
"Ashley was asking me if I would have kissed you…" continued Gracia.Werner went expressionless on hearing this. He didn't have the sparsest idea what Gracia was going to talk about. Gracia understood Werner's agitation. So she continued…"Nothing, she was just…it's not that serious…leave," replied Gracia"No, it's okay, tell me the whole thing," said Werner, trying to make Gracia comfortable. He conceded Gracia's nervousness; therefore, he wanted her to be confident in discussing anything with him."Do you want to know?" asked Gracia, confused"Yeah, definitely," replied Werner"She said that a kiss is a symbol of love, it is communication without talking. It shows how much you adore a person. It develops a sense of understanding between two people and increases love among them," said Gracia. Werner could sense perplexity in her eyes. He felt that they should discuss up this matter instead of feeling uncomfortable. This is how relationships work; you discuss and sort things out, together."Okay, so what do you think about it?" asked Werner"Think about what?" replied Gracia"About both of us kissing each other?" asked Werner, confidently."I haven't thought about it yet," replied Gracia, feeling a little shy."Okay, so when will you think about it?" asked Werner with a grin on his face"I don't know," replied Gracia, trying to avoid eye contact from Werner out of blush"Okay," said Werner, smiling.Gracia couldn't understand why Werner was smiling. She looked back at him. Werner sensed the question in her eyes. He could read Gracia's face. He knew she was innocent enough to understand so he tried his best to give her the best of his explanation.

"Grace, I know how you are feeling about this. These things may feel a little weird to you but we will initiate only this physical intimacy only when you are ready for it. Not before that. It is not just about touching the lips. It is about feeling love in every nerve of your body. This helps in knowing if you are in love with the correct person or not. I know you would feel all this as absurd," said Werner"How do you judge that? I mean how could it tell if you are in love with the correct person or not," asked Gracia, curiously."When you will kiss the person you love, you won't just feel the touch of their lips, you would feel a perception going deep down in your nerves, asking you to love that person more. You won't feel the atmosphere around you anymore. The spirits of your love will be high and If that person hugs you back, trying to feel more of you, rather than playing with your lips, then you would be able to differentiate if he is the correct person or not. Your mind will speak the answer itself, you won't need to ask anyone," said Werner. Gracia felt pleasant with Werner's answer. She understood every meaning of his word. There was complete silence between them. Werner felt that he has conveyed his message and he hoped that Gracia would have understood the meaning of why a kiss is a symbol of love, not just a mere touch of lips."That's all right, but tell me, when you became a philosopher, Mr. Footballer?" asked Gracia breaking the silence. Werner laughed.The recess bell rang."I hope you don't want to get late for your next lecture. Let's go," said Werner to Gracia."Yes," said Gracia. They picked up their bags and both of them then proceeded to their respective classes.Gracia placed her bag next to Ashley's for Mr. Berdy's class. Mr. Berdy taught them history. He had a great command over his subject. He knew Mr. Carter Heiden since both of them were childhood friends."So, how was your lunch date?" asked Ashley."It was just a lunch," replied Gracia, smiling."Yeah, why not? Hey, did you complete your history lessons? I need your notebook," asked Ashley."Yeah, but why don't you complete your work on time? Why do you need my notebook every single day?" asked Gracia."Because history lectures are too boring to study," said Ashley"So, Are Peter lessons' amazing?" Gracia asked Ashley, smirking and handing over her history notebook to Ashley."No, Werner's lessons are amazing," replied Ashley"Yeah, of course, when did I deny?" said Gracia, confidently. Ashley smiled.After attending all her lectures, it was time to go back home.Gracia and her twin brothers were waiting at the main gate of the school for their father to go home. Mr. Carter Heiden arrived five minutes late."Sorry kids, I was stuck at the fruit market to get some fresh oranges for you all. Now let's go home," said Mr. Carter Heiden to his three children. Werner arrived from behind. Mr. Carter Heiden saw him."Hi, Werner. Long time, no see?" said Mr. Carter Heiden."Hello, sir. Yeah, I was just busy practicing for my football match, look, our team won today," said Werner showing Mr. Carter Heiden the golden trophy."Well done, son. Heartiest congratulations to you. Your hard work paid off. Your parents would be so proud of you," said Mr. Carter Heiden feeling happy for Werner."Yes, I hope so," said Werner, looking at Gracia for a second."Davis and Douglas, I too want you two to bring such great trophies at home just like Werner," said Mr. Carter Heiden to both of his sons. Werner smiled. He was happy that Mr. Carter Heiden was proud of him and was inspiring his sons to be a footballer like him, one day. At the same time, he was a little disappointed because he felt that his father won't be happy with his victory. Instead, he would love to see him marching in the Army."Yes, dad. We will one day," said Davis to his father."Great son. Now, Werner, we will see you later. Congratulations again!" said Mr. Carter Heiden."Yes, Mr. Heiden. I will leave now," said Werner politely and went on his way back home. Mr. Heiden also went towards his home with his children. Gracia looked back at Werner once and then moved on her way.They reached home. Gracia placed her bag on the table of her room and changed her clothes. She washed her face and brought cookies from the kitchen and sat down on the mat to complete her homework.While doing her homework, she recalled what all happened today at the school. She wondered if a kiss was that important in a relationship. And even if it was, how would it feel like to kiss Werner for the first time? She kept on thinking and then paused."No Grace, just focus on your homework, nowhere else," she said to herself."Grace? May I come in?" asked Mr. Heiden."Yes daddy," replied Gracia to her father who was standing at the door."What are you doing?" asked Mr Heiden."Completing my homework, daddy," replied Gracia."Oh, good," said Mr Heidan. There was a complete silence after that. Gracia wondered why her father was asking such questions to her. She felt that he wanted to say something."Do you want something, daddy?" asked Gracia, curiously."No, no," said Mr. Heiden."I was just wondering if I can ask you something?" continued Mr. Heiden"Yes daddy?" said Gracia"Would you tell me, honestly ?�� asked Mr. Heiden."Yes, daddy," said Gracia, nervously."How do you feel about Werner?" asked Mr. Heiden.Gracia went numbed. She didn't figure out that this question would be popping out. She went cold. She didn't know what to answer...To be continued...PS:Hit the like button below, it's totally free:)Do drop your suggestion in the comment section below.Also share it with your near and dear ones.Have a great day:)