
The Light in the Darkness (Pt. 1)

It was dark and cold; I could hear the sound of hinges, gears and wires shifting. I'm seated at the corner of what seems to be metal. I opened my eyes and still it was dark. But I could see small circular lights not too far from me. They looked like buttons. I was weak, my head feels weird. I couldn't quite remember why, but my neck hurts. Apart from the mechanical sounds, everything else was silent, even my own breathing seemed to have no sound. Then I saw a quick spark of light; it started sparking in random places in front of me, like a Christmas light blinking to a tune. After a while the blinking stopped and one small light was left directly in front of me. It moved around, side to side, up and down before it goes flying up and crashes onto something. Upon crashing the light explodes and I got a view of where I am. I was inside the elevator again. That was fairly obvious from the beginning but I don't know why it didn't dawn on me. The light was fading away every second, but it's fine as the elevator was small and I'd hardly get anywhere inside. I tried to get up by holding onto the side rails of the elevator. When I was back on my feet the elevator went to an abrupt stop causing me to kneel due to the lack of deceleration.

The door suddenly opens and I glanced at the buttons. There was no indication on which floor I was in, whether I was above or further down. Nevertheless, I went out. I kept hold of the wall feeling my way through what seems to be a very dark hallway. In all honesty, I could see nothing, not even myself. I just had the notion that I had to keep moving because I don't want to be given an "incentive" to do so. It was exhausting to walk when you can't see anything. I leaned against the wall and closed my eyes. If it wasn't any trouble, the lights at the elevator would really be useful here, I thought to myself. Then I heard the sound of sparks again, it was coming from the direction where the elevator was. I glanced and saw lights blinking again like a Christmas light. The intensity of the lights was increasing and then it settled. When it settled I saw a small human figure made of light, almost like a kid. I was gonna take a step to approach it when it exploded and its particles started spreading across the hall lighting everything up. At the same time I heard the sound of neon lights humming, some electrical sounds from a distance almost as if electricity started to flow back to the building.

I had no idea what happened but the place was a bit brighter now. The lights were on but it was dim, I supposed that's a given considering the fact that the building is old, I'm just thankful that I have light to guide me now. With a bit of light, my fear settled down a bit and I had more courage to continue. I walked the hall with caution and at an even pace. As I walked I saw the end of the hallway splitting in two directions. I walked towards it while thinking which way to go when all of a sudden I saw someone run from the left wing to the right wing. I was startled; I wasn't able to see who or what it was. Though the first thing that came to my mind was the one that pushed me to the elevator, I had a gut feeling that this one was someone else. Normally I would run away and choose a different direction, but I knew for a fact that regardless where I go I can be followed. So I just went ahead to get to the danger even if it means my demise. I ran after it hoping to catch up; thankfully I did. I was running just behind it and I got a good look at him. He was definitely a guy, a bit big and probably around my height. He was running oddly fast considering his size. He then suddenly made an abrupt left turn through another hallway, so I ran fast to catch up but when I got to the turn he was gone. It was a dead end. I went closer to the wall and I started feeling it, hoping that there was some sort of hidden passage from there; after a while of touching, kicking and punching the wall, nothing. I took a deep sigh and decided to head back. But when I turned back ready to walk away… something wrapped around me and grabbed me… it was like a black tentacle or cloth of some sort. I couldn't scream. It was pulling me with intense force. My foot slipped and I was pulled completely towards the wall. I felt my back hit the wall hard. I couldn't scream as it was covering my mouth. I was tearing up. It was like in one of those horror movies; that very moment when you give a sigh of relief for freedom then the monster comes out of nowhere. I was really scared; I was crying rivers of tears as I couldn't do anything. I knew that it was the end for me. Even if I could stifle a cry for help, no one would come rescue me as I was alone. The wall behind me started to soften; it was as if it was turning into quick sand. It was eating me away little by little.

I just closed my eyes. Grieving on how weak and powerless I was. This building… it was a home for all of my nightmares. I will stay here, every night, to live in fear, hoping to get out knowing that I couldn't. No one was coming to rescue me… no one.

As the wall eats me up completely… as I abandoned all hope… as I surrendered myself to death…

"Don't worry… I got you."