Cutscene of the Man Home Alone

He cracked open a cold one. Well, it was a soda, but it was practically the same thing to Han Jing. At least it was mind over matter to him. He sipped the cold drink and then placed the can down at the cabinet near his bed. The young man was lounging across his mattress with his snacks laid with him. The bag of chips was open along with the bag of cookies as he gorged himself with food and watched some random videos online. 

He was purposely distracting himself—and except for him acknowledging it right now, it was working well.

His phone functioned regularly, even with the Races: Online and RUN app installed. It actually worked better. He didn't need to use a data connection to connect to the internet. On top of that, his phone always stayed at 100% now. Which was fitting since his place's electricity had been cut off.