New Beginnings

Chapter 1

… and suddenly you know—

It's time to start something new and trust the magic of new beginnings…


I heavily dragged my body up the staircase to my new room. I slumped myself to bed and I bounced a little at the softness.


Then my phone rang, I rolled over on my side and face my father on the screen.

"Dad…" I trailed my voice lazily with my other cheek on the sheet.

"Hello there, Sweety." Art enthusiastically greeted.

My dad sure has full of energy, very opposite of what I was feeling at the moment.

"I'm beat from the trip Dad…" I complained.

"I will never ride a public utility bus again."

My father just laughed at me, a belly laugh I would say.

Well, that was my first time to ride one anyway.

"And who said you ride one when I can drop you off with a chopper."

"Dad…" I knitted my brow, my tone reprimanding.

"What?" He challenged.

I just groaned and buried my face on the sheet.

Then someone interrupted him, I bet that was his secretary, Clara.

Right, base on my father's surrounding, he sure was in his office.

They conversed indistinctively for a while.

I could only fathom the word 'meeting' , so I just waited. Then the next thing I heard was an angry 'roar' from my father.


Anyone, except me, would surely be startled or even pissed their pants with that.

My father is known to be a furious man.

He holds the highest authority in his company and businesses.

And in his domain and circle, he has an image of a stern, upright, cold, and even… hmmm brutal man?

I don't think so but people do think of him like that, just not to me though.

"I'm talking to my daughter."


I laughed with that.

He uttered that latter sweetly as he turned his attention back to me.

In a flip of a coin, from a roaring tiger to a fragile kitten.

That… is how my father, Artemio Marshal, to me.

To me, his Sky; his pampered child.

His priority, where everything comes second.

"So… my lovely daughter, where was I?"

"You're in my heart Dad."

I rolled my eyes as he dramatically clutched his heart.

That's how I see my Dad; loving, playful, carefree.

Then he fixed his suit.

"Now my child," he sounded serious.

"Behave yourself in there."

"Do not give Sarah and James a headache."

"And most importantly, enjoy."

I begun to laugh as his voice shifted to something like reciting a poetry.

"…live, wander, gather experience and…"

" … and sow your seed—"

"Dad…" I cut him off with gritted teeth.

"I don't have 'that' Dad."

"Oh, yeah, you don't have 'that' ." He mimicked.

"Hmmm… ah yeah, fuck all the girls — ."

"Dad!" I reprimanded, my brows knitted.

"Oh, sorry, my bad." He apologized but I know he's not sorry at all.

"Ah right…maybe fall in love?" He added, hopeful.

I rolled my eyes and groaned.

"I love you Dad."

"I love you too, Sweety."

"I miss you already." He added, his tone serious, his eyes longing.

'Oh my'

"Come on Dad."

"We'll talk like this everyday."

"And I'll come visit you somehow."

"Oh right visit me or I'll visit you." He's pointing finger at me.

"Right, I have a meeting Sweety, so—"

"But I want to talk to you more." I pleaded with puppy eyes plus pouting lips.

My father shook his head and laughed. I knew he caught wind of my drama.

"Clara," he called.

"Cancel all my meetings today."

"My daughter needs me."

I rolled to laugh with that. I knew he would do that but I was only messing around.

"Goodbye Dad, I love you."

My father smiled. "Goodbye Sweety."

"I love you more."

Then I ended the call and took a nap as I was really beat.


I woke up from my nap and treaded down the stairs.

The aroma coming from the kitchen made me drool and quickened my hunger.

"Good evening, Lady Skylar."

I rolled my eyes as I pulled a chair by the kitchen island.

"I thought we already talk about this Sarah."

Then the main door opened and a man emerged. He immediately beamed a smile at me.

"Good evening, Lady Skylar."

I scoffed at my helplessness. James even bowed.

Both Sarah and James Carter were my father's employees.

Sarah was technically my personal assistant for three years and James has been my father's for five years.

Both decided to resign six months ago for the reason of settling down back in their home town; Verona.

They'd been married for a year, Sarah at 28 and James at 29.


"Guys, enough with the honorifics." I held my hands up.

"It's Skylar."

"You can just call me Sky."

"We already talk about this."

The two exchanged looks.

"Guess we just need some getting used to L… Sky." James said with an unsure look.

I sighed and scoffed more.

As the two prepared for dinner, my eyes stared outside the window and got lost in my thoughts in the dark.

I'm now in Verona, away from the city; so unfamiliar.

The decision and idea didn't just popped out of my head out of nowhere, blame this to my cousin, Kaileen Andy Lewis.


Such great influencer.

But I am glad.

I'm anxious and at the same time, excited; a mixture of emotion and wonders…

Wondering what would Verona could offer me?

Guess we'll just have to see…
