Cut Scene of His Decision (Includes 'Journal Entry')

"Both," Han Jing muttered to himself. If it was either to become one or the other, forced to be serious all the time or not pay any heed to the world then he'd rather not choose at all. It was hard to be one thing. He could do both and continue with what he was doing—except for some minor adjustments.

Maybe he could try forgetting about the worries and struggles of him being in another world and have a good time? But it wasn't in his nature to forget about it. Even if he tried. He'd end up thinking about it before he slept or when he brushed his teeth, every time he did something idle. No matter how much he could try to escape, at the end of the day, problems would always be there.

Even if he did overindulge in things.

That short-lived amount of pleasure wasn't worth the long amount of pain. It would come back and be an even worse problem to deal with. A good example was his work.

Orr lack of it.