

Angela's pussy was itching unbearably, itching with desire for a hotfuck. Mike was lying next to her, fast asleep as usual and not in theleast bit interested in filling her cunt with his cock. She needed a bighard prick in the worst way. It had been a week since she had seducedJoey. Mike hadn't suspected a thing, although he had asked her why shewas smiling so much lately. The boys had noticed a change in theirmother's mood too, but no one had any idea that she had seduced the kiddown the street.

The hot fucking Joey had given her that afternoon had satisfied her fora while, but now she was going wild with lust again. It seemed that herexperience with the boy had awakened desires in her that she hadn'treally known before. She dreamed about Joey and the wonderful things hehad done to her. She dreamed of taking his cock in her mouth and suckingit until it grew big and hard. She dreamed of spreading her silky legsfor the kid and letting him sink his turgid prick into her hot cunt. Shedreamed of the wild surges of pleasure that would course through herbody as she came. For the past few days she had been able to think ofnothing but Joey. She hadn't been able to find a safe time to call theboy over for another romp, and her eager pussy continued to smolder.

It was quite late and Angela was unable to sleep. She decided to slipout of bed and go downstairs to watch the late show. It was better to bebored by the boob tube than to lie in bed writhing in unfulfilledpassion next to a husband who could offer her no relief. She slipped ona robe, slipped out of bed and glided silently down the hall to thestairs. She passed Thad's room and suddenly had the strangest feeling.Her pussy suddenly quivered and the nastiest thought passed through herhead.

It suddenly occurred to her that behind that door was a young boy likethe one she had seduced earlier, a young boy who could satisfy herperfectly, a young boy who could learn from her and, at the same time,do the most wonderful things to her hungry cunt. Of course the boybehind that door was her teenage son, but for some strange reason herpussy continued to quiver anyway.

Angela was ashamed of herself. She had actually stopped outside Thad'sbedroom and was thinking lusty thoughts about him, about her own son.She didn't dare feel sexual desire for her son. It was depraved andtaboo, and yet there she was, her pussy steaming as she thought aboutseducing her son. Her experience with Joey had introduced her to a newworld of sexual pleasures. She had never felt as hot, never asdeliciously wicked as she had with Joey. There was something aboutviolating a taboo that made her dizzy with excitement, and nothing wasmore taboo than an older woman having sex with a young boy, unless theyoung boy happened to be her own flesh and blood.

Angela tried to stop herself, but once again she was losing her battlewith her conscience. She felt her hand rising to the doorknob, turningit, pushing the door open. She had to slip into the boy's room. Shewould try not to do anything that she shouldn't do, but she had to atleast look in on her son. She peeked in and saw that he was fast asleep.His bedroom window was open and his bed was bathed in moonlight. Shesilently stepped closer and stood over the sleeping young boy. He lookedeven more innocent than usual lying there.

Angela tried to control herself, but it was impossible. She was too hot.She reached out and gently touched Thad's forehead. Her fingers traileddown over his cheek and brushed his lips. She couldn't help imagininghow her son's lips would feel pressing against the tingling bud of herclit. Thad was wearing only his pajama bottoms. His sheet was drawn upover his chest. She couldn't resist the temptation to uncover him. Sheslowly drew his crisp white sheet down around his waist.

The hot-assed mother trembled with excitement as she uncovered her son'ssleeping body. She stood motionless for a moment or two, tryingdesperately to fight the urge to touch him. She felt her hand moving tohis chest, felt her fingers gently moving over his soft skin from hischest down to his stomach. She dared to bend over him and plant a lovingkiss on his lower stomach near the waistband of his pajamas. It wasn'tenough. She had to see the rest of his body.

It had been some time since Angela had seen her son naked. She wonderedhow big his cock had grown, and her uncontrollable lust drove her tosatisfy her curiosity. She pulled Thad's sheet down to the foot of hisbed and carefully unfastened his pajamas. Her fingers trembled as sheunsnapped his pajamas. She stared between her son's legs as more andmore of his groin became visible. She spread his pajamas open, daring toexpose his cock to her lusty gaze.

Angela's cunt was on fire, and the fire grew hotter and hotter by thesecond. She let her fingers run through the sparse growth of curly blackpubic hair between her son's legs. She tried desperately to draw herhand away, but it was too late. She hoped she wouldn't awaken the boy.How would she explain to him what she was doing to him if he awakened?She knew how dangerous the situation was, but by now she was completelyout of control.

Angela sat on the edge of her son's bed and stared at the part of himthat she had exposed, stared as no woman dared stare at her own son. Herfingers tingled as she ran them around in the hair between his legs. Hiscock was resting against his leg. She was amazed that it had grown solong and thick. He was only a teenager and already his prick was aslarge as a man's. By the time he was grown up, she thought, his cockwould be huge, more than big enough to satisfy any woman. His cock wasalready big enough to satisfy his mother.

The lusty mother wrapped her long silky fingers around the young boy'ssleeping cock and lifted it away from his leg. She felt the warmth ofhis young cock soaking into her hand. Her belly fluttered and her cunttwitched with excitement and fear as she held her son's prick in herhand.

Angela was fascinated by Thad's youthful cock. She couldn't help wantingto see Thad's cock grow hard in her hand. She couldn't help wanting tofeel it Jerking and throbbing against her loving fingers. She wanted toup over his chest. She couldn't resist the temptation to uncover him. Sheslowly drew his crisp white sheet down around his waist.

The hot-assed mother trembled with excitement as she uncovered her son'ssleeping body. She stood motionless for a moment or two, tryingdesperately to fight the urge to touch him. She felt her hand moving tohis chest, felt her fingers gently moving over his soft skin from hischest down to his stomach. She dared to bend over him and plant a lovingkiss on his lower stomach near the waistband of his pajamas. It wasn'tenough. She had to see the rest of his body.

It had been some time since Angela had seen her son naked. She wonderedhow big his cock had grown, and her uncontrollable lust drove her tosatisfy her curiosity. She pulled Thad's sheet down to the foot of hisbed and carefully unfastened his pajamas. Her fingers trembled as sheunsnapped his pajamas. She stared between her son's legs as more andmore of his groin became visible. She spread his pajamas open, daring toexpose his cock to her lusty gaze.

Angela's cunt was on fire, and the fire grew hotter and hotter by thesecond. She let her fingers run through the sparse growth of curly blackpubic hair between her son's legs. She tried desperately to draw herhand away, but it was too late. She hoped she wouldn't awaken the boy.How would she explain to him what she was doing to him if he awakened?She knew how dangerous the situation was, but by now she was completelyout of control.

Angela sat on the edge of her son's bed and stared at the part of himthat she had exposed, stared as no woman dared stare at her own son. Herfingers tingled as she ran them around in the hair between his legs. Hiscock was resting against his leg. She was amazed that it had grown solong and thick. He was only a teenager and already his prick was aslarge as a man's. By the time he was grown up, she thought, his cockwould be huge, more than big enough to satisfy any woman. His cock wasalready big enough to satisfy his mother.

The lusty mother wrapped her long silky fingers around the young boy'ssleeping cock and lifted it away from his leg. She felt the warmth ofhis young cock soaking into her hand. Her belly fluttered and her cunttwitched with excitement and fear as she held her son's prick in herhand.

Angela was fascinated by Thad's youthful cock. She couldn't help wantingto see Thad's cock grow hard in her hand. She couldn't help wanting tofeel it Jerking and throbbing against her loving fingers. She wanted towatch it lengthen and fill with pounding blood. His cock would be somuch more useful to her than her husband's, so much more capable ofbringing the flashes of pleasure that she longed to feel in her blazingpussy.

Angela had to kiss Thad's delicious looking cock. She had to put herlips where no mother was supposed to kiss her son. She held her breathas she bent between the boy's legs and pressed her lips against the headof his prick. She had intended to make the kiss a quick one, but thewarmth of his cock against her lips changed her mind. She opened herlips and sucked the head of Thad's cock into her mouth.

The woman's heart raced as she ran her tongue around the soft head ofher child's cock. She sucked ever so gently, being careful not to scrapehis sensitive cockhead with her teeth. She dared not awaken the sleepingboy. She glanced at his face as she gently sucked and tongued his cock,watching for any sign that he might be stirring from sleep. She didn'tthink he was waking up, but she knew that his cock was.

Angela felt the boy's prick grow bigger and fatter in her mouth. She wasgiving him a hard-on in his sleep. She was actually making the boy'scock stiffen, making her own boy's f cock harder and harder by thesecond. She Almost fainted when she felt his cock growing until itfilled her mouth. She sucked harder, moving her tongue faster and fasterover and around his swelling cockhead.

Angela dared to reach her hand between Thad's smooth young legs andfondle the boy's balls as she sucked and tongued his stiff prick. Sheknew that Thad's balls were full of cum. She knew that a few minutes ofher expert sucking would make his balls hot beyond belief. She moved theboy's cum-filled nuts around in their sac, dividing them with herfingers, weighing them. She longed to feel them writhing as they pumpedout their load of hot cum. She wondered how long she could keep her sonin such an excited state without waking him.

The hot-assed mother slipped her free hand between her legs and beganstroking the quivering flesh of her naked cunt. She was already wet withpassion. Her fingers ran over the flesh of her cuntlips, making herpussy juice flow freely. Her fingers slipped easily into herwell-lubricated cunt. She began jabbing her finger in and out of hertrembling cunthole. Her cunt clutched at her fingers clutched as if tosuck them deeper into her pussy. She wished that her fingers could bereplaced by the hard young cock of her sleeping young son. She wanted tocrouch on his prick and take it right up her cunt, but she didn't dare,at least not yet.

Angela took her hand away from her son's cum-laden balls and let hiscock slip out of her sucking mouth. Her lips made a wet slurping soundwhen the head of the boy's rock-hard cock pulled out of hersucking-mouth. His prick was oozing crystal clear preseminal fluid,slippery fluid which she smeared over the head of his cock with herthumb. She wrapped her fingers around his rigid cock and began slowlyJerking him off, squeezing his shaft and making droplets of slipperypre-cum ooze from the head of his cock.

Angela thought she would faint when she saw the boy stirring in his bed.She almost pulled her hand away from her cunt and unfastened her fingersfrom around his cock, but something stopped her. The same urge that hadmade her seduce Joey was about to make her seduce her son.

Thad had felt something happening between his legs even while he wassleeping. He had had dreams before that drove him wild. He dreamed aboutwomen sucking this cock spreading their legs for him many times, and hehad awakened in the morning with a big wet spot on his sheet where hehad shot his wad during the night. He had always wondered what hismother thought about those wet spots when she did the laundry. He wassure that he was about to shoot his wad again, but this time there wassomething a bit different.

He opened his eyes and shook his head. He had to be dreaming. He lookeddown and saw a hand, a real flesh-and-blood hand, working up and down onhis rock-hard cock. When he looked up and saw his mother's smiling face,he almost pissed.

"Mom!" the boy gasped, staring wild-eyed.

The boy sat up in bed and stared in amazement. His gaze flashed from hislovely mother's face to his cock and back again. He couldn't believe it.His mother was actually sitting there beside him her hand moving up anddown on the biggest harden he had ever had in his young life. The smileon her face was unlike any smile he had ever seen on his mother's facebefore. It was the smile he had always imagined on the faces of thelusty women and girls who fastened their lips around his cock and openedtheir hot pussies for him. He was more confused than he had ever beenbefore.

"Gosh, Mom, what... what are you doing?" the young kid asked inamazement as he watched her play with his rampant hard-on.

"What do you think I'm doing, Thad darling?" Angela asked sweetly.

"I... I don't know, Mom! I guess you're jackin' me off!" Thad rasped.

"That's right, darling. That's exactly what I'm doing. Does it feelgood?"

"Uh... yeah, it feels great, Mom! But... uh... I don't get it.You're my mom."

"Yes, I know, darling. Isn't it nasty? Your mother is squeezing your bighard cock and making you all horny," the hot-assed woman said wickedly.

"But why, Mom?" the boy asked in a dry voice, feeling his balls achingwith pleasure.

"Why? I simply couldn't resist temptation any longer, Thad," Angelasaid, her cunt seething with desire. "I've been so horny lately. Mylittle pussy has been itching. I need a big hard cock to satisfy me,Thad!"

"A... a big hard... " he stumbled. "But what about... what aboutDad? I mean... uh... don't you and him..."

"Not any more, Thad. I'm afraid your father doesn't have it any more!He's so busy with his business that he just doesn't have the time or theenergy to satisfy me any more. Don't you understand, darling?"

Thad didn't really understand, but he nodded anyway. All he understoodat the moment was that his lovely mother was driving him wild! She wasdoing maddening things to his cock and balls with her silken hands,things that Thad had only imagined in his wildest dreams. She didn'tseem to have any intention of stopping what she was doing to him, eventhough she had admitted that what she was doing was wrong.

"You poor darling! You must be terribly confused by all of this. Justtry to relax, Thad. Just try to enjoy all the things I'm going to do toyou, darling. I'm sure you'll find yourself loosening up soon. Justremember that your mother knows what's good for your darling. Justremember that I wouldn't do anything to hurt you. We can have all sortsof wonderful fun together, Thad."

Thad's body jerked when his mother ran her thumb over the glisteninghead of his cock. A shock ran through his body, making his musclesstiffen when she moved her thumb over the super-sensitive knob of hisprick.

"Did that feel good, Thad?" his mother asked, smiling warmly at herinnocent young son.

"G-gosh yeah!" the boy replied in a dry voice.

"Do you play with yourself often, Thad?" she asked.

"Huh?" he asked in amazement, his face flushing.

"Don't be embarrassed, darling! You have nothing to hide from yourmother, not any more. you can tell me anything. We're going to be veryclose from now on, Thad, very, very close! Now tell me, son, do you playwith your cock? Do you masturbate?"

"Uh, yeah, I guess... " the kid admitted, looking away from hislovely mother's glittering eyes.

"Do you jerk off until your cum shoots out of your cock?" she asked,tasting her salacious words on the tip of her tongue.Thad nodded weakly.

"Do you do it often, Thad? Don't be ashamed, lover! All boys masturbate.Be honest with me now." she smiled sweetly, her hot pussy tinglingbetween her legs as she questioned her son.

"I do it two or three times a day some days," the boy said.

"Ummmmmmmm!" Angela said. "Then you must be a very horny young man! Ialways knew our sons would be horny and eager for sex. Your fatheralways used to love to fuck. And you know how hot I am!" She giggled,raising her negligee and turning so that her astonished son could seeher fingers still working in between the lips of her dripping cunt.

"Mom! My God! Wow! Are you... uh... are you..."

"Yes, I'm masturbating! I'm making my pussy feel just wonderful. I'vebeen masturbating while I've been sitting here with you. I've beenplaying with my cunt while I played with your beautiful cock and balls.Now what do you think of that?"

The boy stared between his mother's long lithe legs. He watched herfingers moving against the seething flesh of her naked cunt. He watchedher moving the raggedy lips of her pussy. Her pussy seemed to be alivebetween her lithe legs, seemed to be moving with a force all its own.Her cunt was dripping with juice, juice that glistened on her movingfingers. It was his mother's cunt that he was staring at, and she wasfreely exposing it to him.

"It feels so good," she breathed. "Do you like the way my fingers feelmoving over your cock, lover?"

"Oh, yeah! I sure do!" he rasped.

"Have you ever felt a woman's hand on your cock?""Uh uh," he said hoarsely.

"Haven't you asked a girl to play with your prick?" -

"Uh, I wanted to, but.. uh... I always got kinda scared!"

"You won't ever have to be scared any more, Thad. I'll teach youeverything you need to know about sex. You'll have all the sex you canhandle. You'll learn how to make girls happy and they will be all overyou!"

"Yeah! And how!" the boy said, his balls aching, his cock jerking in hismother's warm hand.

"Your cock is just beautiful, Thad, so long and thick, and so hard! Ijust have to kiss it! You don't mind do you?"

"K-kiss it? You really gonna do that, Mom?"

"Of course, darling! I'll do more than kiss it, son!'

Thad stared in disbelief when his luscious mother bent over his achingcock and planted a wet kiss on the naked head. She held his jerking cockin her hand, making it stand straight up from his groin. He felt hisbody jerk when her lips made contact with his tightly swollen cockhead.The warmth of her mouth soaked into his naked cock and went straight tohis balls. It wasn't enough that he was feeling a woman's lips on hiscock for the first time. These were his mother's lips. He was almostdizzy with excitement as she planted kisses up and down the slipperyshaft of his cock.

"Ummmmmmm! Your cock is delicious, Thad! It's so slippery. I've neverseen a cock ooze so much fuck juice. I just love the taste it. It's sohot and salty. I have to have more. Do you mind if I give you a blowjob, son?"

"A blow job? You mean you're gonna suck my cock?"

"I'm going to suck it until you shoot your cum right down my throat,darling boy! I'm going to drain every last drop of jizz out of yourbeautiful big balls!"

Thad almost passed out when his mother opened her mouth as wide as shecould and wrapped her wet lips around the head of his jerking cock. Hehad heard the guys talk about having their cocks sucked, although hedoubted that any of them had really had it done to them. But he washaving it, and he was having it done by his mother. Just the thought ofwhat was happening to him was almost enough to make him shoot his wad.

Angela's heart beat faster and faster. Her cunt fluttered as her fingerscontinued to move between her legs. She was sucking her son's cock. Shewas licking and sucking it until it swelled to enormous proportionsinside her lovely mouth. She felt the swollen knob of it pressingagainst the roof of her mouth. She felt the rock-hard shaft scrapingagainst her teeth as she took more and more of it down her throat.

"Oh, shit! That feels good, Mom! I didn't know it would feel this good!I don't believe this is really happening'! I gotta be dreaming! My mom'ssuckin' my cock! Oh, wow! This is somethin' else!" the horny boy rasped.

Thad watched his mother's silken cheeks swell as the knob of his cockpushed into her mouth and down her throat. He felt her cheeks sucking athis naked hard-on. He felt her throat clutching at his big hard prick asit went deeper and deeper into her mouth. He could feel his slipperypre-cum oozing from his cockhead as she sucked it. Every time a dropletsof lubricating fluid oozed from his piss-slit, he felt a spasm ofpleasure deep in his balls. He knew that his nuts would explode at anyminute if she kept sucking at his cock.

"Mom, I think something's gonna happen if you keep doin' that to me. Ithink the stuff's gonna come out of my cock. you... you really wantme to... to come in your mouth?" the boy asked his lascivious mother.

Angela answered her son's question by bobbing her lovely mouth up anddown on his rigid cock. Her hair flew as she sucked on his sensitiveprick. With each upward motion, she almost let the head of her son'scock pull from her sucking lips. With each plunge downward, she took hisprick all the way down her grasping throat until she nearly gagged onthe swollen shaft.

"Wow, Mom! That feels so good! Suck me, Mom! Oh, yeah! It feels great!Keep doin' it, Mom!" the boy rasped, flexing the hard young muscles ofhis ass and driving his rock-hard cock deeper and deeper into his sexymother's mouth and throat.

Thad felt the cum swelling his hot young balls. The sensations hishot-assed mother inspired in his cock and bans were driving him wildwith pleasure. His cock kicked and jerked as his mother worked on itwith her lips and tongue. His balls seethed in their sac as if with alife of their own. He felt his orgasm building in his balls. He knewthat in a matter of seconds he would be shooting his mother's mouth fullof hot cum. He found it hard to believe that his mother wanted him tocome in her face, but from the way she sucked his cock harder andharder, that seemed to be exactly what she had in mind.

"I'm gonna do it, Mom! I'm gonna shoot! Oh, fuck! Suck me, Mom! Suck mycock! I'm coming!" the boy grunted as his hot cum blasted through theshaft of his rigid prick.

Angela almost fainted when she felt her son pumping his jism into hersucking throat. She reached down and grabbed his hot balls, squeezingthem as they emptied their hot cum into her throat. She squeezed themhard as spurt after spurt of steaming cum pumped into her mouth. Shefelt her son's hard young body shaking as his orgasm wracked his balls.His legs stiffened. His buttocks flexed, forcing his spurting cock allthe way down her throat. He put his hands on his mother's head and heldher over his prick. Angela was thrilled at the eagerness with which heaccepted her loving attentions. She could tell by the way his bodytensed that this was the best orgasm the boy had yet experienced, andshe had brought it all about.

The horny mother almost strangled on the huge volume of jism he shotinto her throat. She swallowed and swallowed, and he kept spurting andspurting. She couldn't believes that a young boy's balls could hold somuch cum. Angela grabbed his balls and squeezed a his cum shot out ofhis cock. She greedily sucked at his spurting prick until she haddrained his balls dry. She let his half-hard cock pull out of her sweetmouth and wrapped her long loving fingers around it. She smiled up athim, playfully rubbing her thumb against the spit-slickened underside ofhis cockhead making his body jerk with each stroke of her thumb.

"Wasn't that nice, Thad?" she asked her young son.

"Gosh, yeah, Mom! it was great! But... isn't this kinda..."

"Dirty? Is that the word you're looking for?"

"I... I guess, Mom."

"Well, darling, I suppose it is a bit dirty, deliciously dirty. That'swhat makes it so much fun. Just think, darling, your mother has justsucked the cum right out of your cock. And there are many more wonderfulthings your mother can do for you."

"There are?" the boy asked in an excited whisper.

"There are many forbidden pleasures yet to be explored, darling! My cuntis just dripping at the very thought of them. See?" she breathed,opening her legs wide and letting her son have a good long look at herseething pussy.

"You want me to... to look at your... your cunt?" he gasped.

"I want you to look at it, Thad. And I want you to touch it. I even wantyou to kiss it, lover! I want you to eat me! Do you understand?" Angelasmiled wickedly.

The horny boy nodded weakly. His cock was already rock-hard again. Justlooking at his mother's exposed cunt made his cock rise to attention andjerk between his young legs again.

"Why don't you just bury your handsome face between my legs like a goodlittle boy and lick your mother's hot cunt?" Angela suggested, reachingbetween her spread legs and manipulating the hot lips of her cunt.

Young Thad did as he was told. He moved his face closer and closer tohis lusty mother's steaming cunt. He could feel the heat of her pussywarming his lips as he moved closer to her crotch. She opened her legseven wider for him. He heard her making little moans of pleasure as hislips came closer to her cunt.


"Oh, Thad! Yes, darling! Kiss me there!" Angela gasped when she felt herson's eager lips trembling against her naked cunt. "Oh, darling! Youdon't know how wonderful that feels! Kiss me there, right there!" shebreathed, pointing to the bud of her tingling clit.

The willing young boy pressed his lips against her clit. She reacheddown and spread the raggedy lips of her cunt open to allow him to betterreach her blazing clit. Thad kissed her gently at first, but when shebegan to writhe in ecstasy, his kisses became hotter and harder. Hewrapped his lips around the turgid little bud of flesh between her legsand sucked at her clit, making her body shiver.

"Oh, son, I love it! Lick me! Use your tongue on my cunt! Make my juicesflow! Do you like the taste of me?"

"And how! You taste great!" the boy rasped.

"Lick me harder, darling! Lick the lips of my cunt! Yesss! That's theway, darling boy! You're making me so hot, so fucking hot! No one hasever made me so hot, Thad!"

"Not even Dad?" Thad asked in amazement.

"No one, darling," she moaned, wrapping her legs around his shouldersand holding his face against her dripping hot cunt. "Put you tongue inme! Please! Put your tongue in my cunt! Oh, yes! I love you, Thad! Moveyou tongue in my pussy! Stiffen your tongue and use it like a littlecock!" she cried.

Thad pushed his tongue into the rosy little slit between his mother'slegs. He felt her cunt clutching at his tongue, sucking it into hedeeper and deeper. He pushed it in as far as he could and began movingit inside her, flicking the tip of it around inside her sucking pussy.She seemed to like everything he did to her, and he knew that he likedeverything she was doing to him. He still found it hard to believe thathis mother was giving her cunt to him, but if she was so willing, he hadto assume that it was all right.

The taste and hot feminine scent of his mother's cunt was driving himwild. Eating pussy was like nothing he had ever experienced before. Themore he licked and sucked her steaming cunt, the hotter it got and themore pussy juice flowed.

"Oh, Thad! I want to suck your cock again! I need a big hard prick in mymouth! I need to feel it jerking deep in my throat. I want to feel itkicking inside my throat and filling me with hot meat! I want to suckyou while you eat my pussy!"

With that, Angela swung into a sixty-nine position and eagerly wrappedher loving lips around her son's cock. She felt his body jerkuncontrollably when she sucked his naked cock into her mouth. She ranher tongue up and down it while she sucked him, making it harder andharder all the time. She began to bob up and down on his big hard prick,taking it all the way down her throat with each thrust. The boy flexedthe hard muscles of his ass and drove his prick in and out of her mouthwith a youthful passion.

"Suck it Mom! Suck my cock!" the horny kid rasped.

"Tell me how much you want it, Thad! Tell me how you want it!" shecried, letting his cock pull from her mouth for a moment, and thenplunging back down on it again.

"I want it all right, Mom! Suck my cock! Suck that fucking thing! Takeit all the way! Squeeze my balls too, Mom! oh, shit! This is wild! Suckme"

Angela sucked wildly on her boy's stiff cock. She let him lick and suckher cunt until she couldn't stand it any more. She had to have a bighard cock buried in her cunt. She had to let her son fuck her. She knewhow taboo it was to give herself to her child, but she had to do it. Shehad to experience the ultimate act of depravity. Her cunt was beggingfor his cock, begging to be filled with a hot pulsating prick.

"Gosh, Mom! Don't stop suckin' now! I'm about ready to shoot again!"Thad whined when his mother pulled her mouth off hi cock.

"But I have something even more exciting in mind for you, Thad. I wantyou to put that big beautiful cock to even better use, lover. I want youto put it in my cunt! Will you do that? Will you fuck me?" she asked ina voice drip ping with honey.

"You want me to... to fuck my own mother?" he asked in amazement.

"Yes, darling! Doesn't it sound wicked? I want you to know what wonderfulthings my pussy can do for your cock. I want to make you forget all thesilly taboos and enjoy yourself with me. I want you to fuck and fuckuntil we can't stand up any more, Thad!"

"Yeah, Mom! I'll do it! I'll fuck you! Bet... uh... will you tellme if I'm not doing it right? I've never done it before."

"I know you haven't done it before, darling. I'll be the first woman tospread her legs for you. You mustn't worry about a thing. I'm sureyou'll fuck me like a man. You'll learn quickly and satisfy meperfectly. I know my son. Take me, lover! I'm all yours!" she cooed,lying on her back and raising her spread-legs for him.

Angela boldly beckoned her son to come to her. She saw his long hardcock kicking like a stallion in front of him. She saw his prick standingup straight and strong from his loins and wondered how it would feelplunging in and out of her juicy cunt. She reached out and took his cockin her warm hand, pulling him toward her.

"Fuck me, Thad! Show me what a stud you are! I want that big beautifulcock! I want it so!"

Thad eagerly mounted her and began poking his rigid cock nervouslyagainst her. Angela had to reach down and guide his jerking prick to itstarget. She gasped when she felt the animal heat of his young cocksoaking into her eager cunt.

"Did I hurt you, Mom?" he asked, hearing her sharp intake of breath.

"No, darling, it feels wonderful! Your cock is so hot against my cunt!It's so hard and lovely! Put it in me! Shove that cock right up yourmother's fucking cunt!" she cried.

Thad closed his eyes and bucked his ass, driving his distended cock intoher juicy pussy all the way to his balls in one hard thrust. He felt hercunt sucking at his sensitive prick as soon as he had entered her. Hefelt the muscles of her pussy working against his swollen hardon, makingshocks and tingles race up and down it all the way from the base to thehead. He had never imagined that a woman's cunt would feel as good asthis. It felt as if a thousand tongues were licking his cock, as if athousand hands were massaging it.

Angela cried out in pleasure when she felt her son's man-sized cock pushinto her hot wet cunt. She felt his swollen prick fill her cunt withjerking meat, stretching her pussy as it hadn't been stretched in years.She looked up and saw her son staring at her naked tits as he pushed hiscock into her. She crushed her huge tits together and rubbed her thumbsover the tingling nipples.

"My nipples are so stiff! I'm so hot! Do you like my nipples?"

"I love 'em, Mom! I love all of you!" he rasped, pushing his cock in andout of her clutching cunt.

"Does your cock feel good inside me?" she asked, her cunt musclessqueezing the boy's impaled prick.

"Oh, yeah! It's real hot and wet in there, Mom! I didn't think fuckin'would be like this! I could do this all the time!"

"I know you could, Thad. And you will. Your prick feels so good upinside me, so hard and hot! Oh, yes! It's so good! It's stretching me,making me drip! I love it! Fuck me, son!" she moaned, her cunt blazingwith lust.

"Take it, Mom! Take my cock up there! Can I move it faster? I wanna fuckyou faster, Mom!" the kid grunted, his balls on fire.

"Oh, God, yes! As fast as you want! Do anything you want to me!"

The boy began driving his distended cock in and out of her cunt harderand faster. His balls slapped against his mother's wet crotch with eachthrust into her pussy. His cock made wet sucking sounds as it punched inand out of her dripping cunt. He felt a kind of electrical excitementbuilding in every fiber of his young body, a charge that seemed to beconcentrated right between his tense young legs.

Angela reached behind her son and grabbed his firm butt, pulling himcloser to her, squeezing the cheeks of his ass as he fucked her. The boyfelt her long fingernails digging into his skin. He felt her legswrapping around him, holding him tightly to her. He held himself overher at first, but as he grew more and more excited, he lowered his bodyonto hers. He felt her naked tits crushing up against his hard chest,the same tits he had sucked as a baby. Her breath was hot and moistagainst his cheek.

"Harder, Thad!" she whispered excitedly. "I want everything you've got,every hard fucking inch of it! Fill me with cock! Make me feel it allthe way up inside my belly! Oh, yesssss!"

"I'm gonna shoot it pretty soon, Mom!" the boy gasped. "Is it all rightor do you want me to pull it out first?"

"Don't pull it out, darling! I want you to shoot my cunt full of cum! Iwant to feel it blasting inside me! I want it to fill me! Oh, God? I'mhot! I'm so fucking hot! Fuck the piss out of me! Come in me! Emptythose beautiful balls into me! I'm coming, son! I'm coming! Fuckmeeeee!"

Thad felt his mother's silken body stiffen beneath him. She seemed to gointo a momentary trance, closing her eyes and becoming suddenly still.He saw her body shaking a moment later. He felt her cunt tighten evenmore around the thick shaft of his cock. The squeezing sensation wasmore than he could take without shooting his wad. When he heard herutter a shrill cry of pure delight, he had to let his cum shoot throughthe shaft of his hard cock.

"Oh, fuck! Sheeeeit! I'm shootin' it, Mom! Oh, yeah, take it! I'mshootin' my cum in my mother's cunt!" the horny boy moaned as he filledher with steaming cum.

Thad thought his cock would never stop shooting. It was as if all thetension that had built up in his body had suddenly discharged throughhis aching prick. His balls spasmed, sending blast after blast of jisminto his mother's sucking cunt. Her pussy seemed to milk his balls,squeezing every last drop of hot thick cum out of him.

Angela felt her son's jizz shooting into her pussy. She felt each shotspurting against the inner walls of her cunt, filling her with balm. Theboy's cock swelled suddenly inside her just before he shot off, and justat the moment of her own body-wracking orgasm. She was thrilled that shehad been able to bring her son off at the same time she had experiencedher flash of pure pleasure. Sharing an orgasm with her son was the mostmoving experience she had ever had.

"Oh, Thad! Thad, my beautiful stud! It was so good. No one has everfucked me as beautifully as you just did. Do you realize that, darling?"she said as they held each other in a warm embrace.

"Gosh, Mom! Was I really that good?"

"Words can't describe how good you were, Thad. And you've never fucked awoman before?" she asked, fondling the boy's half-hard cock.

"Gosh, no, Mom! I've always been kinda scared to ask a girl to let me."

"But you won't be afraid any more, will you, lover?"

"Hell, no!" the boy said excitedly.

"I'm sure you're quite capable of satisfying any girl you might beattracted to, darling. Of course, you still need a bit more practice,but before long your mother will help you become quite the expert atfucking! Would you like motor lessons, Thad?" She smiled, squeezing hiscock until it was almost rockhard again.

"Shit, yeah I wanna do it again!" the kid said, trying to mount hishot-assed mother again.

"Wait, darling! There are many other stimulating positions for fucking.I'll show you some of them. But first, let's take a shower together!doesn't that sound like good clean fun?"

"Wow! Yeah! Can I... uh... can I rub soap on your cunt, Mom?"

"Of course, Thad! You can wash my pussy and I can do the same to yourcock and balls. I'm sure that by the time we finish showering, we'll beso hot and horny that we'll be able to fuck all night!" She smiled,reaching between her legs and rubbing the hot gash of her cunt.

"All right! Let's go, Mom! I'm ready!" Thad said, jumping up from thebed and taking his mother's hand.

"We must be very quiet, darling. We mustn't wake anybody! I don't thinkyour father would understand if he found out what we've been doingtogether. This has to be our little secret."

Thad opened the door and led his mother quietly down the hall to thebathroom. They closed the door silently behind them and Angela steppedinto the shower with her teenage son. The shower spray tingled theirskin as it fell on their naked backs, stimulating and refreshing them,and making them horny beyond belief. Angela began rubbing a bar of soapover her son's strong young chest. Her busy hands moved down over hisstomach all the way to the boy's groin. She lathered his groin until itlooked like a cream pie between his legs. His cock stuck straight upbetween his legs, the head of it purplish and swollen with lust. Angeladropped a handful of lather onto the hard head of her son's prick andfell to her knees, looking up at him with a wicked smile.

"You sure know how to make a guy feel good. Look at my cock standing upstraight. My balls feel like they're gonna blow up right now."

"I know, lover boy. I love to make you feel hot and horny. You'renaturally horny, darling. You must have an endless supply of cum betweenyour legs, stud. Let me just wash your cock and balls for you, darling,just like I did for you when you were a baby."

Angela wrapped her fingers around his rigid prick and began working herhand up and down on his soapy cock shaft. She cupped the kid's wet ballswith her other hand and began rubbing his balls gently until they werecovered with lather. Her hand slipped up and down easily on the boy'ssoapy cock. His nuts writhed in their sac as they grew hotter and hotterunder her expert influence.

"Squeeze 'em, Mom! Squeeze my balls! God that's great!"

When Thad leaned back against the shower wall, Angela brushed the soapoff the hard knob of his cock and planted a warm wet kiss on it. Sheflicked the tip of her tongue over the piss-slit of his prick and aroundthe helmet shaped knob. She felt her son's body jerk when she fastenedher lips around the head of his cock and began sucking with a passion.Her lips and tongue worked on the boy's rigid cock until he had tothrust his prick in and out of his mother's warm mouth. He flexed themuscles of his hard ass and buried his cock in her sweet sucking throat.His prick moved in and out of her mouth harder and faster by the second.He would have shot a heavy wad of cum down her throat if she hadn'tpulled away just as he reached the brink of his orgasm.

Thad stared at his lusty mother as she fell on her back and parted herlong lithe legs for him. The shower spray fell on her naked tits, makingher nipples stand up in little peaks of lusthardened flesh. Water randown between her tits, down over her stomach and between her legs. Asthe boy stared, she dipped her hand between her legs and beganmanipulating the lips of her wet cunt. She rubbed her clit and madeherself wild with passion. She saw her son grab his prick and pump it upand down as he stared at her lascivious display.

"Can I fuck you again, Mom? I'm all ready. My cock's aching again, Mom.I wanna stick it in your cunt again! Is it okay?"

"Fuck me from behind, darling!" Angela said, getting to her knees andbending over, exposing her naked ass and the rosy flesh of her steamingcunt.

"From behind, Mom? Right here in the shower?" the boy asked.

"Yes, darling, step right up behind me and poke that big fat cock rightinto my cunt. Get on your knees with me and fuck the piss out of me!Treat me like a bitch in heat, lover! Make me scream for it! Give it tome! Right here! Right now! Take me!" she cried, her cunt twitching withpure delight.

The young boy did as he was told, and did it with all the eagerness ofyouth. He got into position behind his hot-assed mother and slipped histurgid prick between the open lips of her cunt. He felt her cuntgrasping his soapy cock tightly, squeezing it, working hard against thesensitive flesh until he thought he would pass out with overwhelmingpleasure. The boy banged away at his mother's cunt. His balls slappedhard against her wet cunt as he fucked her just the way she wanted it.The little cries of pleasure she made spurred him on, making him hotterand hotter. Her body shook as he rocked back and forth against her.

"Oh, God, yes! Yesssss!" she cried. "It's so beautiful! Fuck me hard!Oh, son, you're stretching my cunt! You're so big and hard! Oh, God,yes! Grab my tits! That's right, Thad! Squeeze your mother's tits whileyou fuck her! You're doing such wonderful things to me! I love it!" shemoaned, her nipples tingling when the boy reached down and beganfondling her tits.

"I'm gonna shoot it, Mom! I'm gonna come in your cunt! Take it in there!Take my cum in there!" Thad grunted as his balls exploded between hisstriving legs.

Angela felt the rush of her orgasm through her body when her sonunloaded his cum in her sucking cunt. Her cunt spasmed again and again,bringing her sensations that made her see stars. Her body quaked as herorgasm tore through her. She felt her son's cum spraying against theinner walls of her pussy.

Thad fell against his mother as his cock pumped her full of hot jism.His body went suddenly weak for a moment. He felt his mother's cuntsucking the cum right out of his cock, emptying his young balls.

"Thad, darling, you've learned so much so quickly! I'm just thrilled!"Angela smiled at her son as she dried his cock and balls after theirshower. "Your cock never seems to tire of fucking. Just look, son,you're hard again already! Do you think you're up to one more fucktonight?"

"Shit, yeah, Mom! I'll fuck you all night! I'll fuck you every night ofthe week!" Thad said, ready to sink his cock into his mother's juicycunt again.

"I love it! You're so young and eager! Come with me to your room, lover.We have a busy night of fucking and sucking and other delights ahead ofus," Angela said, leading her boy down the hall by his hard cock. "Bevery quiet, Thad. I can't imagine what would happen if your brother oryour father found out about our little secret!"


It was happening again. For the fourth time that week, Thad and hismother were sneaking into Thad's room at night after everyone else wassupposed to be asleep. Sometimes-they even stayed in that room togetherall night. Randy wondered what was going on. Whatever it was, they werekeeping it a big secret. Randy had asked his younger brother about hismother's nightly visits, but he had acted kind of scared and had avoidedanswering the question. He had wanted to ask his mother what was goingon, but from the way Thad had reacted to his questioning, Randy haddecided it was best to try finding out in some other way.

Randy had noticed a difference in his mother's attitude lately. Sheseemed happier all of a sudden and a lot easier to get along with. Therewas something unusual about the way she and Thad acted when they weretogether too. It was as if they were communicating without talkingsomehow, as if they shared some big secret that no one else knew about.Randy had to find out what was happening, and this was going to be thenight.

He had listened at the door until he heard his mother slip quietly intoThad's room. He waited a few minutes and then tiptoed silently down thehall to the room. He fell to his knees and peered through the keyhole.What he saw made his mouth fall open in shock.

They were both stark naked. His brother and his mother were standing bythe side of Thad's bed embracing. Their naked bodies were pressedtogether. Their hands roved over each other, touching everywhere. Theywere kissing too, kissing each other on the lips. It was too much.

Randy almost fell over when Thad stepped back and he saw the big hardenthat was jutting up between his legs. His mother had done that to him.Thad's hard cock had been pressing up against his mother's thigh. Whenshe boldly reached out and wrapped her fingers around his brother'sstiff cock, Randy knew why they had been hiding.

The boy couldn't help staring at his mother's naked form. Her tits werebig, luscious-looking double handfuls of flesh that the boy couldn'thelp wanting to feel for himself. Her nipples stood out from hergoose-pimpled aureoles in hard little peaks that seemed to beg to benibbled and sucked. She turned toward the door just a bit and Randycould see the patch of cunt hair between her legs. It was no wonder thatThad had a rip-roaring hardon. In fact, Randy was getting a hard-onhimself as he watched his mother and his kid brother getting it on.

Randy's young cock grew bigger and bigger in his pajamas as he watched.He watched his brother sit on the edge of the bed, his big cock jerkinghot and hard between his legs. Their mother moved close to Thad andoffered her tits to him, lifting them in her hands. He watched Thadfasten his eager lips around his mother's nipples and suck on them likea baby, first one and then the other. And while he sucked, his motherdipped her hand between her silky legs and began playing with her cunt

"God, I'm hot tonight, Thad!" His mother said in a voice brimming withlust. "I'm hot for the taste of your big stiff cock in my mouth. I'mthirsty for your cum, lover. Will you satisfy my thirst for me tonight,Thad darling?"

"You know I will, Mom! You can have all the cum you can suck out ofme. Come and get it, Mom!" Thad said with a grin.

Randy watched as his younger brother dropped his hands to his sides andlooked down between his legs. He parted his legs slightly and thrust outhis cock, making it look even bigger and longer. His mother fell to herknees and began licking his rigid prick from the root to the tip. Randywas lightheaded with excitement. He had never imagined anything so wild.He had gotten Linda Benson to take his cock out and kiss it a couple oftimes when it was hard, but she hadn't really sucked him off yet. Hiskid brother was sitting there getting a blow job, and he hadn't even hadone himself yet. He couldn't help feeling a bit left out.

Randy's cock jerked in his pajamas, straining at the material as if itwanted to tear a hole in them. He couldn't help reaching between hislegs and grabbing his hard-on through his pajamas, squeezing his cock ashe watched his younger brother and his mother getting it on. He watchedas she opened her mouth and went down on him, taking his cock all theway down her throat. Randy heard her make little cooing sounds as shesucked his brother's prick. He tried to imagine how her lips feltsucking at his cock, and the more he imagined the tighter his balls got.

"Yeah, Mom! That's great! Suck it hard! Suck my fuckin' cock!" Thadrasped.

Randy watched his mother's hand working between her kneeling legs. Herpalm rubbed against the wet gash of her cunt. Her finger scratched atthe rosy lips of her pussy, making her drip with excitement. He wonderedif Thad had been shoving his cock into her cunt. Randy had always wantedto do that to a girl, but so far they had been afraid to let him. Hefound it hard to believe that his mother would let Thad do that to her,but he had already seen things that night that he would never havedreamed possible.

The boy began rubbing the shaft of his cock through the material of hispajamas, pressing it against his leg and making it ache with excitement.He watched his mother bobbing up and down on his brother's long hard-onand couldn't help wanting her to do the same thing for him. He couldn'tquite believe that she could take an of Thad's long hard cock down herthroat, but there she was, taking it so far down that her lips werepressing against his brother's balls

"Swallow my cock, Mom! Suck my prick! Suck it good!" Randy heard Thadgrunt as his mother gave him head.

Randy began unfastening his pajama pants and pushing them down aroundhis ankles. He tried to control himself, but it was no use. The scene inThad's room was just too hot to resist. He wrapped his strong youngfingers around the shaft of his cock jutting up from his crotch andbegan stroking it as he watched the show. His cock dripped preseminalfluid until it was slippery from the head to the root. His hand flew upand down on his cock faster and faster as the activities in the roombecame more depraved.

"I'm gonna shoot it, Mom! I'm gonna fuckin' fill your mouth with cum!Drink it up! Take it all! My balls are gonna blow up right now!" thehorny kid grunted as he shot his wad.

Angela almost strangled on the huge volume of cum the boy pumped intoher throat. She tried in vain to swallow all of it, but the thick jismtrickled from her lips and down her chin. She pulled her head off herson's cock and licked the cum off his slowly softening prick. She lickedher lips and smiled up at her son, who was now stroking his cock slowlyand waiting for the treat he knew she had in store for him.

"Would you like to eat my pussy, Thad?" she asked in a honeyed voice.

"And how!" Thad said, already feeling his balls stir.

"It's all hot and juicy for you, son. I've been playing with my cunt andmaking it wet for you. Just look at all that delicious cunt juice. Andit's all yours, darling! Lick me, Thad! Lick my pussy like a good boy!"she said, sitting on the edge of the bed and spreading her legs for herhorny son.

Thad fell to his knees before her and buried his handsome young face inthe nest of her cunt. Randy's cock jerked in his hand as he watched hisbrother licking and sucking his mother's cunt. Randy could hear the wetslurping sounds his lips and tongue made they worked al her juicy pussy.He could see Thad's tongue flicking over the wet rosy flesh of her cunt.She was writhing with pleasure, her legs moving sensuously, Randywondered if her cunt tasted as good as it looked.

"Put your tongue all the way inside me, darling! Lick my cunt! Make mehot! Your lips and tongue feel so nice on my lithe cunt! My clit,darling! Suck my little clit just the way I taught you! Oh, yes! Yes!"she moaned.

Thad's hand raced up and down his cock almost as fast as Randy's did onhis. The boy kneeling outside the door was beside himself. He beathimself off in a frenzy. He grunted and groaned as his balls tensed withever increasing, maddening pleasure.

"Lick her, Thad! Lick her cunt! Give it to him, Mom! Oh, fuck! This iswild! This is too much!" He was so wildly turned on that he forgot wherehe was. "Suck her pussy! Oh, yeah! Do it! 0h Mom! Mom!"

"My God! ' Angela gasped when she heard the voice outside the door. "Didyou hear that?"

"Shit, yeah, Mom! There's somebody out there!" Thad rasped.

Thad and Angela were frozen with fear for a moment or two. When Angelagot control of herself, she rushed to the door and threw it open, noteven bothering to put on any clothes. What she saw there made her dizzywith excitement.

"Randy! No! Oh, God! What... what are you doing here?"

"G-gosh, Mom... I... I didn't mean anything! I... I mean...I didn't see anything! Honest! " Randy struggled, all the while tryingdesperately to pull up his pajamas and hide his rock-hard cock.

Angela was terribly confused. There was no denying that they had beencaught in the act. She couldn't possibly lie to her son about what theyhad been doing or make their act seems anything less than the depravedaffair it really was. Randy had seen her suck his brother's cock. Andfrom the apparent condition of Randy's young cock, he had enjoyedwatching them go at it.

There was something strangely exciting about the position in which she

now found herself. She had been afraid that something like this mighthappen, and now that it had, she simply had to make the most of it.Perhaps she could even interest her horny older son in joining them. Thepossibility made her pussy melt.

"Stand up, Randy," she said, quickly taking control.

"I... I... I can't, Mom," Randy said, trying to cover his cock.

"Stand up this minute!" she said in a hushed but insistent tone.

"But... but Mom!" he protested, standing up in spite of hisembarrassment, in spite of his stiff cock.

"Be quiet, Randy! Come inside! Quickly, Randy!" she said, ushering himinside and making no attempt to hide her nakedness.

Randy stepped into his brother's room and watched his mother close thedoor and lock it. He had managed somehow to pull his pajamas up aroundhis waist and fasten them, but his rock-hard prick still stuck severalinches out of his fly.

"What were you doing outside the door, Randy?" Angela asked in acarefully controlled voice, letting her gaze fall on the huge hard-onbetween her handsome son's legs. "Were you spying on us?"

"No, Mom. Honest. I didn't see a thing. I didn't!" he struggled, hismouth as dry as cotton.

"And what is that?" she asked, pointing to his rampant hard-on.

"I... I... I was just on my way to the bathroom, Mom. My... uh... it... it always gets hard when I have to go at night," Randysaid, hoping against hope that she would believe him.

"But that doesn't explain why you were on your knees, darling!"

Randy stood silent, shuffling his feet and swallowing hard.

"I think you were watching your brother and me through the keyholesdarling boy. I think you were watching him suck my pussy! Isn't thattrue, Randy? Come now! Out with it!"

"Uh, well, okay, I guess I was watching but I didn't mean any harm, Mom!Honest I didn't!"

"No one said you've done any harm, Randy. Thad and I have nothing tohide from you. Isn't that right, Thad?"

Thad stared wide-eyed at his mother. He had been sitting on the edge ofthe bed hiding his stiff cock the whole time. He had hoped that hismother would get rid of Randy somehow, but he hadn't dreamed that shewould invite him in. She wasn't making any effort to hide her nakedness.In fact, now that the initial shock had worn off, she seemed to bepretty calm about the whole thing. He didn't know how to behave, didn'tknow what she expected of him now.

"Try to relax, Randy," she said warmly, her cunt twitching.

"But I don't get it, Mom. What... uh... what are you doin'?"

"That should be obvious, darling. I was sucking your brother's bigbeautiful cock and he was eating my cunt."

"But why? I mean, gosh, Mom, I don't understand!"

"There isn't anything to understand, Randy. Thad and I were both veryhorny," she said matter-of-factly. "Don't you get horny, Randy?"

"H-horny? Uh, yeah, Mom, l guess I do... but..."

''You're horny now, aren't you, Randy? Watching us has made your cockall hot and hard!" she said, staring into her son's flashing eyes.

"But Mom... Mom... I..." he struggled.

"Are your balls aching, son? Do they feel as if they're about toexplode?" she asked, daring to reach into his pajamas and grab hisswollen young balls with her silken fingers.

"Oh, God! Mom! Wow! What are you doin'?" he gasped when he felt hismother's fingers cradling his sensitive balls.

"Why I'm playing with your balls, Randy. Doesn't it feel good to havesomeone touch your balls?" she asked, gently squeezing his balls.

"Yeah, Mom, but is it all right? I mean... uh... you're mymother!" he rasped.

"Of course it's all right! Anything that feels good is all right. And ifyour don't believe sex feels good, just ask your brother. We've beenfucking for some time and enjoying every hot minute of it. Tell him,Thad! Tell him what fun we've been having together!"

"Uh... yeah, Randy. She's telling the truth all right. It's reallygreat! Mom really knows how to make a guy feel good!" Thad said,beginning to feel a bit more relaxed.

"And Thad certainly knows how to make a woman feel good, Randy. He has abig thick cock between his legs, and he knows just how to use it on myhot little pussy."

"Yeah?" Randy choked.

Randy couldn't help being turned on by the things his mother was saying,not to mention the things she was doing to him with her warm and eagerfingers. He couldn't help feeling that he was about to be drawn intosomething new and wild with his brother and his mother

"I just know you'll be able to satisfy me, Randy. Both of my sons havesuch huge cocks between their legs," she breathed, letting her handwrap-around Randy's excited cock. "So big and hard! It's so hot,darling. You must be terribly excited. My sons have something else incommon. They both get turned on easily. You are turned on, aren't you,Randy?" she asked, squeezing his naked cock.

"Gosh, yeah! How could I help it? You're playin' with my cock!"

"And it doesn't bother you that your mother is handling your beautifulcock?" she asked, moving her hand up and down on his

"Gosh, no, Mom. If you say it's all right, I guess it must be. It suredoes feel good," Randy said, his body tense from head to toe.

"It's such a shame to let this beautiful hardon go to waste, darling. Isuppose you were just going to jerk off outside the door and shoot yourcum all over the rug?"

"Yeah, Mom. I had to. I can't sleep when I get horny like this. I gottashoot off!"

"You will, darling. You'll shoot off again and again. But you won't bedoing it all by yourself. I want you to join us, Randy."

"Join you, you mean it?" Randy choked.

"Yes, lover, I want you to join your brother and me in fucking andsucking. I'm sure Thad won't have any objections."

Thad wasn't expecting anything like this, but if his mother wanted himto share her with his older brother, that was fine with him. Thad wasunder her seductive spell and willing to do anything she asked of him.So far she had brought him nothing but pure pleasure and he knew he wasin for more of the same.

"Sure, Mom. Anything you say," Thad said, his cock kicking between his

young legs.

"Come with me, Randy," Angela purred, grasping her son's stiff pricktightly and leading him by it over to the bed. "Don't be afraid, lover.We're going to have a wonderful time tonight!"

"What are we gonna do, Mom?" Randy asked as he sat down beside his kidbrother.

"You'll soon see, darling. Have you had any sexual experiences yet,Randy? I realize that things like this are a bit difficult to discusswith your mother, but it might be easier to introduce you to the joys offucking if I know how much you've already done with girls. Do youunderstand, lover?" she asked, sitting between her two sons.

"Yeah, Mom, I understand, but I really haven't done anything...not muchanyway," Randy said, daring somehow to look into his mother's mysteriouseyes.

"You gotta try it, man!" Thad said. "It's great! And Mom's thegreatest!"

"Would you like to watch Thad and me for a while, Randy?" Angela asked,reaching out and grabbing Thad's arching cock with her free hand. "We'lljust put on a little exhibition for you, darling."

"Okay, Mom. If you're sure you wanna."

"We'd love to, Randy. Thad will show you a few of the things I've taughthim about sex," Angela said, her cunt burning with lust for both hersons.

"Yeah, Randy, just watch me, man, you'll learn a few things," Thad toldhis older brother, feeling proud of his prowess. "Mom says I really knowhow to do it right."

Randy was a little embarrassed about having to watch his kid brothershow off, but he said nothing. His eyes roved over his mother's curvybody. He watched her naked tits rising and falling gently as shebreathed. Her nipples were stiff and pointed. Her tits were heavy butfirm, warm-looking and as soft as silk. Randy couldn't help wanting torun his hands over her body from her swelling tits all the way down tothe nest of soft cunt hair between her slightly parted legs. He couldfeel the warmth of her body next to him and the soft feminine fragranceof her pussy wafted past his nostrils, intoxicating him, making himdrunk with desire.

Angela knew how powerfully she was affecting her older son. She knewthat he was completely in her power now, knew that he would jumpheadlong with her into the whirlpool of incestuous lust. She wanted toshow him what joys were in store for him now that he had walked into herseductive trap.

"Why don't you just sit there and play with yourself while you watch,Randy. Keep you cock nice and hard for me, darling. Don't let yourselfcome though. I want you to save it for me," she said, falling to herknees in front of Thad.

Angela slowly licked Thad's cock from the root all the way to the head,being careful to let Randy see exactly what she was doing. She nibbledat the boy's balls for a while, sucking them into her mouth and lettingthem pull from her lips with an audible plop. Then she slowly opened herpretty mouth and went down on him. Her wet lips wrapped around theglistening head of Thad's cock and sucked his hard flesh. From time totime she glanced over at her other son and watched his reaction to herexpert manipulation of his bother's rigid cock.

Randy found that watching was a real turn on. His cock swelled as hishand raced up and down it. His balls tensed between his legs as heimagined her lips and tongue on his prick. Randy could tell that Thadwas really enjoying the things she was doing to him. He watched eagerlyas she reached between her legs and inserted a finger between the lipsof her cunt.

Angela let Thad's cock pull from her mouth and snap up against his hardstomach. She leaned backwards and supported herself with one hand behindher back while she opened her cunt to her two sons. She had beeninvolved in gymnastics in school and now she was glad she had learnedhow to move her body. Her legs opened more widely, moving seductively asshe lasciviously displayed her pussy. She knew that her sons' eyes werefollowing her every movement.

"Come and put your tongue in my cunt Thad. Show Randy how expertly youeat pussy. Lick me! My cunt is just itching for it! Angela told herhard-cocked son.

Thad did as he was told. He jumped from the bed and walked quickly overto her, his stiff cock bobbing up and down as he moved toward her. Hegot on his knees between his mother's legs and rubbed his handsome youngface against her hairy pussy.

Randy thought his cock was about to shoot cum into the air at anyminute, his excitement was so intense. He watched his kid brother kissthe raggedy lips of his mother's cunt, watched his tongue flick over herhot flesh. His younger brother licked her rosy slit up and down, makingher cunt juice flow freely. He had watched Thad eat her cunt from hiskneeling position outside the door, but this was much more intimate andmuch more stimulating. He could see the dew of his mother's seethingcunt glistening on his brother's lips. He couldn't help wantingdesperately to taste her pussy juice for himself.

"Oh, Thad You do it so perfectly! My clit! Oh, God, my clit is on fire!Lick it! Suck it! Oh, yes! Yessss! Beautiful! It's so beautiful!" shemoaned.

"I wanna fuck you, Mom!" Thad rasped, his balls aching.

"Do you, lover? Do you want to stick that big hard prick right in mycunt and fuck the piss out of me?" she breathed lasciviously.

"Yeah, Mom! I wanna drive it in you all the way to my fuckin' balls!"the kid said, grinning at his older brother.

"I just love that big hunk of cock in my cunt! I love to feel itthrobbing and jerking inside me! Fuck me, Thad! Screw me hard! Give meevery big fat hard inch of it!" the wildly excited mother cried.

"Watch this, Randy, I'm gonna show you how to fuck a woman right!" Thadsaid, enjoying his position of authority.

Randy's eyes widened as he watched Thad mount his hot-assed mother andpoke his hard cock between the lips of her juicy cunt. He heard her gaspin pure delight when his prick slipped into her hot cunthole. Thadthrust forward until his rock-hard cock was buried in her all the way tohis swollen young balls. Every muscle in his body was taut as he beganfucking his luscious mother and sex instructor."Oh, shit! This feels so fuckin' good you wouldn't believe it, Randy! Ican feel Mom's cunt suckin' at my cock! It's hot and wet it there, man!It's better than jackin' off, a million times better!" Thad rasped as hethrust his cock in and out of her sucking cunt.

"Oh, Randy! Your brother is making me feel so good! His cock feels sogood inside me It's filling me up! It's stretching me! Could you stretchme too, Randy?" Angela moaned.

"I... I guess so, Mom! My cock's real big!" Randy replied, his prickswelling bigger and bigger by the minute.

"Do you want to fuck me, darling boy?' she asked in a honeyed voice,thrilling to the idea of having both her sons fucking her.

"Yeah, Mom! I sure as hell do!" Randy rasped.

"And do you mind sharing me with you brother, Thad?" Angela askedsweetly.

"Hell, no, Mom! If that's what you want! It sounds real wild!" the boysaid.

"It will be wild, darlings! I can promise you that!" the hot-assedmother breathed.