of little sparks through them. I heard a small moan escape him as he tugged my body closer by my sides. I pulled away from the kiss then and looked him over. He looked at me in the dark then moved one of his hands up to my cheek and gently touched it, caressing it before he leaned in, giving me another, smaller kiss. I giggled and looked away before curling up into the warmth the jacket was providing. He cuddled with me and then kissed my cheek gently. I suddenly got a vision of me out in the snow and got the strangest feeling of extreme love and warmth in my chest accompanying it. He pulled back slightly then hid his face into my neck, purring softly. I giggled and looked away from him quickly. He showed me something again. He purred and I got another vision of yesterday when we were ice skating and his nerves kicking in as he held me close as he watched me, butterflies in his stomach. I pulled away from him quickly.

"I told you not to show me stuff like this," I whispered. He looked at me, his red eyes looking at me in the dark before he kissed my cheek.

"Alright~ I'll stop showing you things for now," he whispered in my ear then held me close. I heard footsteps crunching over to the igloo before someone came in and shivered.

"Hey, Aris, are you in here?" I heard Nikolas calling.

"Yeah~ We both are," I told him. He laughed then.

"So, dad says he's proud of the two of you for hitting it off so well and that he's going to start talking to King Rei about your marriage," he told us and sat down at the edge of the igloo.

"What? When did this happen?" I asked.

"He saw you two out in the snow, and he found a video on youtube of the two of you ice skating at the rink. One of the servants showed it to him," Nikolas purred happily. "He ships you two in other words."

"No..... he's another shipper..... and apparently your maid watches my channel," I grumbled. "We better go see what they're talking about." I started to get out of the igloo then. Aris whined and reached for me quickly, kissing my cheek. "Let's go," I told him and pushed my way out. He gave a pout but followed me out with Nikolas hot on his trail. Nikolas giggled then tackled Aris, making them fall to the ground and purred, rubbing his head against Aris's chest and kissed his cheek.

"Aren't you excited? You're getting married," he purred to Aris who stared up at the moon in a daze, his red eyes glowing slightly as he looked at it. I looked back at him in wonder before frowning.

"Aris?" I asked. He didn't respond as he seemed lost, a small gasp escaping him as the moon reflected in his eyes. Nikolas sat up then frowned.

"Not again," he mumbled then took Aris's shirt off him and threw it over Aris's eyes to try to shield him from the moon.

"What's going on?" I asked.

"He can't look at the blue moon itself or else it sends him in a trance like state, and he becomes more sensitive to it. He'll probably snap out of it in a few minutes now that he's not looking at it," Nikolas told me and looked his brother over in concern before he peeked under the shirt at his brother. "He's still like that...."

"Dmeter," I heard him mumble from under his shirt, calling for me. Nikolas tensed and widened his eyes in shock then gave him an interested look.

"Aris?" He asked then pulled the shirt back again to peek. Aris's eyes had reddened to a lighter shade and was still glowing as he stared up blankly at the moon, sprawled out under his brother as he had his eyes glued on it. Nikolas tsked then tossed it back on his face before he got up and scooped up his brother, starting to carry him. "Let's get him out of the moonlight so he can focus."

"Oh... okay.." I followed after Nikolas, concerned a little for my mate. He glanced at me then purred.

"He'll be fine. He'll snap out of it soon," he promised me. "I'm glad you're concerned for him. It means my other half will be well taken care of~" He leaned over then gave me a small, friendly kiss on the cheek before he took my mate up to the doors and got them open, letting me in then sat him down on the floor, taking care not to bang his head. He removed the shirt and waved his hand over his twin's face, frowning as Aris didn't pick up on it and stared straight up at the ceiling. I looked down at Aris and touched his cheek gently.

"Aris?" I asked. Aris twitched and his eyes lit up a little in response before the moon's reflection in his eyes died down a bit. I could faintly see his chest starting to stir again, going back to breathing. He must've quit when he saw the moon. I shook him a little then. Nikolas's eyes widened, and he went to stop me, but Aris blinked after a few seconds, starting to come to. I kept shaking him. "Aris," I said quickly. He groaned then gripped my hands before he sat up quickly and buried his face into my chest.

"My head hurts," he groaned softly then held onto the front of my shirt tightly. "What... what happened?"

"You looked at the moon," Nikolas whispered, watching us. "It was pretty bad this time. You said Dmeter's name in your trance."

"Yeah, why'd you do that?" I asked and giggled.

"Do what?" He asked me and groaned, gripping my shirt a little tighter.

"Call out my name," I mumbled. "Nevermind- let's go find our parents." He nodded then slowly peeked out from my shirt before he frowned.

"When did we get inside?"

"I carried you in," Nikolas purred sweetly. He got to his feet then and pulled his twin up to his feet, steadying Aris as he stumbled. I wrapped my arm around Aris then and gave his cheek a kiss.

"You okay?" I asked. He looked at me and nodded before he looked around shakily then took a few deep breaths and started to walk towards the throne room slowly with me. Nikolas trailed close behind, watching him to keep him from getting hurt. I looked around for our parents, finding mine sitting with his.

"Mom? Dad?" I asked. Mom looked over towards me and twitched his tail.

"What is it sweetie? Is something wrong?" He asked me. Aris's mother looked over at us then frowned as she saw how Aris was shaken up and tensed.

"Ummm- Nikolai told us you're doing something," I whispered.

"Oh, we're discussing at what age you two should get married," my mother purred then looked at my dad. "I think sixteen or seventeen is good enough. If Aris is going to be king soon, he can't wait too long for his queen." I frowned.

"What? But I'm fifteen right now," I told him. "My late twenties sounds ok."

"Well, Aris can't rule for too long without someone beside him. It wouldn't be good for him," he purred and looked back to me. "Besides, if you like him, why wait that long? You'll marry around your seventeenth year."

"No I won't," I mumbled. "I don't want to marry so soon. That's two years- I need more time." Mom frowned then.

"He still needs someone to rule beside him," he mumbled. He looked towards my father then. "Should we marry our son early, or should we tell Afon to marry his off to someone else? I don't know about making a future king wait ten years for their partner to rule with them. He might need someone else who is ready to rule with him right now."

"He can't marry someone else," I said quickly and frowned. My mom glanced back at me then frowned.

"So... you do want to marry him then? He's the one for you?" He asked me softly. "That's who you want?"

"Well.... yeah," I whispered softly. "I sort of..... am his mate," I mumbled. My mom broke out into a huge smirk then before he turned to my dad.

"We'll marry him off to Aris when he's seventeen. Two years is plenty of time to get used to each other, and we married each other after only knowing each other for a couple of weeks~ They'll be fine," he purred then leaned over and kissed my dad. "We'll host the wedding."

"But I wanted to wait longer," I grumbled. My mom glanced towards me and frowned.

"Maybe eighteen, but no more than that," he told me firmly. "Aris needs someone by his side soon." He crossed his legs then and looked towards Aris. "You're fine with waiting two to three years, right?" Aris nodded and blushed. I looked towards Aris and pouted.

"You're supposed to be on my side. We have rights to choose when to marry," I told him. "Don't let them fool us." He looked at me then and rubbed the back of his neck.

"I want to marry you soon though, but I don't want to marry you too soon. I'm going to propose to you soon though~" He told me and smiled at me. I watched him and frowned.

"Aris," I whispered. "Marriages are big responsibilities."

"I know," he told me and purred. "That's why we're picking the wedding date, not your parents. We'll come up with exactly when." He grabbed my hand and gave it a small squeeze. "That is if you say yes to me," he told me and leaned in, kissing my cheek with a playful growl. I leaned away from the kiss and crossed my arms. He frowned slightly as he watched me then pulled back, taking his hand away as his eyes narrowed. "Fine," he hissed lightly at me. "Be that way. It's not like I'm aware of the fact that marriages are big responsibilities at all. If you want to marry in your late twenties, then go right ahead. It'll give me time to make my rule perfect." He glared at me then walked over to his twin and snatched his hand. "Come on. Let's go say hi to your husband. He's here, right?" Nikolas blushed and nodded.

"Yeah, he's here, but I think you ought to calm down and spend time with your mate. You shouldn't have gotten upset at him for that. He's only fifteen. He didn't expect to grow up so quickly and already have a fiance lined up for him. It's not his fault. If he wants to wait till he's in his twenties, that's because he wants time to grow up and experience the world before he enters a marriage for the rest of eternity. You should respect that for him and be a gentleman and wait for him till he's ready and knows what he wants out of life and out of marriage. You don't need someone by your side to rule. You'd be perfectly fine on the throne by yourself, brother. I know you would be. Let him have his time as your fiance before he becomes your husband and if he decides when he is older that he wants to marry you sooner, then you'll be a loving fiance and agree to change the wedding date to suit him. If you can't do all that for him, then maybe you shouldn't marry him in the first place Aris." Aris narrowed his eyes and was about to snarl but stopped and studied his brother who gave him a sweet smile and rubbed his cheek. "Don't you think you could wait? It doesn't mean that the two of you can't have fun together, but it gives him time to prepare. You weren't even sure a couple of days ago if you were straight or not. Be a gentleman and wait for him, and if he decides to leave, hold the door open for him too." Aris blushed then nodded and kissed the inside of Nikolas's wrist as his hand rubbed my mate's cheek.

"I'll wait till he's ready," Aris purred sweetly then yanked his brother into his arms and held him close, kissing his cheek. King Afon frowned and crossed his legs.

"Aris, you're marrying him when he's seventee-"

"No, Dmeter will pick his own wedding date so that way he will be ready to be my husband and won't regret it later," Aris said firmly and growled. "Father, you will let him have that right to pick his own wedding date."

"You let your twin sway you too much," Afon muttered and eyed the two of them over.

"I do not. Now, he will pick his own wedding date, and I will decide when to propose to him, and he will decide if he even wants to marry me. Butt out of it," he hissed at our parents. Nikolas giggled and kissed Aris's cheek, earning a loud purr from him before they were both on the floor with Aris on top, rubbing his head against his twin's chest.

"Dmeter," my dad said calmly and reached out for me. I frowned but walked up to him slowly and took his hand. "I know we're asking a lot from you," he told me. "But Aris will need a queen, and if you want to be with him then you need to decide right now. Because the longest he can wait will be at least three years. You'll be eighteen by then. If you're worried about wanting to see the world first, I'm sure you two will have time to do that on your honeymoon. He's about to be a king, and preferably, his father wants him married. You should respect his father's wishes as well as mine. You don't have to be afraid of marriage. You can give us grandchildren when you two know you're ready for them." He pulled me into a hug. "But you'll either marry him within three years, or you won't marry him at all. You have four more days to make up your mind." I nodded slowly before looking towards Aris before nodding towards my dad.

"Okay," I whispered softly. "I'll decide." King Afon gave a pleased smile then.

"Thank you Dmeter," he purred to me. "Take time to think about it while you spend time with him. Either way, you'll be his queen or his friend," he told me then looked over towards his sons and laughed softly. Aris's mother looked towards me then gave me a kind smile before she got to her feet and reached for my hand.

"Would you like to take a walk around the castle? I could show you around," she suggested. "Or would you rather stay with Aris?" I blushed and felt my dad shove me her way gently.

"Go with her," he suggested. I looked back at him before looking her over. I took her hand and nodded.

"Okay," I mumbled. She smirked slightly then started to pull me towards the door, stepping over my mate and his twin.

"I think that if you're going to be considering marrying my son, then you should at least know the layout of the castle and a bit of our family history," she purred and looked at me. "You will also need to know how things work here. If you do marry him, we can have a tutor teach you Russian so that you can communicate with the servants and your people." She gave my hand a squeeze. "We can also introduce you to his doctor so you can receive his pills to make sure he takes them."

"Okay," I mumbled and looked around, specifically at the walls. She took me out of the room then looked at me.

"I hope you aren't intimidated by us. I want you to feel comfortable here," she whispered then smiled before she started to lead me down the hall. "I'm pleased that you are his suitor."

"I don't know," I mumbled. "I'm not intimidated... it's just I've never known someone out of my family like this." And soon they'll be my family. She nodded.

"That's understandable. In such a big family, it makes sense that your father would keep a closer eye on all of you. He wouldn't want to not know where any of you were for long periods of times. We can have you over more often- Oh, I know! If you say yes at the end of the week, I will let Aris return home with you until two days before his coronation so he can come home and practice," she suggested and smiled. I looked her over and nodded. That would be fun. He'd get to meet my family. She giggled then.

"I'll have the servants pack his bags when the week is over," she told me then winked. "I'm sure you'll make him all kinds of nervous with your family. He's not used to too many around him all the time- especially young kids."

"I have a bunch of younger siblings," I told her.

"Exactly," she said and giggled. "Make sure he meets them all~" She led me up to a painting then of a man and woman dressed in old royal clothes then smiled. "This... is his great, great, great, great grandfather. That's his queen." She brushed her fingers over the plate of gold at the bottom of the frame, the date and names of the two engraved into it. "This was right before they were killed too.... Some human managed to sneak into the castle and opened the curtains on them while they were sleeping. Their child was only thirteen at the time and became the next king." I tensed up at the thought of burning alive from the sunlight. That would be terrible! She glanced at me then. "The castle is well protected now though. There's nothing to fear from the sun here unless you purposely go outside," she told me then gave me a small smile. "The child grew up and married a Russian pureblood. Our family line has been mostly Russian all the way up till now. Nikolas was the first to marry outside Russia. Aris will be the second, buuuuut they're not the first to marry the same gender," she told me and smirked before she pulled me down the hall. "Aris's great, great grandfather was gay. He married and ended up having children with his queen after turning him into a girl for an heir. She was quickly turned back into a male after the child was born."

"It runs in the family?" I asked softly.

"Well no, Aris's great grandfather, grandfather, and father were never gay," she told me and laughed. "I will tell you something interesting though. Aris and Nikolas are the first twins ever born to the royal family," she told me and winked. "Maybe it means there will be more twins~ We will find out eventually."

"Ummmm...." Nikolas' heirs maybe. "Maybe," I told her.

"I hope so. Twins are adorable growing up!" She laughed then pulled me down the hall, showing me more of their family then stopped by a portrait of Aris and Nikolas. "Now here we are at the present... We need to get a portrait of Nikolas and his husband soon so we can put one up. When you two get married, we'll put the two of you up in royal attire and hang it with all our previous kings and their queens."

"Do we have to go up on the wall?" I asked.

"It's tradition," she purred to me. "It's so the future generations can trace their heritage back easily. However, we can do a picture instead of a painting if you would prefer."

"Yeah.... It would be a dull night to have to pose for a portrait," I whispered. She nodded.

"We'll take a picture of the two of you then and enlarge it to put it up," she told me then tugged lightly on my hand. "Come along. I'll show you Aris's baby pictures if you want, or we can go out into the garden and I can take you along the paths."

"I wouldn't mind the garden," I told her quickly. She laughed then lead me towards the front door.

"When it warms up, we'll have tea out in the garden together. It's really pretty in the summertime." She took me outside then led me towards a garden, bushes lining it as pretty trees missing their leaves grew up from the snow. She took me inside then slowly walked along the paths where the snow had been taken away. "Flowers grow everywhere through here when it's warm. Normally, you'd be surrounded by all sorts of flowering plants. Even the trees flower." She patted my hand then. "You'll be able to change whatever you wish about the garden though when you take the throne beside my son. This is my design for the garden. Each queen usually changes it."

"Why would I change a garden?" I asked and raised an eyebrow.

"I guess the queens previously didn't like the flowers that were planted," she told me and shrugged. "I thought that roses were cliché and changed it."

"I'll let the servants do as they wish with it," I decided. She nodded then.

"I thought about putting in a pond for fish, but I'd have to install lots of heaters to keep them comfortable in the winter," she whispered then leaned over with a small giggle. "You know~ Aris really likes violets and lilies."

"So I should keep lots of them in the garden?" I asked her.

"He will go outside more if he sees them blooming," she told me and smiled. "You could also have the servants arrange violets in a vase and keep it in your room. He likes the scent of cherry trees too, and if it's not that scent, then he likes the scent of strawberries." I blushed. I've been using strawberry scented body wash... Is that why he's so clingy to me!? She paused and then looked at me then blushed. "O-oh, I smell it on you.... Do you use something that makes you smell that way?"

"Yeah, my body wash," I told her. She nodded.

"You two are truly mates then," she purred and smiled. "When the two of you get more romantic, you should maybe even use a perfume or something. It'll make him want to be around you more."

"I don't know about that... That's more girlie." I pushed my hair behind my ears.

"Well, I guess so, but he'd like it," she told me then giggled. "You could wear it once on the night of your honeymoon with him."

"I don't know," I told her and blushed. "He might never let me leave his arms.... and I like my independence." She nodded then and smirked.

"The least you could do to tease him then would be to get your scent all over his bed so he has to smell you every night when he tries to sleep," she told me and giggled.

"His bed is really comfortable," I giggled out. I think I already put my scent in it faintly.... That's probably why he woke me up to hold me.

"I wouldn't mind if you slept in his bed you know. He knows not to take things too far unless he has your permission," she told me and gave my hand a small squeeze. "You don't have to sleep in a guest bedroom."

"That's what I want though," I told her quickly and gave her a smile. "We're not boyfriends yet- and I'd like to not be smothered to death by arms as I try to sleep."

"Oh he's not a huge cuddle bug," she told me and shook her head. "He's only that way tonight because of the moon, and normally he's just extremely angry on these nights. He'd be more normal on other nights."

"Well... I still would like my own bed," I told her. "My own room."

"Let me know then when you want to move into his room. I'm sure you'll be wanting to before the three years are up. The two of you will be so close by then," she told me and purred.

"Okay," I told her. Not until we're married. She hummed softly and then looked the bushes over.

"Do you play any instruments?" She asked me curiously. "Piano perhaps? I know you like to make videos. Your mother told me...."

"No, I leave the instruments alone. I have two brothers that are competitive over them and I don't want them to come after me if I deicide to learn. I rather not fight over something so little. I'm more of a youtuber. That's my thing. I'm good with makeup too, you want me to do your make up? I cut my hair too~" I told her and smiled. She giggled and gave me a delighted look.

"I'll let you do my makeup for Aris's coronation if you don't mind then," she purred to me and gave me an approving glance. "You know~ Aris plays piano. You should ask him to play for you sometime. He doesn't play often though."

"He does?" I asked and blushed. Man, not another musician. He's great at everything, isn't he? He skates and plays piano.

"Yes, he does play. He's average at piano though. He's not an angel on it. He doesn't play often enough. He's horrible at gardening though. He has killed each plant he's tried to grow- even a cactus. He's also horrible at painting." I stiffened a laugh and nodded. I'll have to remember that and not let him do either of those two. "He's pretty bad at making flower arrangements too.... Oh, he can sketch though. He's decent with a pencil, just not a paint brush."

"He's great on ice," I mumbled. She bit her bottom lip then nodded.

"Yes, he is great on the ice.... Too bad he quit."