Officially Back In The Game

When Han Jing finally returned to the otherworld, blearing open his eyes to see the familiar sight of a screen hovering in front of him. He only managed a weak grin and sat up from bed to stretch. He was finally back this time to see how much he had missed. 

How were the others doing? Any news about Iola's whereabouts and did Timothy ever actually send a message at least?

While he had been touched by the Demon Lord's—out of all available people in the room—words spoken… he still felt the need to be here. At least, it was almost similar to a game that he wanted to look back on every now and then.

He was interested in knowing what would come especially more because when he was here, the immersion was also immense. He knew he was Han Jing from Earth, but when he was here, he could almost imagine himself as somebody else. And wasn't that what people wanted now and then?