Daily Dose from the Local Grapevine

Through a stroke of luck that Han Jing had been searching all his life for his big break—something or rather someone popped up before he could give Ellynn a definitive answer that might have sealed his fate in stone.

"Han! Just the guy I've been looking for." Kai immediately plopped down the chair and draped an arm against him. The man somehow managed to squeeze in between him and Ellynn like the slinky bastard that he tended to be.

Han recoiled back from the guy and gave him a look. "I don't remember the two of us being this chummy chummy."

The Mage smirked. "Back to normal eh?" 

"What do you mean by that—"

"Hello!" Theodore naturally tagged along and sighed in relief once he saw them. "Good morning Ellynn, can I sit beside—oh it's all full." He plopped down on the opposite bench and grinned at Han. "You're okay, that's good to see."