A Universal Chat

[ Universal Chat Server Sixty-Nine ]

Human (Han): Hey, @LightElf, @ShadowElf, @Tiefling. Are you guys still around the area? It'd be nice if the three of you could drop by for a visit again, there's something I need to tell you

Dwarf (???): Oh, if you look at that! These lads and lassies are all getting along now. Makes me jealous' eh?

Wood Elf (Faeran): Why are you only asking them? @Human (Han) I was there too, just in case you forgot. Is this supposed to be some kind of get-together again? Hey, @Mermaid you should join us, dear

Mermaid (Odele): If we all go there together again… wouldn't that be catastrophic again?

Demon Lord (Jilanya): At least some of you have the capacity for thinking. Albeit, actually—why not all visit there together? Let's see what the Creators can cook up as a 'challenge' for all of you guys to overcome. I'll gather the scorched remains and take the spoils for myself