Of Diplomats, Bodyguards and Councilmen

Last night had been a full-on disaster in the City of Gloria and across the entire Kingdom of Yegarian. And though the mysterious disappearance of the Colossal Wyvern simply frightened the wits out of the people not only in the city but all around them—they were considering the fact that the Colossal Wyvern was both a lightning and shadow variant.

Life might have been shitty but one simply had to keep pushing forward.

Boaz was one of the few [ Guardsman ] that escaped the situation relatively unharmed. The ones stationed in their gates had all suffered debilitating attacks, some of them had even died due to the poison received from what was possibly a high-leveled [ Assassin ] or [ Rogue ] and yet they were mostly asked to keep silent about it.

And for some, they were brought to the [ Healer's ] Clinic. His friend Ryden was currently stuck in bed and hadn't woke up since his fight with two of the those intruders that had gotten inside the city.