The Visiting Demon Lord

'Welcome to the Veiled Continent, Demon Lord Mursiel. You are currently in the Enchanted Forest, Territory of the Wood Elf Hazelleaf.'

A pillar of hellfire and brimstone came down from the heavens. It burned. An endless tornado of raging and merciless flames that turned the part of the forest where he landed into ash and dust, everything was consumed—

"Can you stop the firestorm, Jilanya?" A Wood Elf sighed as he leaned back against one of the tree trunks. Their long hair was currently pulled up in a man-bun, and his green eyes looked at the figure that came out from the inferno. 

It was the Demon Lord.

A brooding figure of a tall man with sharp and cold features. The man was garbed in the darkest of armours that would have made a NightShadow weep in shame. Menacing, and the bane of the existence of every Undine Elementals and the general populace from their Universal Chat in Races—this was truly the Demon Lord.