Back To The Basics

Ellynn looked up at him with what might have been a frown. "You really don't have much need for that—you've been doing well."

"Oh, thank you." Han scratched the back of his head. "But, that was a joke—the copying, not the offer to sit down beside me. You're free to do as you wish."

Sometimes, the Half-Elf wished she didn't know about him doing well. Wished she hadn't paid attention for the past weeks, he barely gave her any much thought. But it was obvious that he had been working hard in ways that it almost felt like she didn't actually know him as much as she thought.

"So uh, I guess that's a no? I'll see myself out—er, head back to here." Han took back his seat down the last row opposites of her. Sometimes he wished he could understand women better—wasn't men who had female siblings supposed to get along with women better than single male child counterparts like Timothy or all-male ones?