Cutscene of Twice the Offer

It was in the park full of green, where the two fellows stayed. The gift was yet to be placed or seen. Nary a choice yet to be made. Not a clue on how things would bade. A humble man would have asked for more time, and yet it would not be had for a quarter or dime.

"I present two options—which one will you have?" the Wood Elf asked. "This one or that one. Not everything is up for you to grab."

The memory of Han's task at the Kraelonia Academy came to mind—he needed to impress Professor Howard Carnus or get chased down by the Elemental Orbs again. And it sent a shudder down his spine,recalling the test. But not only that—if he had a magical wand in the Yegarian Kingdom, it meant that he could cast Spells more easily.

Maybe he'd be able to throw a fireball without a problem at all.