Initiation Into The Pack

Continuation of Arden's POV:

I felt my eyes start to open as I yawned then felt something warm and cushy under me, making me panic. I widened my eyes and sat up quickly, looking down to see a strange man under me. I yelped and fell off him into the floor, taking the blanket with me before I looked around and freaked out. WHERE AM I?! "S-sis?" I called out quickly then sniffed the air for her then gave a sharp whine. Where is she?! The guy I had been on sat up quickly.

"What's the matter? Calm down," he purred and reached out for me. I widened my eyes and felt my heart start to race.

"W-where am I-" I paused as I looked him over then blushed. Wait... I'm not in a cave... because we were found out yesterday... and that's an Alpha- Alpha Asher, my mate. I brought the blanket closer to me then as I watched him.

"Are you okay?" He asked and chuckled. "You look like you don't remember much." I blushed.

"Y-yes, I'm fine," I told him then rubbed my cheek. "Good morning, Alpha," I said and gave him a sweet smile before I smelled his blankets for his scent. He rubbed my cheek before getting up and walked into his closet. He came out with two bags.

"These will have our clothes in it. If we shift, they'll stay on our backs and come with us- unless we shrug them off in wolf form. Some Russian scientists invented the straps so they'll adjust to different arm sizes. This is mainly for wolves in other words." He tossed one to me. "We'll put our clothes in them when we're ready to shift." He walked back into the closet and brought out some easy-to-get-out-of clothes. He tossed me a pair before putting some on and put his backpack on. "Let's go. Big day today." I blushed then.

"What are we doing again?" I asked him softly then started to strip, using the blanket to hide my body as I adjusted it on me and started to get dressed in what he had tossed my way.

"You're going to be initiated into the pack with your sister," he reminded me. "We're also going to get you used to being my mate. You'll talk with my mother today about Luna duties and she'll begin training you." I nodded then stood up when I got dressed before I slipped the bag onto my shoulders then walked up to him.

"What all do we do during initiation?" I asked him and gave him a sweet smile. He's like a big old cuddle bear~ He really isn't that scary.

"You ask too many questions," he grumbled and grabbed my hand. He yanked me out of the room quickly. I yelped then and followed after him to avoid being dragged.

"No I don't," I whined. "I'm just curious! Can't I be curious?" I don't want to be surprised during initiation!

"You've been in a pack before," he told me and chuckled.

"Y-yeah... but what if it's different here?" I asked him softly then gave his hand a squeeze before I caught up to walk by his side and kept up with him.

"Well... You will see when it happens," he told me. I bit my bottom lip but nodded before I looked around and sniffed the air before I caught my twin's scent. I widened my eyes then quickly let go of his hand, running off for her.

"SIS!" I called out quickly, looking around for her. "LYLA~!" I heard him coming after me. Her scent was heading back out of the pack house and into the maze- seems like she woke up earlier than me and went for a run. Awww, why didn't she come wake me up?! I started to take the backpack off then before I took my shirt off and slipped it inside, giving a small whine as I ran with my bag in my hands. I'll have to run fast to catch up to her if she left early.

"Are you going after your sister?" He asked me in disappointment. I paused then looked back at him, stopping in my tracks. O-oh... he doesn't sound happy. I blushed then.

"Well... we can't do the initiation without her," I told him softly then walked up to him. "We could go talk to your mother though~ You could show me off to her if you'd like, Alpha," I said sweetly then put my shirt back on.

"If you're wanting to go after her, then go ahead." He watched me and crossed his arms. I thought it over, watching him then blushed before I reached out and grabbed his hand.

"She'll come back and look for me," I told him then got closer to him before I smelled his chest and giggled. "I want to spend time with you~"

"I'm ditching you with my mom," he told me and chuckled. I whined then before I wrapped my arms around his neck.

"What? I thought you were going to stay with me," I whispered then leaned in towards his neck and licked it. "I'm thinking about giving you cubs this season...." I'm going to give him cubs and he's going to go off elsewhere chasing deer while I'm raising the babies he wanted me to give him.

"Arden," he growled. "I have Alpha duties to take care of. I don't have an announced beta yet either so please don't," he told me and started to pull me down the hall. "Just go do Luna things." I looked up at him then frowned slightly before I watched him.

"Y-yes Alpha," I whispered and sighed. We wake up and he goes back to being commanding.... I guess he's only going to be really sweet when we're in his room trying to go to sleep. Maybe I should've ran after my sister for that run.... I followed him obediently to his mother's door then looked at it before I looked up at him so he could get his mother and introduce us. I rubbed my cheek then before I ran my hand to the back of my neck.

A woman opened the door with the same features as Asher... His mother. "This is my mom- Lilly," my mate told me. "Mom, this is Arden. He's Luna."

"Luna Arden! Hi! You two come in," she grabbed my arm and yanked me into the cozy living room. Asher followed us in and shut the door. "Logan sweetie! Your son is here with his mate!" Lilly yelled. A guy sitting in an arm chair looked over at us and smiled.

"Hey, Asher, come here and sit down." I noticed that the elder had a missing hand- it was cut off. There was also two other elders in the room. "Your grandparents are here visiting."

"Come give me a kiss on the cheek. You're getting so big," the old lady on the couch said and held out a hand for him.

"Hey, hold on... I want to introduce someone." He pulled me to the middle of the room. "This is Luna Arden. He's my mate. Luna- this is the previous Alphas and Lunas. My parents and my grandparents. This is Grandpa Arthur and Grandma Esme." He let me go as he grabbed his grandmother's hand and gave it a kiss like a gentleman. When he pulled back, he turned to his mother who walked over. "Mom, I was wondering if you could help my mate become a fine Luna. He's new to the pack and we'll have a ceremony to welcome him and his sister in later today." I blushed then and looked at everyone then rubbed my arm before I nodded towards his grandparents and his parents respectfully, bowing my head a little like how my previous pack used to have lower wolves greet elders and retired Alphas and Lunas. I glanced up at his mother then and gave a sheepish smile.

"It would be great if you could help me," I told her shyly. "I... don't know what I'm doing at all."

"Of course I'll help you. What would I be if I didn't?" She grabbed my hands then and squeezed them. "We're glad you showed up. We were worried Asher was going to have to mate with someone this season that wasn't his mate. Alphas are suppose to have a Luna by their side to help balance him. He was getting a handful, you've probably experienced some of his symptoms. I overheard he BIT you  after the first scent he caught of you." She sent him a glare. "I thought I taught him better than to do that and to respect his mate... but apparently the month alone as Alpha really got to him."

"Mom," he growled out in irritation. "I can't help a rogue came up and bit dad's hand off." He crossed his arms quickly. "I wasn't ready and he wasn't ready for me to take over."

"Lilly, it's about time for my pain medication," his father groaned out.

"Okay dear~" His mom hummed out before going towards the kitchen that was open up to the livingroom. "What would you two kids want to drink?" I frowned and looked towards his father then looked towards his missing hand. A rogue bit it off? I tensed then. A rogue bit it off. Oh... my... moon goddess.... Didn't my sister bite some wolf's paw off about a month ago within our first week of being rogues? The wolf tried to attack us... and she ripped his paw off to defend us. I looked at the retired Alpha with wide eyes before I backed up slightly. Was it him? Is it my sister and me that did this to him and his son? I sniffed the air slightly for the old Alpha's scent then felt my muscles tense up. CRAP! It was him! That's the wolf's scent that attacked us our first week! I started to tremble then. We're the reason why my mate was stuck in the Alpha position sooner than he was supposed to be. What if they find out?! Will they hurt her if they do? I felt my back hit the door then before I took a deep breath, trying to steady my nerves as I stared at my mate and his father in shock. We're so screwed....

"What's the matter?" Asher asked me and frowned. "Are you okay?" He walked up to me then and grabbed my shoulders. "Is this too overwhelming for you?" I trembled and looked up at him nervously. He'll hate me if he finds out... and he might attack my sister- my twin.... The memory of him attacking me at our first meeting flashed through my head and I sunk to my knees quickly, a small whimper escaping my lips. He might even... kill her... or me.... "Hey...." He got to his knees in front of me and grabbed my hands. "Whatever it is, you can tell me. We're soul mates. I will understand," he told me and kissed my cheek. "Just breathe."  I shook my head quickly and felt a tear slip down my cheek as my heart raced in my chest, pounding in my ears.

"I-I can't," I told him quickly. "I can't...."

"Yes you can," he told me and gave my hands a small squeeze. I trembled and then buried my face into his chest, trying to breathe in his scent to try to calm down. If they don't know... they can't hurt us.... "Is it too overwhelming? We can do this another day..." He trailed off. I crawled into his lap then and sniffled.

"Y-you'll be angry," I whispered, another whine escaping me.

"No I won't," he promised and picked me up. "Just tell me," he suggested. I gripped the front of his shirt then and buried my face into his shirt. He says it... but he attacked me that day... and his father... he attacked us too.... They'll hurt her.

"You'll hurt her," I whimpered and trembled slightly before I hid my face into his neck.

"What?" He asked and ran his fingers through my hair.

"You'll hurt her. She didn't mean it," I whispered to him then clung to him. "She was only defending us."

"What are you talking about?" He asked. I shook my head quickly and trembled before I breathed in his scent.

"I can't.... What if she gets hurt?" I asked him, my voice barely coming out.

"Arden, you're not making any sense." He looked me over curiously. I looked up at him then before I felt another tear slip down my cheek. Could I trust him? What if he still tries to hurt my sister? I glanced behind him towards his father then shrunk down in Asher's arms, hiding from him.

"You have to promise. You have to promise not to hurt me and my sister," I told Asher quickly, panicking.

"I promise," he told me and looked me over. "I would never hurt you. It would be an insult to the moon goddess and I would be a disgrace to my pack." He kissed my cheek quickly. "What's the matter?" I looked up at him then and gripped his shirt tightly before I took a deep breath. He'll find out if I don't tell him... and then he'll be even more angry.

"I-it was the week after we were kicked out... and... a big wolf found us in the night," I whispered softly before I hid my face back into his chest. "He attacked us... and my sister defended us by biting his paw off to chase him off...." I felt him tense up before he rubbed my cheek.

"I'm glad you told me," he said calmly. I looked up at him with wide eyes. He tensed up.... He's mad. I started to tremble then again and cried softly.

"Don't hurt her," I begged him quickly, gripping his shirt.

"I'm not going to hurt her... She was protecting you and herself. But we are going to have her discuss this with my father. They both will apologize to each other. He was in the wrong too."

"I was protecting my territory," I heard his father scoff out. "I didn't know he was your mate."

"Well next time you'll learn to stop and ask questions-"

"She didn't ask questions," he growled.

"Let's not fight," his grandmother said quickly. I trembled slightly and looked towards his father before I looked up at Asher then wrapped my arms around his neck quickly and kissed his cheek for comfort.

"She's not in trouble?" I asked him quickly then bit my bottom lip.

"I just want her to talk with my father. Once they're on good terms, we'll be okay. Let's go find your sister. We'll be back dad, so start thinking about what you want to say to her and it better be calming words." He dragged me out into the hall then. I blushed and looked up at him.

"You're really not mad?" I asked him softly, starting to calm down. "You're not angry?"

"Arden, it's not like you knew anything about him being my father. Right? I can't be that mad at the both of you. You were trying to survive and my father is a bit territorial, more than I am. He wants me to buckle down on border patrols but I'm more lenient. I'm not mad at your sister for what she done- I'm actually impressed. She bit an alpha's hand off. She's pretty powerful and I'm glad to welcome her into my pack." He rubbed my cheek as he had me walk with him. "My dad is truthfully impressed to. When he came home from the accident, he told me about how there was a rogue out there that bit off his hand, he said he was even impressed. Alphas are powerful, as you probably already know." I blushed and nodded before I gave him a huge smile and relaxed before I hugged him and kissed his cheek.

"Thank you," I whispered to him and giggled before I let him go and grabbed his hand, giving it a squeeze. "I love you," I told him instinctively then blushed as I realized what I said and shied into his side as we walked towards the front of the pack house. He lead me out of the pack house then shifted into his wolf form. He put his clothes inside his bag before shrugging it on and waited on me. I looked at him then gave him a sweet smile before I stripped and put my clothes into my bag then put it back on before I shifted into my wolf form and wagged my tail, looking up at my Alpha before I licked his shoulder and perked my ears up. I sniffed the ground for my sister then before I started to follow her scent closely, taking care not to get mixed up as I paced the earth to keep track of her. I'll find her~! He followed by my side. Her scent lead me straight to a meadow, where she was eating a bunny in her wolf form. I let out a howl then ran up to her and pounced on her. "GOTCHA!" I laughed then licked behind her ears before I nipped at one then looked at the bunny before I whined then looked back at Asher, wagging my tail slightly. "You should catch us a deer. We didn't eat this morning," I told him and laid down against my sister before I nuzzled my face into her fur happily. "I've got something to tell you. It's really important... and scary... but important. His father was that wolf that you bit the paw off," I whispered to her then licked her as I laid my ears back.

"What?" She asked and got up, letting out a growl. "I'll rip his throat out for trying to hurt you! We're not joining this pack if that scum is in it." I heard Asher let out a low growl, standing a few steps away.

"You'll do no such thing!" He growled at her. "You're going to talk with my father and settle your feud for the good of the pack- or you'll spend a full moon alone. That means no pack, mate, Luna, Alpha, or brother to run by your side. Arden is this pack's Luna. You'll honor this pack and the moon goddess for being generous to you. A rogue life is not-"

"Who said I wanted to join this filthy pack anyways!?" Lyla growled out. "I haven't been given much choice since Neal caught us in the cave! You haven't asked us if we wanted this."

"You should want it. Arden wants it. He's Luna. He has responsibilities to do in my pack. This is his home. You can share it now with him or leave.... But you won't go without speaking to my father first." Lyla laid her ears back before looking at me.

"You're not seriously considering running a pack by that thing?" She asked me. I laid my ears back before I looked at Asher then at her before I whimpered and licked her face.

"Lyla, please?" I asked her and tucked my tail close to me. "Do you not want to join the pack with me?" I whined and looked up into her eyes. That bed was really comfortable... and... I don't want to have to pick between my sister or my mate. That'd be horrible. "Your mate is here too," I whispered then tucked myself under her head for comfort, breathing in her scent. "He was so happy to meet you...." Even if he wanted to get cubs from her....

"You're right," she mumbled. She licked my face before hiding her face into my fur. "But I can't believe I bit his father's hand.... Am I going to get in trouble?" She asked. I shook my head quickly.

"No, we're not in trouble," I told her then licked her. "If his father tries to hurt you, I won't let him," I growled out. "I'll always protect you."

"Okay," she whispered.

"Great. Let's go back to my parents then." Alpha Asher looked me over before looking at her.

"Alpha, I'm hungry," I told him then looked towards him as my stomach growled. I thought I asked for a deer.... I licked my sister then and snuggled against her. Maybe he'll feed me if I remind him... or he might tell me to go hunt it myself. He did say I was supposed to be feeding him, not the other way around.

"Okay... but only because you're not a good hunter. Talk to your sister about her training you to hunt while I get us a deer." He ran off then. I wagged my tail then before I looked up at her and laughed.

"Hey, you'll be my beta right? Alpha Asher said that he wants to pick Chance for his beta, and I want you to be my beta too, which means you need to be trained with me~" I licked her face then. "We'll be training together."

"I-I guess," she mumbled and went back to eating her bunny. I watched her then licked behind her ears.

"Are you really okay with being in the pack?" I asked her softly, wanting her honest opinion without my mate glaring her down. I moved against her side then and curled up against her, watching as she ate the little bunny. At least she can catch bunnies.... I caught a turtle once. It bit me though.

"Well... I'm not too sure about being in a pack with the guy that tried to kill us," she told me. "I'm not thrilled about that." I nodded then laid my head down between my paws.

"He can't run with the pack though. He won't be able to.... It looks like he just hides out in his room with his Luna," I told her then licked her shoulder. "He won't be able to do anything to us... and if he does, I'll get him myself." I could do it. I took on a beta....

"Promise he won't do anything?" She asked. "Because if he tries something, we're going to have to leave this pack or your mate will be furious when I kill his father." I nodded.

"If he does anything, I promise.... I won't let you get hurt. We're twins," I told her then wagged my tail. "I'll always protect you~" I licked her face then and playfully nipped at her ear. "We're litter mates~ I'll take his other paw before I let him hurt you." She giggled before licking my head.

"So what's this about me being your beta?" She asked. "Doesn't the Alpha already have his beta?" She licked my face before getting up and pounced on me, letting out a small growl. I laughed then kicked at her lightly with my back paws before I nipped at her nose.

"He said I get a beta! He doesn't have one yet, and so he's picking Chance which means that you'll be my beta~ We both have to learn to be Lunas in case something ever happens to me," I told her then nipped at her again playfully, going for her ear then tugged on it. She laid down next to me before rubbing her head against my fur.

"Are you positive he's picking Chance? Even after finding out about me being the one who bit his father's hand off?"

"If he doesn't, I'll growl at him and burn his food," I told her playfully then licked her, starting to clean her fur. "I'm sure he'll still pick Chance. He wants you to teach me to hunt though. I'm supposed to feed him apparently.... I can't even feed myself." I laughed then.

"Yeah... you're not Luna material at all. I'm surprised Fate chose you two to be together. I mean, honestly. You're an omega if anything," she teased me. "We'll have to start working on training you up little pipsqueak." She started to clean my fur as well with her tongue.

"Here we go," I heard Asher say as he dragged a small buck with him to me. "I didn't want to get a big one since it'll be just us eating," he told me. I perked up as I saw him then wagged my tail happily, a warm feeling in my chest starting to spread through me as I caught his scent. I ran up to him quickly then pounced on him before I licked his face in excitement then looked at the deer, sniffing it curiously before I laid down and started to gnaw on it.

"I think Fate did it for a reason," I told my sister and looked over at her as I swallowed some of the deer. I wagged my tail at her. "Fate gave you Chance who's in the same pack too." I can learn to hunt better. I have to otherwise I'm going to be the laughingstock of all Lunas. "Lyla~ I'm thinking about having cubs too," I told her and laid my ears back before I took another bite of the deer and watched her face.

"No you're not! You can't have cubs because you're both dudes. No way are you two going to have cubs and you're too young anyways, Arden. You better not have cubs." She let out a growl as she looked us both over. "Got it? You stay out of my brother's pants too."

"You don't tell me what to do, I'm Alpha," he snarled at her. I felt my ears flick then before I lowered my head and took another bite of the deer, swallowing it.

"I'm not that young... and he said he was going to go to a pack slut.... I don't want him talking to pack sluts... and I think cubs are kind of cute," I told her and gave a soft whine. "You'd be their aunt...."

"Yeah, but I can't imagine you having cubs. You're my brother.... Arden. You're a guy." She laid her ears back and whined. "You can't have cubs."

"Neal said he knew somebody last night," I reminded her then walked over to her and licked her face. "I get it though.... I don't want Chance getting you pregnant anytime soon."

"I don't want to be pregnant either. I'm going to get five locks on my door for this mating season. He's crazy if he thinks he's mating with me." She growled out. I heard Asher laughing under his breath. I wagged my tail then and licked her face.

"Good! I don't want you mating. You're my sweet twin," I told her then laughed happily. Hah! Chance will just have to chase his tail!

"You're my sweet twin too! You better not go having cubs.... I'll eat your little boy toy," she warned. I laid my ears back then. That's... a big threat. She would. I looked back at Asher then and tucked my tail between my legs.

"Asher... we can't have cubs this mating season," I whined out to him in slight disappointment. "My sister would get upset."

"She'll change her mind once the heat sets in," he said calmly and started to eat. "Don't pay her any attention. No one thinks straight during mating season." I felt my heart pick up then.

"Really?" I asked him innocently. I've never actually been affected by the mating season yet. I just reached the age where it does though.

"That's so not true. Don't listen to him," my sister said quickly. "That's what they all say to scare us." I laid my ears back in confusion before I looked at the deer hungrily and walked back up, starting to eat again. I growled softly to Asher as I got closer to him and laid down by him, tearing into the deer as my stomach growled in hunger, glad to finally be getting something. My sister finished up her rabbit and licked her jaws clean before burying the bones. She trotted up to me before laying down by my side and started to fall asleep. The sun caught onto our furs, warming them up in the meadow. A few critters came out, daring to come play with us here. Asher ate greedily on the deer, letting me eat as well. I gave a small playful growl at him before I licked his face as I nibbled on the deer a bit more before I got full. I looked towards the small critters going around the meadow and wagged my tail. Asher stood up once he saw I was done and licked the top of my head.

"Let's go. We need to get this over with. I have a pack to run," he told me. He let out a howl- summoning Chance. I looked up at him then stood up before I nuzzled my face into his chest. After a few minutes, I heard Chance come barreling into the clearing quickly, letting out a sharp growl before he paused then wagged his tail at the sight of Lyla. He went up to her then sniffed her.

"Hey Lyla," he said sweetly and perked his ears up. "Did you have a good run?" He licked her head happily and pulled her close. She looked towards him and gave a small growl.

"Why'd you have to call him?" She asked and laid her ears back.

"Chance, you're coming with us to talk to my father. You have a right to know. Lyla was the one that bit my father's hand off." Asher said calmly. Chance tensed slightly before he looked down at her then wagged his tail, licking her head.

"That's so cool! You bit an alpha's hand off?" He laughed then. "That sucks for the Alpha, but you must be really strong," he told her then wagged his tail. "Besides, why are you so upset to see me? I haven't done anything to you that should make you upset at the sight of me. I would make you a great mate." He pulled away from her then, his tail still wagging as he watched her. "Maybe you're not ready for me yet. I'll continue to bring you deer and things and take care of you, but I'll give you space," he decided, nodding his head. "You'll eventually come to me."

"I'm so not going to come to you. That's ridiculous," My sister growled out. "I can get my own food. I got a bunny- and I've been feeding my brother. You can just howl off." She moved back to my side and sent him a warning look. He looked at her as the look on his face sank and his tail stopped wagging.

"You should be happy that I'm here," he muttered then gave a small growl. "You're my mate. Don't be that way." He narrowed his eyes then before he laid his ears back, getting mad.

"I'll think about it," she sighed out and licked my face again. He watched her before he slowly relaxed and then gently licked her head before he looked up at Asher.

"Alpha, is she in trouble for biting your father's hand off?" He asked, lowering his head a bit respectfully.

"No. She's just going to talk with my father and assure that there aren't any future conflict. By the way Chance... You're going to be beta." Asher gave a proud look. Chance's eyes lit up in excitement and he laughed, wagging his tail quickly before he tackled Asher, knocking him over and licked Asher's shoulder.

"I'm beta?! THIS IS SO COOL! I CAN'T WAIT TO TELL DAD!" He looked at Lyla then and perked his ears up at her before he pounced on her licked her face. "We get to be the beta family!"

"Wait a minute. I want to make it clear that until the full moon, your status stays hidden until your ceremony," he said firmly. Chance wagged his tail and looked back at Asher.

"Yes, Alpha sir," he said sweetly then looked at Lyla before he started to cover her in licks.

"Stop licking me," my sister warned before pouncing on him and let out another growl. He laughed happily then nipped at her playfully.

"You're so independent," he told her then laughed again before he wagged his tail. "You know, I have a twin too~ We have that in common."

"Yeah, I met her." She reminded before laying her ears back. He gave her a happy look then.

"After we do what the Alpha wants... want to go on a run with me through the territory? We could go explore, and it'll just be us," he told her sweetly. I let out a sharp growl then and tackled Chance.

"You're not getting buddy buddy with my twin," I told him then started to gnaw on his ear lightly. He yelped then growled at me, trying to push me off without injuring me.

"I'll explore the territory with my brother, thanks for the offer." She told him. He stopped pawing at me then looked at her with a whine.

"Do you not like me or something?" He asked her and lowered his head. I started to wag my tail at the defeat in his voice and perked my ears up, biting down harder on his ear.

"I like my brother more~ He's family and I've know him wayyyy longer." He looked at her and tried to push me off again but I stubbornly stayed on him.

"Yeah, but you need to get to know me more too! I'm not trying to take you away from him.... I just want to spend time with you," he told her and then growled up at me. I wagged my tail more at his frustration and bit down sharply into his ear, making him yelp and yank his head away from me. I narrowed my eyes then got his other ear, abusing it lightly with my sharp teeth. I'll make him learn who's boss.

"Yeah you are, duh. You want us to go walking away and alone. You're a big bad wolf!" She told him.

"No- I'm not trying to take you away from him permanently. I just want some time alone with you every once in awhile," he told her then growled at me. "Luna, please get off. That is painful." I laughed then bit down into his ear a bit more, earning a groan from him. "Alpha," he whined. "Would you get mad if I made him stop? This is getting ridiculous. I'm not a chew toy."

"No, go right ahead," Asher laughed out as he watched. Chance shoved me off then and let out a snarl before he bit down on my ear to get me back. I yelped then growled before I shoved up on his chest with my paws then went to get his ear again. He growled in my ear and started to shake his head, making me whimper before I growled again and shoved him off and started after him. He's so going to get it. Lyla jumped him quickly, tackling him to the ground and let out a growl.

"Don't make my brother whimper! I'll make you scream." Chance tensed quickly before he went limp under her.

"I'm sorry Lyla," he told her then gently licked her cheek as the fight left him. I stopped then laid my ears back. Darn it.... I was going to show him I was stronger. "I won't hurt him again." Lyla moved away from him before licking my face and nuzzled her head against me. I wagged my tail and licked her head before I laughed then got an idea. I looked over at Asher then and gave him a sweet look.

"Can I sleep with my twin tonight?" I asked him innocently, licking her head. She'd love that~

"No, you're sleeping with me," he said calmly. Again? I flicked my ears a bit then licked her head again.

"Will it always be a no?" I asked him softly.

"You can spend some time with her after mating season," he told me. "Then you two can sleep together. Until then, stay away from the idea of not being in my bed when I'm ready to sleep."

"So this is to get me used to being in your bed?" I laughed a little and wagged my tail. He thinks I'm not going to go back to his bed during mating season if I sleep in her bed beforehand.

"No, this is to make sure you know who you belong to," he purred and kissed my cheek. I widened my eyes slightly before I felt my heart skip a beat.

"B-belong to?" I asked him then looked up into his eyes. "I thought it was so that way I wouldn't not get used to you and your bed...."

"If I let you just go run off and sleep with whoever you want, you won't understand you're my mate. We sleep together. That's it." I licked his face before I nuzzled my face into his fur.

"Mkay... I understand." I pulled away before I started to smell my way back towards the maze, hearing Chance following behind me with Lyla. Asher followed by my side and licked my head a few times. When we reached his parent's door, he walked back in without knocking.

"We're back," he announced. His parents and grandparents were still in the room. "This is Lyla. Lyla, this is my father Logan, mother/Lilly, grandmother/Esme, and grandfather/Arthur." Lyla looked them over before giving a small smile at them all before frowning at his father. I had already shifted and had gotten dressed again along with the others before we had gotten too far into the pack house. I gripped Lyla's hand then and gave it a comforting squeeze as I watched Logan.

"It's okay," I told Lyla and kissed her cheek lightly. "Nothing is going to happen." Asher pushed her forward.

"Both of you apologize like you mean it," he told them. "Dad, this is going to be my beta's mate. So I do plan to keep her in the pack." Logan watched her- looking her over and got up, shaking her hand with his only remaining hand.

"You're pretty tough Lyla," he told her.

"I could have finished you," she said quickly.

"Lyla," Asher growled. "This is a pack elder, show some respect if you want to stick around in my pack."

"She's got spite," Logan said and frowned. "She's pretty tough too. Look Lyla, you were on my territory, and I should have asked some questions before aiming to kill you and your brother. I'm glad I didn't because some good came out of it."

"Yeah, I'm sorry about your hand," she grumbled. "I was protecting my brother and myself. I didn't know who you were.... and if I did, I would have gone a little less vicious. It cost you a big part in your pack. Now you can't be their alpha, and your son had to grow up probably quicker than he planned."

"What can we say? It's the will of the moon goddess," Lilly said as she gave her son a hug and then me. "Are you ready to learn some Luna things?" She asked me. I blushed and looked up at her before I nodded.

"Yes ma'am," I told her politely then looked towards Asher before I bit my bottom lip then looked up at her. The mating season is in a few days....

"Great! Is Lyla joining us too? I'm going to have Esme hang out with us as well. She'll enjoy training with us. I'm going to take you two through a bunch of tasks, we'll be done in a few months. We have much work and preparations ahead of us." She gave me a huge smile. I frowned but nodded. That... sounds like a lot of work.

"Do I get breaks in learning?" I asked her and sighed. I don't want to be constantly working.... That's a lot.

"Of course you get free time," she giggled out. "You get Wednesdays, Thursdays, Holidays, and sick days off."

"O-okay... I can do that," I told her before I gave a small smile. "That's not as bad.... Is it hard being Luna?"

"No, of course not. It's fun," she promised. "Come on girls. We have Luna responsibilities... and boy." She giggled out and helped Esme to her feet. "We'll take this to the library to begin the training."

"The library?" I asked curiously then laughed before I held my sister's hand. This is kinda cool~ I'm glad I'm a Luna....

~Time Skip~

I bounced up to Asher after having sniffed him out. We completed today's training, and I could feel that the moon had risen quite a good deal. I tackled him from behind, jumping up onto his back and kissed his cheek from behind. "Alpha~"

"Are you ready for the initiation?" He asked. I nodded and then dropped down from his back before I moved in front of him.

"Yeah, I'm ready," I told him sweetly and grabbed his hand. "I learned a lot today~ I can't wait to be a good Luna for you. I want to make you proud."

"I know you do," he told me and laughed softly. "Come on and let's get you officially in the pack. Everyone will love you. It's a huge pack too. Where's your sister?" He asked curiously.

"Ummm..." I glanced behind me to find that Chance had found her and was whispering into her ear with a huge smile on his face. "Back there... but Chance got her."

"Okay, at least she's in eye sight. We need to get going. I announced to everyone we're doing it in the woods- at a waterfall tonight." I blushed and nodded before I gave his hand a squeeze.

"A waterfall?" That sounds pretty. I laughed then leaned in and stole a kiss from him before I began to tug him to the doors of the pack house. "Sis! Let's go!"


When we made it to the waterfall, I could tell either the whole pack was here waiting for us to arrive or it was the better portion. There was a bunch of members in the pack as it was. Probably one of the biggest pack I've ever laid my eyes on. Everyone was in their human form. There were a few tables set up with drinks- some omegas were watching over the drinks like they were on duty. There was a rock centered of the pack and below it was a giant bucket- two actually. A woman stood nearby in a lab coat with a younger version right by. "That's our pack doctor, Ms. Forest and her daughter who is being trained to take her position." Asher told me quietly- he caught me looking. I spotted his family, Neal, Nora, and someone nearby the two- a vampire. It must be Neal's mate. Nora did say she was half vampire and so was her twin. "Chance, go stand with your father. Lyla, stay near me until after the ceremony." Alpha Asher brought us up to the rock and made us wait as he got up on it to be higher up. "AYE! Is everyone here on time?!" He asked.

He waited as everyone got quiet and shot him a yes. "Perfect! Listen up. We have two new recruits into our pack. I would like you to meet Arden. He's my mate, so he's Luna. This is his twin- Lyla. They were both rogues, fresh. About a month or so back, they were cast aside from their pack. We're not going to turn our backs on two in need, now are we? Especially when one has been chosen to be my mate. So we are initiating them into our pack." He was stopped as the pack let out howls of approval. "Settle," he said firmly. They all got quiet. "Now, before rumors go flying around, I would like to settle a few things before we continue the ceremony...." He paused for a dramatic effect.

"Sometimes life is hard being a rogue. Somethings happen. Sometimes packs get too territorial. But, what I'm about to tell you makes no difference in how we'll continue to accept these two into our pack. Lyla was the one who bit my father's hand off-" a few growls struck up then. "Silence," he said firmly, and they got quiet again. "My father and Lyla are not against one another anymore. My father agreed that he was in the wrong to have tried killing rogues without asking questions first- He apologized for his actions, and he's grateful he didn't succeed. He realizes that if he did, he would have cost us a Luna. Lyla apologized for taking his paw, and she's forgiven. We're actually more amazed at her talent than anything. We need her type of strength in our pack. Better friends than foes, right? She was able to fight off an Alpha to save her life and her brother's life. That's true strength. Lyla and Chance are also mated. Now that I made that clear and understandable, will you accept these two into the pack?" He asked. He heard approving howls before they got quiet. "Any objections?" He asked and glanced around. The falling of the water was the only noise for a minute.

"So you're saying that these are the two rogues that Logan ran into about a month ago?" One member asked- it was Joss. "She's the rogue that bit his paw off?"

"Correct," Asher's dad said. "It's alright though. We don't have to fight with them anymore."

"So why aren't we asking what happened to them that got them kicked out of their last pack?" Joss asked.

"My brother had a disagreement with the Beta," my sister said calmly. "It got us kicked out of our pack afterwards."

"It's just the moon goddess's actions to bring those two into our territory so that mates can find mates," Asher's grandmother told the pack. I heard a mummer of agreeing with her. She was an elder after all and elders were respected in my last pack- I expect it's the same here.

"Do you have an objection to these two becoming pack members?" Asher asked Joss.

"No, Alpha. I was just making things more clear," Joss told him.

"Than let's make the Luna a pack member along with his sister," an omega said from the table. A few eyes darted her way and she blushed a bright red. Asher gave a huge smile before looking down on me and my sister.

"Arden, Lyla, the ceremony will go as following so listen closely to my instructions to become members of my pack. Lyla, since ladies go first, you'll be instructed first. Lyla, you will take a shot from the pack doctor. Inside the shot will be truth serum. You'll come back to me and wait five minute for it to kick in. Arden, you'll do the same with your sister. Once it kicks in-" I noticed the doctor's daughter had a pocket watch out. "You will be authorized to tell the truth and nothing but the truth and you will be under the serum. The pack will be able to ask you any questions they want to know for ten minutes. When the effect start to leave your system, you both will- separately- pledge your life, strength, mind, body, soul, wolf, and everything else of you to me and the pack. You'll submit to me as your new Alpha and I'll grant you your passage into being apart of our pack. When finished, you'll both be forced head first into the buckets and be reborn as members into my pack.

Let me reword that a little better, when you go head first into the bucket- you'll be forced to stay under until you grow unconscious. The moon goddess will take a run with you to meet the ancestors of this pack and once they accept you... Only then can you come conscious and drink a special pack drink. When you finish the drink, you'll transform and take a midnight run with us through the territory.... Arden, when you finish the run, I will mark you again as Luna. That's the initiation ceremony to get into my pack." He gave a kind smile. "Now go get a dosage of truth serum so we can begin." I widened my eyes then. He's going to drown us?! What the heck?! I backed up slightly then as my heart started to race and I eyed the buckets nervously. Why... drowning? Couldn't they do it like my previous pack and give us incense?

"What's the matter?" Asher asked me as he looked me over.

"W-why drowning?" I asked him and looked up at him.

"You're not going to drown," he said calmly. "Trust me." I bit my bottom lip, watching him before I reached for my sister's hand and gave it a slight squeeze.

"Okay," I whispered worriedly and then walked over towards the pack doctor for our shots. I hope they don't ask me weird questions.... What would they even ask us? She gave us a kind smile before she gestured for Lyla to come closer then cleaned the inside of her arm before she pulled out a needle and filled it from a vial.

"Alright, this shouldn't hurt too bad. You'll feel a slight pinch. After I do this, go stand in front of the Alpha and wait to be asked questions," she said calmly then injected my sister with the truth serum. She looked at me and laughed softly. "Your turn, Luna," she told me and gave me a grin before she gently cleaned my arm with an alcoholic wipe. I watched her closely as she disposed of my sister's needle into a trash bag in her pocket then injected me with a different one. I winced slightly then pulled away as she let me go then followed my sister over to the rock. After a few minutes, the doctor's assistant nodded.

"It should be taking effect by now," she said calmly.

"May the pack begin questioning," Asher said out in amusement, beginning my ten minutes of honesty with my sister.

"Did you know that the wolf's paw you bit off belonged to an Alpha?" I heard one of the pack blurt out to my sister, looking at her in interest.

"I knew the guy had a strong scent," she said softly.

"So you didn't know? That's cool," the guy said and smirked.

"HEY! I have a serious question! If it was your brother that got kicked out, then how come you're kicked out too?" A girl shouted from the back.

"He's my twin, I'd follow him anywhere." She blushed as she gave me a sweet look. I blushed and gave her hand a squeeze and kissed her cheek.

"What's the worst thing you've ever done Lyla?" I heard a male ask towards the front, a small smirk on his face.

"That's a tough one," she told him. "Anything could be the worst thing I ever done... but I suppose one of them would be the time I managed to prank my last alpha." She smirked. "I got him all tarred and feathered. I was just a kid. It was a dare." I heard the guy start to laugh then.

"Alpha Asher, you have your work cut out for you!" The guy called out and smirked at our Alpha. I heard Chance laugh slightly before he gave her an interested look like he had a question but kept quiet, blushing a bit.

"Don't worry~ He never found out it was me," she giggled out and looked towards me. "But he had his suspicions." I laughed then.

"Yeah, he did.... I think he was happy to get rid of us," I told her then hugged her.

"So, the two of you are twins? Can you do that telepathy twin stuff I've heard about?" A girl asked and giggled. Chance gave her a strange look then like she was stupid.

"No, sorry. We're not that kind of twins," she told them.

"Do you want to be apart of the pack?" Another girl asked the two of us. I blushed then and nodded.

"Yes, I want to be here with my sister and my mate," I said then felt my heart pick up as my face heated up. "I like him." Whoa... that stuff really works. I just admitted that to everyone? I looked up at him shyly then hid my face into my sister's shoulder.

"This pack isn't so bad, so I'll stay," my sister said and rubbed my head.

"How do you both feel about cubs?" Another girl asked and giggled.

"They're adorable~" I said and giggled before I gave them a huge smile. "I love them~ especially when they sneeze and they play with each other." The girl laughed then and smirked towards the Alpha.

"Looks like you might get cubs one day sir!"

"I'm too young for cubs and so is my brother," my sister said quickly and gave me a small glare.

"Luna, do you want cubs of your own?" The girl asked again and smirked.

"Y-ye-" I put my hand over my mouth and blushed as the word tried to leave my lips immediately, but I stared at my sister wide eyed, trying not to admit to it in front of her. She'd slaughter me. My sister pounced on me quickly.

"No you better not!" She growled. I yelped and squirmed then, my face turning red in embarrassment.

"Sis," I whined out. I heard the girl giggle then.

"So our Luna does want pups~ How sweet! Maybe there will be some new cubs running around in a few months," the girl said happily and looked up at the Alpha expectantly.

"Hopefully," Asher said and put a finger over his lips.

"You're too young," my sister growled into my ear. I blushed and looked up at her.

"I really like cubs," I mumbled to her, my body forcing me to say it. Oh man... she's going to eat me. "I want them~ It would be so sweet... having little cubs chasing each other around... and Asher wants them too. He'd be so happy. You'd make a wonderful aunt to them. I want kids... and I don't want Asher to chase other tails...." She sat up on me and glared me down.

"Yeah, in the distant future! We're suppose to be young trouble makers together." I blushed then leaned up and kissed her cheek.

"We still are young trouble makers~" I giggled then and hugged her. "Want to sneak a dead bunny into Chance's bed while he sleeps tonight?" I whispered in her ear and smirked. Chance's face paled quickly.

"Of course," she purred. "That would be great." I giggled then and kissed her cheek.

"I'm locking my door tonight," Chance muttered.

"Sooo... does this mean you like our Alpha, Luna?" One of the girls giggled out. I blushed a deep shade of red. NOOOOO! They had to ask me that! My sister looked me over before letting me up.

"Y-yes," I admitted then got up with my sister and wrapped my arms around her. I heard them laughing then, watching us as they tried to come up with more questions as Ms. Forest looked towards her daughter and the clock.

"Not much longer," her daughter said and smiled sweetly. Thank goodness. I looked up towards Asher and leaned against my sister as I heard the pack talking amongst themselves about the future with us in the pack, sounding excited about it. "Anything else you want to ask, it better be now."

"Did you two get into frequent trouble in the other pack," a male spoke up, eying us over.

"A little," my sister said proudly.

"A little less more than my sister," I told them and held my sister's hand.

"Time," the doctor said and smirked. "It should start wearing off for a few minutes. Alpha Asher, you can proceed."

"Now you'll pledge yourself to me," Alpha Asher said calmly. My sister got down on her knees in front of him.

"I pledge myself to you and your pack," she told him. "I'll be loyal to you and you only as well as the pack." I copied her as I got down on my knees and gave a small, excited smile. This is kinda cool....

"I pledge myself to you and your pack. I'll be loyal to you and you only as well as the pack," I told him and looked up at him with a sweet smile.

"Well... looks like you two better go visit the moon goddess," he said and smirked. "I think you'll be both fine members of my pack." He motioned for something behind us before I felt someone grab me- blind folding me and suddenly my head was dunked into blood. Deer blood. I gagged and struggled to get free. WHAT THE HECK?! I THOUGHT IT WAS WATER! I kicked at the person holding me then and let out a sharp whine. NO! I started to panic as my lungs ached for air and I squirmed, trying to rip away. They held me down firmly, not letting me up. OH MY MOONS, I'M GOING TO DROWN! I struggled and kicked at them before I tried to move my head to bite them. I felt another person start to help hold me down. I whimpered before my lungs started to burn and I gasped, accidentally getting the blood down into my throat and my mouth as my head pounded. I'm going to die! My body started to grow weak as the fight gradually left me with each passing moment of being drowned. I slowly lost consciousness as everything seemed to fade away, my body going limp in their hands....

I slowly opened my eyes as I felt my back on the grass and then coughed, my whole body sore. I felt blood splatter onto my lips as I coughed the blood up and I wheezed for air, gasping as I rolled over onto my elbows and knees, hacking up the rest of the blood from my lungs as they burned. I winced and trembled, my whole body weak as I did my best not to fall over or collapse. I felt a hunger strike up in me though from the smell of deer.

"Drink this," I heard a pack member telling me. I looked up towards the pack member then at the cup before I gave him a suspicious look.

"W-what is it?" I asked, my voice sounding off.

"This is a special mixture the pack makes. Drink it before we tell you what's in it." I sat up slowly then gave him a strange look.

"It better not be deer pee," I mumbled. They would do that.... They drowned me... in DEER BLOOD.

"This is not deer pee. It's like beer... but it doesn't wear off as quickly as it would if we drunk beer."

"That's not enough to get me drunk, right?" I asked quickly. I don't want to be drunk....

"Relax, drink up and earn your right of passage to run with the pack." I frowned before I slowly took it from him. This better not get me drunk.... I don't want to be drunk right after having been drowned... especially if I'm going to get marked again.... I took a small sip of it, trying it out as I watched him closely. The taste was almost satisfying my hunger. I gulped it down quickly then before I licked the glass and whined when there wasn't anymore. I looked up at him then and frowned.

"I'm hungry," I complained.

"Too bad, it's time to hunt and run with the pack. Your sister was up faster than you." I caught my sister's scent near me. I looked around for her before I dropped the glass and went for her, stumbling.

"Siiiiisssss," I whined then hugged her. "Can you catch me a deer while we're running?" I whispered to her and kissed her cheek. I could really use a deer... not deer blood... just the whole deer.

"Sure~" She told me sweetly. I heard Asher let out a loud howl then- already changed into his wolf form. I looked towards him then giggled before I gave a playful howl towards him in my human form. He's pretty.... He watched me as the others started to transform and howl back at him.

"It's time to run!" He announced. "It's time to hunt."

"Oh by the way, you wanted to know what's in that right?" The omega asked. I glanced at him then.

"What?" I asked curiously.

"Deer pee," he laughed out. I frowned at him then gave a slight growl. That's not funny at all. I hugged my sister more tightly then before I let go and shifted before I looked up at her and wagged my tail slightly before I licked her hand then looked at the omega and gave a playful growl, starting to run up towards him. He laughed and shifted into a cute white wolf. He took off running from me as fast as he could. My sister transformed as well and came running by my side with a small growl. I laughed and then chased after him, pouncing on him before I playfully gnawed on his ear and growled in it. "I'm sowwie Luna. It wasn't deer pee. It's a mixture of moose blood, extracts from wolfsbane, and some garden herbs. Wasn't it delicious?" He asked sweetly. I laughed then stopped biting his ear.

"Yes, it was," I told him and nuzzled my face into his fur before I licked his head then got off him, bouncing up to my sister. "Hey," I said happily then licked her face. She licked my face before nuzzling her head into mine.

"Come on," I heard Asher tell me. "You're suppose to run by my side as I lead the pack." I whined then looked at him. I'm supposed to? I looked at my sister then licked her once more before I slowly approached Asher, laying my ears back as I brought my tail close to me. He said he would mark me afterwards again... but he's not going to attack me, right? He brushed against my side before licking my head. He started out in a trot towards the woods. I followed after him as I wagged my tail, happier. I laughed then brushed up against his side again playfully before I looked around the woods when we entered it. He started to run a little faster then, testing my speed. I laid my ears back and ran quicker, keeping up with him as I stayed close by his side. He let out a howl and the wolves followed in his footsteps- right through the forest and into a herd of rushing deer. I widened my eyes as I saw the deer running then hesitated, looking up at him before I started for the deer, wanting to try to catch one. I went after a doe, chasing it down as the deer were already running away and nipped at it's heels to bring it down. A huge buck came out of nowhere and head butted me- getting me hard with his antlers, making me tumble over. The doe ran off, escaping my jaws- her tail leaving my sight. Asher let out a cruel growl at the buck and went to attack him, earning a head-butt as well- the buck's antlers fiercely aimed to hurt Asher. I heard my sister let out a growl nearby before she leapt into action to take the buck down. She dived for one of his legs- biting down deep into a hind leg and dragged it to make the buck fall. Lyla gave me a concerned look. I looked at her and laid my ears back before I slowly sat up, wincing in pain as my body ached. I slowly got up then fell back down as it hurt to put weight on my paw, making me yelp. I curled my tail close to my body before I looked towards her then towards Asher worriedly.

"Asher!" I called out and looked him over, hoping he wasn't injured badly. Thank goodness my sister didn't get hurt.... Where the heck did that buck even come from?! I whined and lowered my head, keeping my ears back as I trembled from the pain. The buck got up and ran off quickly, a little limp to him. Asher walked up to me and licked my face.

"I'm fine," he told me sweetly. I whimpered then licked his cheek before I looked towards my sister and laid my ears back.

"Sis, I hurt my ankle," I whined and licked my paw. "I think it's twisted." It didn't look broken... or feel broken.

"You'll heal," she told me calmly. "Come on and let's get you somewhere safe so you can lay down." I nodded then looked at Asher before I leaned my weight against him and slowly stood up, holding back a whimper as I had to pull my paw off the ground and steady myself into his side to stay up. He licked my face before grabbing me from the back of my neck and started to drag me out of the woods. I could hear his tail swishing proudly. I tucked my tail between my legs as I trembled and leaned against him. I could hear the pack following us, whispering worriedly to each other before Ms. Forest ran up in her wolf form and sniffed me before she helped him carry me out.

"I'll look at it once we get our Luna out of here," she informed him and then licked the top of my head comfortingly before she laughed. "It's a good thing you're still standing. You took quite a tumble from that deer, and you look like you were probably a runt when you were younger." I widened my eyes slightly. Do I really look like I used to be a runt?

"What makes you say that?" I asked her quickly.

"For a male, you're kind of small. It's not by too much, but you are a smaller size... almost the size of a female," she told me and wagged her tail. "It might be because you're young though." I'm almost the size of a female?! I looked at her then laid my ears back as I saw we were almost the same size then glanced back towards Lyla, sizing us up before I whined. I really am! I lowered my head then. I thought I was bigger.... She's bigger than me. Why is she bigger than me?! I was born first too!

"Hey! He's not a runt," my sister growled out. "We're just the big ones."

"I was just saying," the doctor said and laughed. "It wouldn't matter if he was a runt anyways. It would just explain a few things like his size... his strength... and other things I'm sure the Alpha has noticed. There is that legend though about wolf cubs sometimes trying to devour each other in the womb if they are in there together. He could've very well have been a runt." I frowned then and leaned away from her into Asher.

"Don't scare my little twin!" She said quickly.

"My twin didn't eat me," I told her and laid my ears back more. "She didn't...." I shivered at the thought then frowned. I was pretty small though when I was younger.... My father used to call me runt. He didn't like me.

"Don't think like that. My twin is perfect." She licked my head quickly.

"Was he?" The doctor gave an interested look then.

"Get out of our business," my sister growled out.

"Aww, it's fine," she told my sister and wagged her tail. "He's just small and rather cute instead of vicious looking." She perked her ears up then looked towards the Alpha. "Isn't that right? He's cute~"

"He's suppose to be a Luna anyways, not an alpha. He's okay for his size," Asher told her.

"I know. It's probably better that he's smaller. It makes it easier for you to be dominant," the doctor said and laughed, giving him a playful look.

"Well yeah~ You just now figuring that out?" He asked. I shrunk against him then.

"My size doesn't mean anything," I said quickly. "You can't be dominant over someone because of how big or small they are!" My heart started to pick up then at the thought. Right? It's not like I need to be worrying about dominance right now anyways. I have a hurt paw... and I'm still learning how to be a Luna....

"Ummm," Lyla watched me. "Well..... you could be switch."

"NEVER!" Asher growled out. What?

"What are you talking about?" I asked my sister and looked her over in confusion.

"Nevermind," my sister said softly. I looked at Asher then and licked his shoulder then as he helped me out of the woods.

"Asher... I almost had the deer," I whispered to him then laughed. "If it didn't attack me, I would've had a deer for the first time." I fell down into the grass then wagged my tail as I watched him.

"I know you did and that's great. I'm very proud of you," he told me sweetly. I perked my ears up at that.

"You're proud?" I asked him excitedly. The doctor took her human form then started to gently mess with my paw, checking on it.

"It's just sprained," she whispered to Asher. "It's not broken."

"That'll heal quicker than a broken one," Asher said before licking my head and laid down next to me. "You want me to go get us something to eat?" He asked curiously. I nodded eagerly then, still hungry.

"Uh huh," I told him then licked him before I leaned my head against his fur and breathed in his scent. "I'm still hungry," I mumbled then nipped at his ear. He howled then as he stood up.

"Some follow me but the rest should stay with the Luna," he announced. "Let's go get some food!" He howled out and ran away, wolves following him. My sister sat down next to me and nuzzled her head into my fur. I laughed happily then licked her before Chance came up and plopped down next to her. Did he seriously not go with the Alpha?! Noooo! Not him. Sister stealer.

"How about you go get me something to eat," she told him. He licked her and perked his ears up, wagging his tail.

"I thought you said you wanted to catch your own food," he teased her then got to his paws. "I'll bring you back that buck that got away."

"Good luck," she told him. Nora ran up and sat down in his place.

"Hey! That was pretty cool that you took on that buck! You know you have to meet our family soon.... right? We have a huge family- on our vampire side." Chance wagged his tail as he heard that.

"Oh yeah, Uncle Lyle will be happy to meet you Lyla~" He got a playful look then before he leaned in towards his sister's ear and whispered something to her before he laughed and took off running.

"Oh boy~" His sister said and wagged her tail. "I want a mate!" I looked at her then and leaned my head against my sister.

"Do you not have one yet?" I asked her curiously.

"I have suitors," she said calmly. She sent a glare towards her fanwolves who was sitting nearby with a few caught prey in their mouths.

"Are none of them your mate?" I asked and looked them over. They act like she's the moon goddess or something.

"It's hard for halfbreeds to find mates- because we-" she paused and looked at my sister. "Umm.... I'm not sure if it's in my place." I frowned then.

"Do you have fangs or something?" I asked her.

"Halfbreeds don't end up running with the moon goddess," my sister explained to me. "Don't you remember?" She licked my head. "Mom had to tell a couple one time and we overheard. That's okay though. Chance is still going to be fun to mess with for my life." That sucks! I frowned then before I looked at Lyla.

"So... you can't run with your mate in the afterlife," I whispered to her as it clicked. That's horrible....

"I know. It's because vampires are different- and halfbreeds are placed on the vampire side of afterlife. They end up recycled unless they're purebloods-"

"Purebloods end up in hell- in a graveyard of crystals," Nora told us. "That's where Chance and I will end up." That sucks.... I laid my ears back as I watched her then tensed as I saw a wolf slowly approaching Nora with a raccoon in his jaws. He lowered his head then dropped it down at her paws, offering it as he wagged his tail. She looked towards the raccoon and wagged her tail.

"That's an amazing catch!" She told him before looking up at him and got up- giving his face a small lick before she tensed up. "You smell nice too!" He perked his ears up at that and looked happy.

"I do?" He asked her then gave a playful growl. "I thought you would like a raccoon instead of the usual- rabbits and deer."

"I kind of feel bad for it," she admitted before nuzzling her head into his neck. "Raccoons are so cute." She wagged her tail and licked him one more time. "What's your name?"

"Mathew," he told her and laughed slightly. "Don't feel too bad. That's the raccoon that has been stealing the cub's cookies when they go outside with them."

"Awwww~" She knocked him over quickly and let out a playful growl.

"Hey! That's no fair. I've been trying to get her to eat my catches all week.... and all we had to do was walk up to her and she'll do that?" I heard a wolf-fan growl out. Mathew growled back at her playfully before he leaned in and licked her fur before he bit down into her neck, marking her before he knocked her over and got on her, scratching at her. She yelped quickly.

"THE HELL ARE YOU DOING TO MY CUB!" Neal growled out from a few steps away- carrying a rabbit in his mouth. "EVEREST!" He howled out. Mathew finished marking her then licked her head before he laid down with her and pushed the raccoon closer to her, ignoring Neal. The vampire from earlier came running up then, looking worried.

"What is it Neal?" He asked then frowned as he saw the two. "Hey! No flirting with my princess!" He started for them, but Mathew wagged his tail and growled at him. Nora transformed back into her vampire form and curled up into a ball, groaning out in pain. Mathew looked at her worriedly then moved closer, hiding her from the wolf-fans so they couldn't see her and gently started to lick her wounds. What the heck just happened? Do all the wolves here attack each other?

"Everest!" Neal whined out. "He brought our daughter food and marked her. I bring her food!"

"Blanket! Blanket! Blanket!" One of the fan-wolves howled out and brought one over for her. Mathew got up and snarled at him then laid his ears back, showing off his teeth before he stole the blanket then covered her with it, laying back down beside her as he growled at the fan-wolves possessively. What. The. Heck? The fan wolves left quickly, grumbling about not being able to look after her anymore.

"Well, looks like Nora got her mate," my sister whispered to me.

"Sis... I think we should run," I whispered to her. "They attack each other here...." I looked up at her then. "He said he was going to remark me tonight. We should escape. He'll attack me again."

"Attack you?" Asher asked as he dropped a deer in front of me. "Who's going to attack you?" I widened my eyes then laid my ears back slowly as I looked up at him. He's... back already?

"N-nobody," I said innocently.

"Nobody?" He asked before laying down next to me. "I brought you some deer- Nora?" He asked and looked over at them. "Mathew!?" He wagged his tail then. "That's so cute. No wonder why you were stalking that raccoon. Where's her fan wolves? Running off?"

"Gone," Mathew said and wagged his tail. "I'll eat them if they come closer," he said and licked her again. I saw Everest twitch slightly, staring the two of them down.

"Do something," Neal whispered to his mate.

"That's good. I'm glad. I don't like stalking boys." He looked down at me and licked my head. "Are you ready to be marked again?" NOOOO! I quickly bit down into the deer then, starting to eat. I saw Everest slowly approaching them before he reached down and went to take Nora away. Mathew snarled and sat up quickly, glaring at Everest and making him freeze up before he snatched his daughter and teleported back over to Neal and got on him.

"RUN!" He shouted. Mathew started to chase them then, angry looking. Neal widened his eyes.

"I'm too old for this!" He yelled out before taking off running towards cobblestone.

"There goes Nora," my sister said and giggled.

"YOU'RE ABOUT TO HAVE MORE CUBS! YOU'RE NOT TOO OLD!" Everest shouted. Mathew nipped at Neal's tail then, trying to catch up.

"Just teleport us!" Neal complained. They suddenly disappeared then and Mathew growled before he let out a howl and started for the castle to go find them. They're insane! I heard Asher chuckle before he looked around and got to his paws.

"We need to head inside," he told me. I paused then looked up at him.

"Why? We just got this deer," I whined out to him then ate another bite out of it.

"Because I think it'll be safer. It's about to rain."

"Rain?" I asked and frowned, looking up at the sky. I saw Chance come up, dragging the buck from earlier behind him as it's head dangled lifelessly from his jaws.

"That's a bunch of meat," my sister mumbled out. Chance dropped it in front of her then wagged his tail.

"Uh huh, we can always save the left overs," he told her and gave her an excited look.

"Great job Chance," Asher told him. "I'm proud of you. That was a big jerk. Ramming us down to save a doe."

"I'm trying to impress my mate," he said sweetly and wagged his tail as he watched Lyla hopefully.

"I wounded him," she said quickly.

"Yeah, that's how I tracked him," he said happily. "I followed the scent of his blood from where you got him. He got your brother, and now you get to eat him~"

"Want a bite of him?" Lyla asked me. I shook my head no.

"I have Asher's deer to eat," I told her and wagged my tail.

"Lame," she grumbled out. I stopped wagging my tail then growled at her playfully.

"Lame?" I asked her then started to get to my feet, letting out a sharp whimper as I put weight onto my paw. I fell back into Asher then, almost knocking him over. I looked up at him innocently and then laid down at his feet before I wagged my tail nervously, shying into his chest as I hid my face. He looked at my sister.

"Grab the deer. You two follow us," he said as he scooped me up into his jaws and took me into the maze to get us back into the pack house.