The End Of The Show... And The Start of Another One

The clang of bells erupted across the entire place, the sound resounding across the entire Academy from the classroom to the courtyards. Professor Carnus blinked and the jet stream of acid trickled to a stop.

They were saved by the bell—for real this time.

Han's knees buckled down for a moment, somewhat fazed for a moment. Did he hear correctly? But the man had stopped so it had to be true. He rested a hand over his chest and greedily gulped down some air, and yet his gaze still stuck to the orbs floating serenely in the air. They were still an awful shade of mucus-like green. His body tensed slightly in case the orbs went haywire on their own.

The man had started to use freaking acid on them! That wasn't even supposed to be an available element!