An Outburst of Energy (Han)

Han bolted out of his bed, grimaced and he stumbled. He saved himself with his [ Basic Reflexes ] right before he could hit his head against the stone floor. "Phew, close one." He glanced at the blankets entangled with his ankle. If he had bled to death in his room by knocking his head out and passing, no one would discover it quickly, would they?

And it was all because he ended up frantic that he was late, wasn't he?

There was a good reason for it.

Energy coursed through his nerves and gave him energy, jittery but it was still energy. 

He ran to the bathroom, did a quick shower, shot out and then dug through his closet—picking out one of the shirts and trousers Timothy somehow managed to get him at the General Store in Rockfall Village. It seemed to have been a lifetime ago if he thought about it, as he forced his head through the hole and checked that his pants didn't have any holes before he dashed out the door.

Han welcomed a new day—