When Heroes Are Born

All good times came to an end, that was a truth in life. Although it was also fair to say that all terrible things had their own climax as well. The world was cyclical, and what came up would also come down. It was the circle of life or something like that. Han didn't know why he was having such thoughts—but it was probably because he parted ways with Ellynn. 

He half-regretted choosing a mixed course, but he had already chosen what he did. The young man managed to use the Map function to find his classroom, he had misplaced his own schedule somewhere. He should have placed it in the Inventory but forgot about it, for all he knew, the thing might have gotten lost in the Library, but he needed to stop mulling over it too much.

It was finally time for 'Preparation for [ Class ] Advancement' under Professor Liddell.