Of Coppers, Knives and Skewers

Whether by fortune or luck, a windfall came upon Han's hands. Perhaps something that proved that this world was truly different from his as he walked away from the duo. He picked a place away from the eyes of several people to stare at his inventory menu with no problem:

< Inventory >

A bag of gold coins

Timothy's Memento

"Open bag of coins," The number of coins he received would amount to a glittering twenty gold coins. That was more than enough for a month's duration at the Kraelonia Academy, not that he needed to pay for the tuition but it was something that would be put to good use for his studies.

He could remember that Timothy had probably received a certain sum of money as well from Grandma Moe—after all, they both assumed that Timothy had to pay for it. But he wasn't sure how much money he had.