All Caught Up

Her eyes fluttered open weakly, her gaze landing on him. She didn't say a word, but it was already a response. It had taken her too long to recover and he had been afraid that the potion hadn't done a thing. That her situation was more grievous than he thought it was. That there was something graver that happened when he was gone—and he didn't know a thing about dealing with poisons or anything else. He was an idiot, he knew that, but she still did something stupid herself.

She wasn't supposed to do something reckless. He didn't know much about her, but she didn't seem that irresponsible and impulsive when they had first met. She should have left it with him to deal with it instead of taking on more than she could take. All the anger that had risen in his chest when he realized what happened and all the words he practiced in his mind vanished away now that she awoke.

The tension left his body.