Chapter 11 - Villa Hotel (2)

Chapter 11 – Villa Hotel (2)

Tim gave her their current issues on their franchises of their restaurant chain. Here, you can study this one and give me your inputs.


While reading, Tim is staring at her.

Alex, saw him. Is there a problem? Do you need anything?

Nothing, while smiling

Alex heart beat faster. What is he doing? While he is staring at me? Does he find me attractive? Omg, don't tell me you like me tim….ahhhhhhh! Im so kilig! This was said in her thought.

Uhm.. tim, you are having a problem with your franchisees and your operations and finance department proposed to revoked their franchise agreement.


I totally disagree with them.

Tim was surprised and excited to hear what will be her proposal

First, it is your responsibility to help them grow. Second, this people invested their hard earned money to gain and they put their trust in you. In this situation that they needed you most and yet your people are going to take away their business and just abandon them? Instead of coming up a total solution to a problem, your people are proposing a temporary solution. This issue will continue to exist of not given a proper resolution.

So, what will be your proposal.

Since, the issues are control over them and profit maximization, I suggest that, your company will be the one to find a good location for the franchisee and it must be under your group of companies. It will be better if it is under a separate company name to properly account and monitor the earnings and responsible person where the franchisee can turn as far as the franchise is concerned. In this sense, both franchisor and franchisee will be in win-win relationship. Further, you will help them in their marketing activity. You have your marketing department, let them work. I think, with these move, your franchisee will become dependent on you and you can easily control them. She discussed it with determination and passion. She deliver it like she is presenting to the Board of Directors.

What do you think? I am making sense? Haha! Alex laughed. I told you I am not good at it.

Tim was amazed to her wit and knowledge in the business. This woman has something in her. Okay, your proposal sounds good. I will tell my finance and operations team about it.

Really?! Asked alex in surprised.

You did well Alex. You can work in my company if you feel bored here.

Alex stared at him without saying a word.

Any problem?

No, nothing.

About the financial information last time of the two companies, how did you get that documents?

Oh, Ms. Lee gave that to Thomas. We are planning to a partnership with either Lee Mansion Group or Villa Group. Is there a problem with that?

Uh… nothing. I am just asking.

Excuse me, I have to make a call.

Tim, just nodded.

Tim also called Thomas, I need you to investigate all about Alex. Okay, boss.

Hi Dad, how are you, I missed you. Hello Alex, im fine darling..are you okay? Are you coming back?

Uhm.. dad, I have to ask you something, what is going on with the company right now? Do you have any problem?

Oh.. Alex, what made you think about that, Villa is doing well.

Are you sure dad? I sensed something.. Alex sensed that her dad will not tell her the truth so she went straight to the point. Is the operation and financial position of the company are okay?

Alexis went silent on the other end. Why are you asking about it suddenly? Are you interested to join in our company? If that so, you are making so happy, darling.

Uhm.. dad, not now. I just want to know the status of the company now.

Does it make you change your mind, if you know the truth?

I wont promise you dad, but I can help you find solution.

Okay…someone made a move behind my back. I don't know who and what are their motives are. But I can get out of this situation. Believe me darling.

Dad, can I make a request? Can you run a background check to all the board of directors and people from finance and operations department? I think, I know already who the culprit is. But I also need to know who among our people are stabbing behind our back. I am sorry dad, I should be helping you now. Dad, can I not get married to the man you chose for me, can I just choose the man I love.

Darling, do you want to share something with me?

Uhm..uhm… I think I found the one dad. Well, im not yet sure. But I need some time to get to know him more. But I am worried that you might not like him because he is not the one you chose for me.

Her dad became silent for while. She heard only sigh from him. Dad, don't worry, I will help you with the company. I may not step in as the CEO at the moment, but I will work behind the scene. Comforted Alex.

Take your time darling. Mom and Dad are just here. Whatever happens we will be into this.

After hanging up the phone. Alex tears begun to stream from her face. Her parents are so loving, understanding and caring. She is lucky to have them. I will definitely do all the best that I can to help them.