About That Party

"Did you guys just say party? Why aren't we invited?" Russel raised a brow. "Are the seniors throwing some sort of gathering when they graduate? I thought I heard something along those lines. Diov can you ask your cousin?"

"Ugh, go ask her yourself." Diov grunted.

"To clear things up, I'm not graduating yet. Education isn't something to be rushed, there's no need to hurry up. It's not a race at all." Kai rolled his eyes and scoffed at Russel's words before he rubbed his chin. "As for the party itself. It's a different one that certainly isn't for the likes of… Well, depending on your family's status, you might get invited."

"What about my family's status?" Russel frowned. "Is this for the rich people again? Gah, how snobbish—uh, no offense to you, Sir Harrington and Diov."

"None taken."

"Eh, I can hit you as payback."