Cutscene of Stargazing and Promises

There were things that Han Jing worried about—which he dutifully tried not to worry about. That was almost ironic, but it was working. If it actually made any sense because time was a great distance-giver to one's problem. For Han, it has been nearly two weeks since he last saw Timothy and Iola.

Perhaps it was safe to assume that they were in far better lands.

Han almost got over it, and Han Jing tried not to think too much about them. However, when he stepped in of the apartment with Faeran… he saw her. Now it wasn't like they've not seen each other for the past weeks, but both of them had gotten busy. Chan Lee with her studies and Han Jing with his life.

"Oh hello there, Han Jing!" Chan Lee stepped down from the stairs carefully and greeted him with a bow. "And oh, um, to your friend too?" She gave the Wood Elf a warm but polite smile.

"Faeran," the Wood Elf introduced despite his mother knowing him as Hazel.