
Chapter 7

"I would say we've been caught." Marilyn smiled.

Sally, looking up at Donny, giggled cutely.

Donny didn't know what to make of this. He stood at the glass doors forsome time looking at his mother and Sally as they sat in the hot tub,the water up to their necks. His surprise though, was pleasant.

"Caught?" he asked. "Mom, what are you talking about?"

Sally giggled again, ducking her head. But Marilyn noted she wasn'tblushing. She felt the pressure of that slim thigh against hers, andknew Sally was feeling excited.

Returning the pressure, she laughed with Sally, and they both could nothelp bursting out into peals of laughter. Donny came over and sat downon one of the chairs near the tub, looking quizzically at them.

"What's so funny, anyway?"

Marilyn controlled her laughter and with a straight face, said to him,"Nothing is funny, darling. Sally and I just have the giggles."

"I didn't hear any laughing when I came in," he said.

As she talked with her son, Marilyn felt a small hand worming its waybetween her thighs, urging Marilyn to part them. Then a finger slippedinto her cunt and Marilyn slipped her ass to the edge of the seat, herlegs wide. She sighed deeply as Sally finger-fucked her, unable to keepher hips from writhing. She was also not able to keep the dreamyexpression out of her eyes, and her face told her son that somethingpleasant was happening to her.

Donny glanced at Sally, then his mother and back again. "What are youtwo doing?" he asked.

"Nothing, darling." Marilyn murmured. "Nothing at all."

Sally giggled more than ever, her finger moving faster into Marilyn'swet, hairy cunt, her thumb smashing the inflamed clitoris. She toolooked at Donny, her blue eyes sparkling brightly.

Donny stood up and moved closer to the edge of the hot tub, peeringunder the water. He couldn't see much, just the shadowy outlines oftheir bodies but it was enough to tell him his mother, as always, wasnaked. And so was Sally! Her bathing suit was a bright color and wouldhave shown up well. He could just make out Sally's hand somewhere on hismother's thighs.

"Mom, is Sally feeling you up?" he asked, his voice almost cracking withemotion.

He had straightened up and both Marilyn and Sally, with their headsback, saw the head of his cock under his wide-legged shorts.

"We're feeling each other up." Marilyn cooed softly.

Sally went into fits of giggles and couldn't plunge her finger intoMarilyn's cunt, but she kept it deep inside the clasping, wet pussylips. Marilyn had worked her hand over to Sally's delicate pussy and wasrubbing a finger up and down the bubbling slit.

"You ... are?" Donny asked, his eyes huge.

Sally and Marilyn saw his cock beginning to lift as it swelled. A softmewl came from Sally, her eyes burning with delight, fixed directly uponthe head of his cock. Donny felt his prick growing and made no effort toconceal it. His own eyes were hot now and his balls tingled deliciously.

In a whispery voice, Marilyn looked up at her son. "I think you'regetting a hard-on, honey."

A pale color of pink suffused his face, but he didn't turn from them.His cock was lifting swiftly now, and the front of his shorts resembleda tent.

"Do you see what I see, Sally?" Marilyn asked the little girl, who bythis time had her giggles under control. "Do you see it?"

Sally nodded, swallowing. Her eyes blazing as she peered into hisshorts. "Golly, yes Marilyn."

Before Donny knew what was happening his mother had grabbed his ankleswith both hands and jerked him into the water. He yelled just before hewent under. When he came up, blowing water, he felt his hands on hisshorts. In his surprise, he tried to hang onto his shorts with bothhands at first.

"Turn loose." his mother said as she and Sally tugged at them. "If we'renaked, you have to be naked too."

His shorts were pulled down and beneath the water he felt a small handcurl about his throbbing hard-on. The hand held his cock tightly,pumping it. Sally was giggling again and looking into his eyes. Donnywas a bit taller than Sally, and she had her face turned up.

Marilyn thought it was a beautiful scene, the sun burning down on them,both her son and Sally showing ecstasy. She moved her hand toward herson and found Sally had a tight grip on his cock. She diverted her handto his balls, cupping them. She watched in pleasure as her son leanedhis mouth into Sally's, kissing her. She felt his balls write and drawup as Sally pulled on his cock.

Even with Donny's cock pressing between them, Sally managed to jack onhis prick while Marilyn fondled his balls. When Donny pulled his mouthoff Sally's, he turned to his mother. After looking into her hot eyesfor a moment, he kissed her too. Then he wrapped his arms about both ofthem, holding their naked bodies against his. Marilyn, still holding herson's precious balls, moved her other hand to his ass, sliding her palmup and down it. She met Sally's fingers there, and the two women lookedat each other and again they laughed.

"No matter where I touch Donny," Sally laughed, "I find your hand there,Marilyn."

"Any objections, Sally?"

"Oh, no!"

In the meantime, Donny was doing some feeling of his own. But most ofhis attention was directed to Sally, the girl he had been wanting forsome time. Marilyn felt no jealousy; this was very enjoyable to her. Shemoved behind her son, standing close to him with her arms under his,fingering his almost non-existent nipples. She pressed her bushy cuntagainst his tight ass, writhing.

Donny wrapped his arms about Sally, holding her tightly and kissing heragain. Over his shoulder, Marilyn saw Sally sneak her moist, succulenttongue into his mouth. She was aware that Donny was in heaven.

Both she and Sally fondled the boy and Marilyn was getting very excitedas she listened to their soft murmurs and whimpers of ecstasy. She ranher hands down and around them both, finding her son holding the littleass cheeks of Sally. She placed her own hand over his and pressed,grinding her hairy cunt into his ass cheeks at the same time. She ranher tongue about his neck and shoulders, sucking and licking at hisflesh.

"Don't you two want to do anything besides feel each other?" she askedin a throaty, erotic sounding voice.

"Golly, yes!" Sally squealed, pulling from Donny and scrambling out ofthe water.

She turned her back to them and climbed from the tub, her cute assflashing wetly in the sunlight. As she lifted her knee to the deck, bothMarilyn and her son caught a tantalizing glimpse of her succulent cunt.

Marilyn grabbed her son's cock and squeezed it hard. "Beautiful, isn'tit?" she whispered to him and received a nod in return.

Sally stood on the deck looking down at them, her legs parted. With alewd giggle, she arched her hips forward and exposed her pale-hairedcunt quickly, then turned and moved to a redwood chair, her tight,succulent ass wiggling in a pronounced manner.

Sitting down, Sally boldly spread her thighs and leaned back on herarms.

"You better go fuck her now, Donny." Marilyn laughed as she gazed atSally's cunt. "If what I feel down here is any indication, you're goingto come before you get your cock in her hot cunt!"

"Come on, Donny!" Sally squealed, twisting her ass about invitingly."Come on!"

Donny was out of the water quickly and Marilyn's eyes turned into a boilas she climbed out, too. She knelt at Sally's side, placing a hand onone small, sweet tit as she watched her son bring his cock to thatsculptured cunt.

For a moment, Donny teased Sally and himself by rubbing the swollen headof his cock up and down that steamy, sugar-sweet cunt slit. Sallywhimpered as she lifted her crotch and attempted to draw his prick intoher pussy. Squeezing into the small tit, Marilyn moved her hand downuntil she was touching Sally's highly inflamed clitoris.

"Stop teasing her, Donny." she hissed. "Shove your cock in! Sally wantsit, darling. Put your fucking cock in her hot little pussy!"

Marilyn knew her son's cock would not hurt the intensely aroused littlegirl. Her own finger and tongue had told her Sally was a virgin bytechnicality only. She had used two of her fingers to spread thedelicate lips of the girl's cunt and now she sucked in an excited breathas she saw her son's cockhead sliding into Sally's pussy.

Sally had been holding her breath with anticipation, but now shegroaned, a groan of exquisite ecstasy. Donny's cock stretched hersucculent cunt lips as he pressed more of his prick into her.

"Ohhhh! Ahhhh! Golly ... oh, golly!" Sally squealed as her cunt wasstretched around a cock for the first time. "It feels so good ... sogood ... so good ... "

Donny thrust his cock fully into Sally's steamy cunt, his balls againsther small ass. Marilyn's eyes filmed over with ecstasy as she saw herson's cock wrapped by the sweet cunt lips she had recently sucked andtongue-fucked. The sight was one of the most erotic she had ever seen!

"Oh baby, fuck her!" Marilyn mewled. "Fuck her little cunt, Donny! Oh,God ... fuck her!"

Sally arched her cunt upwards, twisting her hips with his cock burieddeeply into her pussy. "Yes, Donny!" she wailed, clawing at the cushionsof the redwood chair. "Fuck me! Oh golly, fuck me!"

Moaning in delight, Donny began to thrust his cock in and out. Marilyn'seyes, glassy, still managed to watch that pink cunt suck on her son'scock. The way those lovely pussy lips sank inward as he plunged, thenheld his prick so tightly as he pulled out, made her own pussy pulsatewith intense eagerness. She slid her fingers between them, feeling herson's cock as he lunged back and forth. Leaning over, she began to suckon one of Sally's rigid nipples, her tongue swirling with hot wetness.

Sally was yelping and gurgling, twisting her small body around, bangingher cunt up and down as Donny plunged more vigorously into her. Marilynfelt the tremors going through Sally's naked body and those ripplingshivers told her Sally was having the time of her life.

Sally moved a hand underneath Marilyn and began to squeeze at one full,spongy tit. Marilyn mewled against the small tit that was in her mouthand shoved her hand down under the bouncing ass of the girl, digging herfingers into those tight ass cheeks. Then she grabbed her son's nakedass, holding it. Her hand moved from one young ass to the other,caressing and encouraging and creating ecstasy within her own cunt.

"Golly! Golly!" Sally murmured over and over, her eyes closed to savorthe sensations sparking through her small, naked body. "Golly! That's sogood ... so good! Fuck me, Donny! Oh, golly. Fuck me!"

Marilyn left the small tit and watched her son lunging his cock in andout of the hotly gripping, young cunt. She was thrilled with the waySally banged her crotch up and down, grinding almost mindlessly. She wasnot in the least surprised that Sally was fucking so frantically thisfirst time. She knew just how hot and erotic the little girl was.

With Donny standing there between the girl's slim thighs and Sallysprawled back, Marilyn had a perfect view of his cock running in and outof that slippery, satiny cunt. Suddenly with loud wails of ecstasy,Sally began to churn up and down and Marilyn actually saw those sugarycunt lips flexing as the girl came.

"I'm coming!" Sally screamed in ecstasy. "Golly, I'm coming all over theplace! Fuck me harder, Donny! Ooooo, I'm coming so good!"

The small body shook violently, partly from her intense, shatteringorgasm and partly due to the powerful plunges of Donny's cock. Even theredwood chair was squeaking.

With a yelp, Donny slammed his cock as deep as he could into Sally'sfiery cunt. Marilyn quickly ran her hand between his thighs and graspedhis balls, feeling them drawing up tightly as he squirted his come juiceinto this extremely receptive little cunt.

As she knelt, Marilyn's naked body shook suddenly. Her cunt hadconvulsed just from watching the two young ones fucking. Her eyes rolledabout and she gurgled in pleasure, but continued to grip her son's ballsas he spurted come juice into Sally's pussy.

As Donny withdrew his cock, wet and slippery from the juices of Sally'scunt and his own discharge, Marilyn could not resist it. She hurriedlyshoved her mouth to it, taking his prick between her lips and sucking.The taste of Sally's cunt and his come juice sent her mind reeling andshe experienced another orgasm.

She heard Sally giggle, and pulled off of her son's prick. Sally's eyeswere shining as she watched Marilyn. "I've got to try that too," shesaid.

Marilyn laughed in a sultry sound. "You two do what you want while Ibring us something cold to drink."

She turned and walked into the house, feeling the eyes of her son andSally on her tightly jiggling ass. She swung her naked ass playfully forthem, then disappeared.

She was gone about ten minutes, preparing soft drinks. She placed thetall glasses on a tray and went back onto the redwood patio.

Sally was on her back again in one of the lounge chairs, her legs spreadwide. Between them was her son, his naked ass pumping up and down. Theirfeet were toward Marilyn and she could see his cock thrusting intoSally's clinging pussy, his balls bouncing about. There was a clutchingsensation between her long, creamy thighs and she gave a small squeal ofpleasure.

Placing the tray on the table she got to her knees beside them. Sallylifted her slim legs and wrapped them around Donny, her arms alreadyholding his chest against her burning little tits. She was cooing withsoft sounds of ecstasy as she ground her cunt up and down his plungingcock.

Again Marilyn began to fondle her son's naked ass while he fucked Sally.She even shoved her other hand under Sally's ass and held it with tightfingers. She moved a finger into the hot crack of Sally's ass cheeks andbegan to rub lightly upon the tiny asshole. This sent Sally into pealsof gurgling pleasure and she banged her ass up and down with a morefrantic motion.

The older woman worked the fingers of her hand on Donny's ass into thecrack and rubbed a bit harsher on his asshole. She heard her son gruntwith this added stimulation, and the cheeks of his ass clenched tightlyon her finger. Marilyn leaned over and kissed his bouncing ass, runningher tongue about the tight, hot flesh.

Growling with excitement, she moved until she was behind her son. Shesat on her legs, leaning forward and shoving her hands underneathSally's squirming, naked ass. Cupping each of those small, fiery asscheeks in her palms, Marilyn shoved her face against her son's ass,running her tongue up and down the crack as it lifted and lowered.

Donny grunted as his mother's tongue licked up and down the crack of hisass, and his wild fucking increased with a fury of motion.

Holding the wiggling cheeks of Sally's ass, Marilyn pressed her tongueinto the crack of her son's bouncing ass, licking up and down from hisballs to the base of his spine. Shoving her tongue deeper, she tastedthe tight pucker of his asshole. Feeling her tongue against his assholeinflamed her mind and her cunt almost convulsed into orgasms then andthere. She dug her fingers into Sally's twisting ass, lifting it highonto her son's plunging cock.

His balls moved against her chin as she shoved her face farther into thecrack of Donny's ass. She could hardly breathe now, but that didn'tbother her in the least. Her excitement of seeing his cock in thattight, sweet cunt and her tongue licking about his puckering asshole wasall that mattered. Her own pussy was throbbing and burning as sheswirled her tongue up and down, the tip pressing at his hot asshole.

Sally's squeals mingling with her words of "fuck me, fuck me!" came toher, along with the grunts of her son. Her tits jiggled from the way herson's ass moved up and down into her face, her nipples burning in atingling sensation. She spread her legs and placed them around herson's, pressing her hairy, hot cunt against them. She wiggled and rubbedher pussy there as she squeezed the sweetness of Sally's churning ass,her tongue moving in fiery ecstasy against her son's asshole.

She could hear Sally's hot voice as the little girl began to scream thatshe was coming. Marilyn pulled that sweet ass tighter into her son'scock, feeling it grind with mindless ecstasy. She thought that roundedass became hotter to touch as Sally's cunt erupted into ecstatic orgasm.

She raced her tongue about her son's clenching asshole, and then shefelt it flexing as his body became stiff. The squeezing of his assholeagainst her tongue told Marilyn he was coming in Sally's cunt, despitehis wild yelps of pleasure.

She pulled her face out of his ass when he relaxed. Moving off histhighs and sitting back on her heels, she said, "That was such a fastfuck, the ice cubes didn't melt."

Donny climbed off Sally and sat on the redwood deck, breathing hard.Lifting herself up on her elbows, Sally giggled with delight. "Who caresabout silly old ice cubes! I like it hot ... the way my cunt feels."

She took a glass anyway, sipping at it.

Donny, his breathing somewhat slower, drank deeply from his glass.Marilyn pulled herself onto a padded chair and sat with her knees wide,her eyes shining with pleasure as she looked at the naked young ones.

"It's so nice outside this way." Sally said in a lazy voice. "I wish wehad a patio like this. But I couldn't go naked there anyway--I'd get myass spanked. The best I can do is that fucking old bathing suit."

"And you certainly make sure things show in it, don't you?" Marilynsmiled at the little girl.

"Why not?" Sally giggled. "It's the best I can do to make Donny excited.He gets a hard-on when he sees me wearing it that way ... you know,pulled up my ass."

"Speaking of asses," Donny said, "were you licking my ass, Mom?"

Marilyn lifted her eyebrows. "You don't know?"

"Well, I think I know," he said, "but I was so hot fucking Sally, Ithought I was dreaming."

"That was no dream, darling." Marilyn laughed in a lewd way. "That wasmy tongue on your asshole."

Chapter 8

It was early evening and Marilyn ate a light meal with her son.

They were on the patio where they usually ate in the warm weather. Thesun was fading, but the heat of the day was still with them. Sally hadbeen gone for over two hours.

Marilyn was very pleased with how the day turned out. Sally and Donnyhad been wanting to fuck for a long time, and finally it had happened.They were no longer nervous with each other as before and having Marilynwith them, joining them, increased their pleasure.

Donny was extremely virile and it seemed he needed very little time torecover. Then his beautiful cock was standing up and ready for a hotcunt again.

Like now.

He had a hard-on all through dinner and Marilyn stroked it often. Herson, it seemed, was as erotic as she was, but she wondered just howerotic he actually was. Licking at his asshole had turned her on andapparently it had excited him too. As they ate, she told him about howSally had come there, finding her naked, and how Sally had enjoyedgetting her sugary cunt sucked and licked by her. Donny was excited toknow that his mother had sucked Sally's pussy.

"Does her cunt taste good, Mom?" he wanted to know. "I fucked her somuch I forgot about licking her. I gotta do that next time."

"Sally loves a tongue-fuck, darling." Marilyn said, "And she has thesweetest little cunt! You're in for a treat, Donny."

They were silent for awhile, each in their own thoughts. Those thoughtsthough were filled with exciting erotic things. As they each consideredvarious possibilities, Marilyn stroked her son's cock with an easymanner, her cunt throbbing gently. She had not been fucked by her sonwhile Sally was with them, but she didn't resent it. She knew how muchthey wanted to fuck each other. But Sally wasn't here now.

Shoving the few dishes aside, Marilyn stood and sat her naked ass on theredwood table in front of her seated son. She spread her legs wide andarched her hair-rimmed cunt toward him.

"You can eat my cunt, Donny." she said in a low voice. "Pretend it'sSally's pussy, if you want."

Donny grinned up at his mother. "I don't want to pretend it's Sally'scunt, Mom. I love to lick your pussy! I like all this dark hair aroundit."

He moved his fingers through his mother's cunt hair, tracing her hotpussy lips with a tip. He rubbed very gently at her inflamed clitoris,then worked his finger in and out of her pussy. Marilyn mewled withdelight and leaned back, shoving her cunt closer to his face. She placedher feet on the arm of his chair, lifting her ass, making tight circleswith her hips, mewling in pleasure.

She sighed when his tongue licked up the inner surface of one hot thigh,then down the other. He circled his tongue about the curling hairs, thenpulled a thick patch into his mouth, sucking her cunt hair while workinghis finger back and forth into her bubbling cunt.

Marilyn twisted and writhed her hips, urging her son to lick at herboiling cunt. She dug her fingers into her tits as she arched her hairypussy into his face.

Donny removed his finger and held his mother's hot ass cheeks. He shovedhis lips tightly against her slippery, wet cunt and sucked on it.Marilyn mewled and began to grind her cunt into Donny's face, feelinghis tongue dart between those fiery pussy lips. He tongue-fucked her fora while, then scraped his tongue about her inflamed clitoris, finallydrawing it into his mouth, sucking hard as his tongue ran rapidly aboutthe tip.

"Oooo, baby!" Marilyn whimpered, her fingers digging brutally into herspongy tits. "Suck that cunt! Oh God, you lick mother's pussy sosweetly! Eat me, darling! Oooo, eat my hot, wet, hairy cunt!"

Drawing her legs up, Marilyn pulled her knees into her swollen tits,arching her ass and cunt into her son's face. She whimpered as histongue raced in and out of her gripping pussy, her ass shaking into hisface. The wet slurping sounds he made served to increase the ecstasythat rumbled through her naked body, sending her mind reeling intobliss. She began to squirm her cunt tighter into his face, feeling anorgasm swelling inside her stomach.

Her clitoris was melting against his upper lip, his tongue thrusting inas deep as he could force it. She was so wet his face was becomingsmeared and he had to swallow often as her cunt dripped into his mouth.She gurgled hotly, whipping her crotch up and down. She felt his tonguescraping up and down the lips of her pussy, over her clitoris.

Then she shivered suddenly--her son's tongue had scraped against herhotly puckered asshole!

"Ohhhh!" She yelped in delight.

Knowing the thrills his mother was receiving, Donny began to lick theflat surface up and down, going from the base of her spine, over hercrinkled asshole and up the slit of her hairy cunt to her clitoris. Upand down his tongue went, and Marilyn was shaking with ecstasy.

When her son held his face still, his tongue stuck out, she began toslider her ass up and down, making him lick her cunt and assholealternately. The explosion of her orgasm sent her ass into a grindingdelight that almost smothered her son. When her asshole was against histongue, his nose seemed to be inside her fiery cunt.

"Oh, God!" Marilyn wailed. "Oh, God! Donny, Donny lick me! Ohhh, that'snice! Lick mother's cunt and asshole, baby! Oooo, lick them both!"

She was coming with rippling ecstasy as she whipped her hairy cunt andburning asshole about his face. The wetness of his tongue against herasshole was sending her out her mind. She was twisting her head about onthe table, her hair waving in all directions. She held her knees tightlyagainst her tits, smashing them, humping up and down with a grindingmotion. Donny was pressing his hands against the back of her thighs,helping to hold her ass into his face.

"Oooo, up the ass!" Marilyn gurgled in a hot breath. "Up the ass, Donny!Up my fucking ass!" She rubbed her asshole tighter against his outthrusttongue, feeling the burning need there. "Donny, stick your tongue up myfucking ass!" she wailed in mindless desire. "Hurry, shove your tongueup mother's asshole! I'm coming, darling ... and I want your tonguefucking me in the hot ass!"

Donny didn't hesitate. Curling his tongue tightly, he pressed it againstthe tightness of his mother's asshole.

Feeling it against her, Marilyn--still in the clutches of her orgasm,shoved her ass into his face hard. She felt his tongue slide through thering of her asshole easily and as he plunged it in and out, she eruptedinto greater, more ecstatic orgasms. Afraid to twist and grind now,afraid she would lose his tongue lunging in and out of her asshole, sheheld herself still, except for the trembling orgasms within her nakedbody.

Donny ran his tongue as deep up his mother's asshole as he could,fucking her there as he had fucked her in the cunt. His cock wasstanding up from his lap, throbbing with almost painful hardness. He wasdripping copiously, the slippery juices running down the throbbingcockshaft.

The waves of crashing orgasms refused to sop, and Marilyn was screamingwith ecstasy. She was clawing at her tits brutally, but not feeling thepain. Every part of her body was one huge, blinding hot orgasm.

Her asshole flexed and closed on her son's tongue, drawing on it the wayher cunt did. Yet Donny kept on thrusting, fucking his mother wildly,his hands still pressing her thighs back, keeping her rounded ass highin the air.

"Oh, God! Stop!" Marilyn wailed, trying to draw away from him. "I can'tstand it, darling! Oh, God, please ... no more right now! Please, Donny,take your tongue out of my asshole!"

Donny was reluctant. He had found something else they could do thatcreated intense pleasure, and he enjoyed the squeezing heat of hismother's asshole around his tongue. But he pulled it out.

Slowly, Marilyn lowered her thighs and found she had them draped overhis shoulders. Donny licked gently at her hot thighs, circling her cuntbecause he knew his mother was a bit too sensitive now to be lickedthere directly.

It was a long time before Marilyn recovered enough to sit up on thetable. She lay there relaxing as her son kissed and licked her creamyinner thighs. Struggling upright, she looked into his eyes. His face wassmeared with the juice of her cunt, glistening in the fading light ofthe sun. With his head between her thighs, she leaned forward and kissedhim, holding his cheeks in her palms.

"God, but that was good, Donny." she murmured. "Is there anything youwon't do?"

He shook his head. "Nothing." he replied.

She squeezed her hot thighs against his head, then let him go. She stoodfrom the table, her legs feeling weak. She had came so strongly as hetongue-fucked her in the ass. She saw his cock standing up, very hardand shining with the dripping juices. Leaning down, she grasped hisprick in her hand and jerked it up and down. Then she lowered her faceand kissed his slippery cockhead. She trailed her hot tongue over thepiss hole, then stood upright.

"You wouldn't lie to your mother, would you, Donny?" she asked.

"No, Mom." he replied, his eyes gleaming. "I'd do anything you want andenjoy it." The gleam grew brighter. "I wonder if Sally would like mytongue up her ass."

Marilyn gave a low chuckle. "Honey, Sally would like anything you and Ido, I can promise you that."

She began to clear the dishes, stacking them. Donny helped her and shecarried them into the house. She felt her son's eyes on her naked assand paused before she entered the glass doorway. Looking over hershoulder at him, she wiggled her ass.

"You know what, baby?" she murmured in a voice just loud enough to carryto him. "I wonder what it would feel like to have your hard cock up myass."

She saw his eyes burn before she disappeared.

As Marilyn put the dished in the dishwasher, she thought more and moreabout taking her son's cock into her asshole. The idea came to her asshe had licked his asshole while fucking Sally. She had found out thather son was intensely erotic too and willing and eager to do anythingshe wanted.

The redwood patio was built on stilts with a waist-high railing allaround. When she returned to her son, he was standing there pissing outinto the brush.

"We do have bathrooms, you know." she said, but there was no anger inher voice.

"I had to go quick." he replied, arching his hips forward as he pissed.

Marilyn came up beside her son, and on an impulse, took his cock in herhand. Playfully, she swung his cock about, making the stream of pisssplash about in a waving line. She laughed. "I can't piss that way. Itlooks like fun, though."

"I know." Donny said in his young wisdom. "You have to sit down or squator something."

"Or something." she laughed.

When he finished, she shook his cock for him, then on an impulse oncemore, ran her thumb over the piss-wet head. "Mmmm, warm." she murmured.

"You piss, Mom." he said.

"Maybe I don't have to." she teased, stroking his cock easily.


"Okay." she giggled naughtily, climbing onto the top rail and shovingher ass over it. Then an impish smile came over her beautiful face. "Ifyou want to see, you have to lean down there."

Donny did and looked up to see his mother's ass hanging over the rail.Her cunt, surrounded by thick hair, seemed to excite him.

Marilyn began to piss.

"I see you!" he laughed. "I see you pissing, Mom!"

"Lean down further, baby." she whispered, the impish smile still on herface.

He did, and with a sudden movement Marilyn shoved her ass down. The warmpiss splashed into her son's face. She laughed when he jerked back,sputtering and wiping at his face.

"That's not fair!" he said. "I didn't piss in your face, Mom."

"Anything is fair when I've got the hots, darling." she laughed. "But ifyou want, you can piss in my face. Then we'll be even."

"I don't have to piss." he complained. "I already did."

"That's your problem." Marilyn cooed as she climbed off the railing.

"I'll have to again, and you're gonna get it!" he said.

Marilyn held his cock in her hand. "You'll have to catch me first." shesaid. "And I can run very fast."

"But I can piss farther." he laughed and cupped her tits with bothhands. "I'll get you, don't worry."

"I'm not worried in the lest." she mewled, brushing her tongue about hislips. "I'm not afraid of you."

"You're gonna be by the time I finish." her son replied.

"Oh? And how are you going to make me afraid of you?" she grinned,squeezing his cock.

"You'll see." He dropped his hands from her tits and clutched hershapely ass cheeks.

"Are you going to make me afraid by sticking your cock up my ass?"

"Well, that's one way."

"Ha! That would be a pleasure." she laughed.

"Really, Mom?"

His eyes were blazing with excitement.

"You want to?"

"Let's try it!"

With a husky gurgle she placed herself back on the redwood table in thesame position she had been in before. She drew her knees to her titsagain, smashing them, arching her ass upwards. She peered between herknees as her son moved up to her body. She watched him take the base ofhis cock in his hand and then she felt the swollen head of it againsther puckered asshole.

"Do you think this will work, Mom?" he asked. "You look awful tight tome."

"Darling, that asshole will stretch a fucking mile!" she hissed. "Shoveit in me!"

Donny applied pressure, but tried to be gentle.

But Marilyn didn't want it gentle. She pressed her ass against the headof his cock hard, holding her breath with anticipation. She felt herasshole sink inward as her son pushed harder. There was a burningsensation, but it was not at all unpleasant. On the contrary, the sheerperversity of it gave her a great deal of enjoyment.

"Harder!" she whimpered.

The head of his cock stretched her asshole and then it was inside.Marilyn shuddered with the strange feelings it gave her. It seemed as ifher son had run a telephone pole up her ass, but the fullness was alsointensely delicious to her. She felt her asshole closing and relaxingaround her son's cock.

She knew only the head of his prick was up her ass and she wanted hiscock all the way inside. Holding her ass up, her cunt was exposed. AsDonny began to push more of his cock into his mother's gripping asshole,he began to caress her distended clitoris with his fingers, intensifyingthe ecstasy for his mother.

Marilyn shuddered with pleasure, then began to move her ass up and down.Donny held himself almost rigid, peering down in the fading light as hiscock was sucked deeper into her asshole. He watched the hairy lips ofher cunt flex as she drew his cock all the way inside her ass.

"Mmmm, that's ... that's good!" Marilyn wailed as her ass squeezed hiscock. "Now fuck it, Donny. Fuck that tight, hot asshole! Bang me hardand fast! Ooo, I love this ... your cock so hard and deep ... up myasshole! Fuck that ass, baby! Fuck that hot asshole!"

Rubbing at her cunt and clitoris, Donny began to thrust his cock in andout of his mother's ass. Marilyn wiggled and sighed, sobbing with thegreatest ecstasy yet. The way her asshole stretched around his cock wasa thrilling sensation. The fullness of her ass was creating a storm oforgasms that went whipping through her over-heated body.

Donny's cock seemed to penetrated her asshole deeper than it ever hadher cunt, but that was probably due to the perversity of theass-fucking, she thought. She lifted her ass and began to grind as heplunged his prick in and out. She did not have to clench her asshole onhis prick--it did that of its own free will.

The burning sensation that she had felt initially was now gone, havingbeen replaced by the most exquisite sensations she had ever experienced.Even as she humped her ass up and down on his cock, Marilyn wondered whyshe had not taken a cock into her asshole before.

"Donny, this is so good!" she murmured in a hot voice. "Ohhh, I love theway your cock feels in my ass! Ooo, honey, fuck mother in the ass fastand hard! Really plunge your cock deep! Go as deep as you can! I'mcoming, you know ... coming already!"

Donny was grunting as he lunged his cock in and out of her ass. It wasmuch tighter than her cunt and he thought his mother's cunt was thetightest thing beside her fist. His balls were swinging to and fro, andthe heat of her tight asshole sucking on his cock was making them drawup at the base.

"Mom, I can't last much longer!" he shouted.

"Don't wait!" she sobbed, grinding wickedly against him. "Don't wait!Come, darling! I want to feel your come juice squirting up my ass!"

Donny banged hard, driving his cock deeply. Then he slammed into herasshole and held himself there, his body stiff, his head thrown back. Hegritted his teeth and a loud yelp came from him.

Marilyn felt his cock explode inside her asshole, then the foamy warmthof his come juice spurted along the smooth walls of her ass. She couldnot prevent the scream of ecstasy that tore from her constricted throat.It seemed to her that she was being blown apart with the force of herorgasm--her cunt and asshole both in convulsive spasms.

The tormenting orgasms caused her legs to lift into the air, and Donnyheld them about his face, his cock gushing wildly into his mother'ssucking asshole.

As they finished, he could no longer stand. His cock came out of herasshole with a small, audible plopping sound, and he sank to his knees.Before Marilyn lowered her legs, he shoved his face into her hairy cunt,kissing it as he gasped hotly.

Marilyn lay on the table for a long time, her swelling tits heaving upand down. Wonderment was on her beautiful face, a face that was glowingwith the residue of her receding ecstasy. Her legs dangled over the edgeof the table, wide apart, and the cool breeze of the early evening airhelped her hot cunt some, but only some.

It was a long time before she recovered enough to sit up, and then sherealized dusk had fallen. The birds had stopped chirping and thescurrying night sounds of tiny animals could be heard.

She stood up and saw her son resting his head on the cushions of alounge chair, breathing evenly. She smiled at his sleeping face, notwanting to wake him but knowing he could not spend the night outside.

She shook his shoulder gently, and he looked up at her with sleepy eyes."Time we went to bed darling." she whispered, helping him to his feet.

They climbed the stairs together, Donny leaning against his mother.Despite all his vigor when it came to fucking her and Sally, Marilynrealized that he was still a little boy.

Chapter 9

It was late when Marilyn awoke.

She had been sleeping deeply and for a moment failed to understand whatwoke her up. Then she felt it again and smiled.

She was sprawled across the bed, uncovered. Donny was down between herspread thighs, licking and kissing her smooth ass, caressing ittenderly.

Marilyn wiggled her ass against his lips and tongue. "Mmmm, what a niceway to wake up." she murmured.

"I thought you were still asleep, Mom." he said, then playfully goosedher in the ass with his tongue.

"Hey, you little mother-fucker!" she squealed and rolled onto her back.She grabbed for him but he jumped from the bed quickly, shaking his cockat her.

"Want some, Mom?"

"I want some of your teasing ass, that's for sure." she laughed,scooting from the bed and chasing him as he ran into the bathroom.

She stood behind her son as he leaned over to adjust the shower, feelinghis ass. "You're a teasing little mother-fucker, you know that,darling?"

"Yeah," he grinned at her. "I guess I am a mother-fucker, not to mentiona Sally-fucker and an asshole-fucker."

"And a cunt-licker, don't forget." she played with him. "For God's sake,don't forget that!"

"Who could?" he laughed as he stepped into the shower. "Pussy tastesgood, I'd never forget that."

They soaped each other and played like two innocent children under theshower. They spent most of their time however, washing his cock andballs, then her cunt and tits. When they finished, they dried each otheroff with fluffy towels, still playing about. Donny poked his mother'scunt, then shoved his face between her thighs to dart his tongue intoher pussy. Marilyn spread her legs and leaned against the wall, gentlypumping her hips back and forth as he licked her pussy. His tonguebrought her to some delicious orgasms, but by then his cock wasstraining very hard.

As he lifted up, Marilyn placed him on the toilet seat, then straddledhim, her legs on each side of his legs. "Put that cock in me before thathard-on goes away!" she urged.

While her son held the base of his cock, Marilyn plunged her cunt downonto it, then she sat there, rocking back and forth, her hands on hisshoulders. They kissed a great deal as she lifted and lowered her nakedass. She sucked her son's tongue into her mouth as he fondled hershapely tits. She bounced her crotch up and down on his cock in a slowmotion, both of them savoring the early morning fucking.

Most of the all-consuming initial excitement of fucking each other wasdone by this time. Now they could settle down to taking their time.Marilyn fucked her son without the earlier frantic motions of her ass,sighing with pleasure as she rode up and down his prick. They gazed intoeach other's eyes like longtime lovers. Donny caressed his mother's titsand fondled her thighs, squeezing the cheeks of her ass while she movedup and down, her cunt sliding easily on his stiff cock.

When she came, she leaned against him and mewled in a soft voice. Thesucking of her cunt made his come juice come bubbling forth, filling herpussy with its precious sweetness. They sat this way for a while, thenshe withdrew and stood up.

"I've got to shower again." she said.

After her second shower, she wrapped a big towel around her then wentdownstairs where her son waited. He sat at the small table in thekitchen, waiting for his breakfast.

The towel tucked securely over her tits, she prepared waffles andsausage for them. Even after these past few days, Donny still had notreally become accustomed to seeing his tall, beautiful mother undressed.He sat quietly, gazing at her long, slender thighs and the barelyvisible cheeks of her ass.

Perhaps he was not accustomed to it yet, but he most certainly enjoyedit. The fires of intense, erotic desire burned extremely hot not only inhim, but in Marilyn too.

Watching her son eat, Marilyn wondered when the consuming flames wouldbecome mellow. She knew they would, eventually. And she dreaded when itwould happen but knowing enough of human nature, she realized it wasinevitable. They would never stop fucking, she knew, never. But it wouldbecome less intense, less violent perhaps, and she decided that wouldprobably be a good thing. They had been careless in their desire foreach other, she knew. And that wasn't good at all. Yet on the otherhand, if they had not been careless it was possible Sally would not havejoined them the day before.

Looking at it that way, Marilyn realized their carelessness had told hertwo things: she found she enjoyed licking cunt. That is, she enjoyedlicking Sally's cunt. Perhaps she would not like putting her mouth onanother pussy. She didn't know about that. Sally was cute, sweet, and soerotically innocent, if such a combination was possible. Maybe it washer pale blonde cunt that was so appealing. Marilyn didn't think shewould care to run her tongue about the wet lips of some pussy that wasas hairy as her own.

The other thing she had discovered about herself was how thrilling itwas to watch her son fucking Sally. Seeing his cock penetrating thattight, sculptured cunt was intensely exciting to her and it was possiblefor her to come as she watched, mildly but come just the same. The samequestion applied here too, she thought. Would it be as exciting to seeher son fuck someone besides little Sally?

The questions were too much for her and Marilyn shoved them aside. Shesmiled at her son as she sipped her coffee, the towel slipping a bit.With a lewd wink at Donny she pulled it back up and tightened it.

She cleaned up the kitchen when her son finished eating. She felt asense of loneliness in the kitchen. Donny had taken off after pullinghis shorts on, riding his bike down the narrow road toward Sally'shouse.

After she had dressed in a becoming housedress for the day, she wanderedaround the house, going outside, upstairs, downstairs, her mind filledwith indecision. She sat on the patio, another cup of coffee with her.The hot tub did not invite her this morning. She leaned back in thelounge, drawing one knee up and sighed. She loved living in thissemi-isolation, the house, the trees. It was the perfect place for thisnew relationship with her son ... and Sally.

She felt no jealousy because her son had ridden off to see Sally. Norwas she jealous to think that they might enter the forest and fuck onthe soft grass with the birds singing and the warm sun on their nakedbodies. Donny, she was well aware of, was at the age where he wanted tostick his cock into any cunt he could get his hands on. That, to her wayof thinking, was the normal process of growing.

Leaning back, her face to the sun, she imagined Donny and Sallysomewhere in the woods, their amazing young bodies undressed, touchingand playing with each other, his cock sliding into Sally's unbelievablytight, hot cunt. The image she drew in her mind was pleasant and hercunt began to pulsate, her clitoris swelling. She swung her upliftedknee to and fro as she idly fantasized about her son and Sally.

This morning's fucking with Donny had been very good, almost somethingspecial since it had been done with less frenzy. Her cunt tingled with agrowing heat as she allowed her imagination free rein. She began to cupand squeeze one of her protruding tits, circling her sensitive nippleswith the tip of her finger, feeling it grow taut against her dress.

In he mind she saw her son's tight ass writhing and bouncing between theslim thighs of Sally, his cock thrusting into that clinging, youngpussy. She saw his balls swinging, remembering how she had licked andsucked them as he fucked the eager little girl only the day before.

Marilyn licked at her lips, her eyes closed. Her imagination was sovivid she could almost feel her son's balls between her lips as his cockmoved in and out of Sally's pussy. The scene in her mind was so strongshe thought she could hear his cock sliding into that sucking wetness.

Her cunt was going into a slow burn. She shoved her upraised knee aside.She had put her panties on this morning and they were tight in hercrotch. Her housedress was almost at her hips, and she left her tit andbegan to slowly move her palm up and down the inner surface of herthigh, teasing herself deliciously. A soft moan bubbled from her lips asshe circled the tightness of her panties, then drew her fingertiplightly up and down the puffy lips of her concealed cunt. The crotch ofher panties was wet and that made it more enjoyable for her.

Marilyn's hips began to move, writhing against the cushion of theredwood lounge chair. The sun on her body--and especially on her exposedthighs and crotch of her panties--increased the exciting heat of hercunt. She moved her finger slowly up and down her pussy, tracing theoutline of the hairy lips and applying a very light pressure to herswollen clitoris. Her other hand opened the top of her housedress,pulling it from her shoulders, revealing her tits to the heat of thesun. Her nipples were rigid and tingling.

Now and then Marilyn used both hands to squeeze her tits together,trying to rub her nipples against each other. She moaned in softecstasy, eyes closed to enjoy the vivid mental pictures of her sonfucking Sally's pale, blonde-haired cunt.

Marilyn presented an erotic picture to her son as he stood at the glassdoors, watching her. She had no idea he was home, not to mentionwatching her. But if she had known he was looking, it would not havemattered.

Donny with his cock straining, stared with pleasure, seeing his mother'screamy, impossibly long thighs, her swelling, shapely tits, and thecrotch of her tight panties with the dark hair curling from the edges.

He shoved his shorts down, stepping from them, his cock arching up andjerking with eagerness. Holding his balls, he moved with silentfootsteps toward his mother. There was no reason, of course, for thissilence but he was excited to see her fondling herself this way,thinking she was alone.

Feeling his cock brush at her shoulder, Marilyn opened her eyes. She wasnot surprised to find Donny there, his prick moving about her shoulderand leaving a blurry trail of wetness. She smiled up at him, taking hiscock in her hand and drawing the slippery, dripping head over oneswollen tit.

"You're back, darling." she murmured.

"Just in time, I'd say." Donny laughed, bending forward and running hishand up and down his mother's pantied cunt. "You're kind of hot, huh,Mom?"

"Kind of is mild, Donny. I'm boiling!"

With a low laugh, Donny moved toward his mother's feet. He ran histongue along her leg, past her knee and up the inside of her satinythigh. With a small moan, he buried his face into her crotch, his hotlips kissing at her panties, his tongue licking up the moisture.

Marilyn gurgled softly as she lifted her ass to meet his mouth. "Ohhh,you're so sweet, Donny." she mewled, grinding gently into his lips.

She felt his tongue pressing tightly as he licked up and down the bulgeof her panties. She could feel the heat of her son's tongue through theflimsy panties and slow waves of orgasms started rumbling through her.She squeezed her tits together, gazing down at his burning eyes as helicked about her cunt. Somehow, Donny had managed to get her distendedclitoris between his lips and he chewed at it delicately, making Marilynwhimper with ecstasy.

Donny ran his hands underneath his mother's ass, lifting her crotchhigher into his face. His fingers squeezed at the shapely ass cheekswhile his tongue raced up and down the crotch of her wet panties,sending fire through Marilyn's shivering body. She moaned softly as theecstasy burned hotter within her, centered at her cunt.

The way he squeezed at her ass increased her excitement, adding to thepleasure of his tongue moving up and down the tightness of her panties.The orgasms were growing, making her tremble.

"You're making me come, Donny." she whimpered with a thick voice. "Mycunt is coming so nicely! I love the way you lick that pussy, baby.Ohhh, so sweet!"

Although her orgasms were not as strong and mind-shattering, they werevery delicious. While still coming, she urged her son to slide up on herbody. He trailed his throbbing cock along her thighs and pressed it uponher cunt as Marilyn kissed his moist lips. Then she began to pull at himagain.

"Touch your cock on my titties, darling." she murmured. "I want to feelyour cock on my tits."

Donny drew himself up, spreading his legs about her sides.

Her eyes glassy; Marilyn watched her son's cock as it moved upward.Taking his prick in her hand, she smeared the dripping juices around thecurves of her tits, then onto her nipples. She pressed a nipple againsthis pisshole, watching it sink inward. For a while she tantalized themboth by rubbing the smooth head of his cock about her tits, then sheplaced it between them and closed her hands on the tit mounds. She heldhis cock between her tits, watching the head protrude toward her face.

"Fuck my tits, Donny." she whispered with a thick voice. "Your cockfeels so good between them, I want you to fuck me there. Come on baby,fuck mother's tits."

Donny began to work his cock back and forth sliding it in and out of hertightly held tits. They both watched and began to breathe heavier.

Marilyn mewled with delight, enjoying the throbbing hardness of hiscock. She held her tits tightly about his thrusting prick, feeling everythrob as it slipped back and forth. Her tits were becoming very slipperyfrom the juices dripping out of his piss hole, and that served todelight her even more.

"You like this, Donny?" she whispered up to him. "Does this feel good onyour cock?"

"It sure does, Mom." he grunted in reply, his eyes shining. "Your titsare hot!"

"They're supposed to be." she sighed with pleasure. "My tits aresupposed to be as hot as my cunt. Fuck mother's tits, darling! Oooo, Ilike the way your hard cock feels between them."

Although she could not make her nipples touch, she could hold his cocktightly with the spongy mounds of her tits. As he fucked back and forth,the swollen head of his prick brushed her chin. With a lewd giggle,Marilyn tucked her chin tighter and found she could shove her tongue outto probe his piss hole. This excited them both, and every time her sonfucked upward Marilyn licked his prick. The slippery taste of his cockthrilled her and she held her tits even tighter.

When Donny shoved his hands behind her head, lifting her face, sheopened her lips and allowed him to shove his hard cock between them. Shesucked his cock for a bit, then he returned to fucking her tits again.As her son alternately fucked her tits and mouth, Marilyn gurgled withheated ecstasy, her tongue swirling on the prick head every time it wasbetween her lips.

Donny began to breathe faster and hotter, his eyes becoming glazed. Shefelt his balls against her flesh, writhing and becoming tight.

The trusts of his cock between her tits became more insistent, burningher flesh. She held her tits tightly about his cock, knowing he wouldsoon be coming. He no longer shoved his prick into her mouth as hisdischarge boiled about in his precious balls. He concentrated on hismother's tits, and Marilyn was content to let him fuck this way. But shekept her chin tucked down, mouth open, her eyes steady with heat,focused on the flare of his piss hole.

He was moaning loudly now and Marilyn shoved her tongue out as far asshe could, her lips very wide. Donny plunged his cock back and forthwildly, his cock jerking and throbbing. Marilyn waited, anticipating thesquirting of that sweet, thick come juice.

Then it happened.

Thick, warm spurts of come juice gushed from the piss hole of her son'scock. She felt his jizz splash between her tits and over her neck andchin. But most of it landed on her outstretched tongue and inside herhungry mouth. Marilyn found it impossible to swallow his delicious comejuice this way, and had to wait until he finished coming. Having her soncome into her face this way was very, very exciting to her.

Donny slumped forward and Marilyn drew his cock between her lips,sucking and licking on it slowly but eagerly, his balls resting on hercome-juice wet chin. While her son rested, she mouthed his pricklovingly, holding the cheeks of his ass with her palms.

Finally Donny moved from his mother and sat in a chair, his expressionshowing the pleasure she had given him.

"I gather you didn't find Sally." she said.

"She wasn't home." Donny replied.

"And that's why you came back with such a hard on, huh?" she smiled.

"No. I saw you feeling yourself."

"Did you like that?"

"You saw how hard my cock was, didn't you, Mom?" he countered.

"Mmmmm, I sure did!"

She lounged back, not bothering to pull the dress over her come juicedtits, nor close her thighs. Donny enjoyed seeing her this way, and sheenjoyed him looking at her.

"Don't looks so sad, darling." she murmured. "I bet Sally will show uparound here soon."

Chapter 10

Hardly an hour later, Sally did show up.

Donny brightened as he saw the girl walking out onto the patio. She hadentered without knocking, apparently thinking there was no need now.

That did not disturb Marilyn in the least. Sally could come and gofreely in her home, as far as she was concerned. Sally wore a frillydress today and explained that she had gone into the small town with herfather to shop.

"I wondered why you weren't wearing your tight bathing suit." Marilynreplied.

Bouncing into a chair, Sally giggled. "I hate that thing, Marilyn. Ionly wore it to tease Donny."

"It served the purpose." Marilyn agreed. "I'm glad. You look muchprettier in a dress."

Sally did look prettier. The dress made her look even younger and moreinnocent than she was. Her golden hair shined in the sunlight and hersparkling blue eyes smoldered with erotic excitement.

Sally sat with her knees apart, and both Donny and his mother could seethe sweetness of her inner thighs and the shadow of her panties. It madeMarilyn warm. She licked her tongue over her lips and saw that her son,still sitting nakedly, was getting another beautiful hard-on.

"There was a man." Sally said slowly. "He kept looking at me. He's notold, though. He's younger than you are, Marilyn. He had a nice hard-on."She giggled. "I guess I turned him on."

"You'd turn on anyone, honey." Marilyn laughed. "He didn't say anythingto you, did he?"

"Just hello." Sally said.

Marilyn's erotic mind immediately began to consider all thepossibilities here. She had wondered about fucking with two men beforeand it sounded great.

Sally moved closer to Donny and began to stroke his cock. Her blue eyesblazed as she squeezed his prick with one hand, gently twisting hisballs with the other. Marilyn watched them, her cunt starting to throband become wet once more.

Without urging, Sally leaned over Donny's lap and Marilyn saw her pink,moist tongue swirl about the head of his cock.

"Why Sally." she gurgled in delight. "Where did you learn that?"

"From you." Sally giggled.


"When you licked Donny's balls as he fucked me."

"Oh, that's right." Marilyn said.

She moved off the lounge and knelt at her son's side, watching excitedlyas that small tongue moved about his cock. She ran her hand underneathSally's dress and fondled her pantied ass.

"I'm gonna suck Donny's cock." Sally murmured hotly. "I wanna know whatit feels like in my mouth."

"I might come." Donny warned.

"So come." Sally giggled. "I wanna know what your come juice tasted likeanyway."

"You're full of surprises, Sally." Marilyn laughed.

Sally's blue eyes flashed at Marilyn as she opened her mouth and drewthe swollen head of Donny's cock into it. A soft mewl came from her asshe took half his prick into her mouth. Marilyn watched those hungrylips stretch around her son's cock. Sally struggled to take more prickinto her mouth but she was unable to. His cock was too long and hermouth too small. But she managed admirably with what she could take.

The excitement of seeing this young, sweet girl taking her son's cockinto her mouth was sending ripples of desire through Marilyn's body andshe thought she would come just seeing this.

She squeezed Sally's tight little ass, finally shoving her hand underher panties to press a finger between her hot ass cheeks. Sally, withher small mouth stuffed with Donny's hard cock, whimpered and swayed herass.

Donny leaned back, looking down his naked body, watching the prettySally and his mother with glowing eyes.

Looking up at her son's excited face, Marilyn said. "You're gettingsomething most men only dream about, Donny, so relax and enjoy it."

Donny was between his kneeling mother and Sally, and he began to moanwith excitement.

Marilyn moved her tongue to the base of his cock as Sally sucked at thehead. Scraping her tongue up and down her son's prick, she licked at thestretched lips of the eagerly sucking young girl, then down Donny's cockagain. She ran her tongue about his balls, her eyes constantly onSally's wet lips. She was prepared to race her own mouth up to the headof his cock if Sally jerked away in surprise when Donny came.

Without saying a word, Marilyn and Sally began to switch places on hisballs and cock. As Marilyn sucked his prick, Sally licked almostdelicately at his balls. With her lips wrapped tightly about her son'scock, Marilyn saw Sally had more success with Donny's balls. The littlegirl could take both of them into her wet, hot mouth and suck on them.Sally made low squeals of pleasure as she held his balls inside hermouth, her blue eyes glazed as she watched Marilyn take every inch ofDonny's cock into her mouth.

Again they changed places.

While Sally struggled, with mewling hunger, to take as much of Donny'scock as she could into her mouth, Marilyn licked and sucked at her son'sballs. Underneath his thighs, Sally had moved her hand and pushed it upMarilyn's dress. The hot little girl rubbed at Marilyn's pantied cunt,applying pressure, making Marilyn coo with ecstasy. She had gotten herhand under Sally's panties and was working a finger into that succulent,tight pussy as she sucked her son's balls.

Again, without a word passing between them, Marilyn and Sally began toDonny's hard throbbing cock back and forth, each sucking in turn. WhileSally sucked and licked about the swollen head, Marilyn was licking upand down the shaft. When she had his prick in her mouth, she had toleave enough of her son's cock for Sally to lick. Often, as they passedhis prick between them, they would kiss one another, and this seemed toinflame Donny as much as the two women.

As she sucked Donny's cock with Sally, Marilyn was thinking of the manSally mentioned.

The idea of meeting this man, perhaps inviting him to her home, excitedher. She could experience being fucked by her son and him at the sametime. The idea of feeling a cock thrusting into her cunt and one in hermouth at the same time was exciting. She wondered, with her tonguesliding about Donny's balls, if she could get a prick into her cunt andasshole at the same time. It was certainly something she wanted toattempt. Then, there was Sally too. Perhaps they both take on Donny andthis man that seemed so interested in the little girl.

As she changed places with Sally, taking her son's cock deep into hermouth while the little girl licked at his balls. Marilyn was visualizingtwo hard cocks penetrating her body, or Sally's. There was no doubt thatSally would love to be fucked and suck a cock at the same time. Sallyhad a mind that was as erotic as her own, and she certainly had a hotlittle pussy! She had started sucking on Donny's cock without anysuggestion whatsoever and Marilyn felt Sally would do anything with acock.

Donny was starting to wiggle and squirm, his moans more pronounced. Theybroke through Marilyn's erotic mind and she sensed her son would soon begushing. She sucked harder and faster at his cock, but wanted to be surehis prick was inside Sally's mouth when he came. She wanted to see thelittle girl's reaction. If Sally didn't enjoy it, some of her dreams oferotic sex would disappear. To be absolutely erotic and enjoy sex to thefullest, Marilyn knew a man and woman had to be not only willing, buteager to do almost everything possible with a cunt and cock, to useevery hole available.

Donny was twisting his naked ass about faster now, his groans louder.Marilyn lifted her mouth from his prick and arched it toward Sally'swaiting mouth. Sally closed her hot lips about the swollen head ofDonny's cock and Marilyn did not shove her own mouth to his balls asbefore. With intense eyes, she watched for Sally's reaction when her sonflooded her hot little mouth with come juice. She kept her finger movingin and out of that gripping wet cunt, urging Sally on.

Donny lifted his hips, trying to stuff more of his swollen prick intoSally's sucking mouth. Then, with a grunt of ecstasy, he came.

Marilyn saw Sally's eyes widen as Donny's cock spurted thick, sweet comejuice into her mouth. For just a moment, Sally seemed undecided as towhat she should do and come juice began to escape the tightness of herlips, running along the shaft of Donny's cock. Those blue eyes becameglazed and suddenly Sally gurgled.

Marilyn saw that slim throat work and knew Sally was swallowing Donny'scome juice with excited ecstasy.

Marilyn moved her tongue out to lick away the river of come juice thathad come from Sally's tight lips before she began to swallow, mewlingwith delight. Then without warning,, she pulled her son's cock fromSally's mouth and caught one last squirt of her son's come juice.

Sally was whimpering as she watched Marilyn's lips and tongue suck upthe white juice.

Marilyn felt Sally's tight cunt squeeze about her buried finger, andknew the girl was coming. She rammed her finger in and out of the girl'spussy swiftly, increasing the power of Sally's orgasm as she sucked thehead of her son's cock.

When Donny allowed his ass to fall back, his breathing harsh, Marilynpulled her mouth from his prick. She leaned across her son and kissedSally, taking her finger out of the clasping cunt. Running her tongueabout the girl's lips, she licked away the last traces of Donny's cockjuice.

"Now." Marilyn said, "You two play while I get us something to drink.There's something I want to talk over with you."

When she came back with iced tea, she found her son and Sally holdingeach other, kissing and feeling. She placed the tea on the table andsat, watching them for awhile. Sally had removed her panties and herfrilly dress was about her waist. One pink, small tit was exposed andDonny sucked on it as his hand moved about the tight ass of thewrithing, gasping girl. Sally had a tight grip on Donny's cock, pumpingit excitedly.

Marilyn pulled her dress to her waist and lifted her knees, spreadingthem out. She watched with burning eyes and began to rub at her cunt.Sliding her hand inside the tight crotch of her panties, she moved afinger in and out of her pussy, her eyes burning as she watched her sonand this sweet, young girl.

In her mind she was thinking of the man Sally had mentioned. If heshowed that blatant of an interest in a girl of Sally's age, then therewould be no problem at all.

She watched as Sally began to straddle her son, her creamy little assflashing in the sunlight. Slipping from the chair, she sat on theredwood deck and held her son's cock as Sally moved her fine cunt ontothe head of it.

Leaning over and resting her cheek on her son's thighs, she gazed at thesweet ass, seeing that pink, so very hot and wet cunt fucking Donny'scock. She fondled her son's balls again as Sally bounced up and downwith squeals of pleasure.

She imagines what it would be like with this man Sally talked about, andshe knew it would be good, very good.

She began to make plans, erotic plans in her mind. She twisted at herson's cock gently, watching that tight cunt hold him, sliding up anddown. The tight pucker of Sally's asshole winked at her.

Marilyn moved her head along her son's thighs, and began to run the tipof her tongue about that hot asshole, finding it easy to lick at thatblonde-haired cunt as it moved on Donny's cock.

Marilyn didn't need to hear the squeal of ecstasy coming from Sally toknow the little girl was in orgasm. The flexing of her asshole againsther tongue told her that. As Sally came she raced her cunt up and downDonny's cock so swiftly, Marilyn could hardly lick her asshole. Shovingin tight, she tasted come juice seeping from the tight lips of Sally'scunt, and her mind reeled as a throbbing orgasm ripped through her ownbody.

She kept her mouth pressed against her son's cock and Sally's cunt untilthe two stopped trembling. Then, after giving her son's balls a kiss,and licking the cheeks of Sally's ass, she drew back.

Slapping the little girl on her glowing ass cheek, she said. "Come onyou two. We've got something to do."

Sally turned over, her legs spread wide, her succulent cunt glistening."What are we going to do, Marilyn?" she asked.

Marilyn stood up, gathering her skirt about her waist and doing aplayful bump and grind for them. "That man you mentioned, Sally."

"What about him?" she asked.

"Would you like to fuck him?"

Sally giggled. "I think so."

"Then get your panties on." Marilyn replied, smoothing her skirt overher long thighs. "Donny, put your shorts back on. We're going to townand see if we can find him!"