She Noticed

Chapter 13


I was humming a song played in my car audio on my way to school the next day. I folded the roof of my car, air brushed against me. I breathed, filling my lungs with oxygen and nitrogen— certainly, a clean fresh air.

This is one thing I'm loving in this little town, Verona— a breath of fresh air.

Some people here, who live in it on a daily basis may not be aware of this blessing they are having but me, who lived in the city all my life find this like a gem.

The air around energizes me, refreshes my mind and making me more alive.

'I love it here'


Once in the school ground and had parked in my usual spot, my brows furrowed when I felt everyone's gazes boring holes on me.

I felt conscious all of a sudden.

Looking around, some eyes sparkled with adoration while others were of disgust. I wondered what's gotten into everyone.

Even in my class, most were throwing me side glances, others were whispering among themselves too— I knew it's about me though.


On my third period, I ignored those stares and leaned in to Todd hoping he can enlighten me with what's with all the stares I got from everyone.

"What's going on around?" I whispered.

"Let's talk about it at lunch, " he whispered back.


School Cafeteria

I kept on rolling my eyes and groaning time to time as Jake and Jhen filled me up with the news circling around— about me.

Guess I was wrong of my initial thought about the town, and the people being accepting of the likes of me.

So, there are still those homophobes in this town but atleast not most of the population so I could still breath a relief.

Well, can't blame them nor control them anyway. That's their belief and stand in life.

As long as they won't verbally abuse me, attack me physically leading to injury or an act that could threaten my life then the hell I care about them.

I will live my life the way I want it— where I will follow my happiness over some preconceived notions.


"So why the hell everyone in school seemed to know my sexuality by now?" I asked groaning.

Todd clicked his tongue, "Don't even be surprised if it's known in the whole town."


I was shocked.

I only told one person other than these circle friend's of mine. To think that I only told Mr. Nice guy about it yesterday. How could the entire town knew now?

"Well Skylar," Jake flipped his imaginary hair to his back.

"… we don't usually get a lot of visitors here in Verona, and certainly not as gorgeous as you, so—"

"… it's a given that all eyes are on you."


I sat there bewildered: wondering and confused. I caught Lisa rolled her eyes.

"This is just a small town Sky," she explained.

"The internet may be slow but the 'gossip' run fast."


Both Jake and Jhen synchronically nodded their head in agreement. Todd on the other hand, just silently listening as he ate.


For my afternoon class with Nikki, I again stared at her dreamily like the usual.


She's amazing, I could go all day just watching her, hear her voice and if I'm fortunate, hear her laugh.

I just rested my chin on my palm as I did all my staring. Then a pain on my side pulled me out of my little dream— Todd elbowed my side.

I turned to him and hissed.

Just what's with him?

Then the sound of stamping heels getting closer every second made me turned my head on the isle and there was Nikki, making her way towards me in sophistication.


She's mesmerizing—

She took my breath away for a second.

She stood on my side, and I felt the heat rising up to my cheek all the while.

"Pull out your calculator Marshal," she commanded sternly.

"You seemed not to hear, we are having a quiz."

'oh my god'

My jaw dropped, I ran my gaze around and everyone was so focused on answering the said quiz.



I gulped hard when Nikki hovered down on my ear, "Maybe you should pay attention on the lesson and not to me next time," she whispered.


So, she knew— she had noticed me staring dreamily at her somehow.


That was embarrassing, I slapped myself in my head.


Then, the heat building up in me— intensified, and at the same time, I shivered in my seat as the warm of her breath grazed my ear as she leaned down.


'my heart'

She smirked before heading back to her desk leaving me stunned and feeling hot all over.
