Age and Evolution (Han)

< Universal Chat: Server Sixty Nine >

Lamia: You see my little green friend, it's normal for your body to go through an evolution—I used to be nothing but an ordinary Lizardfolk until I gained a new form. Look at these magnificent scales of mine!

[ Lamia sent an Image ]

Goblin reacted with a thumbs-up.

Drake sent a 'puking'' emoticon.

Lamia: Anyway... it's essential in building your kingdom to gain individuals that serve as an inspiration, someone who is different in a good way. Powerful? Yes. Awe-inspiring, even moreso. So all of the changes you're experiencing? It's normal.

Goblin: Hob?

Lamia: Exactly, that's the next step huh? Interesting

Wood Elf: I don't mean to pry, but I don't think he understands what evolution means. Not to mention this guy only has a tribe—and in Human territory too. He's encroaching territory!