Hidden in the Secret Libary

And so once again, another searcher falls into the trap. Not too far from the first one. Though they weren't exactly reliable with the telling of the times—or perhaps they were mistaken about it. It didn't matter to them, simply an observer… their days had already passed. 

A Student lay trapped within their chambers. 

Now the next searcher has come and this time there were two of them, a cloaked figure and a young man even less valuable than the first. They couldn't be bothered with that and grew unattached as the winds howled louder. The larger the number, it only meant that there were more who would crumble. In the hidden library there were two searchers who had already passed the simplest test of all. The only measure to it was their patience and they have already figured out the next part.

There was no love lost between the observer and the searchers.