Blackmail 4

Elle woke up and got out of bed, she looked back at the bed and saw Kevin still sound asleep, Elle walked into the bathroom opened the door to the shower and turned it on, she let the silk night dress fall to the floor and stepped into the shower. The water was hot and awoke her fully, the hot water ran down her back and between her butt cheeks, it caused her some pain as it hit her butt hole but it didn't matter anymore, Elle took the shampoo from it shelf in the shower, opened the bottle and squeezed some out and applied it to her hair while the water ran.

The shampoo stung her eyes while Elle washed her hair, then Elle washed the rest of herself, her mind went back to last night as she caressed her body, Kevin had lovely licked every inch clean even given her an orgasm in the shower just with his tongue, Elle fingers moved over her mound and played with her clit, Elle could feel something building inside her, without thinking she slid two fingers into her cunt, she ached her back as the joy of her own fingers worked her cunt.

The moaning woke Kevin in the bedroom, he noticed he woke up supporting an erection, maybe it was the fact that he had a beautiful woman who needed him or it could have been the moaning coming from the bathroom. He got up and out of the bed and walked into the bathroom and saw Elle in the shower with her fingers in her own cunt in pleasure.

"Yes Kevin I need you in me now!" came from Elle in the shower, she was totally unaware that Kevin was watching her, Kevin just stood with one hand wrapped around the base of his cock. The bathroom filled with steam from the shower, the shower door was covered in mist. Kevin went over to the shower door and slid it open, he cupped one of Elle's breasts and squeezed it gently, by this time Elle's orgasm had take over her. Kevin stepped into the shower behind Elle and placed his hands on her hips.

"Sorry did I wake you Sir."

"No I just needed a shower to so I joined you, you don't mind babe."

"Oh no Sir, please fuck me I need you in me Sir." Elle turned her head and kissed Kevin on the lips like a lover would do. Kevin's cock rested between Elle's butt cheeks, she felt it move as Kevin moved with her. Elle turned to face him and he slid his cock into her wet cunt, Kevin knew she saw willingly giving herself to him now. After twenty minutes Kevin shot his morning load of cum into Elle's waiting womb, Kevin got out of the shower and then turned around and helped Elle out; he could see his cum drip from her cunt down her leg and smiled.

Elle got dressed in front of Kevin as she had nothing to hide from him now, while he sat down Elle put on a pair of panties and a revealing bra on.

"You better take a second pair of panties to school with you babe." Kevin said as he watched Elle cover her sexy body with clothes.

Your right Sir, I might need them later, "Elle said "Oh you will babe, trust me on that." Kevin winked at Elle in a sexy way, next a black short skirt with a long spilt up it, followed by a white blouse, Elle started to button it up but stopped one button short of showing her full cleavage to the world and a matching black jacket to the skirt and finally, her trademark high heels, these were black too open at the back of the heel and at the toes. Elle usual wore stocking with her skirt suit be today she felt really confidant about herself.

Kevin watched the transformation of Elle into the hot teacher he wanted, he knew looked hot and the clothes were a big part of her image, but he also knew she looked even better naked and on the floor.

"I am going shopping for you later today Sir; I need to get some sexy lingerie Sir." Elle said.

"I am looking forward to see you in it tonight babe."As Kevin waved Elle over to where he was sitting, he put his hand on her smooth leg and moved it up toward her fresh clean white panties. Kevin fingered Elle through the material of her panties and made her wet again.

"Keep them on until recess babe and then we can have some fun." As Kevin hooked under the front of them and slid a finger into her wet cunt.

"Oh yes Sir I will."Elle answered in a moan. She had become very responsive to Kevin's touch. Elle was unaware that she was late for her morning weekly meeting of the English department at school, she left Kevin in her apartment and went down to the garage parking space and got into her car and drove to school.

Elle was late for the meeting as she was the head of the English department this looked bad that she couldn't make it to her own weekly meetings on time. All the time at the meeting all Elle could think about what should I buy to wear for Kevin tonight, but that was later first she was going to have some fun in the lunch time recess, Elle sat through the meeting and did not take anything in, her mind wander back the sex she had this morning in the shower with him.

Classes were a blur for Elle as she waited in her class room for the bell sounded for lunchtime recess, the last before recess was slow as most of the students kept asking questions about the term paper they had to hand in and the oral examination they had to give as well. Elle refused to back down on granting anyone any more time this term as she was already behind with the last terms main paper.

The bell sounded and the classroom emptied a lot quicker than it had filled as the students made their way to lunch, Elle locked the door to her classroom and drew the blinds over the door, she sat down in her chair, pulled her skirt up around her waist and slipped her hand under the band of her panties and felt how wet she really was from this morning. Without thinking she slid two fingers into her wet cunt and relaxed back into her chair and the feeling of her fingers working her cunt and a third touching her own clit was amazing.

A loud bang at the door startled Elle back to reality she jumped out of her seat and looked around one side of the blinds and saw Kevin waiting in the hallway. Elle unlocked the door and hushed Kevin in quickly, as the hallways were being patrolled at lunchtimes by the hallway monitors. Kevin saw that Elle was flushed red and her finger were wet and smelt of her wet cunt.

"Now have you been playing with yourself babe, while I have been away?" Kevin said as he put his school bag down on the floor next to Elle's desk. Elle look downwards towards the floor away from Kevin's face.

"Yes Sir I have just been playing with myself." Elle looked very submissive,"Don't worry about it I want to you enjoy yourself when you are alone babe." Kevin replied.

"Oh thank you Sir." Elle was pleased that Kevin was still happy with her and still wanted her.

"Shall we go into your office for so privacy babe." Kevin gusted the way towards her locked office. Elle opened the locked door and then locked it behind her as she felt safe with him now. Elle turned around and dropped her skirt from her waist on to the ground by the door and then took off her jacket and throw that to the floor; she was standing by the door half dressed.

Kevin saw that her white panties were now soaking wet and walked over to Elle and grabbed her by the hips and kissed her full on the lips letting his tongue slide into her mouth once again, Elle meet his passionate kiss with her tongue, she put her hand on his butt and lift it slightly to feel how firm it actually was.

Elle broke the kiss as she felt light headed, she could not believe that an 18 year old could satisfy her sexually but he had, her cunt just could not stop leaking and her panties were so wet that you could see her juices running down the inside of her legs. Kevin was hard the second he came in but now he started to unzip his pants to release his cock from it prison, he got as far as putting his hand on to the zipper when Elle took over for him.

"Let me do that for you Sir." Elle said with loving eyes. Elle remembered the last time she gave head it hurt her jaw and caused her to choke and gag but this time Elle was very willing to suck him off, as she wanted it too. She released his cock from its prison of Kevin's pants and boxers, Kevin stood and watched her do it and stoked her blond hair as she peeled his pants open and then pushed then down his legs and then put her fingers under the band of his boxers and pulled the down too.

Kevin's cock sprung out and almost hit Elle in the face; she managed to avoid being hit by his cock. She wrapped one hand around the base of his cock and the other one cupped his balls, she held him very gently in her hands, without thinking Elle open her mouth and stuck out her tongue and meet the head of his cock, the horrible taste was still there but this time she waited to return the favour, as Kevin had given her an orgasm from just licking her cunt out.

Elle kissed and licked the head of his cock and slowly took it into her mouth, the taste went away soon after that. Kevin put his hand on Elle's head and moaned as she used her tongue along the ridges of his cock. Elle took a quick look at Kevin for a second his eyes were closed and his head was leaning back and he was taking deep breathes as she continued to suck on his cock.

"Oh my god, babe your good at this too." Kevin moaned to Elle. This pleased her as this was only her third blow job, as she sucked on Kevin she noticed how wetter she was becoming.

"I'm coming babe!" Kevin moaned he pulled his cock out of Elle's mouth; Elle held herself still waiting with her mouth open as Kevin's cum shoot out of his cock and landed on her face. Elle's face got covered in cum across her left eye, over her chin, some landed in her hair but the majority landed in her mouth. She wiped his cum with her finger and then licked them clean and opened her mouth to show Kevin his cum to her.

"Don' t swallow it yet babe I want to kiss you," Kevin got down on his knees and kissed Elle, as he did his cum moved from Elle's mouth to his and back, he broke the kiss and looked at Elle.

"You can swallow it if you want to, babe." Kevin said as he put a hand on her cheek gently, Elle looked at him lovely and swallowed his cum.

"Sir I enjoyed that, I need you in me now Sir." Elle said as she couldn't stop finger herself in front of Kevin , Kevin leant forward and removed her panties from Elle and saw how wet she had become since this morning.

"Wow babe you are leaking bad there, we well have to something about it." Kevin was now fingering Elle and all Elle could do was to moan. Kevin took his cock in his hand and guided it into Elle's waiting cunt. Elle took a sharp breath as Kevin slid his cock into her cunt, he fucked her on the floor of her own office, all Elle could do was hold Kevin tight as he gave her another orgasm. The feeling of his cock in her sent her over the edge of pleasure, he knew how to make love to a woman and let her enjoy the feeling of what an orgasm was.

Kevin was near to shooting his load of cum again but his time deep in her cunt, the fact that they both in school never came into it, a few minutes later he could feel his cum about to shot out into Elle's warm womb. Elle felt his cum, it was warm and it felt right that it should have been in her womb, it didn't worry her as she was on three month contraception implants.

Kevin withdrew his cock and cum was still oozing out from it; he looked at his watch and saw that lunchtime recess was almost over.

"Come on babe get dressed and I will see you tonight," Kevin winked at Elle in a very sexy way.

"Yes Sir." Elle was picking up panties and handed them to Kevin "These are yours now Sir." Kevin had not demanded them but Elle offered them to him as a trophy.

Elle went over to the door of her office and picked up her skirt and jacket, started to put them back on, Kevin pulled up his boxers and pants and walked over to Elle and put his hands on her butt, held it firm and squeezed lightly in a playful way.

"Babe go shopping tonight without any panties for me babe." Kevin said softly into her ear, she knew that this was a simple requested from Kevin to do, so Elle unlocked the door and went to her desk opened it and pulled out the second pair she had took earlier that morning on his say so.

"Keep these safe I want them back later tonight Sir." Elle said. Kevin gave Elle a kiss and picked up his bag from the side of her desk and disappeared into the hallway seconds later the bell sounded the end of recess after a few minutes the bell sounded again for classes to start again. Elle was on a high as her orgasm had changed her mood greatly, she was now letting students who asked for more time on the term paper to have it.

By the end of the day Elle was looking forward to do some shopping as it was her second favourite thing to do, having sex was her first now, she made her way to her car and found Kevin waiting for her, he gave her a kiss on the lips and left without saying a word. Elle drove out of the school car park and towards the mall in town; she knew was going to spend a lot of money.

Parked up and walked towards the Victoria's Secret store which was spread over two floors had everything from swimwear to lingerie in the massive store, Elle searched out a sales assistant. They were all standing together chatting; Elle coughed to get some attention a young blond girl turned around and looked at Elle the name on her badge was Sky.

"Can I help you today?" Sky said as Elle stood waiting.

"Yes I want to buy some very sexy lingerie for my boyfriend, Sky." Elle told her, Sky could see that had a small waist and large breasts. Sky leads Elle over to the sexiest range they had.

"Shall we measure you up right, so it all fits right, could you please step into one of the changing rooms and I will be in when you have changed, miss?" Sky point to a small changing room door which lead onto a private area. Elle and sky walked over to the changing rooms, Elle went into a small cubicle and removed her jacket, blouse and skirt, the cubicle had a full length mirror in it, Elle caught herself looking at her body and thought she was very lucky to have a boyfriend who loved her very much.

"Are you ready in there?" Sky called out. Elle walked out in just in bra as she had given her panties to Kevin earlier that day, instead of changing them. Sky was very jealous of Elle she could carry off wearing no panties with real confidence; Sky took out her tape measure and sized up her chest and her cup size.

"36D and what is your hips size." Sky stood behind Elle has she put the tape measure around her. Elle found the tape to be cold and giggled as it touched her.

"Oh sorry, I forgot how cold my tape measure can be." Sky said apologetically, her touch was so soft Elle had noticed she was wet from Sky's touch. Elle's body seemed to react to Sky's touch even when Sky fingered her cunt Elle stood and moaned in the changing room.

"Miss you seem to be wet between your legs." Sky pointed out, Elle went red with embarrassment. Sky knelt down and started to lick her cunt lips and then slowly opened cunt up with her tongue. Elle's juices covered Sky's face as she went deeper into her cunt, Elle was losing any self control she had, this was the first time any woman had done this to her, Elle gripped Sky's head as an orgasm hit her. This was Elle's first orgasm which experienced give to her by a woman, sky could have been no more than 19 and she knew how to please her customers.

"It's Elle... that's my name Sky." Elle moaned in response to Sky's touch, Sky just looked up at Elle's face as she was still panting.

"So let's try on some of the lingerie now, Elle." Sky suggested as she slid her hands all over Elle's tits and arse.

"Let's try something a lot more revealing for you as you have a wonderful body Elle." This made Elle blush as she had another woman look at her like this or do anything that to her. Sky brought in a sheer lace babydolls, they ranged in colour and price, and Sky helped Elle with everyone on, Sky kept on making passes and feeling her body up as Elle wore them.

"I think you look hot with all of them on Elle." Sky said as Elle was overwhelmed with choice.

"Thanks for your help Sky, I will have the lot then and sexiest bras and panties you got too." Elle told her as she started to get dress again. Sky carried all her new lingerie to the check out.

"How are you going to pay for these today Elle, cash or card?" Sky asked as she started to ring the items through the till. Elle got her purse out and found her credit card which she only used in an emergency, but this was different as she wanted to look sexy for Kevin.

The total was well over 300 dollars and Elle was amazed she had never spent that much on lingerie before but it was all worth it she thought, just to see Kevin's reaction when she wore it for him. Sky smiled and knew it was all for her new boyfriend.

"If it doesn't work out here's my number, call me anytime Elle you want to get together for some fun." Sky smiled as she handed Elle her new purchases to her in three white bags with the company's logo on it.

Elle rushed home and started to mark as much work as possible until Kevin arrived because she knew as soon as he came there would be no time to do it. Elle scanned over the English course work and quickly made notes on most of the papers; she had got half way through before she heard a knock on the door. Elle rushed to open it, and it was Kevin covered in mud from football practice.

"I need a shower babe." As he stepped in he gave her a passionate kiss on the lips and went to her bathroom and showered. Elle put away her work and went to the bedroom and stripped naked, as she did, she felt her cunt flood with her juices it leaked down her legs. Elle was unaware that Kevin was standing in the doorway of the bedroom naked and wet.

Elle could not make up her mind what to wear for him. Kevin walked into the bedroom without making a sound and crept on Elle, it made her jump when Kevin touched her shoulder. Kevin put his hands on her shoulder.

"Looks like you brought the whole store there babe." Kevin noted has he seen all the sexy bras, panties and the babydolls on the bed. The sight of Elle's butt sticking up was a really big turn on, he could not help himself he felt her butt and fingered her brown hole again but this time Elle moaned out in pure pleasure, as his finger entered her butt and then pulled it out again.

"Please Sir Fuck my butt again; I want you in there again. Sir." Elle pleaded to Kevin.

"Okay Elle but this time I want something from you, babe." Kevin demanded.

"Anything Sir, anything you want." Elle said as she offered her body to him.

"I want a passing grade for the rest of the year, and you will ready all the time to fuck me babe." Kevin said as he pleased the head of his cock at the entrance of her butt.

"Yes Sir, I want to be yours Sir." Elle tried to push back onto his cock but Kevin just kept backing away just enough.

"Well what's your answer then?" Kevin demanded

"I will give you a passing grade for the whole term and yes I will be ready all the time for you to fuck me, Sir." Elle said waiting with her butt in the air.

"Good, good babe now here is what you want." Kevin moved towards Elle's waiting butt. He parted her butt cheeks and slid his cock deep into her. Elle moaned in pleasure as she felt him enter her again and again.

The only thing on Kevin's mind was how he could use this bitch he was fucking now later while he went to college, as he was going to gradate later that month about two weeks away. Elle was the perfect little sex slave, she needed him more than he needed her, she would do anything for him just to have him fuck her.

Kevin fucked her butt and then grabbed her waists and tied then together Elle's own bra, the look on Elle's face was of pure fear as Kevin stood over her, he didn't just want to fuck but to own her. Elle started to cry and she tried to get loose from her restraints, but Kevin was in no mood to be gentle to her.