Gift 3

David Guevara was staring at his ceiling, unable to fall asleep as he was too anxious in anticipation for the next day. He had been restraining himself for this upcoming moment, as much as he craved his mother's body, he wanted to make sure he had more than enough of a load saved up for his birthday It was just 24 hours away. A few days has passed since the day where he shared a shower with his mom, and even received a boobjob at the end of the night, where he practically forced her to swallow his cum. Since then, he actually hasn't made his mother do anything sexually to help him release. Instead, he simply resorted to groping, rubbing, and occasional kissing instead.

The morning the day before her son´s birthday, Sofia Guevara was actually surprised by his behavior, but never really understood his intentions behind his sudden restraint. After she made that promise to him for his birthday, David had been relentlessly trying to cum all over her whenever the opportunity presented himself. Of course, he still continued to ogle, grope her, and kiss her whenever he could, but he didn't try and get her to swallow his load again.

"Morning, sweetie!" Sofia called out to her son when she heard him enter the kitchen. The pair of mother and son definitely grew more affectionate towards each other, and the shouting and arguing began to become more of a joke instead of actual conflict. She definitely felt as if this was the closest she has been to her son, albeit a bit too close.

"Morning, old hag." responded David. He walked up to her to embrace her from behind, and then continued something that sort of became their morning routine.

While he did hold himself back at nighttime, David continued his habit of groping her in the morning. He slowly brought his hands up to her chest, and slowly grabbed a handful of her breasts. She moaned in response, and arched her back to press her ass back against his crotch. With a low growl in approval of her actions, the soon-to-be 16 years old began to rub his morning wood on her plump buttcheek.

The grinding and groping was the only thing that remained consistent throughout the last few days, as it was always hard for him to contain himself in the morning. This time however, compared to their first time, was obviously different as Sofia was much more accepting this time around. She had begun to get used to his perverted antics, and started to enjoy herself a little more as well.

This was evident in her urging David's grinding on as well. The buttjob she gave him a few days ago was pleasure he could never forget, and he always paid homage to that moment by thrusting his morning wood against her clothed rump. She used to stand there in submission, but now she tried to make him feel as good as possible by grinding back against him.

Sofia let out another moan as her son´s groping continued, sensing his breath became ragged, as his morning routine was continuing for longer than usual. Giving a little wink to David, she backed him up using her ass, put her hands on her knees for support, and bent over to shake her ass. At first, she rubbed her ass against him from side to side, making sure that his shaft ended up in between her cheeks. Once it lined up with her crack, she began to twerk her large ass up and down against his shaft. This encouraged the young teenager to slip his hand underneath her bra, to grab a much needed handful of her breasts. Sensing him begin to lose himself, he took his hands off her breasts and steadied her shaking hips using his hands, and pulled his crotch away from her ass.

As good as it felt, he wanted to save up all of his semen for his birthday. He planned to do much more than receiving that promised blowjob after all. "Mmm, David. You're not losing interest in me, are you? Do I have to change your birthday present after all?" She replied with a sly grin on her face. Sofia was teasing him as she began to notice a pattern in the morning, he would grind her ass after he woke up, but would stop himself before he could get too into it. She was genuinely curious as to why, so she tried to urge a response from him.

"I'm not going to let you get away that easily, old hag. Just think of it as me preserving myself for tomorrow." He said as he cupped her cheek, and pulled her towards him. They pressed their lips against each other, as they both opened their mouths to deepen the kiss. He loved the feeling of her wet, warm tongue, and had a pretty good feeling he'd get a better taste of it when he wakes up tomorrow.

With both of his hands grabbing a handful of her ass, he almost lost himself into the kiss when his mother lightly sucked on his tongue. Daviid ended the kiss as he pulled away, with a small strand of saliva separating them. "You're really holding back, huh?", questioned Sofia. "Yeah, if you want me to be honest. I'm saving up all the cum you're going to swallow tomorrow." he confessed. She blushed at his blunt, sexual response. "Anything for the birthday boy," she replied with a wink, and placed a quick wet kiss on his lips.

Now, was the toughest part of the day, where he couldn't do anything about his straining erection. Albeit, it was definitely his fault for struggling to hold back on groping his mother. The past few days, David would say that he had made significant process on potentially seducing his mother. He could tell that she was enjoying herself a lot more with his advances, evident with her grinding back against him every morning. He could've sworn that when she gave him that buttjob and boobjob she liked it too.

He felt confident that he could pull this off, and he spent the entire day at school completely distracted by his sexual fantasies. He went home earlier in the evening, as he rushed upstairs before slamming the door behind him. Wanting to preserve this moment forever, he set up a camera in his room, hopefully getting a good recording for him to use to masturbate later.

He heard the door downstairs open, as his mother came home from work. David rushed to finish his set up, and was finished before he heard his mother walk up the stairs. "David, I'm home!" he heard her say as she opened his door. "I'll see you at 12:00, okay?" she gave him a wink, playfully sticking out her tongue at him. "Don't be late, old hag." he scoffed.

At midnight, David was laying down on his bed, staring at the ceiling of his room the entire time since he came home. He couldn't think of doing anything else but waiting for this moment. He was already growing erect as he was anticipating the feel of his mother's mouth around his cock. He got a glimpse of what was about to come during her boobjob, but he knew he was in store for a complete new level of pleasure. That time, he only managed to get his head inside her hot mouth, but he knew that very soon he was going to get a lot more than just the tip in. He had a dumb, perverted smirk on his face as he lost track of time, too consumed by his wild fantasies.

His head turned to his door as it began to open. When his mother walked through the door his jaw nearly dropped. "Happy Birthday, David! I hope you'll enjoy your present" she teased. Sofia was wearing such a small bikini he had never seen her wearing before. It truly was a sight, her bikini top could hardly contain her gigantic breasts and barely covered her areolas, and her voluptuous figure looked erotic being covered by the thin fabric.

David's erection was diamond hard at this point, as he made a mental note in his mind that from now on, he'd definitely wanted to go swimming with his mother. The mature latina walked towards him with a sway on her hips, before she crawled onto his bed to join him. "You really are a big boy now, aren't you, Davey?" she said suggestively while seeing the tent he sported in his pants.

"I hope your ready for your present. It's going to blow your mind. I don't mean to brag, but I'm really good at this. Just ask your father,' she whispered seductively into his ear. "Trust me, old hag. I'm ready, you better make sure your stomach gets full". Sofia was completely different than before, she gave him the impression that she was some sort of sex goddess with how seductive she was.

"Mmm. I can't wait." she whispered as moved closer to his face. Their faces were so close at this point, that he could feel her hot breath. Bringing his hand over to hold the back of her neck, he pushed her forward so he could smash his lips against hers. He deepened the kiss as soon as she opened her mouth. Their tongues began to dance, as they passionately kissed.

This was the dirtiest kiss they've shared up until that point. Sofia stopped using her lips sometime during their make out session, and just kept her mouth open and continued to work her tongue against his. There was a lot of saliva building up, as they both began to moan from their hot kiss. David snaked his hand over to grope her firm butt, touching her from under her bikini.

They nearly kissed for a minute longer, until Sofia finally ended the sloppy kiss by firmly planting her lips against his, before pulling away, much to Davidi's disappointment. She slid her hands down his chest, and stopped when her hands hovered over his pants. "This is gonna feel really good, you know?" she told him. "Don't be afraid of holding back, okay?" she softly whispered. His mother looked like an angel to him right now, and he couldn't be more excited.

"I never planned on doing that." said David. His breathing was all over the place, as his heart raced in anticipation. He starred at her as she leaned over and begun to kiss neck, opening her mouth and licking him with her tongue. She began to slide her head down slowly, keeping her tongue on him. She licked down from his neck, and slowed down his chest, where she planted her lips to give him a soft kiss on his body. She opened her mouth again and continued to lick down until she reached his abs, where she stopped again to plant another kiss.

Sofia's face at this point was hovering over his crotch, as she turned her head upwards to look at her son's facial expression. It was the same lustful expression he gave her everytime she did something like this for him, he was in awe just staring at the beautiful woman that was his mother.

She gave him a big smile, as she turned her head down to plant a kiss onto his clothed erection. She unzipped his pants, and pulled them off before throwing them across the room. David grinned as she saw a wet spot forming on the tip of his boxers, which was struggling to contain his strained erection.

She lowered her head down, and gave him a quick lick, making his boxers even more wet with her spit. The mature latina slowly pulled off his boxers, revealing his large erection. hiss heart was beating so fast, his plan was to be the one seducing his mother, but tonight, his mother was the one seducing him.

Sofia grasped his cock with her right hand, and pointed it upwards to face her. She lightly smacked it onto her plump lips before she opened her mouth and started to breathe on it. "David…. I'm waiting." she panted through ragged breaths. "What?" he responded confused. "Are you going to give me the order?" she said seductively. "Mom…. Suck me.. Please, just put it in your mouth already." he desperately pleaded.

The busty mother grinned as she slowly stuck her tongue out of her mouth and gave the tip a quick lick, cleaning it of precum. She pressed her lips onto the head of his cock, as she slid her face down the side of his shaft, letting her wet lips slowly coat it in saliva. Sofia opened her mouth again and began to breathe heavily onto his shaft. Her warm breath sending a tingle down his spine. She let out her tongue again to give a quick lick to the side of his shaft.

Grasping it firmly again, she kept it pointed upwards as she moved her face in front of his cock. David let out a loud groan as his mother slowly dragged her tongue from the bottom of his shaft all the way to the top, running the tip against the veins of his shaft on the way. She was breathing through her mouth to increase the pleasure that her son was receiving.

She spat on his cock for good measure, and stared at his erection as it was now completely covered in her saliva. She brought his erection and pressed it on her lips, slowly opening her mouth to let him see the orifice he was about to enjoy. Finally, she slid the head of his cock past her lips, and lightly began to suck in.

"Ohhhh, Mom. That feels so good". David moaned. He brought his hand to rest it on the top of her head, letting her control the pace for now, but wanted to show her his appreciation. Soia began to move her lips against the head of his cock, almost like she was making out with it. She started to press her tongue against his tip, licking it over and over. "You're so good mom!" he encouraged her as he moaned. He was leaning back the entire time, trying to look cool before she started her blowjob. She was giving him too much pleasure though, so he threw aside his ego and sat up as he wanted to get a closer view of her mother's mouth on his cock.

The blowjob had hardly gotten started, and it felt amazing. Sofia was clearly experienced and talented at this, it was almost as if she was making love to his cock with her mouth. She started to suck in again, her cheeks hollowing out as she rotated her tongue around the head of his cock. Her warm mouth even exceeded his expectations. The entire time they made out, or when she swallowed his cum, he could tell that her mouth was going to feel good, he had NO idea it would feel this good though, it was an extremely warm and wet sensation that he couldn't describe how amazing it felt. His mother placed one of her hands on his hips, and the other stabilize his cock. She closed her eyes and slowly began to take his penis deeper into her mouth. "Oooooh, ohhh, keep going!" shouted David, losing his composure to the pleasure. The mature latina paused for a moment, allowing him to relish in the feel of finally having his cock rest inside her mouth.

The busty mother pressed her tongue on the underside of his shaft, as she expertly began to slowly bob her head on his cock. When she would pull away from his cock, her cheeks would hollow out as she sucked him hard, pausing to roll her tongue around the head, before plunging her head back down to take more of him in her mouth. He was in heaven. She was bobbing her head at a slower pace, wanting to prolong his ejaculation.

"Mom, I want to feel your cheeks." panted the adolescent son. Listening to his request, she pulled back and licked his tip a few times before turning her head. Before she could even do anything, David started to lightly pull her towards him. The sight of his dick poking at the insides of her cheek was extremely erotic, as she continued to bob up and down, letting her feel the insides of her cheek.

After a few more bobs of her head, she was slightly surprised when her son held her down for a few moments, as he thrusted against the sides of her cheek, watching his bulge press through her cheeks. As she lifted her head up, she sucked hard as she retreated, as she took his cock out of her mouth. "Is it good, bebe?". Letting her know how he felt, without using his words, he whined as he urged her head down with his hands, and lightly thrust his dick in her direction.

Sofia let out a laugh at his expression, and opened her mouth wide before taking him back into her mouth. Starting to get serious, she took her hand away from his shaft and put both of her hands on the sides of hips. He was starting to lose control and was lightly thrusting against her face, she stopped for a second before looking up at him. He looked concerned that she would stop if he was too aggressive, so he was about to stop thrusting whe his mother nodded her head, dick still in her mouth, and winked at him to let him know it was okay.

With a smirk on his face, David continued to lightly thrust against her mouth, earning a moan from his mother. She took him deep into her wet crevice, and began to make out with his cock lodged deep into her mouth. Sofia continued to moan as she moved her lips and tongue around his cock, and his thrusts adding increased pleasure to the blowjob.

He held onto her head, and began to guide the bobs of her head to match the speed of his thrusts. She started to pull him towards her, as the speed of the blowjob began to increase. The noises in the room was silence, and erotic wet, slurping noises. Mother and son were both consumed with the blowjob they were both experiencing.

David was so glad that he'd been getting better at holding his release. He wanted his mother to continue sucking his cock for the entire day if she was willing to. A drop of sweat began to form on his face, as he tried to slow down the pace of her sucking, wanting it to last longer. His mother didn't listen to him this time though as she was starting to crave his load. She took him down deeper than before, and his head would enter the entrance of her throat. "HOLY FUCK" he shouted, surprised by the depth of his mother's mouth. Sofia continued to bob her head at this pace, taking him deep into her mouth, and sucking as hard as she could whenever she pulled back.

David was amazed at how much spit was covering his crotch and loved the sounds of slurping she was making. He cursed under his breath as he felt his balls tighten and his cock beginning to throb. "I'm going to cum soon, Mom!" he reluctantly warned her, disappointed he couldn't last longer. Opening her eyes to look at him, Sofia nodded her head as she pulled against his hips and pressed her head down deep. She held her head in place awaiting his load.

She stilled her head for nearly ten seconds, breathing heavily as she was turned on and excited to taste his load. "Mmm, Mom, Mom, Mom!" he moaned as he held the sides of her head and thrusted into her mouth. Finally reaching his release, her cheeks bulged hard as her son´s first wave of cum flooded her mouth. Sofia closed her eyes and focused on receiving the huge load. He moaned repeatedly as he felt her continue to suck on his penis as he continued to eject semen into her mouth.

He could feel hism mother swallow his load as she continued to lick at his cock while continuing to suck out all of his jizz. She began to make out with his cock again as she tried to milk him as best as she could. The second load was less than the first one, but caused her cheeks to bulge again, this time she was able to gulp it down in only two tries. David finally finished cumming, as he stared up into the ceiling exhausted after experiencing his most pleasurable orgasm. his mother kept her head down, lips locked onto his cock as she anticipated a third load. After waiting for another fifteen seconds, she figured out he was finished and sucked hard as she removed her lips from his cock.

She immediately closed her eyes and opened her mouth wide, showing him how well she milked him clean. "You're so fucking sexy mom." he commented as he put his fingers into her mouth. After touching around for a bit, he took his fingers and put it into his mouth, tasting her saliva. Sofia looked down at his crotch, and saw how drenched his lower half was with her spit. Another thing she noticed was that her son's erection was still hard as a rock

They paused for a moment, with Sofia's eyes glued to her son´s cock, almost amazed that he was still hard after letting out that much jizz. David was too tired to say a word right now, trying to recollect himself as he breathed heavily. "David, stand up for me" whispered Sofia. Nodding his head, he lifted himself using her shoulders as support, as his erection was in front of her face and he stood upright. He groaned as his mother stuck her tongue out and started to lick his balls.

After a few more licks, and a little sucks at the ballsack, the mature latina gave another long lick up his shaft. Sofia looked up at her son and they made eye contact as he was staring at her the entire time. She was sitting on her knees, and brought her hands to hips while opening her mouth and sticking her tongue out. She looked like a dog that was asking for a treat. "You want more, Mom?" asked David still out of breath. In response to his question, she pulled him towards her, and pressed her head deep into his crotch as he entered her gullet, her nose pressed against his pelvis as she made gagging noises the entire time.

"FUCK…. Oh my god." moaned David, never feeling pleasure like this before. Sofia had only done this a few times before, but she decided that since it was her son's birthday, she was going to give him special treatment. She gave him her special deepthroat, hoping it was something he would never forget. She held him deep in her throat for ten seconds before she pulled back and began to slowly bob her head. Resuming for the second time that night another crazy blowjob.

This time, she was forced to breathe solely through her nose, as her throat was continuously clogged with his cock. He didn't want to hurt her, knowing full well that it was painful to take him in her throat. He let her control the tempo, as she bobbed her head as she took continued to take him into her throat. Spit was flying in and out of her mouth, and David stared down at his mother as she kept his hands on her head following her every movement. The next time she took him into her throat, she paused for a while letting him feel the inside of her throat. He grunted as she held her head still and moaned into his cock, the vibrations sending shudders down his spine. She had to retreat as she felt the urge to cough.

He patted her head as she coughed, silently letting her know he appreciated what she was doing. Wiping the spit around her mouth with the back of her hand, she smiled at him as she placed her hands back on his hips and took her back into her throat. She continuously moaned against his cock that was invading her throat. The vibrations felt so good, and her son, for the second time that night, was starting to feel his erection throb again.

He couldn't control his moans any longer as he was brought to another intense orgasm, this time he couldn't give her a warning as he couldn't form words from the pleasure. He started to pull at her head, wanting to get as deep as possible, forcing the busty mother to try and open her mouth wider so he could get more of his cock inside her. She turned her face upwards to look at him, as she kept her cock locked between her lips. She pulled against his hips so he leaned over her, trying to give him the best view of the deepthroat. Sofia kept her eyes opened and her lips tightly locked onto his shaft, as she pulled her son's hips to enter her throat.

"Mmmmmmm.' she let out a long, satisfied moan, staring into David's face. It was too much for him, the sight of his mother looking at him while he entered her throat was too much to handle. "UNG, SWALLOW IT MOM!" His eruption of cum shocked her, and at this moment he was glad he held back the last few days as his load was just as big as the first time. Sofia's eyes grew wide in surprise of cum entering her throat.

She kept her gaze on her son as she slowly bobbed her head up and down with his cock inside her throat. The first two shots of cum shot straight down her throat. Wanting to taste the next one, she pushed him back just enough for his head to still be in her mouth, as her mouth was flooded for the second time that night. The mature latina closed her eyes as she moaned and started to suck on his dick while it was ejaculating furiously inside her mouth. As soon as she was finished, she showed him the load that was resting on her tongue, before swallowing it in one swift gulp.

Sofia grabbed his shaft as she took it into her mouth again to clean it from his leftover jizz. She bobbed her head, planning to only suck him for a few seconds to get his cock squeaky clean. What shocked her, however, was the crazy stamina that her son had. His cock was so sensitive right now, but as soon as she put her mouth on him again, he couldn't take it anymore and grabbed the back of her head and began to fuck her face.

Her eyes began to roll into the back of her head as she moaned loudly in response, she adjusted her hands from his hips to his back as she shoved him deeper into her throat. He leaned over her until he fell on top of her, leaving her laying on her back with his hands still behind her head. Too horny to care any longer, he aggressively pulled on her head and thrust deep into her throat.

Spit was flying everywhere, on his bed, his cock, her breasts, there was just so much of her saliva that covered their bodies. David continued to grind his crotch on her mouth, as he started to hump her head furiously while holding onto it tightly with his hands. His mother laid down as she tried to push him deeper. "I CAN'T, I CAN'T STOP!" he shouted as he stopped humping her head and let one final thrust, impaling her gullet with his cock. He started to shoot down her throat, coating it white with his seed.

Having to swallow so much semen, she actually began to cough on his cock, some of the cum exiting through her nose. Still, she kept him tight within her lips, eager to finish the job. After he finished his first shot of semen, he lightly humped her face again to get the second one out. He rolled over on the bed exhausted, as his mother kept her mouth locked onto his cock as she rolled over with him. She put him back deep into her mouth as he came one last final time. Sofia swallowed half of it, but then she coughed out the rest of it onto her son's crotch.

She was coughing heavily, so David started to rub the top of her head in almost an apology. Her face was so erotic, a mess coated with her tears, spit and his cum. There were numerous strands of saliva that were connected from his shaft that was linked to her face, and his crotch was drenched in saliva mixed in with the cum she coughed up.

They both panted as they looked each other in the eyes. David broke the silence as he said "I love you so much Mom. That was the best present ever." Sofia smiled at him and responded "I take it you enjoyed your present, birthday boy?". They were both sweating so much as their oral sex session was extremely tiring, neither of them even felt like moving.

"Do I even have to answer that?" he answered smiling. Soia planted a chaste kiss to the head of his penis as she weakly flopped down onto his crotch, her face lying right beside his penis. She started to breathe heavily as she started to drift to sleep, not even bothering to clean up the strands of saliva that formed around her mouth. "Goodnight, mom.", whispered David in appreciation for her determination that night. He laid his head back as he began to slowly drift to sleep as well. His hands rested on her head, slowly caressing her short hair to show his appreciation for giving him the best birthday present either.

The next morning Sofiai yawned as she started to wake up. The first thing she saw when she opens her eyes was David's morning wood. She looked up and saw that her son was still sleeping, and smiled as she opened her mouth and started to suck on his morning wood. "Mmm. Mom?" David said as he looked down at his mother, still in her bikini sucking his morning erection. "Good morning, birthday boy." she said as she removed his cock from her lips. David grinned as he still had the entire day ahead of him to spend with his mother.