
"But…," said Mr. Fischer.His conscience answered him, after looking at his injured left hand."I think your mother is right, Werner," said Mr. Fischer, worriedly. He could now sense Scarlett's distress. After all, she was his mother.Mr. Sawyer Fischer was perplexed in his insecurities. He was not confident enough to decide whether to send his son to bite the dust or to let him enjoy his peace at home. He worried about Werner a lot, he was too cautious for him all the time. He loved and cared about his son a lot but never exhibited. He wanted his son to be like him and serve the nation. He wanted him to serve his life in the name of the nation but no love is greater than that of a father for his son. His decision of sending Werner to the front line sometimes chilled his spine. He wasn't optimistic enough to send his son to the battlefield but seeing the gallantry awards that he has earned in his lifetime, widened his chest.Scarlett felt relief when her husband agreed to her."Yeah, Sawyer is right," said Ms. Marley, trying to keep company with Mr. Fischer."Brother, you should join the army. At least I would get your room to play," said Werner's younger sister, Lily Fischer. Everybody smiled on her childish behavior except Ms. Marley nagging little Lily to focus on her supper first.Soon, they were done with the dinner, and Werner moved to his room. He changed to his nightclothes and sensed something crumpling in his pocket. He recalled that his sketch was in his pocket made by Gracia for him. He pulled it out and stared at it smiling. He was admiring every line drawn on it. He wanted to keep it safe so he began searching a file to put that sketch in. He opened the Chester drawer of his almirah where there was a file consisting of almost every portrait made by Gracia for Werner. He cherished all her drawings. How she would have placed her hands over the sheet of paper and drawn these million lines to shape his face. He kissed the sketch gently, aiming not to spoil it by mistake and placed it back to the other sketches in the file."Love you Grace," said Werner hugging the file in which he kept his portrait made by his love and closed his eyes and went to sleep. ***"Mom, where are my socks?" asked Gracia, getting late for the school."I kept it in the right side corner of your drawer Grace, check carefully" replied Mrs. Ellen Heiden, packing the lunchboxes of her children."No, it is not here. I can't find it. I am getting late." replied Grace, alarmingly."I am telling you, check carefully. No wonder you will find it there only when I will come" said Mrs. Heiden, with a sigh.Gracia realized that her mother was right because most of the time when she couldn't find anything and asked her mother for the same, that thing appeared almost immediately in the presence of her mother."No, Mumma. I really can't find it" said Grace. Mrs. Heiden left all her kitchen work and went to Gracia's room to help her find her socks."Here it is," said Mrs. Heiden gave the school's socks to her and as usual, Grace was astonished how easily her mother could find the socks whereas she tried her best but couldn't find them. She then wore her socks and packed her bag, hurriedly, keeping the lunch box in the front zip of her school bag. She remembered that Werner had a match today. She could not afford to be late for school. "Come on kids, we are getting late. Let's go now," said Mr. Carter Heiden who used to drop his children to the school before leaving for his work.Mr. Carter Heiden owned a small textile shop in the market of Berlin. He was a hard-working man who worked painstakingly to make the two ends meet. Having a shop in the middle of the market benefitted him a lot. He inherited this shop from his father, Late Mr. Eric Heiden."Coming!" replied the three kids to their father.They jumped down the staircase along with Milo running behind them."No, Milo. You are too young to go to school. Go back" said Davis to Milo who always used to come to wish them goodbye for their school."Let's go now, Davis. We are late because of Ms. Grass," said Douglas laughing at Gracia for teasing her name. Before Gracia could rebuke Douglas for plundering her name, Mr. Heiden denounced Douglas not to aggravate their elder sister."You should not respond like this, Douglas. She is your elder sister. Respect her!" said Mr. Heiden to Douglas. Gracia felt content. Who doesn't get satisfied when siblings are being rebuked, after all?"Yes, father. I would," replied Douglas, obediently to his father."Come now, we should leave. We should not get late for the school" said Mr. Carter to all his three children.Grace and twin brothers followed their father to reach their school which was five minutes walking distance away from their residence.Mr. Carter left his children for the school and went to his work. Thankfully, they were on time. Davis and Douglas went to their classes but Gracia was aiming to go to the playground first since somebody was waiting for her. She hurried to the playground where the football match was being held. She saw Werner playing with his clothes drenched in sweat. His wet hair on his forehead tempted her a lot. She was mesmerized by the view of seeing Werner playing so hard. The match was on the final stage."Come on Werner, go for it," said Gracia loudly enough for Werner to hear. Listening to the cheer that his love has relinquished on to him, he turned towards left for a glimpse of Gracia cheering for him loudly. He felt elated seeing her. It increased his confidence. He smiled back at her and focused on the game."Goal!" said Werner's teammates when Werner scored an excellent goal leading to the victory of his team."And here, Team Tigers has won the match with this final goal," announced Mr. George Rust, the head of the Sports Department of the Berlin Public School. Everyone cheered out aloud with joy."Yes!" cheered Werner out loud."Now, I request Mr. Herbert Maurice, the principal of the school, to kindly oblige the winning team. Mr. Maurice entered the ground with a smile on his face. Mr. Sawyer Fischer was his good friend and seeing his friend's son winning the game made him happy. He praised Werner a lot after felicitating the trophy to him.Team Tigers were awarded a golden Trophy with a football logo on it. All the eleven players were felicitated with certificates. Werner was pleased. He rushed towards Grace to show her what he had triumphed."Wow, that's amazing. It's so astounding Werner. This trophy is such a beauty," said Gracia to Werner admiring the trophy in his hands."This belongs to you,""Me?" asked Gracia surprisingly."Yes," said Werner confidently."No," said Gracia, shockingly."Yes, because of you, I felt confident and I kicked with great zeal for the victorious goal. Credit goes to you Grace," said Werner.

.....To be continued...PS:Hit the like button below, it's totally free:)Do drop your suggestion in the comment section below.Also share it with your near and dear ones.Have a great day:)