Quills, Thrills and Forgotten Dreams

The man was ready for the afternoon.

His notebook was smoothly pressed into his lap, quill magically inked and ready to jot down his report. Anything that might have caught his attention in regard to his target. In front of him, two young Students were about to battle and wage oneself against the other.

Sword versus Spell.

Magic versus Might.

Along with other remarks that captured the essence of rivalry between physical prowess pushed to its limits and magical ability trained and battle-tested. He himself could have proudly said he managed to mix the two separate practices like oil and water into… oily water?

The lack of a proper example did not matter, and neither did his thoughts right now as he turned his attention elsewhere. One did not even need a Skill to distinguish between the two. One was brooding, silent yet careful, and the other was jubilant, almost-reckless if not for the mischief lighting up their face.