One Sided Conversations

What was the absence of light? Darkness. Her own nature had to be given up temporarily for them to escape—the [ Light Elf ] casted the opposite of [ Light ] and enshrouded herself and Odele with darkness. And it was there that the Colossal Wyvern then redirected its attention towards the [ Human ] and the [ Half Elf ], Lucia tried not to shout but saw a ripple within the darkness.

It was one of Bleu's skills, he nabbed the two right before the monster could attack them.

Odele sent her a message and the two of them moved towards the opposite direction right as another message came from Tierra. She would have to meet up with them some other place. it wouldn't do any good to be in one place and allow the monster to attack them all in one go. But somehow it felt like they were giving the beast an opportunity to take them out one by one—

The Colossal Wyvern blasted lightning towards the forest.