Back-to-Back Revelations (Han)

There were many things that happened all at once when Han arrived into the hallway and greeted them all with a good afternoon—the Lady turned to him and squinted her eyes. It was as if she was trying to comprehend something, but she approached at the same time that the old man behind him finally stopped chasing him down. There was a bird perched on her arm that gave Han a pointed look.

Was he feeling cuckoo?

He felt like he deserved a stab in the gut for that joke, even as he warily bowed to the Lady in front of him. What did she want from him? He wasn't into older women at all, even though she had a certain chuunibyou look to her with her bangs hiding one eye. 

"... Is he the one, Gesth?" The Lady asked. She didn't even speak to him and looked over his shoulder.

The man that chased him, answered. "Yes, Lady Andromeda."