Cutscene of Street Fighting

Real life fighting that didn't involve fireballs, world-defying martial art techniques, futuristic laser sabers and such… was awkward and clumsy at best. There were no cool sound effects and there was an apparent lack of slow motions either.

Mou Gu swooped at Han Jing.

Han Jing recoiled back right before Mou Gu could slap the memory-sealing talisman on his forehead again. He was supposed to let it "work" on him, but he found himself dodging because Mou Gu was being too much.

"Hah! Did you think that was going to work again—?" Han Jing felt the wooden staff smack against his torso. The air knocked out of his lungs and he let out a cough that made Mou Gu scrunch up his face.

He thought that some spittle flew out. Mou Gu proceeded to tackle and grapple the guy down. The cultivator threw the staff on the concrete. He tried to hold one of Han Jing's arms as he tried to place the memory sealing talisman again.