Cutscene of a Worried Cultivatior (Mou Gu)

It wasn't everyday that you decided to visit a friend out of the blue. 

You need to properly set a schedule and make an appointment usually. A heads up so your friend could spruce up their place and maybe take a bath or something—that was like the decent kind of friendship levels.

Maybe you could visit right off that bat if you guys were best friends, but that was sort of pushing it between him and Han Jing.

If one could even call them friends in the first place… Mou Gu wasn't really sure how to say it since time kind of made people grow apart. So he kind of brought the guy a gift—a bottle of osmanthus wine.

The pink-haired man crossed through the streets of the city and waded both in the human and spirits crowd. While he recognized and greeted some people and even spirits… he couldn't linger too much as he had a destination in mind.

"Enjoy the festival!" Mou Gu called out and waved.