Joe further humiliates Olivia, meets Brianna.

I head to work the next day still marveling that I have no refractory period when I cum out of time. I realize that I can have sex with as many women as I want at any time that I want. Once I get to the office, I see that Olivia will be running a meeting later today. Sounds like a great opportunity to humiliate her some more.

Once the meeting starts, Olivia is wearing the perfect outfit: a modestly low-cut blouse with a skirt that comes to mid-thigh. When the meeting has gotten fully underway, I start to slowly remove Olivia's underwear out-of-time. I pull it down a very small amount, restart time a fraction of a second, and keep continuing this. Olivia is behind a podium in front of 30 people, so there isn't really much she can do.

Her panties get down to her knees before they start to mysteriously travel back up her legs again. She is a trooper and keeps going on with the meeting like nothing is happening, no doubt freaking out on the inside. I do this for about 10 minutes before I decide to step it up a notch. I pull her panties all the way up, but not before inserting a small bullet dildo I bought specifically for this fully into her vagina. I really push it up there so it is not going to fall out on its own and set it to vibrate. She'll have to reach up in there to pull it out.

I put her panties back on and relieve her of her bra. After I sit back down, I take a minute to consider if maybe this was going a little too far. After all, she is in front of half the company and about to feel a mysterious vibrating deep in her pussy which she won't be able to explain until she gets to a bathroom and can check it out. Luckily the dildo is quiet enough that no one will hear it vibrating. It only takes me about a second to realize that, no, this does not go too far and, yes, she does deserve this. The way I see it, I am letting her off easy for the way she has treated me.

One I restart time, Olivia gets bug eyes and stops talking for a few seconds. She then powers on through her presentation, trying not to show her arousal. She is not doing the best job, as I can see her face start to flush with color and from where I am sitting it looks like her knees might buckle. She hurriedly finishes her presentation and is about to head to the bathroom when Steve, the CEO, asks her to stay for the next presentation first. She can't really refuse the CEO, so she heads back to her seat, which is luckily right next to me, and tries to hide that she is cumming.

I sure make it a lot harder on her by starting up a conversation with her while Steve is getting his presentation ready. She is looking at me while I'm talking to her but is clearly not listening and is just trying to concentrate on not screaming in ecstasy. I ask her a question and it takes her a few seconds to realize that I did.

"Yes, the quarterly..." she says as she trails off with "uhhhhhhh."

"Are you okay?" I ask.

"Yes. I'm great. I've never been better." Under her breath I can hear her saying "fucking yes, goddamn that feels good" as her breathing rate is rapidly increasing. Steve is starting his presentation so I take the opportunity to put in the butt plug that I brought. I freeze time and bend Olivia over. I put the butt plug on and think that she is really not going to like this.

Once I restart time, her eyes bug out even more than they already had been; it looks like they are going to pop out of her head! Her head twists around to look behind her like she expects to see someone in the act of putting the butt plug on. "Olivia, are you paying attention," says Steve.

"Yes, sir. Sorry. I thought I heard someTHING." The end of the last word comes out as if she just had a strong orgasm, which she probably did.

I am just having the time of my life sitting next to her, thinking that there is absolutely no way that she could suspect it is me doing it. Steve wraps up his presentation and Olivia excuses herself to the bathroom. I give her a little while and then freeze time to go and check on her. She is on the toilet, no doubt trying to get the dildo out of her pussy and the butt plug out of her ass. I decide she is going to have quite the surprise when she gets them out.

I take the plug and dildo out and slam myself into her already wet snatch. Seems like the dildo did the job. After all the preparation and seeing her cum over and over in the meeting, it does not take me long to shoot my load in her. Luckily, time is frozen so I can keep going as long as I want. I have two more orgasms before I decide that I have deposited enough for my plan. I shove the dildo back in and move on to her ass.

It is a little tougher getting in, but once I am it is smooth sailing. I send three loads in her back door before I pull out and put the plug back in. Okay, now to put her back on the toilet and see how this turns out. After time starts, she is still trying to push the dildo out and remove the butt plug. After a few minutes, I can hear the dildo pop out and what sounds like a waterfall of liquid hitting the water. The same thing happens another minute later when I am guessing she removed the butt plug.

I can then hear Olivia muttering under her breath: "This makes no sense. I am in the meeting and, all of a sudden, a dildo is in my pussy and a plug in my ass and they are both holding in a waterfall of cum. What the hell is going on? I will admit that I must have cum about 20 times and it felt fucking great, but this is fucked up!"

"Not as fucked up as how you treat your employees," I think.

Later on, and back in the meeting, Olivia seems to be recovered from before. Well, I can't have that. I let her get back to her presentation and then freeze time. Her breasts are definitely too cramped in that bra. I take it off and start sucking on her breasts, making sure to get a good taste of both.

I then head a little lower and start teasing her clit. She is still slightly wet from before, so she responds quickly and starts gushing. I don't let up, though, and just keep going. Let's see how she tries to hide this one.

I can only imagine how strong her orgasm is when I restart time, but it must be huge. She tries to take it in stride but doesn't succeed: "As you can see...uhhh...our quarterly...yesssssss...earnings are...fuck...above expectations..." She can't speak after this and just continues with some moans.

Steve looks worried: "Olivia, are you okay? You look worse than before. I think you need to take the rest of the day off. You look sick."

"Yes, sir. I am just going to use the bathroom first." She walks out of the room and heads to the bathroom again. A few minutes later, I slap my head and say that I forgot my report at my desk. I leave the meeting and head towards the bathroom, where Olivia is on her way out. I can see that she still looks frazzled about what is happening to her.

As we are about to pass each other, I freeze time, undress her, and ram myself in her slit. I take no concern of her and thrust with no abandon. I go on for 10 minutes before I feel myself approaching the edge. Before I cum, I pull out and cum on her stomach. I put some of the cum on my finger and give her a nice coating of lip gloss. Once this is done, I put everything back as it had been and restart time.

Olivia stumbles forward and would have fallen had I not caught her. I make sure she had an intense orgasm as soon as our skin touches and she begins shaking uncontrollably. It looks to me like she couldn't even breath for a little and eventually starts gasping for air. She grabs onto me and pushes her ample breasts into me. I savor the feeling for a few seconds before I pull back and ask Olivia if she is okay, pretending I hadn't noticed her pushing her chest at me.

"Thanks for catching me. I'm fine. Steve is right; I just need to head home."

I decide to let Olivia have the rest of the day off and head back to the meeting.

Later during the meeting, I notice the gorgeous unfamiliar women at the other end of the table, Brianna.: 5'4'', 115 pounds, D cups. She is introduced as the newest employee, and I think to myself that she will be my newest conquest. She is dead-sexy and I can't wait to fuck her and play with those perfect melons. I am getting a little anxious for in-time sex, so I decide to get her to want sex with me.


Over the next few weeks, I arouse her and get her wet every time she sees me with the help of some out-of-time cunnilingus. I sure was becoming an expert at it. She starts to get very receptive, becoming wet every time she sees me, so I figure it is time to step it up.

When she got into work today, I was going to start by getting her wet but, god damn, she is already sopping! She took to my "suggestions" even faster than Olivia. Halfway through the day, she pulls me aside and asks if I am free after work.

Damn this woman knows what she wants and is not afraid to go for it. I get a hard-on instantly at the thought of her taking advantage of me. See, I am really into BDSM and I don't really have the opportunity for bondage play having sex out-of-time.

The women respond after I restart time but aren't really going to out-of-time, right? So we grab drinks after work and she leads the conversation to my relationship status. I tell her I'm single and she practically jumps right into asking me back to her place.

When we get there, the door isn't even closed before she starts devouring my mouth. I guess she was already quite the slut and I just directed her energy towards me.

We find ourselves moving towards the bedroom and she pushes me down on the bed. She is prepared and grabs out some ropes to tie me to the bedpost. Man, this is so fucking hot. I make as if I am struggling to get out and plead with her to let me go while on the inside I am begging her to take me.

She jumps on my pole and starts riding me furiously. Her hair is flying all over the place and I see that she is covered in sweat. She hasn't been going for long before she explodes in a massive orgasm.

She goes straight into a second and then into a third. I am speechless, thinking she must have been cumming for two straight minutes by now. I am about to lose control so I freeze time right before I cum. I want to make sure I am able to keep going for as long as she does. I mean, how could I not want to keep watching those perfect breasts bounce up and down?

At the six minute mark or so of her continuous orgasms, I explode inside her out-of-time again and she keeps going. Is she the energizer bunny? She starts to lose steam after 10 minutes of her cumming, while I have cum four times.

She pulls off of me and as soon as my penis is no longer plugging her hole a waterfall of semen comes pouring out.

"Damn!," she says, "how do you have so much cum!?!? I must have cum a hundred times. What are you, a sex god? These sheets are definitely ruined."

"Well," I reply, "when having sex with someone as fucking hot as you, is it a surprise I emptied my balls completely?"

She looks at me with clear longing in her eyes and says "you are by far the best fuck I have ever had. I could die right now and be happy." She starts to walk out of the room and I ask her to untie me. "No, I don't think we can do that. I need you ready for another round later and to know I now own you."

What? Seems I may have let this submissive thing get a little out of hand. I will need to teach her that she needs to follow my orders.

Later that night, I fall asleep still tied to the bed, though I have loosened the ties. Brianna wakes me up by sitting on my night wood. She is preoccupied and doesn't know I'm awake so I flip her around and am on top of her. Before she knows it, she is the one tied up.

She is about to scream out and I shove her panties, which are still wet from her arousal, into her mouth. Her eyes bug out as I slam into her. "I am going to teach you a lesson, you slut. No way you are going to leave me tied up like that."

She struggles to break free and I slam into her. After spending the last two hours tied to her bed, I take no thought of her into account as I cum at least five times. By that time, I realize she has passed out from too many orgasms.

I finish up and am amazed at all of the cumming done tonight between the both of us. I am so exhausted that I pass out before even dislodging from her.

The next morning, I feel something pushing into me and hear muffled pleading. I think I am still dreaming but then remember last night and wake up. Seems I have morning wood and have been thrusting into her in my dreams. Brianna's eyes are pleading with me to untie her and her panties are still stuck in her mouth. There is a huge pile of semen in between her legs and I shake my head at last night while I untie her.

"You bastard," she says. "How can you just leave me tied up like that? Though I have to admit, that was the best night of my life. How can a guy possibly shoot so many loads? I have never heard of that. Your balls must produce so much."

I had left my car at work so we head there together. As we are exiting her car, Frank from accounting sees us and does a double-take, probably wondering how someone like me could land someone like her.

"We better head into work separately so no one suspects," she says. A little too late for that.

She gives me a passionate kiss and heads into work. Does she normally sway or hips like that or is it for me? I am looking forward to more fun with her.