B3 (2)

Part Two: Reconnecting with Daddy


"…trust me," I laugh as I escort the two beautiful women to the front door, "Audrie will absolutely love you. She'll probably try to impress you because you're a lesbian and she'll want to show how progressive she is."

"She sounds like a lovely woman," Sierra smiles, "I can't wait to meet her."

I grasp the door knob, and stop. This is it; I'm going to see the children I basically abandoned over ten years ago. I feel my heart pounding in my chest, and I turn to Sierra with an apprehensive look on my face. She smiles warmly, and gives me a comforting squeeze on the shoulder. I steel myself, take a deep breath, force a smile on my face, and open the door. My smile stays glued to my face, and broadens into a skeletal grimace as my world comes crashing down around me.

My wife is bent over on the couch, her curvaceous figure naked save for the tattered remains of her UCLA top. Her face is buried into a young woman's crotch, whose features are obscured by a curtain of brown, curly hair. The young woman pets Audrie's head possessively as a young man of similar complexion spreads my wife open and rails mercilessly into her gaping asshole. Audrie tilts her face away from the cunilingus; her pale lips glistening with the woman's juices, her makeup smeared and running, and her expression a look of arousal so perverse it corrupts her pristine features. She smiles at me, but not with the companionable smile she usually regards me with, but a lecherous, wicked smile I've never seen her wear before.

"Hey, Honey," she moans as she spreads herself for the man fucking her ass, "you're home early; we have surprise visitors."

The young woman looks up, and I see my daughter's face for the first time in over a decade. The young man turns around, and I see my own grin stretched across Tom's lips.

"Hey, old man." Tom says in an easy, nonchalant manner.

"Hi, Daddy," Laurie giggles, and dismounts from the back of the couch in a summersault, "we were just getting to know our step-mom."

"She's been very accommodating," Tom grins, and slaps Audrie hard across the ass, causing her back muscles to tense and her mouth to squeal, "what a treat she is."

Tom grips Audrie by the hips and spins them both around as Laurie struts along the couch, staring at me with a wicked smirk strewn across her lips. Tom lands on the couch with Audrie atop him; her legs splayed outside of his, her back resting along his abdomen, and her hands reaching behind herself to grasp the back of his head. She grinds on him; her abdomen flexing in waves of sinuous motion, her supple ass deforming against his driving pelvis, her perfect breasts jiggling to the fervency of their passion, and her eyes watching me intently as her open, smiling lips vocalize a pleasure I never gave her. Tom watches me from behind her, and then wraps a possessive hand around her throat, and forces her face to his. They share a vulgar kiss of entwining tongues and open lips while they stare at me from the corners of their eyes. My daughter kneels between my wife's legs, and plants her face into the frothing petals at their apex. She tenderly cups Tom's balls as his cock thrusts ferociously into the gaping ruin of Audrie's anus. I can see the contractions of pleasure twitching up my wife's taint, compelling her to writhe in a display of lithe motion and possessed sexuality. She continues to stare at me as she kisses my son; stifled tones of her ecstasy escalating from her occupied mouth. Tom jackhammers his way into my wife's ass, and she reacts by arching her back against him, and grinding her ass deeper into his pelvis. My daughter licks the secretion of Audrie's lust, and the trickle of nectar becomes a flood. Audrie breaks from the kiss; her head flying backward, her mouth gaping open, and her neck straining to yield her cry. They rise to the whim of Tom's elevating thrusts, and I hear him grunting and groaning in the heat of his climax. They come together, and I watch in horror as my son fills my wife's asshole. His seed drips down his shaft, and into my daughter's awaiting mouth. Audrie's scream finally subsides, and her desperate pants and gasps turn to whimpers of satisfaction. Laurie pulls Tom's cock out of Audrie's ass, and my wife's sphincter contracts lazily into a semi-closed orifice. Laurie circles her tongue around Audrie's dripping anus, collecting the spillage as Audrie moans her soft approval. She take's Tom's still-engorged member, and sucks him clean; watching me as she does it. She pulls him out of her throat with a sigh, climbs to Audrie's tilted back head, and passes the milky contents of her mouth between my wife's awaiting lips.

"Bradley," Sierra whispers in my ear, her lips tickling the lobe, "you're hard as a rock right now."

I jolt from my existential fugue state, and look down. I am hard… what the fuck. I should be furious, I should be disgusted, I should be damn-near homicidal, but I'm not. There are times in life where every man's masculinity is tested, and this was my final exam. Not only did I fail it, I took a steaming shit on the answer sheet, and handed it back to the professor with a smile on my face.

"I think your ex-husband might have a little cuckhold fetish," Eleanor giggles, her chin resting on my other shoulder, "what a dirty little boy you are, Bradley; your own children…"

"I-I-I'm n-n-not," I stammer, feeling my face flush, desperately searching for a way to gain control of this situation, "it's not…"

"It's not what?" Eleanor says, her words accentuated with a seductive fry. I feel her lips press against my left cheek, and I feel Sierra's press against my right. They move their hands together along the angle of my pelvis, and Eleanor undoes my fly as Sierra reaches inside. Her cool, soft fingers wrap around my girth, and she sighs delectably into my ear.

"I've missed you so much, Bradley," she whispers, stroking me, "we all have."

"Laurie especially." Eleanor laughs, and my gaze falls to my daughter. Her lean, nubile figure sits upright on the couch, framed by the bodies of my son and wife. Her legs are closed and bent at the knees in a façade of propriety, her eyes bare a mask of innocence, and her dainty shoulders slope vulnerably as she covers her breasts in false modesty. She's being my little girl; my innocent, sweet, little girl. She murmurs soft tones of reluctance as her brother and step mother caress her, but I've seen the true Laurie; I know what she really wants. She wants me to ruin her. I feel myself grow even harder in her mother's hand, and Sierra laughs knowingly.

"You can have her, Bradley," Sierra's sweet voice pours poison in my ear, "she'll let you do anything to her."

"She's the family whore," Eleanor says, her hand joining Sierra's on my cock, "and she's been waiting so long for you."

"Fuck our daughter, Bradley," Sierra whispers, ��fuck her like she wants you to."

Were I a man of true faith, I would be seeking the guidance of god. As it is, I have two devils on my shoulders, and no angels to refute them. There is no one to guide me to the honorific path, no one to help me through my most trying time. I feel the shame, self-loathing and loss of control, but most of all, I feel the temptation. My god, the temptation. The corruption that seeps its caressing tendrils into the primal corridor of my mind, and tells me it's alright; it's alright to want to fuck your teenage daughter.

I let Sierra and Eleanor drop my pants and guide me by the cock to my awaiting daughter. Her vulnerable façade fades as I near her, and the protective wrap of her arms and stiff posture slides into a lazy, splayed figure. Her innocent eyes sparkle with anticipation, and her closed legs separate to reveal the tight, leaking slit between them.

"I've been saving this for you, Daddy," Laurie says in a baby-voice, "I didn't let anyone else play with it."

Eleanor relinquishes my member to Sierra, and takes Tom by the hand. Audrie gets up to join them, and the two girls leave in a fit of giggles as Tom fills his palms with their asses. I'm left alone with my daughter, and her mother. Laurie leans back, and beckons me forward with a leering finger and a promising grin. Sierra breathes hot and heavy against my neck as she guides my cock closer and closer to the point of no return; to the place where my family has gone in my absence; the place where I am going now. I feel the tender, soft flesh of Laurie's thighs in my palms. I watch myself, almost unbelieving, as I guide them to separate. She spreads them willingly, staring up at me from the tops of her eyes, her petite breasts rising and falling with her shallow breaths of anticipation.

"Fuck me, Daddy," she whispers, her voice quivering with desperate desire, "fuck your baby girl."

I push the tip of my cock to her dripping petals, and stop. A moment of clarity strikes me; I can still go back, I can still save myself from this. Sierra uncurls her fingers from my shaft and watches me, studies me. Laurie splays her hands lazily beside herself, waiting for me to do the unforgivable. A heartbeat passes, and then another. I feel the battle raging within me, tearing my mind in half. I feel the warm, silky skin of my daughter's legs, and the hot, dripping flesh of her pussy. I feel two, dainty heels push into the small of my back. I feel them guide me forward, and I see the sparkling sapphire eyes of my daughter smirking up at me. I feel myself lose the last of my resolve, and I see Laurie's smile broaden as she guides me inside her.

"That's it," she whispers through grinning lips as her wet heat surrounds me, "come to me, Daddy."

She envelopes me, taking every inch of my manhood deep within. She gasps as my girth stretches her, and her breathy expulsions turn to moans the deeper I get. Her legs flex around me, and her heels push harder, until our pelvises meet. She holds me in stasis; relishing the wrongness of the situation, and savoring my throbbing rigidity inside her. Her eyes droop in blissful satisfaction, and her inner muscles clench around me, drawing me deeper, embracing me in their wet, lewd hold.

"Oh, yes," she gasps, licking her lips and taking a deep, indulgent inhale, "this is what I've been waiting for."

"Oh fuck," I pant, my mind boiling with desire and shame, "what have I done?"

"There's no shame in it, Bradley," Sierra says comfortingly, "there's nothing wrong with you."

"Yes, there is," Laurie giggles through a breathy moan, "there's a hell of a lot wrong with you."

"Laurie…" Sierra chides her daughter, but Laurie just grins evilly at me, and begins to shift her hips.

"You're a daughter-fucking piece of shit, Daddy," Laurie laughs, her voice girlish and innocent, starkly contrasting the venom in her words, "you're a weak little man who gets hard watching his son fuck his wife."

I know she's trying to get a rise out of me, I know she's trying to make me lose control. Beneath the layer of malice in Laurie's eyes, is an excited flame shining from her perverse mind. She grinds her hips in a sinuous rotation about my pelvis; her tight pussy lips gripping me and pulling slightly outward from her body with each circular pass. Her toned abdomen flexes in waves as she twists her body along the axis of her penetration. The glint in her eyes grows brighter, and the deviousness of her smile widens. She plants her hands into the cushions, and pushes herself off the couch, her arms straightening beneath her. She stretches backward, her spine arching, and her silky torso flattening below her swaying breasts. She grinds my cock deeper into her, growling in playful lust as she clenches her insides around me.

"You abandoned us, Daddy," Laurie giggles, moans slipping between her words, "why did you leave me?"

"Sweetie," I say, struggling against the need to thrust inside her, and the cutting edge of her words, "I just… had to go."

"You just had to go?!" Laurie laughs, though there's a dangerous tenor behind her mirth, "Is that all?"

"Your mother and I-"

"I know what Mom did!" Laurie yells, her voice quivering with rage and pleasure. The angrier she gets, the more passionate she becomes. She locks her legs around my waist in a vice, forcing me deeper inside her. Her hot, tight insides clench around me as she pulls herself upright in an arc of auburn curls and graceful athleticism. Her breasts squish against my chest, her belly presses to my abdomen, and her fingers lock together around my neck. She stares up at me; her sapphire eyes brimming with pleasure and hatred, her pale, full lips panting exerted breaths.

"You left me without a father," Laurie growls, her voice shaking in lust and anger, "because your wife fucked some guy."

"I'm sorry, Laurie," I say, my voice wavering as her beautiful, deep eyes stare their wrath into me, "I'm so sorry."

"Sorry?!" Laurie laughs, her mirth interrupted by the gasping tones of her pleasure, "Look what I've become, Daddy; look what your abandonment did to me."

"She didn't have a father to protect her, Bradley," Sierra whispers her sweet poison into my ear, "she was left vulnerable without you."

"Maybe if you were there," Laurie moans, grinding her hips in an intense gyration about my pelvis, willing me deeper inside her as she spills her hatred, "Tom wouldn't have raped me."

"What the fu-"

"Maybe if you were there," Laurie cuts me off, forcing me to look at her, "I wouldn't have given in to him so easily."

"Your son raped your daughter, Bradley," Sierra whispers, her voice dripping in seduction, "and she loved it."

"Laurie, I-"

"And maybe if you were there," Laurie whimpers, her voice growing weaker with each drive of my hips, her eyes growing wider the deeper I push into her, "I wouldn't have fucked my own mother."

"But you weren't there," Sierra sighs, her lips brushing against my ear, her body pressing against my side, "and now we're all lost."

"I'm ruined now," Laurie smiles, her voice quivering as a shudder of pleasure runs down her twisting back, "I could have been a normal, healthy young woman, but that's been taken from me."

"Now she's a hopeless slut," Sierra whispers, her voice seeping with desire, her hands unbuttoning her shirt as she presses herself to me, "just like her mother."

"And it's all your fault." Laurie says, clasping her hands on my cheeks and holding my head forward, making me look into the pleasure-warped, hate-filled sapphire depths of her eyes. I feel her burning regard etch its way into my heart, and I feel her squeezing me wantonly from the inside. I feel her anger burrowing into my sockets, and I feel her heart beating frantically from her breasts as they deform against my pressing chest. I feel the malice in her words, and I feel her slender belly flexing and convulsing with the ecstasy I'm providing her. I feel her breath on my lips, and taste the air of her mouth on my tongue.

"It is," I say, feeling myself thrusting harder and harder despite my guilt, feeling my need to take her grow even as she whispers her hatred, "I should have been there for you, but I was a coward. Don't blame yourself for who you are, Laurie; it's my fault. All my fault."

"I hate you." Laurie says, her words barely audible beneath the gasping breaths and the slapping of skin. Her lips are trembling and partially agape, outlining her mouth in luscious, pale flesh. Her eyes beckon me with their fierce regard, daring me to initiate, daring me to try to make her mine.

"Why are you holding yourself back, Darling?" Sierra whispers, her voice almost teasing, "You're already inside her; what's a kiss?"

"It's just…" I say, looking at my daughter, seeing the corners of her lips curl in a smile, "what can I do, Laurie? How can… how can you forgive me?"

"As a father? I'll never forgive you," Laurie says, her breath pushing into my mouth, her taste sweet on my tongue, "but I don't want a father anymore; I want a Daddy. Now, kiss me Daddy."

She pulls up to me in a violent motion, pressing her nubile frame against my driving form, smearing her sweat and juices across my pelvis as she rises and connects. Her lips open around mine in a fierce pressing of tender flesh, and her tongue invades me. The kiss is somehow more wrong than the sex; more intimate, more forbidden. The sex is just the desires of the flesh, but the kiss is the desires of the soul. I taste her hatred, her longing, her malice; it's delicious. I feel my mind melt, my inhibitions give, and the last bit of my dignity drown in her mouth. I kiss her back, fierce and hateful like she is. Our lips wrap against each other, our tongues entwine and slip passionately, our tones muffle from the crease of our depravity, and I drink her in. I grab the back of her head, entangling my fingers in her curls, and push her deeper to me, rotating my face about the axis of our passion, tilting my head above hers, making her feel my masculinity, my savagery, my dominance. She resists me; pressing her mouth harder to mine, stiffening her back against my advance, and craning her neck to stay even with me. I pull her hair back in a ferocious tug, and force my face atop her own. I move my other hand along the curve of her waist, and slide it down her spine. Two fingers trail down her spread crack, and then push into the vacant, tight hole within. She gasps, arches her back, and presses her body closer to mine. The passion of her kiss becomes desperate, and a pleading tone courses from her mouth; she wants me to push deeper. I sink my fingers further into the taught filth of her, feeling the delicate flesh of her sinful hole giving way to my burrowing digits, feeling her defiance wane in the intensity of my invasion. I curl my fingers forward, and press the sheath of her anal skin against the force of my driving cock. She melts into me; her pelvis pressing hard against mine, her shoulders relaxing and pinching back, her breasts squishing into my chest, and her head falling backward into my supporting hand, letting me take my place atop her, surrendering to me in helpless euphoria. Her legs tighten about my waist, and her hands fall from my head, reach behind herself, and spread her cheeks wider for me. I feel her kiss lose its edge, and I feel her resistances fall. She's mine now; my daughter, my lover, my whore. I revel in the power I've taken from her, but deep down, I know it was never mine to steal. She seduced me, manipulated me, and when the time was right, she gave me the power. She wrapped me around her finger just like her mother did all those years ago. I glance out of the corner of my eye and see Sierra, beaming endearingly as I taste our daughter, as if this were a precious family moment she'd catalogue and send out for the next Christmas card. She never stopped loving me even after all this time, and this is the way her twisted mind decided to show that love: a gift of my own daughter. As I push my fingers deep into Laurie's ass, as I feel her pussy clench about my driving cock, and as I taste her screams of pleasure on the tip of my tongue, I realize, looking at Sierra, that I still love her too. God help me, I'm just as fucked up as she is, and she knew it long before I did. She's got her hooks back into me, and now, I don't think I'll ever get out. I don't think I'll ever want to.


I watch as Bradley loses the last of himself to our daughter. I watch as he pushes his fingers inside her and drives his hips with reckless abandon. I watch as she melts in his passionate regard, as she loosens her body in acceptance of his lust. She curves herself into him; pressing her breasts to his chest, spreading her cheeks open behind her, dropping her head into his hand and letting him take her the way he wants to… the way she wants to. He looks at me from the corner of his eye, his lips still wrapped around Laurie's, his body heaving in violent bouts of revelry. I smile at him and loosen up the last of the buttons on my shirt. I let it fall, and show him what he's been missing all these years. Fishnet stockings wrap tightly around my legs, the skin bulging slightly at the straps and indenting where the garters cross my thick glutes. A lacy bra supports the perfect form of my bosom; pressing my ample breasts together, jutting them vulgarly from the elegant frame of my chest.

Bradley releases Laurie from her captive kiss, and a torrent of moans flow from her whorish lips. Such a submissive lover she's become. I saunter over to her, and run an affectionate hand through her curly hair as she sobs sweet ecstasy and writhes to the rhythm of her father's thrusts.

"Would you care to share?" I ask Bradley with a raised eyebrow. I run my fingers down Laurie's wet cheek, and smirk as she willingly takes my thumb between her luscious lips, "It wouldn't be right to make her play favorites between her parents."

"You're a sick, twisted bitch, Sierra." Bradley grunts, still thrusting into his daughter.

"Is that a 'yes?'" I smile, not flinching at the venom in his words. Bradley gives me a cold stare, and then warms his expression. He can hardly deny the situation he's in, and by the hunger in his eyes, I don't think he's even trying anymore.

"She's been such a naughty girl," Bradley grins, "I think she needs to be punished."

"Is that so?" I smile down at Laurie, and giggle at her fervent nod of approval, "Well, well, well; what kind of punishment is befitting for such a naughty little girl?"

"I think we need to take drastic measures," Bradley laughs, playing along as he rails into his moaning daughter, "seducing your own father is an egregious offence."

"Such a nasty girl," I crinkle my nose and smirk down at Laurie, pulling my thumb from her sucking lips and tracing their pale outline, "I know just the thing."

Bradley drops his supporting hand and lets Laurie fall backward onto the couch. I give my daughter a final smirk as I raise my leg over her face, and catch a glimpse of her licking her lips before I sit. Her nose presses into the soft length of my taint, and her mouth breathes its anticipatory heat into the cloth of my thong. Bradley kneels onto the cushion across from me, his pelvis still connecting violently with that of his daughters. I trace my fingers teasingly along the space between my daughter's pale, jiggling breasts as I feel her mouth working beneath me, hunting for the sweet spot between my legs. Her hands slide alongside her chin, still visible between my trembling thighs, and guide me to separate as her tongue slides my thong to the side. She pushes inside me, and I murmur a soft tone of release. She translates the pleasure of her father's cock into the fervency of her lewd kiss; pushing her tongue deep into me, sliding it hedonistically along the length of my insides as she tastes every inch of my leaking womanhood. I grind on my daughter's face; shifting back and forth in a lust I can't control, shuttering as I feel her nose gently press into the spokes of my sinful hole. I grip my daughter's breasts with both hands, and squeeze in reward for her ardency. She squirms beneath me; her athletic torso gyrating and flexing in the pleasure of her sexual punishment, her pelvis pressing harder against her driving father, and her lips wrapping around the wet flesh of my slit, sucking as she pushes her tongue ever deeper.

Bradley watches me from the tops of his eyes, an expression of uncaged desire written dangerously across his face. He plows into our daughter like an animal; driving without regard for her comfort, knowing that this is exactly how she wants it by the muffled screams she sends into my depths. I moan in cadence with her; harmonizing my soft, indulgent tones with her desperate, stifled shrieks. My eyes droop in bliss, and my body reacts instinctively to its desires. I shift my hips forward, and feel my daughter's tongue slide wet and hot across my taint. She finds what I've been guiding her to, and my moan becomes a pathetic whimper of delight. Her lips wrap around my rim, and her tongue pushes inside my ass. The soft, hot invasion sends its perverse stimulus ratcheting up my spine, and a shiver from my toes to my neck. She works her way slowly into me; not writhing and chaotic, but methodical and patient. Her lips suck and rotate around the nerved center of her kiss, and her tongue snakes into the exposed sensitivity of my sinful insides. I grip her breasts tightly as the pleasure takes hold of me; the pale flesh of her bust protruding from my fingers as the tension in my nethers winds tighter and tighter. I feel my equanimity falter in the heat of my lust, and have to forcibly compose myself to remain in control. It seems that Laurie has gotten much better with the skills of her mouth; if I am to remain the sexual matriarch of this family, I'll have to be warry of her growing prowess. As it stands, there is only one woman here who can truly match me, and she's not family; not by blood, anyway.

Through the haze of my euphoria, I connect eyes with the emerald gaze of Eleanor. She watches us intently; her irises staring from the tops of her whites as her mouth works hedonistically upon the moaning blonde beneath her. Eleanor's pale, voluptuous complexion is completely bare, save for the skirt that's hiked past her hips, and clinging to the bulging globes of her backside. Audrie writhes beneath her; her tan complexion contrasting Eleanor's paleness, her mouth occupied with my son, her composure obviously subservient to the masterful redhead working her into a frenzy. I reach back and spread my cheeks around my daughter's face, enveloping her in the warmth of my supple flesh, feeling her tongue push its way ever further inside me. I lick my lips through my moans, and beckon the redhead to me with come-hither eyes. Eleanor smiles around her perverse feast, and trails a suggestive finger along the length of Audrie's twitching taint, raising an inquisitive eyebrow as her finger moves back and forth, tortuously teasing the poor woman. I smile and nod; I haven't been formally introduced to Audrie yet, and I would just love to make her acquaintance.

Part Three: A family Reunion


I quite like Eleanor. Maybe it's because she's clearly the ringleader of this debauched group, or maybe it's because her tongue is working wonders inside me. I taste the residual flavor of my ass on Tom's cock as I take him, feeling him growing harder with each gentle pass of my lips. I smile around my lustful consumption as I hear him groan in satisfaction, and I moan in turn as Eleanor's red lips puff around my dripping, engorged petals, and her fingers trace fire along the sensitive space between my holes. For now, the three of us are content with just foreplay. We watched for a while as Bradley fell to the temptation of his daughter, and then we engaged in a little fun of our own, but not too far; we were saving ourselves for the inevitable main event.

Eleanor parts from her kiss in a satisfied smack, leaving a sheen of her saliva and my nectar coating my reddened labia. Despite her age, it's obvious that Eleanor has a lot of experience. I murmur a reluctant tone as she leaves me vacant and unsatisfied, sliding her soft, curving body slowly up mine until our eyes are inches apart.

"I think," she smiles as she pulls Tom from my sucking lips, "Sierra wants us to come over."

I glance over my shoulder, and see the beautiful thirty-five year old woman gyrating on her daughter's face. Were this a normal family reunion, I'd be more than a little intimidated by the woman. Her deep, blue eyes, pointed nose, strong, cut jawline, and curly, waving auburn hair make her gorgeous, and the body that stretches beneath her is almost exaggerated in its curves. I'm not modest; I know I'm beautiful, but my beauty is the blonde-bombshell, fleeting beauty of youth, while hers is a graceful, lasting beauty, the kind that doesn't fade with age, but simply changes to something else. I must admit, I'm a little jealous of her, but it's hard to feel animosity toward a woman smiling so warmly, so… motherly, toward me. There's not a hint of malice in her regard, only a welcoming, endearing glow to her beckoning smile. So, I smile back, take Eleanor by the hand (and Tom by something else), and join the family reunion.

"Hey, Honey," I smirk at Bradley as we near them, "glad to see you're getting along with Laurie; I was worried there'd be bad blood between you two."

"Oh, we had our troubles," Bradley grins back, smacking Laurie on the ass, causing a muffled squeal to permeate from her mouth as she eats her mother's ass, "but we worked it out in the end."

"I believe," I say, smiling coyly to Tom, "that Laurie had a very specific request for you two."

"Ah, yes," Tom says, reaching forward and placing a hand on his mother's inner thigh, compelling her to slide backward to reveal the disheveled, ruined face of his sister beneath, "some quality time with the men of the house, if I remember correctly."

"Is that true, Sweetie?" Sierra smiles down at the teenager between her legs.

"Yes, Mommy." Laurie grins back, her lips coated in a sheen of her mother's lust.

"You always were such a tom-boy," Sierra laughs endearingly, tousling the disheveled curls beneath her, "always playing rough with the boys when you should have been playing with dolls."

"It was my lack of a proper father-figure," Laurie giggles, looking at Bradley as he pushes his way inside her, "I craved male attention anywhere I could find it."

"Alright!" Bradley yells, dragging Laurie from beneath his ex-wife, pulling her up by the hips, and then spinning them on the couch so that she's straddled across him, her nubile, lean body pressing to his torso, "I've had enough of this guilt-tripping bullshit from you, young lady! Tom, let's give your sister the male-bonding she so desperately wants."

Laurie lets out a near-maniacal laugh, bites her lower lip, and spreads herself for her brother. Bradley halts his thrusts for just a second as Tom lines up his shot, and pushes himself inside. Laurie's rim stretches to a pink, taught circle, her taint pulls to a length of indented flesh, her pussy visibly clenches, and her demeanor shifts violently. Her back wrenches in a curve that deepens with the depth of her anal and vaginal penetration, her abs strain to accommodate the fullness of her depravity, her neck tenses in lines of tendons, and her mouth screams. A hoarse, pained shriek of pure satisfaction flows from her gaping lips, and her eyes bulge as she realizes she did not know what she was getting herself into. Bradley and Tom thrust in unison; driving harder and harder into the poor girl, forcing her rigid, tensed body up between them as she loses control of herself.

"That girl," Sierra murmurs over my shoulder, "is always biting off more than she can chew."

"She's such a masochist," Eleanor chuckles beside me, "pretty soon we'll be getting whips and chains for her birthday."

"Maybe," Sierra responds, "but if I'm being honest, I'm a little worried about her impudent streak."

"Oh?" Eleanor laughs, "You don't like that she's becoming an independent, young woman?"

"I think she's testing herself," Sierra says, "I think she throws herself into situations she can't handle, just to see how far she can go before she loses it."

"And this worries you?" Eleanor asks.

"She's ambitious," Sierra says, "always trying to be the best, whether it be gymnastics, grades, or boyfriends. Now that she is… the way she is, I'm afraid she'll try the same thing with the family. Masochism might be her thing now, but she's really just putting herself through a trial-by-fire until she gets the experience and confidence she needs."

"To what? Usurp you?" Eleanor laughs, "Sierra Baker, are you sexually threatened by your own daughter?"

"A little," Sierra smiles bashfully, "does that make me a bad mother?"

"I think you should embrace it," I say, turning my attention from the screaming teenager sandwiched between her brother and father, and looking back to the women conversing behind me, "you should be proud of the way she flourishes."

I feel immediately foolish for saying it. It's not my place to give parental advice, especially since I'm the step-mother. I feel my face flush with embarrassment, and an apology form on my lips, but Sierra just laughs conciliatorily and nods.

"I suppose you��re right, Audrie," she says, "I guess I should welcome the day my daughter makes me her bitch."

"I didn't-"

"No, really," she smiles her warm, motherly smile, and takes me by the hand, "you're right."

Sierra pulls me close to her, spreading her thick legs and guiding me to stand between them. She assesses me with a thoughtful expression; running her eyes from my face, to my breasts, and then lower.

"God, you're pretty," Sierra mumbles, "I can see why Bradley was so enamored with you."

"No, you're the beautiful one," I say, drinking in her body, admiring every elegant curve of her form, "I don't know how he could ever leave you. I'm just a young piece, but you're… I'm like Cameron Diaz in the 90s, and you're like Cate Blanchett."

"You're a sweet heart," Sierra laughs, her hands sliding up my arms, over my shoulders, and then tracing down my sides, "I hope my children weren't too hard on you; they can be a rambunctious duo."

"That's an interesting way to put it," I chuckle, feeling my body bend closer to Sierra as she caresses me lower and lower, "I'll admit, they were a bit more than I could handle."

"I'm sorry to hear that," Sierra smiles, lowering her face as her fingers trail down my spine, "I hope I can make it up to you; it's hard to find a good babysitter for them."

"Hmm, I don't know, Sierra," I chuckle, indulgently lacing my fingers into her luxurious locks as her face lowers to my abdomen, "I think I'll need to raise my rates if you want to keep my services."

"I'm sure I we'll find some way to accommodate you," Sierra says, her voice low and seductive, her blue eyes smiling at me as her lips hover over my navel, "you're practically part of the family."

"What can we do to keep you around?" Eleanor asks, her curvaceous, soft form pressing against me from behind, her arms gently embracing me below the breasts.

"Hmm," I smile deviously, keeping one hand on Sierra's head as I reach back and entangle the other in Eleanor's crimson strands, "there is one thing you could do."

"And what's that?" Sierra whispers, her blue eyes sparkling, her hands resting on the supple flesh of my backside.

"Laurie made a little promise to me before you came," I grin, glancing over at the screaming teenager being brutally taken beside us, "she said that I could have a turn spending… quality time with Bradley and Tom, when she was done."

"Is that so?" Eleanor laughs, her voice a raspy fry in my ear as she cups my breasts, "How thoughtful of her."

"I think we'd all like a chance to spend quality time with those two," Sierra says, her lips gently tracing their way down my torso, her hands slowly spreading me open from behind, "but it would be foolish to jump on that ride without a little preparation, wouldn't you say?"

"It would be downright moronic," Eleanor concurs, glancing at Laurie's predicament, "it's always important to stretch before rigorous activity."

"Maybe we can stretch you out," Sierra laughs, low and seductive, her voice brimming with promise, "it's the least we can do for such a wonderful babysitter."

Sierra licks her way down my abdomen, her tongue working delicately through the lines of my pelvis, her hands spreading me open as Eleanor kisses me on the neck, and then moves south. I look down, and see a head of brown curls descend to my nethers, and a crown of red strands lower to my cheeks. Eleanor plants her face between the spread crease Sierra has provided for her, and Sierra trails her lips through the trimmed mound at the precipice of my lust. They hover their mouths over their meals; their breath hot and heavy upon the sensitive entrances at their wake, the anticipation building with each hungry expiration. They move together. Sierra's lips puff around the reddened petals of my pussy, while Eleanor's wrap about the puckered circle of my ass. My breath catches in my chest as their tongues push into me simultaneously. My spine arches at the small of my back, my ass envelopes Eleanor's face, and I rest a hand atop both of their heads, feeling my legs growing weak in the intensity of the sensation. Sierra's tongue curls upward, licking along the tender length of my inner spot, sending felicitous bouts of delight deep into my abdomen. Eleanor's tongue pushes into the tight wrap of my anus, exploring through the uncoiling channel. The perverse pleasure of my ass mingles with the natural pleasure of my womanhood, and my mind loses its focus to the needs of my body.

Their penetration is soft, warm and wet. At first, their tentative, almost curious with their tongues. They test me in different spots; probing gently through the nerve-covered wonders inside me, gaging the reactions of my body. Their tongues connect along the membrane between my channels, and I nearly collapse as a cry shoots from my lips. I feel their mouths curl in a smile about my entrances, and their exploratory nature ceases. They push their tongues hard against one another, and run them back and forth, pinching the fleshy division of my holes with their invading members. My head reels back, and I lose the strength in my legs. I plant my hands hard on the tops of their heads as I sit on their faces, and they hold me upright, not stopping for a moment, not giving me a second of reprieve. I straddle helplessly atop them, shifting back and forth over their faces, taking one deeper and then the other, feeling the weakness of my legs travel up my body. I hear them laugh a muffled, knowing tone as they discover the secrets inside me, finding the spot that drives me insane, exploiting it mercilessly. My eyes water in the heat of it all, and my nethers quake with felicitous contractions. They feel the involuntary reaction of my body, and they continue, more ardently, more determined than before. The last bit of resilient strength leaves me, and I become limp atop them, supported only by their feasting mouths and their pressing hands. I feel it; the familiar ache that permeates inside me, the rising torrent that marks the point of no return. They feel it too, and they don't stop; oh, god, they don't stop! I'm trapped between them, a slave to their gentle lust, a prisoner to the tender kisses that penetrate my most vulnerable places. All I can do, is grip their hair in desperation, finding something tangible to hold on to as I lose myself to them. My hips shift wildly, my voice rises higher and higher, the aching, tortuous pleasure grows and grows, burning, blazing within me. My head tilts to the ceiling, my body gyrates in waves of oscillating lust, my eyes widen in a tear-streaked, euphoric gaze, and I come. A pathetic, whimpering sound is the only vocalization my mouth can manage. The heat of the release rages to its critical point, and then breaks. My asshole clenches about Eleanor's tongue, my pussy convulses around Sierra's invasion, and a fountain of my euphoria floods into her awaiting mouth. The intensity of my ecstatic song rises as my voice gains leverage in my throat, and I scream the last bit of my mania as sanity regains purchase in my cluttered mind. Through a glaze of pleasured tears, I watch as Laurie experiences what I'm being prepared for.


Daddy and Tommy are not nice to me. They treat me like the baseless slut I am; hitting me, choking me, spitting into my gaping mouth as I scream. Their cocks push together; brutally separating my tight insides, stretching me wide open as I beg for mercy. They don't give it to me, and I don't want them to. I straddle about my father, my pussy a ruin of reddened, glistening petals and inner lips that stretch with every retreat. From behind, Tom spreads me open with one hand, and slaps me with the other. My asshole is a gaping, clenching vice that coils around him with every violent forced entry, welcoming him inside me with a sinful, sibling embrace. They pierce alongside each other; burrowing into virgin territory, desecrating the sanctity of depths I've never felt before. God it's good; better than anything I've ever had, and the wrongness of it all, the depravity of the act only makes it better.

"You like it when Daddy fucks you like this?!" Daddy growls, one of his hands wrapped around my throat, the other painfully squeezing a flailing breast.

"YES!" I choke out, writhing atop him, my body reacting perversely, violently, to every motion of the men taking me, stuck between their ferocious attacks, unable to steady myself, unable to adjust.

"You're just the family cum dumpster, aren't you?" Tom whispers in my ear, one of his hands gripping my ass and holding it open, the other relentlessly slapping me, turning my pale backside into a mosaic of red hand prints.

"YES!" I comply obediently, my voice wavering and choking, "I'm your anal-whore! I'm nothing but your toy!"

Tom grabs two handfuls of my hair and rips my head back, forcing my spine into an unnatural arch, forcing me to look back at him from the tops of my glazed eyes. My chest juts forward in the motion, and my father relinquishes my throat to take a greedy handful of my free breast. He sinks his fingers wantonly into the supple flesh; his thumbs pressing against my erect nipples, his grip sending beautiful, aching pain deep into my chest, mingling the feeling with the ruinous sensations coursing in my depths. Tom thrusts harder into me, watching as I react to his violence, watching as I mouth pathetic whimpers for more. Daddy takes Tom's increased passion as a challenge, and drives with even more ferocity. Their pelvises collide into me in a torrent of chaotic brutality, no longer hammering at a steady cadence, but ratcheting with each pass, going faster and harder, breaking me in without regard for my comfort, or sanity. They reach the tightest spaces of my depths; burrowing into my colon, smashing against my cervix, blasting agonizing pleasure into the desecrated reaches of my erogeneity. Spit leaks from my gaping lips, tears brim from my widened eyes, sweat glistens from my exhausted body. I deserve this; I'm the slut who fucks her brother, the whore who seduces her father, the cunt who tastes her mother. I wouldn't want to be anything else. This is me, this who I am. Use me, Daddy; rape me, Tommy. Break me in half, ruin me, leave me used and sullied like the filthy whore I am. Give me what I want, what I crave, what I need.

I feel it building within me; stronger and more violent than ever before. The natural, filling pleasure of my ravaged pussy contrasts the unnatural, perverse sensations permeating from the ruined sheath of my ass. The men press together against the delicate membrane that separates my womanhood from my vile hole, mixing the sensations they provide into a concoction of depravity, a singular source of euphoria that burns hotter and hotter with each relentless thrust. I'm screaming, wailing, begging for reprieve, but they don't give it to me. They go harder and harder, their grunts and groans rising in my ears, their breath hot against my exposed skin, their bodies pressing against me, surrounding me from the outside as they torture me from the inside. It's too much, too much for my mind to take. The sensations, the sights, the sounds and the smells leak their way past the defenses of my sanity. I become the entity of my lust, a slave to the senses, a whore in both body and soul. I writhe in simple reaction to the feeling; arching my back against the blast of thrusts from Tom, grinding my hips against the jackhammer of my father. Gasping, sputtering sounds vocalize from a mouth that is no longer my own as the feeling builds and builds; the singular, rising tempest that compels me from within. A stream of release blasts from my cunt and soaks my father, my pelvic floor juts from my taint as a torrent of convulsions rips through my ass. I'm coming, releasing and exalting, but the feeling still builds! Hotter and tighter, deeper, and stronger, ratcheting through my squirming insides, driving me insane! Hit me! Choke me! Fuck me! Oh, god… OH GOD!


Laurie's face is the portrait of depravity. Her bulging, writhing eyes stare at nothing, seemingly vacant in the gaze of her ecstasy. Dark eyeliner streams from the stained tears that wet her rosy cheeks, and mingles with the smeared lipstick that mars the luscious outline of her gaping mouth. The sounds that flow from her throat are not the sounds a teenage girl should make; hell, they're not sounds a human should make. She flails wildly in the last throes of her passion; her breasts jiggling and deforming in her father's squeezing palms, her ass squishing against her brother's driving pelvis, and her torso straining and flexing along the exaggerated curve of her back. The arch of her body is accentuated by the pull of her hair; stretching the underside of her neck, forcing her head backward and her face to the ceiling. They're violent with her, brutal, in fact. Her pale, unblemished complexion is a ruin of red hand prints, pinch marks and bruises, but she revels in it. It's hard to believe that just two days ago, this girl was my prim, goodie-two-shoe best friend. Now, she's a depraved, incestual whore, but really, this is who she always was. All it took was a little push from me, and she went screaming over the edge.

Her body oscillates in a wave of possessed motion; her ass shifting backward, her abdomen dropping, and her chest jutting outward in one move, and then her pelvis driving forward, her abdomen clenching, and her shoulders pinching back in the next. Her mouth screams a higher and higher note, until it's a shrill, desperate cry that grows silent in the wake of her orgasm. An astonished, wide-eyed look appears on her face as she stares vacantly toward the ceiling, and her body clenches in a paralysis of ecstasy. The tension in her posture winds, and winds, and then finally, snaps. Her voice returns, her body lurches forward, and she collapses atop her father, whimpering into his heaving chest. The three of them pant exhaustedly for a moment, recovering from the intensity of the act, and a mournful, soft sound permeates from Laurie's lips. She's crying.

"Laurie?" Bradley asks, touching a tender finger to his daughter's face, "Sweetie, are you alright?"

Laurie lifts her head, a curtain of brown curls flowing from her crown and revealing the beautiful, but marred face beneath it. Her big, sapphire eyes are brimming with tears, but her full, pale lips are smiling broadly. It's bizarre, to see such a rapid transition of emotions, to see her face contorted in lust one moment, and then relaxed in love the next. The evidence of her depravity is still smeared across her endearing expression, and the mixture of spit, tears, and makeup somehow compliments the affectionate look, despite the contradiction of it.

"Thank you," she whispers, her voice wavering in emotion, her hand gently cupping her father's cheek, "thank you, Daddy."

They come together in a kiss; not the carnal, challenging embrace they engaged in before, but a soft, loving exchange. Their mouths open and close along the crease of their pressing lips, and soft, tender smacks sound from their love. I can practically see the pain, abandonment and regret fall from their bodies, and the forgiveness, promise and love surge into them. I hear a sniffle from my left, and see both Audrie and Sierra wiping tears from their eyes.

"That was so beautiful." Audrie whispers, resting her head on Sierra's shoulder, "It's like I'm watching a really fucked-up Lifetime movie. I love your family."

"You're part of the family, Audrie," Sierra laughs, planting a kiss on Audrie's cheek, "just because you're not blood, doesn't mean you're not one of us."

"Just another character in this debauched daytime cable drama," I chuckle, squeezing the blonde woman's impossibly supple ass, "now get over there; it's time for your action sequence."

Audrie gives us both a delighted, endearing smile, and then rises to her feet, giddy with excitement. She composes herself, puts on a seductive face, and then walks sultrily over to the two awaiting men, her ass forming alternating globes with each lascivious step.

"I just cannot hate that woman," Sierra says as Audrie swaps spit with Laurie, and then helps her step-daughter to her feet, "I wanted to, but goddamn it, I really like her."

"I do too," I say, watching as Laurie limps her way over to the couch, "she's very open-minded."

"What do you think, Sweetie?" Sierra laughs as her daughter approaches, her reddened, used holes still gaping from her abuse.

"I think," Laurie groans, collapsing on the other side of her mother, "that I won't be able to feel anything below the waist for a week."

"Is that so?" Sierra smirks, extending a single finger outward and gently pressing Laurie's prolapse back inside her asshole. Laurie shutters audibly; licking her lips and closing her eyes in bliss as she savors the invasion of her mother's finger.

"I guess not," she smiles weakly, "now, what were you asking me?"

"What do you think of your step-mother?" Sierra asks, nurturing her daughter by cleaning the smeared makeup from her face, and gently combing her fingers through the mess of curls snarled atop her head. Laurie glances lazily over to Audrie, who is on her knees, and taking it upon herself to clean her partners off; with her mouth, of course.

"Ellie pegged her perfectly," Laurie says, smiling over Sierra and looking at me, "eager to please, always trying to impress, and sexually over-compensating; I like her a lot."

"How did you convince her to do this?" I ask, pulling out my phone and showing her the picture she sent me.

"We played on her insecurities," Laurie smiles slightly, tracing her finger along the curves of her mother's side, "we knew she'd want to be the cool step-mom, so we let her try to impress us. Once she got comfortable with us, we revealed the… nature of our relationship."

"First Audrie, then your own father," Sierra muses, looking back at me with a frank expression, "I wonder where you learned to be so manipulative."

"You should have seen her face when Tom kissed me," Laurie giggles girlishly, drawing her mother's ire away from me, "it was perfect."

"I would love to have seen that," Sierra smiles, taking her daughter's hands and guiding it between her legs, "tell me everything that happened, in gratuitous detail."

I press my body against Sierra's back, spooning her, feeling my breasts squish against her shoulders and my pussy slide against her ample backside. I nuzzle my face against the soft curve of her neck, and kiss her gently in the vulnerable spot, smiling as I hear her breath quicken beneath me. Laurie turns over and presses herself to her mother's front; her petite bust deforming against the swell of her mother's bosom, one of her slender legs wrapping lazily over her mother's thick thighs. She stares her sapphire eyes into her mother's identical irises, and smiles.

"Well," Laurie smirks, allowing her mother to guide her hand further down, "first, we smoked a little weed, and drank a little beer."

"Oh, you're grounded," Sierra chuckles, reaching behind herself and spreading one of her cheeks for me, "you shouldn't have told me that."

"Then, Audrie and I got in a little wrestling match," Laurie giggles, caressing her mother along her leaking slit, sending shivers up the woman's spine that I can feel tremoring against my belly, "and she ended up on top of me."

"I've seen this movie before." I smile over Sierra's shoulder as I slide my hand between our bodies, tracing down her spine and nearing the small of her back.

"I thought she might kiss me right there," Laurie says, her voice barely a whisper, her tones seeping with seduction as she teases her mother while recounting her tale, "but she resisted me."

"I bet you didn't like that." Sierra smiles to her daughter, their eyes still locked, their lips inches apart.

"I was patient," Laurie says, her eyes sparkling, her fingers still caressing her mother, not penetrating her, "just like I'm being patient with you now."

"Hmm," Sierra murmurs contentedly, nestling her body closer to her daughter's, "you're testing me again, aren't you?"

"I am," Laurie giggles girlishly, though her eyes twinkle mischievously, "one of these days, I'll find the right combination to unlock you."

"And then what?" Sierra smiles, releasing her spread cheek as my hand slides between her supple glutes.

"Then," Laurie whispers, her fingers slickening with the nectar of her mother's want, "I'll have you begging between my legs, just like Audrie was."

As if on cue, Audrie's voice rings out in abject ecstasy. We turn our attention from ourselves, and watch as the beautiful blonde expresses her lust. Bradley and Tom are standing, facing each other, with Audrie acting as the bridge between them. She faces her step-son, with her arms pulled back behind herself, and clasping their hands together behind her husband's neck. Her body is curved into a graceful, tan arch; her shoulders resting on her husband's chest, her perfect breasts jutting toward her step son, her silky abdomen distending forward, and her supple ass deforming against Bradley's pelvis. She is being impaled, violated by the pull of her own body weight. Her legs straighten and tense at her sides as she slowly descends; her pussy taking in her step-son, her asshole slowly expanding around her husband's rigid cock. Every inch she drops, her face contorts more dramatically; her mouth falling further agape, her eyes bulging wider, her brow furrowing deeply, creating lines of strain across her smooth forehead. Her voice grows louder and more desperate with each inch she takes in, until her holes finally consume the last of the men supporting her, and she whimpers pathetically.

"God, she's beautiful." Sierra mutters, all of us forgetting for a moment that we were about to fuck each other.

"I tried to make her ugly," Laurie whispers as the men begin to thrust into her step-mom, "but everything I threw at her just made her look hotter."

Laurie's right; no matter what image you take of Audrie, every snapshot of her lust looks like it could be a centerpiece in Hustler. Even as the men pound into her harder and harder, her body doesn't contort in the violence, but gracefully adapts. The elegant curve of her bridging arch bends and shifts between the men taking her, but the motions are smooth and adept. Her face never distorts into an ugly grimace, but expresses her intense pleasure with picturesque dignity. Even the picture I have of her on my phone, with her own panties shoved in her mouth, her innocent eyes, woeful expression and ravaged complexion somehow look pretty, as if she prepared herself for the photo.

"She's taking this with a lot more grace than you did," Sierra chuckles to Laurie, reaching forward and grabbing her daughter's ass, and then dragging her closer, bringing their groins together, "the things that came out of your mouth, Laurie… imagine if your mother heard you say those things."

"Are you chastising me for my dirty mouth?" Laurie giggles, teasing her mother with one hand, while tracing the outline of Sierra's lips with the other, "Even after my tongue was in your ass?"

"Such a dirty little mouth," Sierra grins, their lips brushing against each other, "I'll have to clean it out."

Mother and daughter connect in a kiss; their lips forming around each other and sucking gently as their tongues entwine between them. I take an indulgent inhale of Sierra as I pinch my fingers together against her puckered rim; smelling the sweet scent of her desire wafting from her warm flesh. I push my fingers slowly forward, and feel the tension of her sphincter unwind in a welcoming surrender. Her rim opens about my pressing digits, and then tender, glistening flesh of her asshole beckons me inside. She moans into her daughter's mouth, and presses her body closer to her as my hand moves deeper, and deeper. Her incestual kiss becomes more impassioned the further my hand travels inside her, and I see Laurie falling prey to her mother's seduction. She ceases her teasing, and slides her fingers into her mother just like Sierra wants her to, gently compelled to give in to Sierra's overbearing prowess. Laurie never really had a chance against her mother, but I get the feeling that Sierra likes that her daughter tries. One day, Laurie might finally break the woman, but not today. Today, she simply loves her the way Sierra wants her to. Sierra's lust is controlling, but not domineering; she just makes people want to do what she wants to do. As Sierra's rim encloses about my violating wrist, and she shifts her hips against me to take it deeper, I realize, that I just did exactly what she wanted. I smile to myself, and push further into her.


"Oh, god!" Audrie cries, looking into my eyes as her back arches deeper, jutting her jiggling breasts into my face, "Fuck me harder!"

Her legs wrap around my driving hips, pulling me deeper into her as she convulses violently from the inside. I drive in congruence with my father; feeling her tighten around me as he violates her from the other side. I can tell she likes it better when we move together by the way she screams in my ear, and by the spasms that wrack her desecrated insides. She wants to be fucked in both holes at once; she wants to be filled with as much man as she can take. Her penetration is so robust that I can see the indentation of my cock moving subtly beneath the smooth flesh of her pelvis. I can feel her pelvic floor jutting violently from her body with each simultaneous pull of the men inside her, and I feel her body seize in delight every time that happens.

Audrie is not like Laurie, not really. She doesn't demand abuse like my sister does, but she isn't opposed to things getting rough. I release her thighs, as her legs are now wrapped securely around my waist, and I take two handfuls of her perfect breasts. I squeeze hard, but not to the point of pain like I would with Laurie. I feel the supple texture of her bust give into the pressing of my fingers, and I see the arousal surge into her eyes as my thumbs press onto her nipples. Her head falls against my dad's chest, and she moans a drawn-out, deep sound. She watches me from the bottoms of her eyes as my thumbs push her erect nipples back inside her breasts, and my fingers sink into the soft flesh surrounding them. Dad begins to drive harder into Audrie's ass, and I strain to keep pace with the old man. As our rhythm speeds up, I see the change begin to take shape in Audrie's expression. Her eyes widen with each increasing blast of our hips, her mouth falls further agape, and her brow furrows in the tell-tale sign of her ascension. Her moans become cries, and her motions become more ardent. She gyrates her hips in a circular pass; her abdomen flexing beneath her breasts, the indentation of my driving cock forming and reforming beneath her musculature as she stirs her insides around it. Her voice carries higher and higher, and her lustful dance becomes more impassioned. The circular motion of her hips works in opposition of her penetration, and the resistances of her muscles only serve to tighten her hold on me. I drive through the tightness she presents me, and her body wriggles in delight. Her cries become desperate, shallow, pants, as if she were hyperventilating, and the motions of her body stray from graceful, to violent.

"Oh-fuck-oh-fuck-oh-fuck-oh-fuck-oh-fuck!" she pants, her breath heaving from her gaping lips in short, sputtering bursts, her eyes brimming with the tears of her pleasure. I feel the pressure growing in my loins, and the will to stop it wane. I didn't come inside Laurie, but I'm not sure if I can stop myself from coming inside Audrie. I turn to my left, and see Eleanor and Mom watching me expectantly. Goddamn it, I'm not a fucking pornstar! I grit my teeth, and hammer into the woman, feeling her insides clench around me like a vice as Dad ravages her from the other side. She screams, bucks her hips, and begins to convulse wildly. Her cunt traps me within her like a vice, and her back straightens as her head flies skyward to yield her primal cry. She squirts all over me, and I have to sing the national anthem in my head to keep from blowing the last of myself inside her. Dad does not share my resolve, and I hear Audrie's scream sharpen in delight as he fills her gaping asshole. Her fervency subsides, softening to exerted breaths and soft whimpers, and she takes her husband's mouth to her own as she savors his seed inside her. Her legs unwrap from my waist, and I stumble backward, and collapse onto the couch.

"Busy day, huh?" Mom chuckles in my ear as she rests her head on my shoulder.

"My dick has friction burns," I groan, letting my head fall back on the couch, "I don't think I can do this much longer."

"Oh, my poor baby," Mom giggles, kissing me on the neck, pressing her soft body against me, "I'll be gentle with you."

Mom is an impossible woman to deny. Her kisses trace sweet fire against my skin as she lowers herself between my legs. I feel another pair of hands brushing my chest, and I look to the side to see Laurie nestling her body next to me.

"You look exhausted," she sniggers, tousling my hair playfully, "did I wear you out?"

"You, then Audrie, then you again, then Audrie again," I groan, "and next Mom, and then Ellie?! I can't keep this up!"

"Mmm, I don't know, Pumpkin," Mom smiles between my legs, her cool fingers wrapping around my cock, "it looks like you're keeping it up just fine."

Laurie lowers her face to my crotch as Mom's lips press tenderly on my tip. They turn their head to opposite sides of me, and then look up with similar smirks strewn across their near-identical faces. Their tongues snake from between their smiling lips, and move from my tip, to my base. I groan as a small shot of precum shoots from my head, and they snigger knowingly to each other. I rest a hand on both of their crowns, entangling my fingers into their luxurious locks as their heads move up and down in the motion of their lewd pleasure.

"Fuuuuuuck." I moan, feeling myself grow even harder, simultaneously dreading and anticipating what is to come. My back aches, my legs are weak and my groin is a mess, but the feeling of my sister and mother tenderly licking their way up my shaft is just too much to deny. I look over to Dad, and see Eleanor eating the dripping contents of Audrie's ass as Audrie squats before her husband. Her tan, toned back is straight in its posture, and her tailbone protrudes slightly from the twinned domes that make up the lascivious outline of her backside. She turns from her meal, and looks at me, reaching back and pressing the redhead deeper into her consumption. She gives me a little wink, and then says something to Eleanor. Eleanor leaves Audrie's gaping anus with a parting kiss on the rim, and then takes Dad's hand, and brings him over to his awaiting ex-wife. Alright, here we go again.


I glide my body upward along Tom's, noting his obvious exhaustion. There's no way he can last for a round of me, and then Eleanor, and by the pained way Bradley's walking toward me, I know he feels the same. Eleanor catches my gaze as she brings my ex-husband to me, and she eyes the wet spot between my legs. I smile, and rotate myself so that I'm facing away from Tom, my ass pressing to his groin, my back resting on his chest. It looks like Tom and Bradley are going to be taking the both of us together.

Eleanor climbs atop me; her large, pale bust squishing against my own, her back arching so that her belly presses against mine, her quirked, excited smile brushing my lips. Tom spreads me as Bradley spreads Eleanor, and we share a final, anticipatory grin as our assholes are finally penetrated. We growl in unison as the pressure in our rectums grows. The piercing, throbbing nature of my sodomy compels me to press to my redheaded friend, and our clits rub against each other as our bodies curve in lust.

"Oh, fuck," Eleanor moans in a low, deep growl, shifting her hips and smiling brightly at me as our legs entangle and our pussies mingle, "you like that, Sierra?"

"Your nasty, little ginger cunt grinding against me?" I gasp, feeling her heartbeat thrumming against my pressing breast, "While you fuck my husband?"

"Ex-husband," Eleanor grins, moans slipping from her whorish, red lips, "and I think he likes me more than you.��

"You can have him," I grin, grinding my ass against Tom's thrusting pelvis, relishing the depth of his penetration, "I'll take Tom all to myself."

"What about me?" Audrie says from beside me, slipping her hand between Eleanor and myself, "Who do I get?"

"I think they're trying to take the men from us, Audrie," Laurie grins from my other side, reaching her hand below the action, "how greedy of them."

"You two bitches got them all to yourselves!" I yell, laughing in pleasure as Tom's cock presses against my vaginal wall, sending screaming pleasure deep into my twisting abdomen.

"And you wore us the fuck out." Bradley groans from behind Eleanor, gripping the pale, supple fat of her ass as he drives into her tight asshole.

"Now I'm stuck with boring Sierra," Eleanor laughs, cries of ecstasy interrupting her words, "and an exhausted, old man."

"Old man?!" Bradley yells, pulling Eleanor off me in a powerful lift. Her eyes widen in excitement, and she bites her lower lip as she's forced in the air, and pressed against his chest. He pulls her thick, rippling thighs forward, and jackhammers his way into her gaping, pink asshole. The voluptuous redhead becomes a stream of jiggling pale flesh and flailing red hair, and her delight sings from her mouth as she bounces up and down in opposition to his driving thrusts. Audrie takes the opportunity to plant her face between Eleanor's legs, and wrap her lips about the oozing slit at their precipice. Eleanor's hands dart forward in a manic motion of pleasure, and she grasps the blonde woman's hair in a white-knuckled panic.

Laurie slinks her lean, nubile body against mine, and smiles companionably as she guides my hands, and hers, between our legs. I sink my fingers into the tight reaches of her pussy as she glides hers inside my vacant slit, and we moan and writhe in congruence as Tom drives harder and harder into my asshole. Laurie slides her body further up my own, and wraps her legs about my waist as her fingers push deeper. She lies atop me, mingling the soft warmth of her feminine body with my own as Tom's fierce masculinity contrasts her beneath me.

Eleanor's red hair and pale form comes blurring into my vision as she crashes onto the couch. I can tell by the mischievous glint in her eyes, and the twisted anger on Bradley's face, that she said something to set him off. He plants his foot on the side of her face, and forces her head into the cushions as he rails mercilessly into her asshole. Laurie turns her attention away from me, and gives Eleanor an appraising look as the ginger girl exhibits the same masochism Laurie is inclined to. The only difference between Ellie and Laurie, is that Eleanor continues to hurl insults at Bradley even as he throws his back into her.

Audrie saunters over to the three of us, smirking at Eleanor's predicament, and then smiling deviously at the options she has before her. She plants her face into the midst of our defilement, and I feel her tongue slide from Tom's balls, up my taint, through my slit, and then through Laurie's exposed holes. My son, daughter and I moan in mutual satisfaction as we pleasure each other, and the wonderful step-mother services us from below. I remove my invading digits from Laurie's slit and let Audrie do the work for us, and then cup my beautiful daughter's face in my own, and bring her forward for a kiss.


"Gaaah!" I scream, reveling in the brutality of Bradley's drives as he forcibly expands my anus, "Is Viagra deductible for AARP members, old man?!"

"Do you even have a driver's license yet?" Bradley growls, his pelvis smashing into my ass, his cock piercing me so deeply, "Or does Mommy still have to drop you off at school?"

"I think your erection has lasted for too long," I grin, exerted tones of pleasure leaking from my gritted teeth, "maybe we should call an ambulance for you."

"I'm gonna need one just to get rid of all the STDs you're giving me," Bradley sneers, slapping my ass painfully as his foot pushes my face further into the cushions, "you Catholic sluts don't know what condoms are."

"Father forgive me, for I have sinned!" I scream, feeling the violent quaking in my depths rise with each brutal penetration of my ruined rectum, "I've taken advantage of a senile geriatric!"

"Holy father, save me," Bradley snarls, "because I'm pretty sure Chris Hansen is waiting behind that door."

I laugh gleefully and back my ass into Bradley, reveling in his combative nature, savoring the relentless brutality with which he regards me. My ass ripples and reddens with the impact of his pelvis and palm, my back arches into an agonizing wrench as my belly is forced downward, and my pelvis, pushed upward. I scream my ecstasy into the cushions, and claw desperately at the upholstery. God, it's good.


Eleanor's body shifts violently back and forth under my thrusting ex-husband as her screams carry from her mouth. Half her face is still visible beneath Bradley's foot, and it's a contorted mess of smiling, red lips, running makeup, and wide, green eyes. She shrieks the last throes of her orgasm as Bradley slaps the last of his malice into the reddened, supple flesh of her backside. She collapses beneath him, and he gives her a parting slap on the ass, before pulling out, and showering her with his seed. She moans in delight as her ruined complexion is desecrated further; grinding her thighs together in arousal as cum rains into her hair, onto her face, and across her back. He regards her with a disdainful look, then chuckles, and helps her to her feet.

The feeling inside me is stirring to its precipice, but I hold back on it, watching my ex-husband expectantly, waiting for him to finally take me. I moan and shift on my son, presenting my body beneath my daughter, calling for him, waiting for him, but he doesn't look my way. He takes Eleanor by the hips and kisses her; deeply, passionately, lecherously. He doesn't even look at me. You're done with that redheaded whore, Bradley! Come to me! He just keeps kissing her, ignoring me, pretending I'm not there. He'll never touch me again. He'll never love me like he used to. He'll cast me out after this, and never let me see him again. I know these fears are irrational, I know they're just my emotions playing with me, but I can't help but feel them. Eleanor breaks from the kiss, smiling lustfully, and then whispers something in his ear. He turns to me, and regards me with a passive, studious gaze. I smile warmly, hopefully, trying to cast aside the fear that creeps within my chest. He stares dispassionately for a moment longer, and I feel the anxiety brimming at the corners of my mind. Finally, he smiles, and my heart leaps. His grin broadens as he walks over to me, and Laurie tactfully dismounts; taking Audrie by the hand and grinning back at me from ear to ear.

"Your fiancé is fucking crazy." Bradley smiles as Eleanor limps behind him.

"She's not my-"

"I know, Sierra," Bradley chuckles, "no shit."

Bradley takes my thighs in his hands, and I spread them, shaking in anticipation, tremoring in the pleasure of my sodomy. He smiles down at me, and slowly, he enters me. My heart jumps with joy as his rigid love presses into my delicate heat. I clench around him in a lustful, warm embrace as the last inch of him pierces me just right. He groans in satisfaction as I take him, and I lean forward, curling myself upright to meet him. Our lips connect in a loving embrace, and he kisses me just like he did all those years ago. The passion, the desire and the love burn from his lips and tongue, and placate my lust in a way only he ever could. I melt in his mouth, and wrap my legs around his waist, taking him deeper, feeling him pulse within me next to his son. The aching, wonderful pleasure seeps into my depths, and brings about a growing pressure that rises within me. Muffled cries and moans pour from the crease of my kiss, but I don't break from it. I gyrate and move in congruence with my son and lover, and rise with them, feeling them ascend in the same euphoria that takes me. A chorus of our lust exalts from our mouths as the feeling bursts, and we fall together in the final satisfaction, our bodies mingling and our hearts loving. I feel the soft, female bodies of Eleanor, Audrie and Laurie entangle in the pile, and I feel the exhaustion of the day wear on me. I see it in all their faces; the tired, but content look that droops their expressions, and gives them blissful grins. As my heart slows to its normal cadence, and the satisfied sighs fill the room, I nuzzle my head against my son's chest, and savor the weight of his father atop me. Then, I fall asleep.


Tom, Laurie and Eleanor did end up going to prom that year. Tom's date was Eleanor, as originally planned, but even after her abrupt breakup with her longtime boyfriend, Laurie did not go stag. No, the entire student body whispered and gossiped as Laurie Baker, captain of the gymnastics team and valedictorian of the junior class, showed up to prom with the most beautiful blonde woman the small, Nebraskan town had ever laid eyes on. At first, the spectators thought it was just a stunt, but then they saw the way the two women danced with each other. Rumor flew like wildfire that Laurie Baker was a lesbian, but the rumors didn't bother her. She had the hottest date at the dance, and the way to the two women moved together drew the eyes of every swinging dick and jealous twat in the gymnasium. Some people called the dancing 'pornographic,' those of a more progressive mindset called it 'art,' but most agreed that it was just 'hot as fuck.' Later that night, all rumors of Laurie's homosexuality were dispelled during the after-party at the Baker's house. Without going into gratuitous detail (as I believe this author has done quite enough of), I'll just summarize the events that occurred in the house as quoted by dazed patrons seen leaving the property.

"Holy fucking shit, those bitches are crazy."

"Can I confide something in you? I'm in love with Laurie's mother."

"There are no virgins leaving that party. Dude, I'm serious; they let everyone have a turn."

"Eleanor did things to me… terrible, wonderful things."

After the infamous party at the Baker's house, Tom graduated high school, and decided to live at home and attend the local community college. Bradley and Audrie Baker soon moved in with Sierra, Tom and Laurie, and Eleanor managed to talk her parents into letting her live with the Bakers as well. From all reports, it sounded like Eleanor's parents didn't need much convincing. Needless to say, after a few months, all of the women of the house were knocked up. It was a coin-toss to guess who the father was, but none of the prospective mothers cared to find out. Nine months later, the Baker house became a three-generation family, and the familial debauchery dwindled as child-rearing came into focus. That's not say the debauchery stopped completely, it just wasn't the daily thing it was before. Years past, and the family grew, and changed. Audrie and Eleanor became fast friends, and scoured the town for unsuspecting men (and women) to take back home. Strangers walked into the Baker house, stayed the night, and then left with a very different perspective on life. Most of the people Audrie and Eleanor dated did not become long-term relationships, but they did end up finding a set of twins, a brother and a sister, who became permanent members of the family. The youngest generation of the family grew into maturity, and the adults took it upon themselves to teach their children all about the birds and bees. I'd like to say the whole thing ended happily ever after, but a gas leak eventually blew the place up.