10. School opening

School started at Dragon empire.

On this day, Steven and Shony sent them to school. Steven drove the car, Shony sat on the passenger's seat, and Jace and Venus sat in the back.

"Jace, you are already a senior. You have to work hard this year. Do you hear?"

"En." The boy looked out of the window and nodded absently.

Shony couldn't help saying, "Jace has already worked hard enough. Steven, you don't always have to lecture him."

"How has he put in a lot of effort? Don't become cocky just because we have a company under our family name. The worst is if you turn out like those people who are not successful, and say they will go back home to inherit their family business? The times are changing. How many great enterprises can't keep up with present days anymore? They have been thrashed! You need to take the time while you are still young to learn as much as you can, or the company will sooner or later also become bankrupt. "

"How is it as serious as you state!" Shony glared.

Steven continued his education philosophy: "You just don't believe it, Ben is a famous family from our province. The current boss is an outstanding student that graduated from Stanford. He has been in charge of Sky high company for only a little over three years, Yet he was able to force all those old things to the edge of their seats, which is the power of culture and literature! Of course, I'm not saying that reading and education yields proper company management, nonetheless, it's the attitude. Studying seriously and efficiently can provide a proper approach to future developments."

He uttered, "I don't expect Jace to let my small company catch up with Sky high Undoubtedly,  I will be satisfied if our company can be several times larger than now!"

Shony chuckled: "Jace is resourceful, he definitely will achieve it."

Jace is too embarrassed to interrupt. He hasn't had a mother since he was young. Shony was also very good to him. He can accept it however, the daughter she brought along was annoying. 

But...  Jace looks at the girl wearing headphones, and suddenly feels that if she is always this obedient, he wouldn't mind too terribly.

I just don't know how many days she can last.

Father Steven preached to Jace and then transferred the gunfire to Venus. In comparison to Jace,  he was very gentle to Venus. He told her to study hard. If she didn't understand any lesson materials, she could go to  ask the teacher or go home and ask her brother.

Venus replied to each one very obediently. 

After the two people reported their names to the school, Steven hugged Shony and anxiously watched Jace and Venus leave and walk to their own classrooms respectively.

"Venus... will she be able to hold on for today? " Shony couldn't help asking.

Steven was silent for a moment. He also thought that Venus might not be able to hold on for too long, however he only said, "Don't worry... "

Although Venus and jacet seemed to be walking side by side, they were at least one or two meters apart. Venus is in the second year of high school, and the teaching building is in the middle. Jace is in the third year and his building was the closest to the canteen and dormitory, in a triangular shape.

Hence when they got to the position of year two, Venus stopped.

"Brother, I'll leave first. Goodbye!" She smiles at Jace. Two rows of pearly white teeth are exposed. Her eyes are bent into crescent moons and her hair is tied into a fluffy bun.

Two words flashed through his head; porcelain doll.

Jace only regains his sense of self after Venus has left for quite a while. He unstably walked towards the year three building with his bag on his shoulders.

She is in a good mood, as re-entering high school allows her to pursue her dream once again.

Once more, she wants to climb even higher on this mountain.

This time, she must succeed.

There are two experimental classes, one is class one and the other is class two. The results of the two classes are almost the same. Venus is in class one, and Jace is also in class one.

There is another person in class two who also has an unusual relationship with Venus white —she is her half sister, Lily white. Lily white is the female lead of this novel, and was only younger than her by a few months. 

She arranged her head so that bad thoughts won't affect her mood for school.

Venus who was in a good mood, went to the door of the experimental class, however, before she entered, she ran into someone.


She clutched her head, yet her feet were also trampled on by the tall man in front of her.

Before she could speak, the man took the initiative to say: "Your feet are touching my feet!"

"???" Venus became muddled.

She raised her head and looked up at the boy in the basketball outfit. They were stunned.

"It's you!"